DC Young Fly’s Most Chaotic Moments 🤣🤯Wild 'N Out

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(everyone chanting) ♪ It's my birthday ♪ ♪ It's my birthday ♪ ♪ It's my birthday ♪ ♪ It's my birthday ♪ - I'ma buzz his ass, I don't care if he's... ♪ It's my birthday ♪ (buzzer buzzes) (chanting) ♪ It's my birthday ♪ (DJ laughing) ♪ It's my birthday ♪ (audience cheering) ♪ It's my birthday ♪ (buzzer buzzes) (audience laughing) ♪ It's my birthday ♪ (audience cheering) (group chanting) - Silencio! - Hey bro, do your thing bro. (audience laughing) Do your thing, D.C., do your thing. That supposed to be me? - Do your thing. - You know what? Matter of fact, (beep) y'all. He wanna ask the question anyway. (audience laughing) Come on my boy, I told you I got you. It's your debut, my boy. (D.C. laughing) Boy, you boy, you told me you had me, boy. (audience laughing) Nick Cannon, what's up boy? Your music always have me dead. (audience laughing) Whoo! Now that look (beep). (audience cheering) - Do it again! Do it again! (audience cheering continues) - Whoo! Okay, any who, any who. I like my wings with the bone in and skinless. (audience laughing) Whoo! - Ask the damn question. - Whoo! (audience laughing) - You about to get a buzzer. Ask a question. - Yeah. Can I? Can I keep going? (audience laughing) Congregation, Can I keep going? (group cheers) Whoo! (audience laughing) - [Nick] Ask the question man. (silly noises) (audience laughing) - Here we go. So you're in the bando cooking up some work, right? - Okay. - Okay. You handling your business. Now you got 10 grams on the left, and one kilo on the right. Which one is larger? - 10 grams. Come on now. - The kilo. - No! (audience laughing) You wrong (beep). It's the 10,000 grams, but any who it's all good. - You said 10 grams. (audience exclaims) - You said 10. (buzzer dinging) You dumb ass over there, D.C. (buzzer dinging) (audience laughing and cheering) - Okay. Here we go. (audience cheering) We finna pull up and hit the whoa. (audience chanting) We finna pull up, and hit the whoa. We finna pull up, and hit the whoa. We finna pull up, and hit the whoa. We finna pull up, and hit the whoa. (audience cheering) - Top that. - Y'all don't want no smoke 'cause we got them lighters. Y'all don't want no smoke 'cause we got them lighters. Y'all don't want no smoke 'cause we got them lighters. - [Nick] Sing it to 'em, man. (audience chanting) - ♪ We want the smoke. Come on. ♪ (audience laughing) ♪ We want the smoke. ♪ - Come on. I said... (audience clapping) ♪ We want the smoke ♪ - Come on! (audience singing) I bet you won't - Pull up (audience chanting) - I bet won't pull up. (audience clapping) I bet you won't - Pull up. Pull up. I bet you won't - Pull up. Pull up. - I said, "Skrrt! I'm here, bitch!" - I said, "Skrrt! I'm here, bitch!" I said, "Skrrt! I'm here, bitch!" I said, "Skrrt! I'm here, bitch!" (audience laughing) - Yeah! Black side! We got health insurance! We got health insurance! We got health insurance! We got health insurance! - We got Obamacare! We got Obamacare! We got Obamacare! We got Obamacare... - Everybody over there ugly as hell. Everybody over there ugly as hell. Everybody over there ugly as hell. Everybody over there ugly as hell. - Your auntie got one leg. (audience chanting) - Your auntie got one leg. Your auntie got one leg. Your auntie got one leg. Your auntie got one leg. - Your mama ain't got no edges. Your mama ain't got no edges. Your mama ain't got no edges. Your mama ain't got no edges. So? It's a lace front. - I said... So? It's a lace front. - I said... So? It's a lace front. (buzzer dinging) (audience cheering) - Give me DeRay Davis here. I need you here, DeRay. (audience cheering) Give me D.C. Young Fly. (audience cheering) Well'a'roast. (audience laughing) - D.C. if you don't get your hookah pipe body shaped ass outta here. (beep) up outta here, (beep). - Boy, your ass look like every girl when they say they lace run out. Girl. (audience laughing) Look what it did to me! (audience laughing) - If you don't get your Timberly with the tree chopped off shoes wearing ass outta here. That's pretty funny. Whoa shaky. One, shaky. - D.C. You got a tattoo of a fat you on your back ass (beep). (audience laughing) - How the hell you light skin with a Mexican beard? (audience laughing) - That (beep) got the Lego chin. Ugly ass... (audience laughing) - I see you doing the face. I see you doing. I see you doing... He doing - You! - He doing faces! He doing faces! He doing faces! - Out! (audience chanting) (buzzer dings) - This doesn't have an expiration. (buzzer rings) - What doesn't have a expiration? That (beep) shirt (beep). (audience laughing and clapping) (buzzer dinging) (audience cheering) - Y'all leave my man alone. (audience cheering) (beep) You rocking this (beep). - ♪ Who we introducing? ♪ (audience laughing) ♪The family reunion. ♪ - We got, we got, (audience drowns out DJ) - ♪ Who we introducing? Who we introducing? ♪ - ♪ This my cousin Stacey and she plays too much. ♪ ♪ I'ma tell y'all at the house who we introducing. ♪ (audience laughing) (buzzer buzzes) (audience laughing) - ♪ At the family reunion, who we introducing? ♪ - This my cousin here and her lashes are killer. - Who we introducing? (audience laughing) - Your topic is graduation. (audience cheering) - I (beep) my teacher, get A. I (beep) my teacher, get A. I (beep) my teacher, get A. Now you wild out. - You didn't make it. You didn't make it. You didn't make it. Now you wild out. - I put my (rolls tongue) on the desk. I slap my (rolls tongue) on the desk. I slap my (rolls tongue) on the desk. I slap my (rolls tongue) on... (mocking sound) (audience laughing) (mocking sound) Now you wild out. - (rolling tongue) (rolling tongue continues) - [Red Team] Now you wild out. - Boop bap bap bap. Boop bap bap bap. Boop bap bap bap. Now you wild out. - Whoop di scoop. Whoop di scoop. Whoop di scoop. Now you wild out. - You stupid. (buzzer dings) You stupid. (audience cheering) (buzzer dinging) (audience cheering) (D.C. laughing) (buzzer dings) (audience cheering) - [Nick] You just look funny. Make chuck laugh. - Make Chuck laugh? (audience laughing) (audience laughing continues) - You look like you hate the fart, ugly ass. (audience laughing) (buzzer dings) (audience cheering) - New school catching up. (audience cheers) (D.C. laughing) - Who on here? (audience laughing) Who you talking to on this (beep). (audience laughing) You gotta cover up like Michael Jackson. ( D.C. impersonating Michael) (audience laughs) I'm sorry, ice cream machine... (audience laughing) (buzzer dinging) - [Nick] There it is! That's how we do! - Y'all make some noise for Will! (audience cheering) - Your word is this arbitrary. - All right. Y'all ready? Here we go. - Bet. Check this out. Look, look, look. My mama, mama. We drama, drama. We llama. We talk... All right. No, I'ma just playing. Here we go. Here we go. (audience laughing) Look, I can't go to court. I'm very scary. We just passed the month of February. Look. Weary is seary and boy you look like your name is arbitrary. (buzzer buzzes) (audience laughing) (audience cheering) (audience cheering continues) - All right. Excuse me Mr. Andrew. Sir, please. - Yes sir. - I am your lawyer and I don't need you to say nothing else. All right? - Yes sir. (audience laughing) - Now, Nick Cannon. According to my documents here, you had a show that was on MTV, called Wild 'n Out, that got canceled, right? You had a show that was on Fox. It was your, your talk show that was quite good that got canceled. (audience laughing) Which fire hurt the most? - [Audience] Ooh. - Because you know MTV brought you back but Fox said you take your funky ass home. (audience laughing) - But you know, neither one of 'em hurt because like I say, you can't fire a boss. (audience cheering) - I mean, I mean you, I mean they still ain't called you back. So I don't... (audience laughing) (audience cheering) - Come on now, D.C. (audience cheering) What's up Nate? You good? - What's happening, John John? - That that's my name. That's my name. (audience laughing) If you had a trash can, right? Okay? Which one of these would you throw away? Okay? Your music career, your movie career or her braids? Which one would you... (audience laughing continues) - Damn. Why? (audience cheering) - Sweetheart, I think your braids are beautiful. Your Nubian braids. (audience cheering) But I love my music and my movie so I'ma plead the fifth. Yes! (audience cheering) - Let him talk about you like that. Your braids are beautiful. (audience cheering) (audience cheering continues) - That's my little brother, y'all. (audience cheering) My blood brother. He wanted to be something with his life and look at him, he a college graduate. Now he on the show. (audience cheering) Now, remember all that stuff you was telling me about Lous at the crib? (hand slaps) So we gonna get to the bottom of this, bro. We 'bout to find out right now. - [Audience] Ooh. (audience drowns out Lous) - Big ass shoes. (audience laughing) I'm on your team. I'm sorry. (audience laughing continues) - Man, leave me alone. Alright. - [D.C.] (beep) shoes big. (audience laughing) - I say they call 'em big stomp. Big stomp. - Cannons got big feet. - Anyway, I'm trying to ask your man some very important questions right now. Let your shoes ask him. - Get it out. (audience laughing) - Order in this court, please. DJ D-Wrek! - He want the shoes, nothing but the shoes. (audience laughing) (buzzer buzzing) - Shoe! (audience laughing continues) - Shoe! Shoe! Shoe! (audience laughing continues) (group chanting) (audience laughing) (buzzer dinging) (audience cheering) - Rest in peace Samuel L. Jackson. - Let's go. Let's go... (audience cheering) (D.C. screaming) (audience laughing) - (beep)I'm bit by a snake on the (screaming). (audience laughing) (D.C. screaming) (audience clapping) (indistinct) (screaming) Samuel Jackson. This (beep) ain't never been this quiet, haven't it? (audience laughing) (buzzer buzzes) (audience clapping) (D.C. screaming) My boy Nick Cannon is so fly. - How fly is he? - He told me that we was gonna re-shoot this in the summertime in Atlanta. And I know it's gonna be hot so I made him buy all the women lace fronts! (audience cheering) (buzzer buzzes) - Excuse me ma'am, you need one, okay? (audience laughing) - So mean, D.C. ATL, turn up! - Turn up for what! - For my (beep), Steve Harvey! (audience cheering) (upbeat music) - [Nick] Go, Steve! Go, Steve!` (buzzer dinging) (audience cheering and clapping) - I am Sky thoughts. (audience cheering) Sky, the way you just spit out that water was sexy (beep) Goddamn. (audience laughing) - Nick, do those turban come in one size? Like... (audience laughing continues) Do they got baby size turbans? (beep). Girl, your ass look like the green PowerPuff girl. (audience laughing) (buzzer dings) (audience laughing continues) - I like your green hair, girl. - I do too and everything nice (shacking voice) PowerPuff Girls. - All right. Old school wild out. - Let's go, D.C! (audience cheering) - [Black Team] Ugly ass, li'l boy. Ugly ass, li'l boy. Ugly ass, li'l boy. Ugly ass, li'l boy. - Silence, my minions! (audience laughing) - I am LisaRaye thoughts (laughs) Man, (beep). Boy your ass look like Tekashi 84, boy... (audience drowns out D.C.) (audience cheering and clapping) - Normally when we have on our Wild 'n Out costumes and wardrobe I feel like I'm very covered up. But today I feel like you can actually see my true figure and how thick I really am. And all this paint batter... - You ain't got no damn ass, girl. (audience laughing) But- - You got on a see through and we see right through your ass. (audience laughing) (buzzer dinging) - You know, together, we poppin' the groupies and when you do get the chips, it ain't to watch your movies. Hold on. - [Audience] Ooh. And I show you what a veteran do. Don't cut me off, you just mad D.C. is better than you. (audience cheering) - Look. I'm back at it. Chuck- - Wait, I really like the way you get excited and you get yourself so hype. But people know what I do. 'Cause I'm the same dude that used to run with the same crew at gang bang more than you. - [Audience] Ohh. Shouldn't threw up a gang sign. My fault, I lost my mind. (audience laughing) - Keep going. - I'm used to snatching this shine. And (bleep) you do, you say you so tough? I don't believe it. (bleep) I think you just eat enough. (audience laughing) How gang the (bleep) you a gangsta? Where you gonna run? (audience laughing) - Jump in it. Well, you know, 'cause I'm cooler. Yeah, you know I get in on my (indistinct). - I hate your hair. I just hate your hair. I don't like your hair. Why it look like that there? - Talking about that bear, that ain't right. Your career like her wig. It ain't strapped up tight. (audience cheering and clapping) - Something more to say. - There we go. There we... (buzzer dinging) (audience cheering) - Come here, Akon. (audience clapping) - [D.C.] Ah (upbeat music) - ♪ This time you need to know. This time you need to know. ♪ ♪ I want to go Africa so bad. When you gonna let me go. ♪ (audience laughing) - Nah. For real. (audience laughing continues) - I want go. (buzzer buzzes) - ♪ I'm speechless. ♪ (audience laughing continues) (buzzer dings) ♪ He left you speechless. ♪ - My beard is taped on. I'm glad you feel this. I'm just glad you found some words and you're no longer speechless. (audience laughing) (buzzer dings) - What is wrong with you? Don't ever disrespect me? - Cut that beat man. Nobody wanna hear that... What up, Vee? (Vee rolls her tongue) What up, Vee? (Vee rolls her tongue) (Vee rolls her tongue) Talk you (beep) - I'm trying to tell you- - Talk your (beep). (audience laughing) Talk your (beep). - Oh, hell no. (audience laughing) - Talk it. Talk it, D. (audience laughing continues) (D.C. screaming) - This (beep) put her titties in my hand! (audience laughing) (buzzer dings) (audience laughing continues) (D.C. screaming) - Now, listen. What I'm 'bout to say might hurt your pride but this how you dress when you can't find your clothes and your Uber outside. (audience laughing) (buzzer dings) Nick, let me tell you something. You was up, hold on (indistinct). Come on up here. This my partner. This my partner. You up here talking about shrimp life and all that (bleep). So please don't push me. You just mad cause that white man is doing the mannequin challenge all in Mariah's (beep). (audience exclaims) (buzzer buzzes) - You and your wild and out girl is real tired. Matter of fact, who gonna pay for all that formula 'cause both of y'all fired. (audience cheers) (buzzer dinging) - Hold up. This ain't my only job! So, what the hell? I got fired. Y'all can catch me in the morning on TRL. - Wait, wait, hold up, hold up! (buzzer dinging) (audience cheering) - [Nick] Hold up! (audience cheering) - Yo. (audience cheering continues) Hold up. I got you that job. (beep) That ain't the answer. Oh, you ain't checked it, TRL got canceled. (audience exclaims) - [D.C.] Hold up, hold up, hold up, hold up, hold up. Hold up, hold up! (buzzer dinging) Hold up, hold up, hold up, hold up! Guess what? TRL probably did get canceled but that ain't fair. (beep) I'm working so hard. Guess what? You also catch me on Hip Hop Squares! (audience cheering) - [Nick] Yo, hold on! (audience clapping) - That may be true but guess what, (beep)? I produced that too! (audience cheering) (buzzer dinging) (audience cheering)
Channel: Wild 'N Out
Views: 498,708
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: wild n out full episode, WNO, Wild, Out, Nick, Cannon, Justina, Valentine, Timothy, Delaghetto, Darren, Brand, DC, Young, Fly, wno games, Nick Cannon, Justina Valentine, DC Young Fly, Conceited, Chico Bean, Darren Brand, Charlie Clips, wild style, battle, championship, Wild 'N Out, best of wild 'n out, squad, wild 'n out throwback, rap battle, best of wno, wild 'n out wildstyle, wildstyle battle, bars, rap bars, wild 'n out games, wildnout, dwight howard, dwight howard wild n out, lakers
Id: YNaJQj87BKs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 8sec (1148 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 25 2022
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