Daz3d Full Scene Ghostly Haunted House

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on this week's dad's full scene i'm gonna do a ghost in a haunted house scene so if you're new here be sure to hit the subscribe button and maybe the notification bell i do daz tutorials about three times a week so be sure to check back often to see all of my new content so on these uh full scene setup videos i generally use some of the techniques that i use in my other videos and i kind of show you how to combine them together to create you know a full a full scene using several different techniques so um be sure to uh look at the top of the screen i'll post um i'll post links to other videos as i as i do these techniques so if i have to rush through anything i'll link to those videos so you can check them out and this one since halloween is tomorrow when this goes up this is going to be the last of my scary scenes that i'm doing for the month of october so i'm going to think of something else to do for november so this is going to be the last one of the scary ones all right let's go ahead and get started so the first thing that i'm going to do is get my haunted house environment set up and oh also i'm going to link to all of the products that i use in this video in the description below so be sure to check out that out if you want to use any of these products in your own renders you can get all of these i believe everything i'm doing today is from the des 3d store so i'll link to those below if you want to check any of them out in the daz store all right let's go ahead and get our environment dropped in so i'm going to go to architecture interior and here it is this is our haunted house preload base let's go ahead and double click that to drop that in go and this is a great kind of abandoned mansion environment like all of these things you see up here these are all uh cobwebs so really really great spooky environment and what i'm going to do with this one is i'm going to create a ghostly figure at the top of the stairs and then i'm going to have a human figure up here that's reacting to seeing the scary ghost so the the ghost model that i'm using is called spectre and again i'll link to that below um and i don't remember exactly where i have her stored so i'm just going to type it in the search bar there she is yeah raw specter female um so let's double click to drop her in all right and there she is in the middle of the scene so let's go ahead and drag her up to the top of the stairs where she's going to be make sure her feet line up with the floor there we go we're going to have her right about in the middle of that landing and we're going to have her facing to our right and then our human character is going to be standing up on this upper part a little there we go there we go that's about right all right let's go ahead and do our materials so she has a range of materials to get some different effects these two at the top are what i would call corporeal effects where she looks like a solid ghost figure these down here are more non-corporeal where she's kind of semi-transparent and this one she's kind of glowing so i'm going to do the less transparent of the two semi-transparent materials so let's go ahead and double click to apply that there we go and you can already see that reflected in the scene there and i'm going to do kind of these glowing eyes i do like the red eyes a lot but i'm going to do that glowing eye effect all right and then i'm going to just to kind of drive home that spectre look i'm going to use the leg fade which is going to make her bottom half kind of fade out there we go and i'm also going to hide her mouth which basically hides her teeth and tongue which again just just drives home that transparency look but we'll really notice that until i apply my um poses which we're going to do in just a moment i'm going to go ahead and do hair first though and i've already got the hair picked out we're going to do long hair and right now i have filter by context turned off because this is i believe a genesis 8 figure if i'm not mistaken and i'm going to be using a hair for that was made for a genesis 3. so i've got to turn off filter by context in order to be able to find it it's called wave hair it is that one actually no i'm sorry i take that back i'm going to use sorrow hair that's the one i want still same deal though that one's for a genesis 3. so i've got this dialog box letting me know that it's an unsupported item so i'm going to let it know that that's for genesis 3 female and that it is a hair shoulder length there we go and then accept and that'll automatically fit that to our figure we go excellent and let's see what different materials options we have for that i'm going to turn filter by context back on i should speed things up a little i might try like a gray or a white hair i kind of like that one of course these hairs we can always change later but i just want to kind of get what i think i might want let's try that one so if you have the option of mdl and rsl mdl is for ira and it also has the ira icon this kind of cube icon in the bottom left so if you're rendering as irae as i always do be sure you always choose that mdl or the ira um material there we go i like that already all right let's go ahead and do her clothing and i had an outfit already picked out as well which we're going to customize a little bit actually i'll just type it in because i know the name of the one we're going to use there we go wasteland mama outfit is what we're going to do and this one was made for a post-apocalyptic scene um so think something like like one of the fallout games is kind of what they're going for like she's got the the gun belt there and everything and the the hiking boots so what i'm going to do is i'm going to delete the boots as well as the socks so there we go so we can see that her legs are kind of fading out i'm also going to delete this um bandolier there we go so now it just looks kind of like an old tattered uh house dress that she's wearing which is what i'm going for and now let's go ahead and do her pose and i believe that there are some poses included with the specter um or ghosts there we go that's what i'm looking for all right and we're gonna do this one with her right hand up there we go and i'm gonna have to move her hand a little bit cause i already know that it's conflicting with the address so the way that i'm going to do this is something that i uh touched on very briefly in one of my earlier videos about posing i think it's the last one that i did and i'm going to use the positional controls to just kind of drag this out a little bit there we go that is just about perfect that's where i want it and i'm going to rotate her a little bit more just to get a little bit more finely positioned and of course this we can also fix later as we get our human character figured out there we go excellent all right now let's go ahead and get our human figure dropped in all right and the one that i'm using today is teen kaylie eight so we're going to drop her in it's going to put her down there again so i've got to get her into position when she gets loaded in all right there she is let's get her into position i think i'm about to move up a little bit to see exactly where her feet are and let's get her hair and materials uh dropped in and for here i'm going to use marigold here there we go and i'm just going to leave that on the default brown color for right now i don't think i'm going to end up changing that all right then let's do the materials for our figure go to irae feminine now we're going for kind of an innocent look so i'm not going to do any really heavy makeup on her and she's also going to be relatively uh modestly dressed so let's go ahead and get that uh wardrobe out of the way there we go we're doing urban casual outfit there we go and i'm going to go ahead and get rid of this bandana i just or the beanie i don't really like that with the hair it kind of conflicts and it's not worth it to me to really fine-tune that and fix it there we go we are almost finished with her let's just go ahead and get her into position let's rotate her towards the ghost and i'm going to move her a little bit closer as well i want them kind of close to each other right at the top of the stairs there we go and then we're going to get her a pose and an expression there we go i'm not entirely certain what this pose was originally supposed to be but we're going to repurpose it for a screaming and terror express pose maybe that was what that was supposed to be originally but i'm not entirely certain all right let me zoom in where you can see our face a little and we'll go and pick out a good facial expression and i've got a very good round of facial expressions down here um and there's a particular category i have that's labeled as surprise and those also work very good for fear so that's what we're going to go with here we are yeah expressive faces there we go so that one is a surprise face but it also works as a really good screaming interface there we go yes that's excellent great love it all right and uh let's just make her look down towards our ghost a little bit more so i'm gonna select her head and just bend that down a touch and she's already pretty much looking in her direction yeah it's pretty good we'll just leave it there for now again we can always tweak that a little bit later all right the next thing i'm going to do is get my cameras drop down i'm going to go ahead and do two shots with this one i'm going to do a behind the spectre camera that's going to be mainly focused on our human figure and then i'm also going to do one behind here that's mainly focused on our ghost so i'm going to create two cameras we'll call the first one um let me see we'll call this one ghost cam and then the second one we'll call it girl cam excellent all right so we're going to switch our view to our ghost cam and we're going to point this one at the ghost so it's going to be behind the girl there we go so i want to have a rock and get kind of both of them in frame so we know that the the girl is still there but we're going to be mainly focused on the ghost i'm going to do girl cam same kind of a deal we're just going to be behind our ghost now excellent there we go that is yeah it's about perfect all right uh now uh let me see i'm gonna while i have my cameras i'm gonna go ahead and get my depth of field set so i'm gonna go to depth of field on and i don't want a super extreme effect on this so right now you can see the depth of field planes are very very close together the closer those are together the more extreme your defocus is going to be so if i left them this close together and put it on my finger she would be pretty much perfectly in focus and the ghost would be so obscured you wouldn't even be able to tell what it was it would pretty much just look like a blurry blob um and especially as close as it is to her um that is going to accentuate that effect notice when you as you zoom it out those naturally get wider and i think i'm going to leave that about where it is i'm actually going to widen that just a touch so it's going to be less a less extreme defocus effect all right and let's select my ghost cam we're going to do the same thing with this one turn depth of field on there we go my focal distance is going to be about right on her too i'm gonna leave her hand just a tad out of focus but you probably won't even be able to tell when i um when i look at that though there we go all right so right now everything is apparently lit which is a little bit misleading we're actually not lit at all right now and in fact if i go to i review we'll be able to tell that there we go yeah so just a little bit of ambient light but it's actually very very dark so i just have it um if you don't have any lights in your scene when you're on texture shaded it will automatically light everything by default um so the first thing that i'm going to do is to put in a primitive so i'm going to do a very simple lighting setup for this i'm going to use my primitive to get my ambient lighting and then maybe one or two spotlights um so i'm going to go ahead and get my primitive set up first so i've done a video on this before so i'm going to kind of hurry through it all right so i've got my emissive plane in place and i'm going to go ahead and um change the color on that the emission color i'm going to shift that into the blue to give it kind of a nighttime or a moonlight effect and i'm going to go to my ghost can and let's go back into i review and i'm going to start bumping up my lumens on that or actually i'm just going to punch in a couple of numbers because i did a test on this scene the other day and i think i ended up leaving it at 200 000. i'm not sure if my size is exactly right uh of that plane but i'm going to go ahead and try this so i'm just putting my lumens at 200 000 and i'm going to go into ira preview there we go yeah not bad so far i can actually deal with a little bit more let's try 225 maybe 300 there we go that's a little better we're going to add a couple of spotlights that'll light this up a little bit better i also may fix my f-stop she is a little bit blurrier than i would like so i'm on my ghost cam right now and let me select my ghost cam and go to cameras and i'm just going to increase my f-stop a few notches let's try 30 there we go just a little bit less blur there she's a little bit more in focus i think i like that look a lot better yeah that's excellent all right let me check my other camera there we go also pretty good her uh front half isn't as well lit as it could be but i might take care of that with a spotlight in a moment all right so um actually let me see oh i've got my plane way over there that's probably why that isn't showing up very well or why doesn't lighting things very evenly let's try moving that over here i'm probably gonna have to bump my lumens back down now i didn't realize it was uh that far away um all right let's check my uh girl cam again we'll see how crazy bright that is now oh there we go yeah that is way better lit and actually i think i like that i thought i'd have to bump it down some but i think that's going to work out pretty well let me just check out my ghost cam yeah yeah that's actually pretty good yeah that's not too much all right let's go back to perspective view and texture shaded and whenever you're doing the moonlight scene you would think that you would want a very extreme like a dark blue on this but i find that the pale blue works a little bit better so i usually leave it on very very uh very light blue and i might you know darken it up or lighten a little bit to get a specific look but generally i leave it pretty light all right let's go ahead and do uh two spotlights i'm gonna call one of them ghost light it's not technically a ghost light but it's gonna be a light for a hard ghost there we go now all of the lights turn out so it didn't do that before because it doesn't consider this plane a light but now that i've dropped an actual light and then all the lights drop out so i'll be able to see kind of a preview of what my light's going to look like all right this one we're going to call girl light and let's go ahead and get these set up i'm going to do my ghost light first and we're going to treat this kind of like a backlight or a rim light but instead of putting it behind my finger i'm kind of going to put it to the side but i'm going to use this mainly just to create kind of a little bit of extra lighting like a halo around our character like you usually get with a backlight but i'm going to try this to this side i got a pretty cool effect with this um when i did my test earlier so we'll see what i can do with that now all right let's select our ghost light under lights and i'm going to give our ghost kind of a yellowish glow kind of a golden hue there we go let's put my light geometry at disk height and width at 55 oops two-sided off render emitter off all right now let's do a preview of that and we'll start adjusting our lumens as we need to all right so we can can't really see anything yet because it's turned down so low so i'm going to bump that up a touch it's probably going to be way too much i can't really see anything just yet so let's go up a little bit more there we go that's a little bit better and i also bumped the intensity up to over 130 percent so that basically just makes the color a little bit more vivid so now we're getting kind of a golden glow on her uh on her left side from our perspective all right now let's do the girl cam i'm going to go back to texture shaded so this moves a little bit faster oops not girl cam girl light sorry and i've tried a couple of different things with this one and i'm not sure what i'm going to do yet i think i ended up going with a reddish glow on this one last time which i couldn't really explain where that red light was coming from in the context of this image and the story behind it but i just kind of like the mood that it gave off it was uh you know just kind of had like that that fear-based uh feel to it um so i may try that or i may just try a plain white or a blue light like i would normally do for a moonlight scene but we're just to experiment and see what we can come up with so i'm going to make sure girl light is selected on my lighting tab let's go ahead and try that with the red one first and just like the blue just a relatively pale red going to be a little bit more vivid than the blue was let's point that right at her back there we go that should be good all right let's do disc geometry set the height and width at 55 as i normally do two-sided off render emitter off and let's go ahead and bump up the lumens a bit and bring down the temperature just a touch shift a little more into the red spectrum let's go to our girl cam now let's preview that and see what it looks like all right no change just yet so i'm going to start putting up my lumens on that one until we can see a little bit of a rim light start to appear right now i'm starting to see a little bit of an effect especially around her arms not as extreme in effect as i got before when i was doing the test render on this but um i think i like this better it's a little bit more subtle um so let me bump that up just a little more and we'll probably leave it there let's see what am i on about 30 000 let's try let's try like 30. now we'll try 40 000. there we go and just to see what it looks like i'm going to try that with a different color i'm going to try that with kind of a little bit deeper blue and see what kind of a feel that gives us i actually think i like that one a little bit better i'm going to bump the temperature back up into the blue spectrum and let's try repositioning that light just a little bit and bump that a little bit closer and her left arm is already pretty well lit so i'm going to get that up a little bit towards her right arm i think this is moving really slowly right now so i need to switch back to texture shaded view complex your geometry is and as you start adding more and more lights to your image it's going to start moving a lot slower let's try this let's see how that looks there we go now i'm trying to get a little bit more of an extreme glow and i think i'm going to leave that where it is and we'll go ahead and do a render in a moment still getting a little bit of an extreme um blur on this one so just like i did with my other camera i'm going to increase my f-stop a little which is going to make that uh which is going to make that a little bit less extreme i ended up putting that one on 30. let's try this one 35. there we go that's a little better and our human figure also feels a little bit far away and but i like the placement of the camera though so one thing you can make her feel closer to the camera is by changing the focal length right now it's set at 65 millimeter and as we increase that it's going to make her feel closer because we're narrowing our field of view if you go the other direction it'll go to a wider angle and it's going to make her feel further away so if you've ever shot with an interchangeable lens camera before basically that's what we're doing we're changing the focal length um there we go that's pretty good and a little bit wider on the f-stop let's try 40. there we go yeah i think i like that one pretty well i'm going to leave that there for right now we'll do our renders and we'll see how it looks i'm going to go ahead and hit the render button on these two photos and then we'll check back on them in a few minutes and here we are with our finished rendered images the first one is of our ghost cam and i ended up changing just a couple of things after i shut off my recording last time i did my first render and i wasn't really happy with it um and i'll go and flip back to that one and in a moment and show you what i changed the main thing is that it was just a little bit overexposed for my taste it was a little bit too bright so i went in and changed the exposure settings under tone mapping i just changed the exposure from the default 13 to a 15. so i bumped it up two spots uh making it a little bit darker and i also i forgot to put the facial expression on our ghost so i went ahead and did that gave her like an open mouth kind of a screaming uh facial expression which i like a whole lot better let me go ahead and flip to that other one and i'll show you what it looked like with the other exposure setting and that's also without the expression so that one was just way too bright i wanted to make it a little bit creepier and a little moodier and having her that well lit um just wasn't really working out for me one other thing that i did is i zoomed the camera in a little bit and i widened the angle much like i did on the other camera so the exact same thing just to make the ghost appear a little bit closer while still getting my female character in screen alright so i'll flip back to that the other one one more time so there you go you can see the difference and i definitely like that that darker look and the facial expression really adds a lot to it as well let me go ahead and switch to the other camera i'll show you that one there we go that one i'm also very happy with you got the glow from the backlight which frames our character nicely a little bit of the uh defocused ghost figure there um the female figure looks great in this one i love that facial expression i think it really captures the really captures the fear all in all very very happy with this one i really don't think there's uh there's anything that i would do uh do differently i really like that one a lot so that'll about do it for this video don't forget to hit the like button if you got something out of this and hit the subscribe button if you haven't already as i'm recording this i am one subscriber away from 200 so help me get to that 200 mark and be sure to check in the description below if you want to know what products that i've used and that'll do it i'll see you in the next one thanks for watching goodbye
Channel: Steven David
Views: 2,151
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: daz3d, daz 3d, daz, daz studio, daz3d tutorial, tutorial, daz tutorial, daz 3d tutorial, daz studio tutorial, beginner tutorial, intermediate tutorial, halloween, ghost, specter, spectre, spirit, haunted house, scary, spooky, haunted, ghostly, transparent
Id: fPNOUkNnq1U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 27sec (1467 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 31 2020
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