Daz Watches Do Not Laugh!

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and we're back with another Daz watches you guys desperately want to see me not laugh at a video for his entirety I I can't do it I can't do it even now thinking about it I'm laughing I can't do it but we gotta try this man we're gonna we're gonna try get through this try not to laugh this one's apparently like impossible let's let's just do this let's just try like I'm gonna fail I know it oh let's see what in the what's up is that a cough you must have a boom box in your lungs if you cough like that okay yo all right that that one nearly got me I I had to literally bite my tongue for that one this prank's about to be crazy come on man put it together the reason that white people are inferior is because they don't have enough melanin in their skin come on come on huge what oh my gosh oh dude that thing's honestly I got it ready you ready bro just evaded it like what Jesus Jesus cat joy and SpaceX in under a second so far it's you know it's easy I'm getting through it you know a couple of near misses bone voyage you're getting up how does she do that [Laughter] oh I think that's it I'm laughing because that's literally me like if I tried one of these challenge all right well you know there we go fail already Bradley you [ __ ] so much what do I do with you Dave Dave has a rabbit well it's not a rabbit it's the size of a small bus it's huge he lifts it up and it's as long as him rabbit has a mortgage okay they're very weird pets like they just sit there and twitch their nose at you all day it creeps me out especially Dave's one Dave's one goes to the gym has a membership and everything is huge [ __ ] America is a nation that can be defined in a single word I was in the foot of foot for God's sake that clip that clip just sums up America right now oh come on she just fell off the bed it's not that funny look at these goofy ass shoes from the Goodwill I used to do that to my dog when he was a puppy I used to reload him and let as well it's not just me [Music] footprints [Laughter] oh God that wasn't even that funny what time it is voila but that monk that yeah I was gonna say don't touch the monkeys why do people go to these Parks thinking that monkeys are like pets at home you're an idiot you're an actual idiot don't touch them not only that but this this particular monkey had a bowl haircut look at it looks like an I.T consultant can you open the door I think you got it I can't that was obviously set up but damn the commitment hey Diana right there all right are you going to the airport [Laughter] [Laughter] [Laughter] TV I don't know I don't know why they got me so much Prescott widescreen TV oh god oh that really got me ah they are getting bigger and more obnoxious aren't they ah oh all right you may want to cover your ears getting directions to Los Angeles International Airport in 0.5 miles turn left onto Bishop Boulevard excuse me sir where's the meat at do you know huh hey my my fault Big Brother holy my people that can do these like female voices I'd be so freaked out oh no no [Applause] Henderson what the hell are you doing oh come on come on get get a grip that's like get a grip literally [Laughter] Gods it's just the dumb stuff that I find funny that's genius that that right there is G and he knows he was waiting for that moment he's having his moment I gotta go fast I'll get this the speed kid bro my at all I've never laughed once at anything I've seen he just screams at the camera why do you have abs I start here for the raise I know I know I'm ridiculous I know well what are you running for you someone needs to refit that door dog literally slid under it no she let me know I've always wanted to try that I wish I had the guts to actually hang off an air balloon and have the knowledge to pull the shoot when I know I'm supposed to but I died if anyone's gonna die in an accident like that it's me laughs cats man cats they're on another level aren't they sorry [Music] good luck with a hook on your hand for the rest of your life Jesus I people falling over is the funniest thing like um I do rush over and help I'm you know I'm not I'm not nasty about it but I mean I do laugh it's it is funny dude you're never gonna believe it what somebody just left the 19 Fortnight gift card in the bushes no way yep and he was dead he was never seen again I swear some people think this would be a good video idea this will get a lot of views and they don't realize that getting a lot of views it doesn't matter it just means nothing what do you want to say I'm going to call you in a minute yes service the word screen how has he got no scream you know the amount of meet and greets that I've done and I don't know what you you all do with your phones I've never smashed or cracked my screen ever and I've dropped it as well I've dropped it on concrete once I was going down on um when I had a moped and my phone fell out my pocket I stopped the guy behind me got out got my phone and it was fine there was not even a scratch on it but you lot when you come to see me you take a picture I can't even they hand me the phone like dads you take it you're taller than me right because I'm a tree and I'm like I don't know what to press there's no screen left always handed me half a phone it's not an iPhone it's just an eye like there's there's no screen left I don't know what you guys are doing with your phones rumor has it he's still there to this day trying to get off that section of slide [Laughter] I wish I could do that to my dog but he doesn't have a snoot he's just a flat face think that your best feature is I mean you're a big black a big back uh your your good run black uh don't don't just don't whatever you're eating right now probably shouldn't go in your face hole which hole should It Go in somebody please help me there's a lasagna in my ass I actually like that guy on Tick Tock what was he Papa swallow or something go to the gym like it's hilarious and I don't I don't go to the gym every time he tells me foreign changed his mind so quick all right guys that's it I failed again miserably um my battery on my camera's about to go so it's the real reason I'm stopping the video like I've created my channel and I'll see you in the next one stay dazzling
Channel: Daz Games
Views: 2,807,600
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Daz, games, daz, watches, daz black, HORROR, SCARY, LAUGH, COMEDY, DAZ GAMES, humor, daz watches, amazing, Do Not Laugh!, try not to laugh, challenge, tntl, react, reacting, reacts
Id: 1bWx0csqdOs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 10sec (730 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 26 2023
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