Daz Studio pro Tips: dForce making indentation on soft surfaces

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hey guys glad you could join me today in this video we're going to look at how to use defaults to make an indent in a bed when a character is sitting on it before we get started a huge thank you to everybody who subscribed to this channel and of course to everybody who has supported me on patreon if you haven't yet subscribed feel free to do so hit that notification icon give us a thumbs up if you like my content and let me know what you think in the comments below especially if you want me to cover a specific topic so without further ado let's get on with this so I've got bed load it into the scene here and what we need to do is change our view to wire texture shaded so that we can see the wireframe so we can see all the polygons now I'm quite lucky that this bed has got a lot of polygons already so we probably don't need to subdivide this surface however if you've got a very very primitive bed with not many polygons what you're going to need to do is export your mesh into hexagons and subdivide the surface so that you have lots and lots of polygons to work with so what we're going to do is we're going to go to our toolbar at the top here and we're going to select the geometry editor tool which is this one that looks like a pencil over a load of polygons now we need to select the item that we're going to work on and then you can see as we hover the mouse over the shape that a little blue circle appears now by holding the control key we can roll up on our mouse wheel which will increase the size of our selection tool and when we right-click over it we can choose how to select so we're going to do a polygon selection and then when we drag we can select the top surface and what we want to do is select as much of the top of the surface of the mattress as possible without bleeding over into the edges too much it doesn't matter if you don't get it perfect but it has to be kind of flows so as you can see I'm selecting all of these polygons as many as I can without bleeding over the edge too much and then I have the selection completed now I'm going to right-click again and where it says geometry assignment I'm going to create a surface from selected now I'm gonna call this mattress top and press return now if we go into the surfaces tab under our bed you can see mattress top has now become a surface now if we were to deselect we can just change that tool that will deselect and then we'd eat and we reselect now we can see that we have an unassigned material in this so in order to make sure that it's consistent we need to right-click on the copy selected surfaces on the original surface for the mattress and we need to apply it by paste to selected surfaces on there now you'll notice that for some reason it goes to gray so we need to change our base color back to white there we go so now if we were to quickly go into Nvidia IRA mode we shouldn't see any difference in color we should see that that's exactly the same color now what we need to do is with the whole bed selected we're going to quickly jump out of my own video mode we're gonna go to edit object geometry and we're going to add a default modifier dynamic surface now what this will do it will apply the default modifier to all three services so what we need to do is in the two surfaces that we don't want to simulate we need to select the simulation tab in that surface and turn it off and then do the same thing for the would turn that to off like so and then in the mattress top what I want to do is I'm going to change the density to 25 like so and I'm going to go into our simulation settings into our environment and I'm going to turn gravity to a minus naught point two like so that's all we need to do for that particular thing so what we're going to do now is we're going to create a new rather than put a character on this bed to speed things up we're going to create a new primitive it's going to be a sphere and it's going to be 0.5 meters and it doesn't matter how many segments and so on we have so we're going to select that and raise it up and then we're gonna put it so that is just above the surface of the bed like that I'm gonna drag it into the middle like so and the last thing I'm going to do is run the simulation so hopefully if I hit simulate as you can see we can have an indent in our mattress like so as you can see the edges have fluffed up a little bit so we could select our vertices a little bit more carefully but for the purposes of just creating a simple indentation on the bed that's how it's done I hope you enjoyed this video thanks very much for watching I'll see you in the next one bye bye
Channel: Game Developer Training
Views: 7,386
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: vn, visualnovel, adultgame, indiedev, indiegame, game development, indie game, indie dev, renpy, daz studio, #vn, #DazStudio, #Ren'Py, #dazstudio, #daz3d, daz 3d, #3dcg, rendering, iRay, animation, photorealism, photography, dForce, soft, polygon selection, geometry editor
Id: YCrdkMUFaNg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 4sec (364 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 13 2019
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