Daz Studio pro Tips: Create your own Modular rooms in 15 minutes

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hey everybody and welcome back Sammy glad you could join me today in this video we're gonna look at creating our own modular house system before guests died a huge thank you to all of my patrons and my members your names are going to be running across the bottom of the screen now and of course thank you to everyone who is to subscribe and notification icon that really helps me out so in order for us to create this modular system we need to decide on a couple of things and basically what I'm gonna do is I'm going to create one meter blocks which would allow us to put them all together and create our house so what we're going to do is create a geometry primitive like this I'm gonna go with a cube and the average house has rooms that are about two and a half meters tall but in order to make life a bit easier we're gonna make a house 3 meters tall just because we're not working with building material so we don't have to worry about the cost and in order to make it easily to select one meter chunks we're going to have it in 6 divisions so we're gonna hit accept like that we're gonna switch to wire textures shaded so that we can see our wireframe and then we're gonna frame up on our object I'm what I'm gonna do is in the perspective view drop-down I'm actually gonna change to top view like this now we're going to select the geometry editor tool like this which is the object that looks like a checkerboard with a pencil over him and then we're going to select our cube in the scene tab and then we got a right-click check that our selection type is on polygons and that our selection mode is on marquee and then we're going to drag out a selection and we're gonna take these two objects here you're going to hold down the control key I'm gonna take these two here like this and then we're gonna come in so we end up with just a four blocks or two by two and when we come in to perspective view we can check that that's all we've got selected which is easy to do because we've been in in orthographic in the the plan view so we're going to right click on our shape it's geometry editing delete selected polygons yes and that's left us with a 1 meter by 1 meter 3 meter high block of wall with a bit of floor and a bit of ceiling so the next we want to do is select those 4 planes on the bottom right click geometry as Simon creates a surface from selected and we're gonna call this floor like so then we're gonna flip our camera upwards and we're going to select the top 4 like that now we're gonna right click their geometry a Simon create surface from selected ceiling like that now I'm not gonna show you I'm not going to go through rather the adding of materials to these surfaces because we've covered that in various different other videos so if you want to know how to apply different shaders to these surfaces then and check out the other videos on the channel but that's essentially our first plane our first object created so we can rename this one by one all and then we can have FC so floor and ceiling like that and then we can save that as a scene subset and we can then keep dragging that in as much as possible so in the content library as you can see I've already got my chunks created but you'd simply go plus of a scene subset and then save it under whatever name you want and then in the object the dialog that appears just hit accept and it will select everything that you've got here so as you can see I've got a number of items created that we're going to work on now so this one we've done so I get a delete that now we're gonna create a corner piece so we're gonna create primitive the same number of divisions and everything so we're just going to go to our top view like this again and this time we're going to select with our cube selected in the scene we're gonna select all of those not all of those so it's only the top left corner geometry editing delete selected polygons yes please come back into our perspective view as you can see we've got a corner piece there so we're gonna go to drag selection just so that we can select our floor pieces their geometry assignment create a surface from selected and floor and then the top four spin the camera around to make sure that's all you've got selected right click geometry assignment create surface from selected ceiling and then you can call this say one by one corner FC so you know that it's got floor and ceiling save that as a scene subset as well obviously apply the shaders to it however you want to and that's that one done so the last basic basic piece that we want to create is going to be the Phillip section so we come into our top view again and this time we're going to select we need to make sure that we're back your marquee so i'm gonna isolate at the top sides and the bottom so that all we have left is a center section like that geometry editing delete selected polygon like that come in to perspective view so that's going to be the bit that we used to fill in the gaps between our walls and again we're going to assign the surfaces so that's going to be floor and this one's going to be ceiling like that and save that I'd have seen subset obviously rename it to just like one by one FC or something I'll ass at one by one FC and then you know what that object is when you drag it into the scene so those are the kind of the easy objects you could make one less 2x2 if you wanted to using the same method or however big you want them to be the next thing that we want to work on though with a slightly more complex parts like the floor ceiling and window so we're gonna create a new object this time we're going to multiply the number of divisions in this case when you go with 24 and that as you can see adds quite a bit more geometry to our objects so we need to be very careful about how many sub how many subdivisions we use and because we don't want to add geometry where that's not necessary it's completely pointless you see so we're gonna go into our top view again make sure we've got a cube selected make sure that we're in marquee selection mode and we're going to create a one-by-one window piece so eight equals one meter so we need to make sure that we've got eight unselected there check the count so as you can see I've actually stuffed up there so we need to start again so we're gonna create you know six eight there hold down the control key select eight there I've still missed one out of there so we can go over that again and now we need to count so two four six eight so there we go double check one two three four five six seven eight that's fine right click delete selected polygons except come into our perspective view and as you can see now we have our objects so we're going to select the floor and assign that material now so create service from selected we're going to say floor flip our camera up select the ceiling and we're gonna sign that like that now the reason we've got more divisions is because we're about to create a window shape and in order to do that we need to have more divisions because you don't want the window to be of the entire width of the object so most windows start from about half a meter before the edge of the top of the room so we're going to select from there and we want this window to have a pane as well so I'm actually going to select those polygons there that I'm gonna hold down the ctrl key and I'm gonna make my window just under a meter off the floor so I'm gonna go to about there and there you go so windows aren't empty spaces there and another surface so we're gonna right click and we're going to assign a new surface to this one and we're gonna call this one window like that so now in our surfaces tab you can see we've got floor ceiling default is always going to be the material we used for the wall itself and the window so if we were to expand that and go down to the geometry we can actually reduce the opacity of that now and then we can see that that's the window piece like that so we're gonna rename this cube one by one window FC like so and then we can save that as a scene subset as well and then we'll always know that that's our window basically he and you can experiment with this because what we're gonna do now is we're gonna shuffle this to one side like that and we're gonna create another new primitive exactly the same number of dimensions like that I'm gonna gonna come back into our top view like so and this time we're gonna create a door so a door is normally about a meter wide anyway so we're gonna want to create this piece being two meters so we're going to select our cube we're gonna right-click in the geometry editor tool make sure you've got the geometry editor tool selected we're gonna right-click and we're gonna check the weary and marquee selection and then we're going to drag out four four divisions from the right four divisions from the left and then eight divisions so that's two that's four five six that's eight we're gonna count one two three four five six seven eight servings one more there and we're going to delete selected geometry like that come in to our perspective view there you go so we now got a two meter by one meter chunk and we need to now select our door and because it's a bit of a pain trying to select those polygons individually without accidentally selecting something from the bottom we're actually gonna do this manually using the drag tool so we're gonna select 4 from the other side and then we're gonna go up before that's half a meter 1 2 3 4 that 1 meter 1 2 3 4 that another 1/2 meter 1 2 3 4 and the last two meters so you come across and they're down making sure we're getting all the right polygons are not getting any other ones we don't need just gonna keep holding that mouse button down and we're gonna select it and drag out at door shape and then we're gonna simply right-click geometry editing delete selected polygons yes there we go so now we've got our shape I'm going to right click again and go back to marquee selection and select our floor like that geometry assignment create surface from selected floor like that and then we're going to come up to size all of our geometry for the ceiling geometry assignment create surface from selected ceiling and then we can call this a two by one door FC like that and then you could save that as a scene subset as well and then you've got a load of building blocks which I'm going to delete these ones you've got a load of building blocks that you can now use to create your own scene so we can start off perhaps with a door frame drag that into the scene reset off camera like this so that we can see and then the last thing that you need to do in order to use this kit is go to your move tool here and then in your tool settings you want to here enable on snapping and then 50 centimeters is the ideal distance and then all that allows us to do is when we select our object you can move it in 50 centimeter increments so if we was to drag the let's just say a one by one wall with ceiling and floor we can now make sure that they always snap together like that and obviously it looks a bit weird with a different geometry there so if we just go to texture shaded mode assuming you've applied shaders to your floor and ceiling in each of your objects you can now create your own little rooms create we decides that there I can drag this to snap to there so we've got a window on that side and perhaps we wanted to put a corner piece and snap that and you can build your own rooms basically using this and that's really all there is to it I hope you found this useful let me know you think in the comments below and I'll see you in the next one bye bye [Music] [Applause]
Channel: Game Developer Training
Views: 13,736
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: vn, visualnovel, adultgame, indiedev, indiegame, game development, indie game, indie dev, renpy, daz studio, #vn, #DazStudio, #Ren'Py, #dazstudio, #daz3d, daz 3d, #3dcg, rendering, iRay, animation, photorealism, photography, adobe photoshop, adobe lightroom
Id: sgtnow1hkCw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 4sec (904 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 19 2020
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