Daz 3D FaceGen Artist Pro Tutorial Real Faces to Genesis Characters

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welcome friends today we're going to go over a dash 3D tutorial about another application called face gen artist Pro what face gen will allow you to do is take a picture of a real person and apply it to a 3D character in that studio where there's Genesis Genesis 2 3 8 or 8.1 you may have seen another video that I had comparing face gen and face transfer and I was saying that um no shape wise face gen is probably the more precise or accurate program and a couple people have asked about me doing the tutorial so here we go so this is an example of a Genesis 8 character using me as in the example and we're gonna go over how to get a result close to this so the first thing I'm going to do is go ahead and make a new file in Genesis and go back to texture shade it so we'll come back to this in a moment you will need to get Genesis or face gen artist Pro from their website it's a third party application so go to facegen.com and you'll probably need the pro version which is what I got and it is a paid program so you have to pay for it and install it it's its own application and this is generally what it looks like when you first um open it up except for there won't be a face here or what there is it's a there's another generic face not this this was a previous project so ignore this for now the first thing we want to do is load one to three images front uh optionally optionally left and right photos and let's take note of things that we need and don't need we need a basically a passport or mugshot type photo which is basically facing forward neutral facial expression no smiling no open mouth um evenly lit um cameras should not be too close to the face so avoid selfie pictures as much as possible even though that's what I'm using for my example um take the camera should be a little bit further away to get a better perspective on the face some bad examples are shown here an evenly lit mouth open or smiling no transparency or glossiness and we should take it from a good angle uh and so forth and so on let's go ahead and load our images because I'm going to be using this one for the front this one for the facing right and this one for facing left we hit next we can use this rotate tool to rotate into the right orientation using the left Mouse button to move around and what they want us to do is put markers into places they showed an example in the top right so the first part is going to be the center of the right eye Center to the left eye the outside of the right near which is outside the right part of the nose the left part of the nose the corner right corner of the mouth left corner of the mouth um one thing to note here is that you don't really want to have any bangs or anything on top of the face or to the side of the face because that will become part of the texture um so we know here that this facial hair will become part of the texture as a flat um part of the texture but that's okay because it's very short facial hair I bring those up because um next part we need to do is the center of the chin which would be a little bit difficult because of facial hair but I'm just going to guesstimate right around here the outer corner of the right part of the jaw I'm going to say is about here the left corner of the jaw about here the outside of the right cheekbones a little hard for me to see but it thinks about here the left cheekbone outside corner about here now it goes to the right picture so we want to rotate again first part we want to do with the cell ends part of the nose so I'm going to guess right about here Bridge of the nose about here to the nose here okay wait a minute I'm ahead of myself so I see I was supposed to do that earlier so let me go back hit back to go back to previous Ah that's what I messed up so that the ceiling I'm supposed to do the outer corner of the eye let me go back one more time and redo that and get precisely the corner it's a little bit better Bridge of the nose tip of the nose base of the nose I want to zoom in a little bit um the upper the tip of the upper corner of the upper lip same thing for the bottom of the lip the front of the chin I'm going to guesstimate right about here and then the lower edge of the jaw here now we do the same thing for the other part of the side of the face the cell in outer corner of the eye Bridge of the nose tip of the nose face of the nose upper part of the upper lip bottom part of the lower lip um here we're going to have the front of the chin and then the edge of the jaw and here we can choose a couple different options use only points from the profile photos which is basically only use the left and right photos or use details from the profile photos and the device here is a little cut off so I don't know what it says in total anyways I'm gonna use this option to use all three photos now it's gonna as the images and generate a face here so we're done with the analysis and it get it has given us a representation of what the face may look like um so I'm kind of okay with the results so if you want to change something in here interactively what you would do is you can use shift click to move the face around and use the left Mouse to move it rotate it let's say I want the chicks to be wider out of whole control and left click to move the cheeks about if we want to undo it you have to go to undo every time and click undo if you wanted to move the cheek asymmetrically you would hold Ctrl and right click although it does have some effects on other parts of the face if you do asymmetrically uh so moving right along uh a lot of adjustments you can make here in face gen are under the modify panel and going over here to demographics let me change the age of the character be rather young or a lot older uh you can change the gender uh the shape where there's caricature or Monster or no um modifications oh I usually leave this at default and also change the how symmetric or asymmetric it is and you can also change um kind of the ethnicity of the character and these all have relationships to each other so if you change one of these it changes the others foreign Ty if this gives the instructions for what I just described by clicking on the character and changing things manually you can also use these to twist and shift different parts of the face and change the lightness and darkness of different parts of the face individually you can use these to give different details it'll try to mix in these preset textures with your face although it kind of overwhelms it took example this um if you want more uh facial details you can do it for male or female tween I believe you can what you do is if you wanted to mix two characters together to make a new character you would do that here so you would load Target to get the picture and then it would uh mix the two together and make a new character this would be good for something like if you had a a man and a woman and you want to have a character represent their child that would could be a use case right here genetic what you do is you hit generate and you can change the variation that generate you know create um your different variations based on this Center picture which is the original one and it'll give different variations on that same face so when you're ready to go you would go to file export the parameter Group which I would just leave the same give it a name I think what will seven now and then choose what file format you want to export as male or female Genesis 1 2 3 8 or 8.1 I'm going to leave it on Genesis 8 male for right now you choose your dash content directory some choosing this first one so this would be important to know later spherical eyes I leave this unchecked what happens is sometimes with spherical eyes checked sometimes the eye mesh will kind of um bleed outside of the face mesh somewhere over here or when the eyes rotate during animation some of the eye mesh is is absent or blank or black which doesn't work for your animation so I leave this unchecked in most of my cases you can customize color Maps if you want to um I usually don't mess with this then you hit export and it will um basically automatically uh publish face color maps for your face arms legs and torso in the appropriate directories let's go ahead and do that it only takes a few moments so it tells you where your face morph will go and then your new color Maps will go into this directory um and it'll tell you what it tells you what to do basically from here on how to find the morphs and the color Maps but I'll go through that here in this tutorial um do you do want to take note of this directory if you want to write it down when you export that's fine um I try to copy and paste earlier with this and didn't really copy so but we're going to Traverse manually to that location so in Dash Studio what you would do is basically create a generic Genesis 8 character like so and then I'm going to go to Ira well let's go to PPR from right now oh man that is bright let's go to parameters and I just went to basically all for Genesis 8 male and I had already typed in what I call the character so it had several versions already and even though we saved it as seven I want to work with the earlier version that I call five because I was I know I'm good with the result go back to texture shaded so you can see it changed the facial Morse to my character and then next thing we need to do is apply the surfaces or the textures to the character now before I get we get into that uh sometimes you may want to make edits to the facial textures um to to more of your liking for example uh my eyes my actual eyes are a little asymmetric I mean everyone's are everybody everybody's eyes are but mines didn't really work for this so let me see if I can make an example so I'm gonna go ahead and apply the face texture let's go to brows and this is the Genesis 8 basic textures so let's go up a couple of levels up to texture and in textures there should be a face gin directory Genesis 8 mail let's go to the let's go to the older version we'll F or I think we'll see the four or five let me check the date okay now let's go well let's try actually let's just do the one that we we did today so let's go to Ira right quick see right right here is the actual meshes corner of the eye but in the texture it is way over here so it it it looks it looks off so what you can do is go to a program like or photoshop and Traverse to that same location where you got the texture from and manually edit it so what I did is I went to that corner of the eye and I used the smudge tool um wherever that is in in Photoshop and I it was up here somewhere I use a smash tool to drag this basically this part of the face down down to here and that is shown by going to browse and I believe it was under will four where I have when it's corrected and that and now this one is a little bit better as far as that eye corner now you may have other things that a parts of the face you won't want to adjust so um you would do something similar so anyway that is the basic workflow of how you would apply the texture if you go to surfaces your characters under skin lips and or under surfaces you expand that and go to each body part go to browse and you would go to textures face gin says eight male go to your character and you select the texture so what you can do is go here select that and hit Ctrl C to copy that directory so you want to do it every time now to apply the arm texture let me zoom out here so you can see that's changed cornea nothing here ears see we use the face texture again so just go down here and select face one again eye moisture eye socket same thing use the face we've already done fingernails be part of the arm irises we use the eye texture so we select this legs we go ahead and have to do the same process lips are part of the face mouth and leave the same pupils select the eye texture again sclera eyes teeth toenails are part of the legs and then torso has his own texture go to browse and select the Torso texture and that should handle everything else a couple things I want to fix here I want to use another set of eyes because in this texture it kind of did uh it's hard to see here but it kind of captured part of the eyelids as part of the eye texture and that colors are way off because probably because of camera flash or something like that other issue I have here is that the overall texture is a little too red compared to my actual skin you can see here so there's a couple ways we can tackle this the first thing you can do is go to lips nails skin lips and nails and go down to translucency weight and you can basically take this down and that gives a pretty decent result Ctrl Z to go back you can also mess with translucency color um and like we mess with the colors and we can get different results that way as well a third thing we can do and that's the way I'm going to go is we if you have a character already in your dad's content that is similar um you can apply what we can do is apply that material for that character and we'll overwrite your our materials and and however what it would also do is take care of different things that we don't have such as the translucency color map um glossy layer weights it will replace it with a more appropriate color top coat weight different textures that we don't have from face gen translucency color we mentioned that before um it will use the that from the new character and then we go back later and apply the base color again which will be a pretty quick process let's go ahead and go to Ira for this character um and then select all maps so just changed everything texture-wise to that new character including the eyes and I'm Gonna Leave the eyes the same but what I'm going to do is change most of everything else back so arms I'll just go back and select the arm texture for my character and so I'll Focus just on the face for time's sake uh face texture and then lips face texture see anything else ears let's change the face texture let's go ahead and change the Torso back although it doesn't matter as much and then right quick we're going to apply some hair that I have from a dash store let's go ahead and close these things out I think we have a pretty good result here oops in comparison yeah that really helped give us a cleaner texture um that is more animation ready and that is a general workflow of how you would use face gen to create Dash 3D characters uh thanks for watching uh having questions let me know in the comments and have a blessed day
Channel: Анатолий Гудков
Views: 3,050
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Id: z5MBnoRYcGA
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Length: 24min 6sec (1446 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 07 2023
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