DayZ Xbox Tips & Tricks for Beginners Guide: Survival, Inventory, Movement [2023, Update 1.20]

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we're back in DayZ and we're doing a tips and tricks for 2023 going over the beginning thing some more advanced stuff be sure to like the video subscribing is great as well I spent a long time collecting a bunch of weapons and trying to find an adequate server where things aren't a little bit too ridiculous but there is boosted food water and boosted stamina so just keep that in mind when we are showcasing things off today so first off I find that this is very helpful to do every year because Daisy doesn't literally teach you anything of what to do in the game so we're starting with the basics and we're going to keep moving forward on differing things so the a button is to jump you can do a run jump keep in mind when you're doing a run jump that you can very much lunge yourself off of things like roofs why are we on top of a roof I don't know kind of worked out like that the B button is for Crouch and holding B will allow you to go prone you can zoom in kind of with clicking or while holding LT it's a zoom in as in you put up your fists and then you can tap RB or you can tap lb in order to move your character around when you're on the ground in case you want to roll under various objects walls and other things that's just something you know kind of important and helpful so sound is a big part of DayZ so you can see in the bottom left there a meter of three little bars that changes as soon as I start moving so when you run it gets louder when you crouch it's a little bit quieter so zombies will pick up on you making noise others can pick up on you making noise too so that's just something that you should keep in mind when you are running around in the game is the fact that your noise does actually matter and your stamina goes up and down based on you running jumping moving around if you have something on your inventory that like takes up extra like kind of space and stuff that will degrade how much stamina you actually have available to you once again we are in a boosted server so stamina and stuff is not quite as hardcore as it once was so great we've covered that element of the game let's talk about something a little bit more complex uh if you double tap lb you will zoom in so that you can see further than in the past if you tap in the right stick you will go into the first person and that will allow you to you know kind of enjoy this perspective or tap again you go out to the third person there are some servers that are first person only so you might run into one of those when you are playing you know it depends on the situation that you're having so another element is holding right on the d-pad that will open up interactions and poses that you can do and then you press a on the thing in order to activate it and use it I'm waving around pretty cool right then you can hold yeah okay so let's let's do hotkeying so hotkeying is the menu when you hold RB you'll have more options if you get more complex uh sort of holding options so we have an item let's do I don't know uh let's let's say this so you hold in the left stick you use the right stick to select and then you press a and that will not now be hotkeyed onto that menu so then I can press RB at any point move over to Whatever item I want press the a button to bring it out you'll see my character has it in their hands press the a button to put it away very easy and straightforward when it comes to the collection of things so let's go over picking up items so there's an item on the ground you can hold X to bring it into your hands you can tap X to bring it into your inventory if you have enough inventory slots that are available for you to actually pick some stuff up as you can tell I'm a little bit overweight on items so I'm going to drop the teddy bear so that we can kind of showcase this sort of thing so we can go to the teddy bear you can see we can press X to take it or we can press X to hold into hands you can also press the back button to open up your menu and you'll see that in the vicinity the bear is available if you wait a second over an item in your inventory or in your hands or in the vicinity it will give you a details list including the quality of set item pristine is good there's like ruined which means like you can't can't use it you can also fix things in this game too if you have like a sewing kit and whatnot but I'm just kind of teaching you that this is also a really good menu because it will tell you the type of like weapon uh variable bullets that are present so this is a box of dying one nine or nine one nineteen millimeter rounds so you know that's kind of a good thing it's just like a quick little contextual menu but it does take a second to load up which can be a little detrimental if you are trying to actually get quick info so if you want to throw an object in the game in order to alert a zombie or cause problems you can double tap the x button then you can hold RT and you can let RT go and your character will throw said item so there are some throwable type things that are present within the game so another cool quick thing you can do is you can go to an item if you have an available slot available so we're just going to drop the sledgehammer you can press y right away and it will equip said item so you can do that with anything similar to having Shades now out Shades and other things such as like helmets will actually obscure the quality or change the quality of your vision when you are using it so that was something I thought we should just like quickly kind of mention uh in that regard so we've kind of covered the quick sort of details when it comes to using things you know kind of quick little commands and stuff interactions stuff like that are very helpful and you know that's kind of the quick details you could press the start button you can go to online if you want to see other players that are in your area and you want to mute them or deal with them there's also the invite friends and a controls menu too if you need to actually look up what the controls are in case you forgot whatever I'm telling you or in case you want any other details in regards to like quick info and you know leaning in Optics all that kind of stuff so this is also a good way to kind of learn it's actually built into the game now a little bit nicer which is much better than when I started but yeah I thought this would be a good little quick thing just to kind of let you know what's up so from there you can hold uh L well you can hold the left d-pad and there's like RB and lb in order to change how far your vocals kind of send off to people which is a new little system that was a little bit so like in the past you could just like kind of hold it and you could just like talk to people like a prompt to talk now you can actually adjust like the voice level to talk so that's a little bit more in-depth than it used to be when I played it a while ago because you know we do this every year as I teach people uh new mechanics and everything like that so let's go over fighting so if you're doing a melee fisticuffs you hold LT to bring up your fists you press RT to hit you can press y to do like a big swing hit and you can also tap RB to kind of lean and kind of Dodge the side l b to dodge to the side those will use up your stamina so that is something to keep in mind as well so we're going to bring out the sledgehammer and just again show off the melee stuff so RT I have a swing y big hit if you hit things in the back they're more likely to die quicker if you aim up and you hit in the face they're more likely to die quicker and you can get like an insta kill on say zombies if you hit them like in the spine they will die and sort of fall over which is very very helpful gameplay wise when you are doing combat type things so let's talk about guns so we're going to bring out our M lock here so the M lock is one of the pistols that is available and it's not bringing it out there we go so pistoling wise you can well gun wise LT to bring it up you get like a little reticle that you can kind of aim with you can go into the first person by clicking in the right stick there are going to be things such as your actual like Scopes and zeroing in that can be a thing depending on the type of weapon you have and the type of attachment on said weapon if you notice there I press the Y button because in the bottom left there is actually sort of a marker that like you have to have the gun like your guns actually the bullets have to be loaded so that's a big part of the game too is loading and unloading weapons so let's take a look at that there so we had let's let's bring it into our our hands again and then I'm gonna drop it on the ground so I am actually getting thirsty too so guns have a magazine in them so you actually will have to use magazines on your guns in order to uh like you have to reload them you have to put bullets into them you can like put a single bullet in like you see I got one bullet in my gun we'll just shoot that off there we'll just kind of make that zero so you still have a bullet in there but we what we need to do is actually load and unload ammunition so I accidentally put that in my inventory which is not what I wanted to do I want that to be in my hands so we press a to bring it into the hands I should also quickly mention menu quick stuff lbrb going back between menus RT and LT to quickly go between up is LT down is RT between the differing menus you have with again L clicking in the left stick being like your quick contextual option for the menu and then you can press a to swap to hands you can hold a to move things around to a degree and you can also hold X to quickly drop it from your inventory so cool we've got the magazine in our hands here so we can hold RT if we want to unload the magazine so you see it's unloaded now we can hold the Y button in order to load the magazine and you'll see now we have it loaded and then we do have to attach it to the gun so we put the gun in our hands so we can go we see it on the ground we can press RT to attach it we can also press B to combine it if we would like to as well and you can see that we now have Reloaded The Gun and the gun is also once again you got to check that bottom left to make sure that you have a bullet in the chamber because there's nothing like going to shoot a gun and your gun not having you know ammo that that kills you basically all the time so another thing is you know occasionally you will find packets of ammunition you will have to open them in order to gain access to those bullets you can't just like pop them right into your gun you actually have to unload them and a piece of paper will drop every time that happens as well which is a good indicator as to whether or not another player is in the vicinity is based on if you can see things such as little pieces of paper on the ground you could be like someone open something here so another very important part of the game is food so we've got something simple here we have to sometimes press RT to open food like I just did there and then we can sit here and we can eat food so you hold RT to consume food in your inventory and you can see that on the bottom right there my food and my water inventory icons went up so eating different things takes up different amounts of your food so you want to keep your bars up high but you also don't want to overeat because your character will vomit and you will lose more food and Water Resources so you've got to be kind of smart in regards to like how much you're consuming and like certain foods like you know some things like Mad Monk will be just for like water some things will be good for your food but will take away from your water levels and you got to kind of watch like some things will be overfilling to you so you don't have to eat as much of it and you don't usually have to eat all your food at once you can kind of conserve it over time if you are opening something such as say a can the best way to do so is to use a can opener if you have it available to you I don't have a can on me which is kind of annoying but you can also use something such as a a bladed weapon which I was yeah here we go so I've got a bladed weapon here and a bladed weapon will allow you to kind of like open up a can I guess you could maybe use other types of things but it will damage how much food you actually have available to you so another aspect of this game is like interacting with things so I believe I left myself with a jacket that I could kind of use unless I've thrown that away which I appear to we can use the police jacket I guess we could yeah okay let's let's just put that over there so sometimes in the game you will need to cut up stuff in order to actually uh get things like Rags so you can see we now have the B button there to combine it so you'll now see that by you know pressing B we now have the option on the screen there to hold RT in order to cut set item into Rags which are usable so now it's a bit more bandages focused on if you get a scratch in the game and bleeding happens but regs were very very helpful so you've now got to be a little bit more careful because uh you know you can also create hand wrapping now with regs but you got to be more careful with your regs because now you can get infected a lot more easily in the past you could just kind of like throw on rags and it was like you know it was no big deal for cleaning but now there's like a more in-depth sort of cleaning system to the game which is just more tedious honestly but that's a big part of the game so it is something that you should take into consideration when you are kind of moving around we did mention the kind of putting stuff on you but you can very easily equip items just by pressing Y and if there's an available slot such as like you know your eyes your heads your gloves everything like that that will kind of equip quickly to your equipment menu in the top right there let's talk about the items on the bottom right there so you've kind of seen them I've mentioned them I've talked about them on the far far right we have your health so your health has differing levels and like all your icons there's differing levels there's you know kind of the white levels good good to go then there's like yellow which is like and then there's like red and then there's like blinking which is like danger so your health levels there and then beside it that little droplet that's your blood level so when you get hit you'll actually see blood splotches on that right corner there right above those icons you'll also see your character bleeding and you'll press the back button you'll see a character bleeding in this menu too so it is very noticeable to know when you've been scratched or you've been cut or you've been shot and you're bleeding very noticeable so you do have to apply like a bandage in that situation beside that is the temperature so the temperature in this game can impact you you want to you know occasionally you have to be like in your fire you'll have to heat yourself you have to keep yourself warm depending on like the climate so if you go into the water you come out you'll be like cold because it's raining or if it's raining in the game it'll be cold as well so temperature matters a little bit more in this and depending on what you're wearing that will impact the temperature level too so we've got the the jacket here but you can see the insulation level in the top right corner of the contextual menu in the middle of the screen so they'll let you know how insulated you are with a particular clothing that you are wearing within the game so that is very helpful as well so then beside that is the food icon you see it getting filled beside that is the water icon you know kind of for your thirst level and we've got like an actual water plastic bottle here the plastic bottles and stuff like that depending on where you drink water from can also make you sick so you have to be careful with the water you get and then there's like tablets that can like clean the water like if you drink from like a fountain you used to be able to drink from fountains and there's no problem but now it's like you can get sick and you'll get vomiting so beside that item that bottle there if you do get a sickness you'll get like this circular sort of spiky thing that means you're ill and you know sometimes that goes away sometimes you need to take vitamins for it sometimes it just sticks forever and you go crazy kind of like with cannibalism type things so that can be kind of annoying too but yeah again guns picking them up holding y if you have ammunition it will reload set a gun for you which is Top Notch aiming in is always the way to go and we've got like a lot of different guns and stuff like that so I'm gonna throw this down quickly I wanted to show off uh glow sticks so this is for lighting glow sticks and other lighting sources will need to be turned on and then you can use them keep them in your hand or some things will allow you to equip them so this bag I now have it kind of equipped on my character so that's helpful for a glow stick we've got smoke which is a similar thing so sometimes you get smoke or grenades so you have to press RT to unpin you'll have to double tap X to get into your throw then hold RT and then let it go the higher you aim the further it'll go and then yeah you've created uh smoke and or if you're using like a frag grenade that will throw the grenade and it will cause an explosion off into the distance which is excellent so there's other movement mechanics that we now have to talk to talk about so I've got my shotgun here and I'm kind of wanting to fit it into I wonder if I could like actually fit that because I want that in there and then I'd like to take the Scorpion with me but I don't know if I quite have enough slots because I have way too many items see I I took all of these different like kind of guns because I wanted to make sure I had enough stuff to actually showcase everything so now I've got Wild Spaces this is where you have to do some like Inventory management and it becomes a bit of a pain is like having to micromanage everything great so we've kind of talked about this stuff we talked about the glasses we talked about like equipping items and stuff like that and seeing it impact your character you could you know literally in real time you see the zoom up your character and what they're wearing like we just put those gloves on that we made earlier so let's move on to the next phase so you know we talked about like basic climbing and stuff like that uh the game does have a mechanic so let's get on this ladder so the ladder you can kind of go up and down you can hold the left stick it used to be able yeah okay you can hold the left stick and your character does like a slide now keep in mind if you don't have something like gloves on your character could have their hands cut you could be bleeding from your hands same if you're not wearing shoes or your shoes are damaged your character can cut your feet you can bleed from that so yeah kind of going down holding the left stick allows you to slide down the ladder doors X obviously you can press a to jump over things if you'd like to that's like a bit of a a volley Valley vaulting yeah vaulting thing so you can actually jump over stuff there's also climbing so that was a bit of a climbing mechanic which is a bit different from literally just sort of vaulting yeah vaulting is the word so sometimes you have to climb and it will take a penalty of your stamina in order to climb to vaults to move over stuff so that can be a big part of the game is actually climbing over things and maneuvering around within the environment in order to shoot and or cause you know damage to others so now we've got a zombie that I like to deal with so zombies I find that there's a bunch of different ways to deal with them everybody kind of seems to really like to kill the Zombies I do I guess a slightly more dangerous way is I actually like to trap the zombies inside of like buildings but you'll notice when the zombies hit me that there's actually like a bit of that's that's a good trapped zombie right there a lot of people do not recommend that but you'll notice like the screen it sort of has this like trauma and there's a lot more of a blunt trauma now to this game where you are taking kind of like this intense damage and you can like you know kind of have this shatter damage where you get knocked out and then you have to wait to get back up or you can respawn and then you know there's a lot of different ways to kind of take damage in this game now which can be quite a lot of work so we're gonna shoot the zombie but you'll notice it's actually quite difficult to get the right shot going on and then you'll see when we have a dead eye item we can go and we can press the back button in order to see the equipment the vicinity sometimes zombies will have things like backpacks there was a knife right here I looked forever for that for a knife in this game I walked through this area and I did not notice that knife you've got to be kidding me but yeah you can really just do a number on like zombies but shooting will alert the zombies and let them know that you are in the vicinity and that will draw zombies to you I'm actually trying my best to get like a cut without getting like knocked out which is a bit of a hard balance because I want to show off the uh I want to show off the healing like putting bandages on and it's like sometimes you get cut and sometimes you don't get cut like I don't want to get sort of like again knocked out because you get knocked out but now the zombies kind of run away from you they don't directly go after you which is nice there we go so I gotta cut and I love using these areas over here so this is like I call them like storage war type buildings these are great for trapping zombies great for finding weapons and tools and resources and just a really safe spot that you can sit for in a sec if you need to so we've got things let's let's put the rag into our hands so we could treat our wound with a rag but we do have actual bandages which is the safer way to do it so that we don't actually get caught with a disease and you'll see that now the bleeding has stopped the bottom right right icon has been removed I'm not losing blood so if you do want to recover after getting injured you need to make sure that your food and your water levels are up high as that will more quickly get you recovering your blood levels your health levels so you really want to make sure those are maxed out and going in a good direction that's up because you don't want to be like you know sort of bleeding out and dying as that is less than ideal oh we got the glow stick going on for light awesome and then again lying down you can press LT and that will or not sorry not LT lb and that will change your shoulder perspective and you can aim in there we go that's how I was really trying to show off earlier is it's an aim and press RT or yeah no RB or lb RT or lb for either shoulder for when you're zooming in on stuff and I think you can do that for your weapons too yeah no no that does a staggering because it's a melee weapon okay there we go got it see some stuff gets switched up over time right on so the next thing I wanted to show off was a light bit of like the crafting type stuff in this game so when you are going into the world there's going to be opportunities to collect things such as wood like if you want to make like a fire you're gonna need like wood so we're gonna go over to this this is good so you can hold together a long stick with your hands but obviously that can cut you which isn't the best so you might want to use an object such as like say a knife in order to not you know kind of get hurt and then you'll see we've got a long stick on the ground which we could combine with the knife in order to sharpen the long stick if we would like to and then this is a lot of the game is kind of like well not a lot of the game but it's some of the more complex like crafting stuff is when you uh kind of like combine stuff to cut stuff or to make things like now we've got a sharpened stick which is pointy pointy right and then we can like double tap we could throw our pointy stick and our pointy stick goes off into the distance so that's just a crafting thing and usually you know you'll get multiple options so if something can be done you can craft it or adjust it multiple ways you can press B and then when it's like that menu prompts up you can click you know kind of RT to kind of go through different contextual menus if you want different stuff and it's already nighttime I'm glad I actually got sort of everything really kind of done in that amount of time which was nice because really now we're getting all sorts of sharp objects like like I literally walked around here looking for sharp objects and now there's just sharp objects everywhere because I wanted you know that was the big hold up for me was actually getting like a knife that I could interact with stuff in order to like cut things and show off the element of like hey you can break things down and stuff like that so that is a very very useful mechanic since the opportunity arose I did want to quickly go over uh gardening as well within the game so you can find good food items Within These greenhouses including seeds so you can actually find food that you can eat too which is a good little spot here sometimes by boats as well they'll have little food hidden underneath them just a quick little food tip there but yeah you get seeds so we got seeds and then you unpack the seeds you can also cut open food items in order to get seeds then you get a plot of land so what you need is you need like a shovel and then you can create a plot just on dirt and it'll create nine squares and then you can sit here with your seeds you can see kind of aiming on the target you press RT and then yeah it's planted so that's a pumpkin seed getting mixed in here with the the tomato seeds which is pretty cool so we've got the Tomato so if we had a knife we could combine it with the Tomato cut it open and then we would get tomato seeds and you can also just kind of eat it so it takes time for your crops to grow so you can either water them yourself by having like soy uh a water bottle a pot pan water going over them holding our tea to kind of water them when they are finished you will get the option to gather and there are different stages like obviously this one is not ready to go you can pull it out if you want to restart it but you can hold X here in order to gather it and you'll see in the vicinity that there are a lot of well tomatoes for you to collect so that's uh just a pretty quick basic let you know detail about gardening in DayZ so you can see like literally you get like a stick when you can kinda see that something is beginning to grow you can also press like the back button like you know for your inventory and you can see on the left hand side there we have soil details so you can see how far along certain things are it'll give you like any textual menu so pristine tomato plants steam pumpkin you know just kind of a just growing and you get like just quick indicators to see hey how is this progressing how is this going and then it's another way to kind of quickly I guess you would say gather or end or see the details so I thought gardening was something that would be a quick little thing to just kind of go over because of the opportunity arose so I hope you found that helpful as part of this uh this this guide as well again I hope this was sort of helpful in regards to kind of teaching the mechanics of the game teaching you the movement everything like that giving you an idea of the game but as always you can go into the controls menu and you can like kind of see you know you're sprinting you can do your quick slots you can do your changing stances your gestures your camera movement your combat lean then you're zeroing in if you do have Optics as you know using the d-pad once you're like sort of aimed in and everything like that you got your heavy melee attacks your quick slot equipping your menus there's the vehicle system but you know good luck in a vehicle if you're just basically starting out right but I hope this covered everything and I hope this did actually help quite a bit in understanding the experience of Daisy and getting out there and surviving so uh good luck out there
Channel: Skycaptin5
Views: 20,220
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Keywords: DayZ, DayZ Xbox, dayz zombie, DayZ Xbox Guide, DayZ Xbox One, dayz xbox series x review, dayz xbox tips, dayz xbox news, DayZ Xbox One X, DayZ Xbox Update, DayZ Xbox 2021, DayZ Xbox November, DayZ PS4, DayZ Xbox 1.11, DayZ Xbox cross-play, DayZ Private Servers, DayZ ps4 gameplay, DayZ Switch, DayZ Nintendo Switch, DayZ PC, DayZ survival, DayZ Xbox One gameplay, DayZ Xbox Series X, dayz ps4 update, DayZ PS5, DayZ Xbox Series S, DayZ next gen, DayZ review, xbox series x
Id: WkNBvP5qUeQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 36sec (1716 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 09 2023
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