2023 DayZ New Starter Beginners Guide To Basic Controls & How To Survive Your First Hour On Console

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hi everybody Welcome to My 2023 absolute beginners guide to Daisy so this video is for people out there primarily on Console PlayStation and Xbox but obviously all this stuff works for days for PC as well who are new to the game maybe you've dabbled with a little bit and you've got completely confused and had to quit out and they're thinking I don't know anything about this game and people who are new to it the aim of this video is to give you the mechanical skills to get you for get you through that first hour of gameplay that first hour um where normally you'd starve to death or you would um be killed by a zombie or die of dehydration so first off what is Daisy so let's try and exam answer that question by looking at a map of churnra so when you're playing on the vanilla map the original map this is chernurus um it's a post apocalyptic world where there's been this virus that has turned the people into zombie like they're not zombies but they're they're infected with this virus that makes them very aggressive um and you will spawn so you will start along the coast somewhere like this and after that all you've got to do is survive there's no missions there's no quests there's nothing like that it's just survive and have your own adventures in this massive sandbox and there's many many things that you can do from hunting to Base building to getting really good military gear lots of stuff like that and this map is absolutely huge now the other way that it works is we spawn in at the coast somewhere randomly and then the further you get Inland the better the loot is as well so all the best weapons and all the best gear is up here in the northwest of the map so you could say that the gameplay cycle is the spawn in survive and then if you want things like really good weapons move Inland to places like the Airfield and after that it's up to you now Daisy does have another map as well so if you buy the DLC you get Livonia Livonia is a little bit different Livonia you spawn up here along this side of the map um near where the the river is kind of along this area here and it has built up areas really right in the north and lots of forested areas down in the South so it's a little bit of a different gameplay experience it's more of a survival experience this is really for people who've played a lot of chernurus and once I I would say more of a PVE player versus environment survival experience where you go south and then you um you know survive in the wilderness now remember there are no rules so friendly fire is on nobody has to be nice to you in Daisy um and beware of people you come across okay so back to the back to the game now on PC if you're playing on PC you have the option of different modded Maps as well but that will be subject of a different video so if we click on play and then you'll see you have in the middle of the let's call this the server browser you have the official servers so you're not playing daisy on your local computer or your local console although that is running a running Daisy it's actually been um held on a server somewhere and that's why all the other people can join it as well and then you're playing together and so you've got to kind of decide which server you want to go on to now they've all got names that relate to um where they are hosted as well so you really want to choose a um a server that's near where you so I think AP is Asia Pacific or Australia Pacific australasia Pacific and then if we keep going right with our d-pad you can see we've now got the EU servers so these are the ones I would go to being in the UK and then we have um AP as well and then we have us and you'll have chernurus ones the ones that don't say China don't say Livonia on them our channels which is the map really where you want to start off with and if you look on the right hand side it'll then say players and Slots so generally you want something that has a low player count and just favorite it so press y on Xbox that would be triangle on PlayStation so that would then appear in your favorites um like so and that would then mean that when you come back to it you can then go to the same server if you accidentally go to a different server when you first spawn in the game teleports you somewhere else on the map so you can't get an advantage that way now we also have the community tab which you can reach by pressing the shoulder buttons this is a different kettle of fish these are servers that are owned by other people and these can be modded to have more loot or less loot more affected less infected more weapons less weapons that sort of thing but again that's the subject for another video um right so pretty much we're ready to go now for the purposes of this video I'm going to be going on to my server because I've made like a little custom bit so I can show you certain things so I want to go into this one skill speeder gaming Xbox so we're gonna load in and Daisy is one of the greatest video games of all time but until you get the hang of it for you I guarantee it will be one of the worst video games of all time um expect to die an awful lot of times dying is all part of this thing in Daisy so here we are we spawned in um we're in the corner of the map here and what I've done is I've just sort of spawned in some items so we can talk about them but first off let's go into our inventory by hitting I think the options button on Xbox I think it's the share button uh the big middle button sorry on PlayStation so here we have so what you'll probably find is I think they normally give you a flare something to eat and some rags and the way the inventory is divided is on the right hand side you have what you have on your particular body so I'm wearing a paramedic jacket and a tracksuit pants so I can go up and down between those and I can store items in there if I go to the middle by pressing the top left shoulder button um lb um this is what's in my hands so if I go down to my Plum for example here and then I press a on Xbox or it would be X on PlayStation that then puts that plum in my hand so then now I can do something with it in other words I can eat it or if it was a knife I could fight with it or cut things up if you press the top left shoulder button again we go to the vicinity so this is what is on the ground or around us that we can then pick up and do do stuff with um and if you look at the bottom of the screen you'll then have all the tool tips to what you can do with the thing that is in your hands or what your cursor is what the item is highlighted at the time so if I come out of here if you look in the bottom left hand corner now you'll see it will say plum eat hold so I can press right trigger my character is going to um eat the plum now in Daisy eating and drinking staying warm and making sure you're not bleeding is very important because if you look in the bottom in fact let me move that to there bottom right hand side of the screen you'll see some icons at the far right on what hand one that's our overall health in the cross then the next one is our blood level as we bleed that will then go down and as we use bandages or we use things like sewing kits to heal our bleeds um that can then start going up the next one the thermometer that is our temperature so we want that to stay kind of nice and white if it goes red if so if it goes blue with hypothermic and we're going to be using an awful lot of energy so we're going to be using a lot of food to try and stay warm and then we could get ill if it goes right to the top and goes yellow we're too hot for example if we near fire the apple is our food so we need to keep eating to keep that high and then the next one is hydration that's the bottle and the next one is a vitamin pill that I just took before I started this but you won't have them to start off with so we have to make sure to stay alive we need to eat and drink and treat our wounds and perhaps take medicine as well if we get ill now you can survive probably from the beginning of the game when you first spawn in as a fresh a fresh spawn probably about 45 minutes an hour without actually eating or drinking anything so you do have quite a lot of leeway but we do have to kind of prioritize getting things so if we come up here I've kind of put on the ground some things that we want to prioritize something that we can use to cut and as a weapon is very very important so we really want to find some sort of knife or sharp object as we're running around drinks obviously preferably things like cans to start off with you don't want water bottles to start off with then we have things like canned food now canned food we need to be able to open so if you find something like a can of baked beans or something that you cannot open straight away like for example if we take these sardines actually they're already open we don't want those so cans of sardines I think it is or tuna I think it's sardines they you can open them automatically so when you put them in your hand it'll say open and they use the ring pull to open them as they would open on a can of drink but otherwise if we for example have this this can of beans here and we put that into our hands by pressing a we can't open that we can't eat that because we don't have anything to to open it with so we'd have to find a can opener or any sharp object EG a knife so we can use a knife to open cans so the first thing we'll learn is we're going to pick up this knife so we're going to press a on Xbox or X on Playstation we've got the can there and then we're going to use our shoulder button just to go over to the can of beans we're going to press X to put it on inventory that would be square in PlayStation and then what we can do is if we use our shoulder buttons to go over to our inventory and use our d-pad to go down to the picture I particular item you'll see we now have B to hold in the bottom right hand corner or that would be Circle hold on Playstation if we do that we then get in the screen a tooltip that says open can hold if you press right trigger so we press right trigger and that is now going to open the can of beans and then if we then go into our inventory again we should be able to see that the beans are now open so if we put the knife back in our entry inventory with X on Xbox or screw out on PlayStation then we can use our d-pad to go down to the beans press a to put them into our hands press B on Xbox or circle on Playstation to come out of our inventory and now if you look in the bottom left hand corner it says eat with right trigger so we can just eat our beans now if you eat too much you'll see an icon that comes up um looks like it looks like a gut and that just says look you're full don't eat anymore if you keep on eating some more you're gonna be sick and then you're gonna lose that food um it's better to eat smaller Brown amounts regularly as you're going along unless of course you're struggling for inventory space because we only have so much inventory space that we can carry if it's a choice of dropping something like dropping some food rather than eating you know eat the food have have the energy from the food and the drink in your body rather than carrying it along so food and drink are a big priority let's go over here if you can find something like a backpack or some sort of bag um Satchel that this this will then expand your carrying capacity so if I press um y on Xbox or triangle on PlayStation we have now equipped the backpack if I come out of here you can should be able to see we've got a backpack on then if we go to over to inventory and we get up and down with the d-pad or you can go up and down with the triggers as well you can see we've now got a hiking backpack that has a value of 42 in it so it can carry it roughly equates to weight and size if you're playing on PC you can have this little game of Tetris to fit stuff in but on place on the console we don't have that now gloves gloves are very very important so let's um my character's already got some on so let's take them off so let's put put these into our hands first with a so you can see we've got these gloves now gloves are very important because if you get dirty hands say you kill a chicken or you kill an animal um and you have dirty hands and then you eat with dirty hands you can make yourself ill or as if you're wearing gloves that won't happen so the sooner you can find gloves or make gloves gloves out of Rags the better let's go over a little bit over so then we have clothing now the clothing you spawn with isn't very good in terms of its insulation value so you want to find find better stuff so if you use our um bumpers are sort of top right and left buttons to go over to our equipment then use our d-pad to go backwards and forwards if you hold the cursor over something you'll see it says paramedic jacket which I've got on the moment is medium insulation then we hold it over my traction bottoms medium insulation so always try and have the best in terms of insulation clothes that you can find as clothes become damaged and wear out they will have worse insulation as they get wet they will have worse insulation so you can ring clothes out so for example if my jacket was wet I could press a to put it into my hands and then if I came into this view here within my hands if you looked uh I think in the bottom left hand corner it would say ring out to to dry and we could do that but I don't need to because it's not wet now we've talked about so we've got some pants we've got some trousers better shoes again at the moment my character is just wearing some um made up shoes so we're going to put on these trail shoes shoes wear out as we're going along we can repair them with things like duct tape but it's always good once you get some a decent amount of inventory space with a backpack you then want to um have a spare pair of shoes with you at all times and then we've got a nice woolly hat and you get things at balaclavas as well so we we're in chernurus chernurus is in Eastern Europe um even in the summer it can get chilly especially at night and especially as we get away from the coast and we get further up in altitude um let's just do a quick talk about moving things around in our inventories because this can be a little bit weird so let's say so this this knife I've got here let's say I want to put into my hand I can just press a on Xbox or X on PlayStation that goes into my hands um if I wanted to drop it on the floor I could just press and hold X or press and hold square on PlayStation and as you can see it's on the floor there and then I could press X to get it back into my inventory or if you press and hold a on Xbox that would be X on PlayStation and then go up for example and down using your triggers or your d-pad and then release it will then put that item in a different bit so I can move this knife from my backpack to my tracksuit pants or I could come across and put it into my hands or I could again press and hold a press the top left shoulder button it would be X and press the top left shoulder button on PlayStation and I can drop it on the floor so it's a good idea to get used to your inventory and how things move around also we have the ability to have a quick access wheel so if you press your left stick in and then press up or right and then press uh a on Xbox or X on Playstation you can then allocate that particular item to a particular slot in your quick access wheel so let's say these Rags here so I'm going to click in my left stick and hold it in then I'm going to press right on my right stick then then I'm going to be pressing a on Xbox that would be X on PlayStation that allocates it to there so if we now come out on the inventory and I press and hold my right shoulder button you can see I can I use my right stick to select the kitchen knife or go left to select rag as you get things like different jackets and you get special vests like utility vests your number of quick access slots goes up so I've only got four but I can end up with I think you have eight um when you get something like that on so that's very important to do now let's go left a bit more weapons you're going to need weapons to deal with these fellas over here the infected and that fella behind him um human players as well some weapons are really just good for for melee combat like the baseball bat and then you get things like the axes um now the axes are really good because with an ax not only can you use it to melee people and infect it and kill them but you can also use it to cut down trees so you can start fires so what we can do now is our ax is on our back so if we click in the left stick and then go up with the right stick we can allocate that up there so now I can go dunk and we can equip our ax so we start bleeding I can equip our rag or our bandages and I can quickly change between them to engage in combat all you need to do is press your right stick Press Your Right triggers left trigger sorry then press your right trigger to swing and if you pull back on your left stick that will put you into defensive mode so when you're fighting zombies and they're they're you know swinging at you you pull back when you want to hit them press the right trigger if you want to do a hard hit you press y on Xbox or triangle on PlayStation and that'll do a big hit but if you look in the bottom left-hand corner you can see my stamina when I do big hits or if you if I jump or if I'm sprinting around you'll see my stamina go down that stammer is also reduced when you're carrying heavier and heavier stuff as well so the more stuff you're carrying the less stamina you'll have so you won't be able to Sprint for quite as long and you won't be able to melee attack for quite as long moving on let's go over here now things like medicines are very very important in Daisy um long term so bandages are very important because as you engage in fights with infected you will get Cuts now if you have a level one car and what will happen is in the bottom right hand corner of the screen you'll see a bleed icon up here and it'll say one for example and you can treat that with Rags or bandages but what's very important is the bandage must be disinfected if you look in the middle at the top of the screen you say it says disinfected so if you have a cut and you have a bandage in your hand you'll see the tool tip to treat your cut so you just pull the trigger and it will treat that if you've got more than one cut so it's just one two or three you keep treating them until it stops bandages are quicker to use than um rags and you can also use sewing kits as well however if your bandage or your rag or your sewing kit is not disinfected you could well get blood poisoning afterwards also if you just get for example one cut and the cut heals itself there's a chance again that you'll get blood infection and this will kick in after a while and your character will start to make funny noises the screen will start to blur and you're in real trouble then in the first stages of blood infection you could use um you can apply some iodine tincture or some alcohol I'll collect tincture to your wound and that will sort out the blood infection however if the blood infection goes further than that you're going to need to treat it with some antibiotics so you're going to have to find some tetracycline pills and I'm going to show you where to find them in a bit so bear that in mind that's why you always want to be trying to keep your character healthy so you want to be treating Cuts with disinfected bandages and you want to be taking medicine if you find some vitamins you want to pop a vitamin to keep yourself healthy you want to be eating enough food drinking enough keeping warm all of these things because there is an immunity stat that is hidden that we can't see that goes up with our health and basically the health that we are and the warmer we are the higher our immunity is against getting ill because you don't want to get ill in the uh in the infected apocalypse now with things like alcoholic tincture and iodine tincture we can apply this to rags and sewing kits to disinfect them or if a bandage becomes um not disinfected you can use that I'm not sure really when when that happens so that's those things so we've got tetracycline now there are many illnesses that you can get in Daisy as well and they are treated by various different tablets so charcoal tablets tend to be if you've eaten something you shouldn't have done maybe you've drunk some petrol something like that and we also have I think codeine which are painkillers and there's other things as well but I'll let you research them in your own leisure now Daisy is an amazing game because not only does it mimic the real world in the fact that the map is based on real world places in the Czech Republic but also it gets dark and we have to deal with the night time so we have things like torches so if we pick up this torch by pressing a to put it on our hands on Xbox or X on Playstation we have a flashlight if you look down below you see it needs a battery luckily I have a battery here so I can press y to put it on now I can press the right tree again you won't be able to see this but I'm turning the light on or off so important to find that also things like flares you can use these to light your way so we've just just pressed right trigger and these last for a long long time and you can see where you're going just bear in mind obviously with things like flares and torches enemy players players who are out to do no good will be able to see you remember you can drop things by pressing and holding X or Square and even these things here the The Humble glow stick if you're struggling pop one of these and it will give you just enough light to be able to see your way now a lot of people may well just log off when it gets dark or go to a different server when it gets dark but trust me some of the most exciting experiences you will have in Daisy will be when you're trying to survive in the dark now let's go and look at these fellas so these are infected zombies for some reason they're floating in the air now these are very friendly ones then it won't do anything to me now in when they're by themselves or maybe in twos they're not too difficult to deal with zombies but when there's lots of them they will kill you very very quickly hopefully what will happen is they'll just knock you out and you'll wake up a few minutes later you'll have dropped whatever you're in your hands and you probably have some bleeds but you'll be able to treat that and get up but be very wary of these especially in the early days when you're not quite sure how to deal with them if you crouch and you crouch walk and go slowly you will make less noise also the type of shoes that you are wearing affect the amount of noise you're wearing as well so if I'm wearing for example these um trail shoes they are quieter than big army assault boots if I was wearing like um sneakers though they would be even quieter if I'm wearing the improvised feet wrappings they're quiet too and if you are quiet while that enables you to do is not only avoid zombies as well but if I go and get uh this not do we have a knife here do we all right I picked up a knife if you have a knife in your hand s I'm not sure whether this will work actually let's see if you have a knife in your hand and you can get behind a zombie without him seeing you or hearing you you can do a stealth kill like that and they die straight away but you have to be very quiet and very very careful in your early days you're really better off just avoiding zombies where you can but if you do get into fight with them remember you don't need to have a weapon in your hand to fight a zombie you can fight them bare knuckled just remember as they're swinging for you pull back to defend because they can't hurt you then and then right trigger to do a punch and then top button so it would be white on Xbox or triangle on Playstation to do a Hard Punch or you can even run at them and do a really hard punch that way but try and avoid combat now these people real players normally they don't look this normally they've got some clothes on these are some of the most dangerous players people dangerous things you will come across in DayZ because there are no rules anything can happen with a transaction with a interaction between other players so you've really got to think what do you want to do when you when you come to deal with them again probably in your early days avoid other players where you can but if you do come up to them you know have a chat um if you want to and then see how you get on but I would say avoid other players to start off with now what I've put together up here is a little town because I just wanted to talk about in DayZ the loot is very very clever with the way it works um and the way it works is that the sort of loot you would expect to find in a certain place in the real world is kind of where it spawns so for example this is a police station so in a police station you'll find police clothes police weapons that sort of thing this is an ordinary house so in ordinary houses you'll find things like food can openers and basic clothes in military locations you'll find military weapons military uniforms that sort of stuff in industrial locations you'll find industrial stuff so you'll find things like um uh um what it would be things like wrenches or tools um or um industrial clothing and here we have this is a clinic so in a clinic you'll find medicine that's why these are very very important things as well so let's Wander over here let's go into this little house in houses and in any structures in DayZ the chances of finding loot is very very low all right this isn't like pubg where you find things straight away so what we found here is we found a collar dress so what you always want to be doing is when you come across stuff is have a look at it is it better at insulation than the stuff you've got on and then you want to craft Rags with it by taking your knife out and Rags are very very important in Daisy there we go so we've made the rag so if we go back to our inventory we'll see them on the floor so we can press X on Xbox or Square on PlayStation and we can put them into our inventory now we've got to be careful because if we put our cursor over we can see they're not disinfected so if we were to use these as a bandage we could get infected however what we can do is if we put our knife away and we put these into our hand and then we come out you'll see in the bottom left hand corner some tool tips so what it's saying is if we press right trigger right now we can craft improvised hand wrappings which means gloves so if you didn't have any gloves one of the first things you could do is make some gloves we could craft an armband not very useful improvise that our eye patch not very useful legs wrapping not very useful torso not very useful face wrapping not very useful feet wrapping shoes so we could make some shoes now the improvised shoes that you can make are these ones and these are good because they're very very quiet so if you're wearing for example hiking boots and you're trying to creep around some Infected swap to improvised feet wrappings they don't last very long but they will give you the advantage over the zombies to get past them or get some stealth kills in without being heard by clumping around in your big boots let's get rid of that and let's go our ax out Okay so let's now go over here to the police station now in this police station I've rather handily spawned in hopefully a shotgun now in DayZ what's rather odd is that with the weapons to soft aim you press left trigger and then to aim down sight you click in your right stick like so so it's a bit odd to start off with and what's also strange is the fact that guns often won't have any bullets in them so you need to manually load them so what I'm going to do is I'm just going to put this into my shoulder with Y or it would be triangle on PlayStation and we're going to pick up these rifle these are shotgun slugs and then if you look in the bottom right hand corner bottom left-hand Corner sorry it says right trigger to unpack so I've got unpack the shotgun shells first and now I can put them in my inventory with X or that would be square on PlayStation now I can put my gun into my hands with x now what I can do is if I now forgive me if I get this wrong I can press left trigger to a ads and then if I press and hold y on Xbox or triangle on Playstation you're going to load up my weapon there we go see I'm individually loading in those those shells so if you look in the bottom left hand corner I've now got a shell in there that that's the one and I've got four shells in so if I fire and then I reload so you can see when it comes to weapons in DayZ there's these extra steps you have to take in terms of loading the weapon and um prior and um yeah and get taking the bullets out of the box and loading the weapon now if we go over here in this little military base what you see here is we've got a kas74u assault rifle now as you can see this is actually in bits so we have the gun itself we have the stock and we have the magazines now I'm going to pick up this magazine now most magazines you come across will be empty so I'm actually going to empty this magazine now if you look in the bottom lighting core left the corner you'll see it says empty magazine so I'm going to take the bullets out of it most of them anyway okay so most magazines you'll find them in this sort of state where they'll have a few bullets in them so let's say I find this Ka 74 for you so I can take it into my hands press and hold X and then you can see down the bottom below it can take a stock I can put a Ghillie wrap on it this particular weapon will take an improvised suppressor and a magazine so there's this stock over here so if I press y we can add that and then what we can do now is if we press y on Xbox or that would be triangle on Playstation we can put that on our shoulder and then we can pick up this box of bullets that we have here and we can unpack the box of bullets I really wanted to show you this just to show you how convoluted this system is we can put those bullets into our inventory now let's put the magazine into our hands with a or that would be X on Playstation then using our shoulder buttons to go over to our inventory and then using our d-pad to go to the bullets remember they've got to be the right bullet so these are five four five by 39 so these fit the mag for the ka74 there are several different types of bullets several different types of mags now if we press and hold B if you now see we have the tool tip in the middle of the screen that says right trigger to load magazine so press right trigger and our character is now loading bullets into a magazine so imagine you're in a firefight with with somebody and you've only got one magazine but you've got lots of bullets in your backpack whether they're being boxes or whether they be loose because you can find Loose bullets as well like you can see here once you've fired the bullets out that magazine isn't just a quick case of reloading like it would be in Call of Duty or Battlefield it's a case of getting the magazine out loading the bullets back into the magazine and then putting it back on your gun so if we put the magazine back into our inventory equip the gun now if I let's see if I get this right now if I press y we've loaded the gun but if we press and hold y or press and hold triangle that magazine is now in the gun remember left trigger soft aim click in right stick hard aim like so and then we've got the wonderful um fully automatic or semi-automatic depending on what you want to do to change between fully automatic and semi-automatic just aim down site and press a on Xbox or that would be X on PlayStation and we can change to fully automatic the guns in Daisy are absolutely amazing you have to be careful because I'm probably gonna get some zombies turning up in a minute oh so we've covered an awful lot of ground now did I put anything in here I don't think so nope so what you're going to be doing next is you're going to be thinking about finding your way because you'll want to go to a town or go to a village and start getting um equipped you know you'll want to find that backpack you'll want to find that shotgun you want to find those meds find those drinks in fact there is one other thing around here I was going to show you let's go up here so we talked about food now this is water pump these water pumps are scattered in The Villages and towns and you can just drink from them press and hold X or that would be square on PlayStation and we can drink for them but it's very very slow process if your fire can't find a canteen or a plastic bottle you can do this much quicker however what you must always do when you find a canteen or a plastic bottle take it to your hands to start off with and then if you look in the bottom left-hand corner you see it says RT drink hold press something down on your d-pad to empty it always empty your bottle first otherwise you can drink it and you'll get early basically you'll get cholera which is not good and once you've got an empty bottle just run up to a water pump and you'll get the tool tip to fill it up and you can fill it up from here and then what you'll want to do then is run somewhere else so that you can drink it safely without to worry about getting shot because people camp out water pump sites because they know that's where people go when they're thirsty once you've had a drink and you've filled up mostly your hydration bottle in the bottom right hand corner of the screen just one simple plastic bottle will let you go across most of the map and there are pumps in almost all the villages and all the towns you've just got a case of finding them so let's fill this up again and then we can be on our way so the next stage really is is would be figuring out where we are and where we want to go so what I've done down here is if I put down no I haven't so one of the things you'll want to find is a compass and that tells you which direction you're heading in but you'll want to run along until you find street signs now the street signs in Daisy are in Russian which is a bit of a pain but we have this wonderful resource called the I survive map which is what you're looking at here so as you're running along and you'll find these street signs there's kind of three main types there's street signs like this here that tell you the distance to the nearest towns and Villages and you get these types here this one here is you'll get as you're entering a town and this one with the red line through it you'll get as you're exiting it down and you might be thinking well wait a minute I can't read these things how do I know where they are well the reason for that is I survive is incredibly helpful in the fact that we can look at a thing and go uh okay so let's have a look at this sign let's find one that's useful so this one so what does that say so so see if you look at this it's k-a-b-a-h so what you can do is you can go to the I survive map and you can type in k a b h and then we can see if we go down all right that's kabino and if we click on that that then tells us where it is so we know if we were to come across that sign that we're in kabino or if we were to see this site oh so that's wrong that is if you were to sign I want to see one of these signs that said kabino 2.5 miles you know forward or to the left we would know okay that's how far it is to that town therefore we must be that certain distance from that town and you can then work out where you are and the beauty with the I survive map is that you can put on the filters so if we put on Old loot so if we scroll in and let's say we we're going towards mogalevka this then tells us where the water pump is in mogalevka this tells us there might be a car there there's a shopping center there there's a church there there's the pub there and remember you won't find things all the time in these particular places but you'll have a chance to find them so if we go say to let's go down to let's go to China ghost one of the bigger cities you can see we have a water pump there we have a police station there there's a hospital there if you click on the icons as well it shows you what they look like so you know what to find when you're looking around and it's a very powerful tool when you're new to helping you find your way around so you're not getting as you will get lost but you should be able to find yourself and then give yourself a direction to go in as soon as you've got the basics so as soon as you've got like a backpack you've got some food and you've got some drinks start heading Inland as soon as you can because you want to get away from people who are spawning at the coast because often that you know there's nothing more dangerous than a freshie because someone who hasn't got anything has got nothing to lose if they come across you whereas as you go in land and you meet other players especially if you don't you know you're not overtly aggressive you'll probably find that um you can you can find someone but let me just plug in my microphone so then yeah okay so when you've got a microphone plugged in if you press and hold left on your d-pad you'll see that little mic thing has appeared so I can then talk if I tap it twice I've now got permanently mic now this is um local area talking so what you want to do is when you're coming up to people make sure you you have your mic on you say hi friendly how can I help make sure you haven't got your gun or your weapon in your hands um and just be wary I mean lots of people are friendly and Daisy lots of people aren't often it depends on the server you're on um it can depend on the situation you're on as well but some of the best interactions you'll have is when you come across a complete stranger and you'll have a chat and then you'll go off on an adventure together you might end up betraying each other they might end up shooting you you might end up shooting them for the gear but the adventures you'll have along the way are amazing also if you can play with friends and other players that can be really cool and you can use the I survive map to figure out where you are so that you can join up with each other that way we covered a lot of ground in this and there is much much much more to learn in Daisy but hopefully by teaching you these mechanical skills about opening cans and drinking and loading weapons and the basics you should be looking for looking for this will then get you through that first hour so now you can start asking the questions okay wait a minute how do I hunt how do I chop up an animal how do I make a fire how do I cook food you know how do I uh how do I craft a simple base how do I make a wall how do I make a watchtower all these things and trust me just go on Google do a Google search for them or go on YouTube and do a YouTube YouTube search for them there's lots and lots of really great tutorials out there that show you exactly what to do and there's so much in Daisy that even now after playing it for a few years there's still stuff I've come Acro I come across now I think I didn't know how to do that um oh that's amazing and you forget things as well so hopefully this video has been useful if it has been hit like if you want to see more of the same press subscribe um if you've got any questions or comments put them down below and of course I'll see you again soon
Channel: Scalespeeder Gaming
Views: 48,191
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 3Z9T2LEjzsM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 41min 17sec (2477 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 11 2023
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