Days of Miracles 2021 - Day 11 - Geshe Tenzin Zopa

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i know not everybody has great internet uh then you can also put the question in the chat yeah and then i oh gesherla joined us and then i will read it for us welcome i can't see you yet but i know you must be somewhere because your name showed up antonin can you immute gashala qashila are you there might have lost him again okay i have so many little pictures here geshela i can't see you but i saw your name i can't see you yet um antonin could you highlight gashala for me i can't see you with all these people here i'm so sorry no no no no that is okay you are i cannot believe i can see you oh paloma vulnerable [Music] this is my bad karma my very impure view i can't see you i still don't see you antonin can you help me i can't see geshela i have to find gashala on my happy loser again we're still in the loser period aren't we yes still still still law sir married multiplying uh also lama tonka was one of the great event the mullam uh prayer festival period so it's a very auspicious period thank you so much for joining us online for this very very special time and i think it's first time for toshita is that true gazelle or did i make that up is that your first teaching for toshita or i also have no idea yeah maybe well the schedule i can't remember uh yeah i've been to toshita and of course yes yeah maybe maybe maybe maybe first time teaching maybe so it's a very very auspicious event for us thank you so much for accepting we know you have a very very busy schedule of teaching all around the world zooming all around the world uh it's very special for us to host which is to host yes i'm so sorry thank you so much can you not try calling me sorry this is our tech person trying to call me and i can't i'm mute myself because i would like to um i'm so sorry i do have it's okay it's okay let it run it's okay no don't worry that never happened before so sorry and now i lost scheduler again on my screen oh today today is my day i can see in the full picture so that's most important so welcome back and um we showed already yesterday as a watch party um the unmistaken shout and it has been running all night long so people could enjoy a sunday movie so to say a very inspiring sunday movie and i watched it again and i was so inspired again it was yeah it's a very very moving uh movie and uh brings up a lot of questions of course uh so we made this session a question and answer session and then we would like to follow up after introducing geshela of course many many people all around the world are very familiar with geshela but especially for the indian audience uh to make gesture a bit more widely known we also have geshila already for a very special teachings on the eight verses of mind training a very special text on lojong mind transformation in march and june for saturdays yeah just to let you know already so if you enjoy the session then we have more already coming up for you yes could i introduce gashala a little bit and then maybe that brings up a few questions already i know geshela is very very humble um so gasola was born in 1700 to 1972 yes some of the indian audience is very young they're born and that's not not the not the yeah yeah yeah i uh uh we have no we don't know exact exact year we want yeah maybe 1975. yes 1972. you're right mainly label it's okay everyday newborn i born in 2000 and 2021 [Laughter] yeah we all were born the same day today it's a it's a slightly hidden phenomenon i will keep quiet i won't interrupt you i will keep quiet okay you carry on very good point we don't know because most of us don't remember their births so we have to trust others to tell us uh then geshila was born in zoom valley yeah it's in nepal a very remote beautiful area in the north of nepal yeah and uh already i saw in the movie yesterday uh gesherla mentioned that when geshela was three years old he went already up i imagine half crawling up to a llama conscious cave so very strong imprints as we say amazing and then geschela joined cooper monastery in 84 1984 when i saw that yeah i was wondering if geshila ever met lama yeshi because we know now also around loser we honor lama yeshi's uh passing into paranavana geshela never met lama yeshina came after llama left for overseas for kind of three men or so i didn't i didn't met anomala yes and then geshe-la joined sarah monastery in 1990 and studied there for 17 years to become a geshe yes so a very amazing accomplishment it's like a phd it's like three phds i would think you know it's uh quite amazing and since then has been traveling around the world teaching everywhere in fbmt centers tirelessly it was a residential in the malaysian center and has spent a lot of time in australia and i think that connects to the story of uh la macon chocola and uh passing on in 2001 and gashala was the main student of the very renowned master lama conscious uh geshela could i ask maybe for a little bit of sharing about llamacorn shop first is that okay because now also we have we've heard a lot of stories about lama yeshe because it's also the laws are times so i am very curious about uh stories about llama control a few people here in the audience of course have met llamacorn shops so we have very fun memories of course yeah thank you very much extensive introduction i feel very shy [Laughter] may it be auspicious man whatever you say everything comes in my way one day and uh yeah first of all uh i just just now i just scan through the screen and uh yeah i saw uh most of your face and uh and i there there are many that who i met before and there are many great venerables out there great senior students practitioners out there and some new friends out there and sometimes of course you know we go everywhere you you go everywhere i go everywhere somewhere somehow we must have met maybe from the eyesight maybe straight somewhere somewhere but that but that is in a conventional level but of course you know uh you have been my mother you have been my teacher you have been my brother you have been my sister so you have been uh you know we had a relationship in in all all different ways you know from beginning that's lifetime so we just fabricate ourselves say okay we we see you first time but actually ultimately you know we know ourselves very well among among us you know and and i think when we when we study dharma in particularly mayani dharma when we talk about oh mother sent in being is very much try to remind the forgotten memory of our relationship isn't it uh in fact as i mentioned before you know each and every one of uh you know you have been my mother many times i have been your mother many times [Laughter] so uh yeah so so that is the basis of uh all the good thing to be happened uh including uh actualizations of altruism bodhichitta all the way up to enlightenment uh you know mother sentient being by knowing that how precious they are uh to you and that makes the whole reason of the mayani journey to enlightenment so yes we know very well uh okay okay now uh uh my lead guru um so kesla was from tibet so he become hmong at the age of six so uh look in his in his birthplace there are a lot of holy people holy beings in fact it's the place of the gandaba masters in tembo pembo sanchu and and also there are living meditators you know highly realized meditators when keshala was born and in that region you know when the baby was born then they usually invite [Music] the the sanghas or you know llamas to come and blessed uh bless the baby or in in other words do bed offering and give a name etc and and the llama that who visited their home first first time it's already said that this this little boy is a special boy so then subsequently uh this little boy was uh very fragile of his health so he'd been being sick you know almost all the time so so uh so the first uh help that they're going to get is not from doctor you know usually from the llamas and and each time they they they encounter llamas and all each and every one of them predicting that this little boy is is a reincarnated llama it's not not an ordinary child and and a few uh of highly respected meditators over there said that this boy is a reincarnation of kadamba yogic of the past and if if the family wants this child to survive he need to go to monastery otherwise you won't survive so by age of six uh geshela's family has won [Music] one person as a monk in sarah uh in in in sarajev in tibet and but then this but then i think from there their hometown the devil monasteries i think is an era and they thought maybe for the for the families to have a closer contact and they thought maybe send him to devil and right there geshe-la says no i want to go to sarah so this is around age of six so then he went to sarah of course long story you know study preliminary studies and by the age of 11 already he has his own mind about pursuing of the spiritual teachings like initiations like commentaries on on extensive teachings other than philosophy studies and many of the great masters like the changing world like tijuana chang etc there's many of these llamas they stay in their heritage or they stay in their uh yeah mostly in the hemitage so this little boy 11 years old already thinking that whatever he's studying in the monastery the philosophy is not good enough for him he thinks that he's ready to receive all those rest of the teachings and which usually in the in the monastics uh like sarah debunk and then in that time it's restricted until you finish your philosophy study you're you're not even supposed to keep vajra and bell obviously in your room you know your focus has to be on philosophy and his uncle used to be very strict about letting him disappear in any way other than the usual little boy in the monasteries you know a responsibility we just memorize the text and go to class that's it go to puja that's it and geshe-la start to escape from monastery by the age of 11 and he went to uh i i never been to tibet uh the area that where uh where the sarah is and where those heritage of these gurus and where geshe-la was born i never been there before but it sounds like it's a quite a long journey and very harsh journey for for a little kid and alone to to to run maybe it takes days and days i don't know but most likely it's many days you know how many days exactly i don't know but many days and he he start to receive um like even the initiation you know an example vegeta initiation he received at the age of 11 and after he received the initiation he was so uh bold and he was so kind of you know very very um brave asking this this this llamas and managers that now i have received the initiation i need to achieve the commitment without before uh getting any transgression on the initiation blessing so you have to let me stay in your lap run or the your heritage lama's place let me conduct the retreat right today so gazilla had been completing his commitment uh retreat like vegeta guinea hundred hundred hundred thousand uh you know based on the long sadhana um recitation hundred thousand mantras and he right the day that finished the initiation and he was allowed to stay in the lama's house and do conduct the retreat after he completed the retreat then he returned to sarah again they're long long long story okay cut short uh so he have received uh you know most of the commentaries and other task missions of different lineage teachings and and also the commentaries and the initiations on the daily yoga practices in in a very young age then after that uh you know he continued to uh study in sarah and he have completed he was already given the title to graduate as a geisha then that is the time that where the chinese invasion uh was happening you know the sign of chinese invasion was happening and geshe-la has this this you know he has this ability of do some predictions and he he he said that something is is something is happening very wrong something is coming up so he actually alerted even some other monks i heard that i think we need to escape so in any way people didn't believe because the actual uprising was not happening yet so geshila already flee and and again it's a long story you know it took a long journey uh through mount kalash so so then he landed uh to tagatasso which is one of the main miller ripas holy place where milarepa actualized the samadhi and flew from one mountain to another mountain also the area where milarepa met madpa so geshila stay in chakataso for some time which is right at the border before reaching to to nepal so he he conducted retreat then after that he passed through by then the the uprising in tibet is already already happened because i think the journey alone i think took about a month or something you know just to reach to the border and um uh so so then by the time that gesella crossed the nepal border through my village zoom by then [Music] his own as dalai lama and his tutors are already i think rich in india and not only that they're they're hosting one they're hosting the first event in both gaya and gesella wanted to join them and basically join the community so when he was traveling uh through varanasi on the train he met his root guru tijuca and it's like a pleasant surprise and and right there without any conversation without any kind of like you know what's your plan and this and that you know without any such such conversation his teacher already said uh you shouldn't be around here you should go back to the route that you came down uh to to to to dedicate a lifelong retreat and geshla says i don't think i'm capable to do that i want to join the the community and now so fortunate that i even meet my guru here so then so then his teacher permit him to attend the program in both gaya then after that he says that i fully confident on you no no more studies is required is like now is a complete retreat complete practice and without concerning anything just directly go back so then that's the how that he he he went back uh all the way uh to to to to himalaya at my village then he started to do um so he remained there again long long story many many stories inside there uh for about for 26 years so initially he stayed in malaya's cave above millard basket there's one another very harsh very isolated cave about i think about six years i think then after that then he stayed under that uh the geneva tree about three years then after that he stayed in his third cave where in in the unmistaken child uh clip that you can see that is his third cave and he remained the rest of his time then from there he came into contact with his the disciples so initially one that is called rin jin wang wangchu then after that gradually about eight disciples that who in fact practiced together with him um after they requested him to teach and that time geshila used to be very very strict about about leading someone onto the practice so the so the the agreement is that if among or none the requesting teaching then the rest of your life have to dedicate in retreat and if you can commit that i will initiate you i will train you in the beginning for for some years be with you to guide from the retreat then rest of your life have to stay in the retreat uh and and and from there um yeah an example even there are a few nuns are still a few nuns and the monks are still you know uh living example of those uh those commitments and if a lay person who want to practice under him a minimum eight years that you have to dedicate away from family full-time practicing to to gain some kind of sign uh or result of the practice so this used to be kesla's way of you know uh initially guiding the disciples of course then eventually uh he become much more lenient you know much more easy so so after 26 years of his retreat then the new um you know uh way of life started and that is very much due to the geshe-la's a connection to lama yeshe uh started from there because lama yeshe and keshala used to be a very close uh friend a sangha friend from this era time in in tibet and uh kesla have met lama ishe and lama sabara buche i think at least one or twice before he moved down to kopan and that's the period that where lama ishii and namashi was searching uh the land for kopan the the the base monastery now and that time i heard uh that keslav was asked to join lama ishe to to to to start and find you know uh the the monastery uh then question i say no my life was dedicated in the in the in the in the cave so uh i have to go back and then uh when lama usually passed away uh when lama isiah passed uh when lama ishii passed away i didn't lama ishii have uh uh mentioned to lama super rinpoche that if something happens to me you you must call lamon concho and i heard not really quite sure where exactly he is you know he knows in the himalaya you know and that time the zoom is really kind of like a hidden valley you know nobody knows and then what what i heard that uh perform one week you know non-stop uh prayers and protector pujas to invoke geshala you know to invite geshila to kopan and suddenly there's no letter no messenger geshe-la suddenly decided that i'm moving down and that's how he came to settle so this this llamas you know uh prayer telepathy communication worked perfectly and lama koncho landed to kopan and settled there and from there then initially for the senior monks and senior nuns so he teach philosophy he teach tantric initiations and commentaries et cetera et cetera at the same time you know as we know that november course is already established and during the course you know i give teachings etc then eventually i think sometime i think in 1998 maybe kesha was first time [Music] under the uh uh request of llama suburban and the student from i think chelsea institute uh must be from there so keshella traveled first time in overseas so he went to chelsea institute he stayed there for maybe i don't know month or three months something like that i don't know exactly yeah then yeah remaining time that he he spent in copan and at the same time uh support capture subaru through you know teaching around wherever that rumor che and students request and 2001 keshala passed away you know so about one year he had to go through medical treatments uh you know um yes there's also a long story you know he he he went through a big operation uh you know the doctor says he got cancer you know himself say he don't have cancer and yeah there's uh for me um uh there's an incident that i believe that what kesla said that he didn't have that but then anyway you know we check observation from his honest dalai lama it's only says that just listened to the doctor and he went through operation and yeah he passed away year 2001. and yeah then he went into tukdam the the clear life meditation for one week uh that's about uh uh yeah uh observation uh so one week you know then we can request questions to conclude actually from our side he haven't concluded the two thumb yet uh so rubiche said that on the on the seventh day uh you know the certain particular times uh asked us to request so through ritual uh by reciting where samaj attended to text and and also there are some other rituals so we requested to kesla to conclude so then he concluded the tuktam then the cremation was happening in kopan then of course you know amazing the enlightened signs appear like producing you know relics uh not just relics but five different kind of relics and based on the tantric treaties the five color relics are the sign of someone who have purified five mpo five aggregates and actualize the five dna buddha like when we receive initiation you know we receive initiation of five dna buddha to purify our five aggregates and eventually for us to achieve the state of five dna buddha so that's exactly you know the signs are shown and usually when white relics are produced it's regarded that the practitioner main focus practice main base or the focus practice is emptiness then you know more white relics or even just showing a white relic is a sign of the practitioner's main base practice is emptiness so so of course you know just to produce white relics um you know just to just just to produce even a white relics you need to achieve the direct realization on emptiness so that means uh you know the non-conceptual you know direct emptiness realization someone need to reach at least part of seeing like that so like arya buddhist or or at least arya being then if someone produce more black relics is regarded as a sign of the of the practitioner the main base practice is buddhichita you know like that so five color is this sign of so called as enlightened then soon there's also uh during the cremation we found a fresh tongue a fresh eye and a fresh heart you know without not destroyed in the in the three three days of burning of the body you know the cremation was very very massive uh you know for some ordinary people we use one tin of oil you know in the geisha last case about three and uh burned for three three days uh uh yeah something like that and at the everything is burned but in the ashes you find uh still wet you know bloody heart then uh the tongue the whole tongue and the eye entire eyeball you know just stick on the his one bone here so we couldn't find the both eye but we we found one eye so when we when we take the those uh relics and the heart and tongue from the ashes those are not stained by ashes that's amazing like when we put our finger there all get stained so those are those are you know quite a number of westerners uh who are um there uh even their witness you know even the little monks they witness you know it's like it's it's something is very mysterious very very amazing you know very exciting and very uh amazing yeah um and you can see from the video you know there's not not so long clip but there's short clip the relics are throwing out like like a popcorn you know you can still see the blood is dripping from the burning body but then um on top is already forming a relics and the relics are thrown out from the window of the the the cremation stupa you know abundance like that uh so the so so my point is the three thing the heart took heart tongue is the sign of the practitioner have accomplished the true tantric part generation and completion tantric part so they regarded this is the sign so when we say that is someone accomplished the completion part means it's enlightening you know so there are amazing amazing signs okay so now then uh um so in 2000 uh 2001 2005 maybe so you know we we we found the reincarnation of course the reincarnation was already started to search for right after geshe-la uh passed away because before he passed away already there are a lot of signs so we have a committee or we have a team of to to search for the search for the reincarnation even though in the video you only see me uh but actually we have a team uh that uh you know so i i i'm the actor inside there but actually there are many other uh the secondary actors are many they're out there they're joking there's many team there so anyway uh when we it you know throughout these three four years um i think about five candidates about five candidates yes five candidates five um uh like what you call possibilities you know came up uh including boy girls westerner tibetan in tibet you know tibetan in india nepalese in in in nepal so where it is you know where it is and and uh finally the final conclusion was uh uh confirmed on punzo who is born in zoom and based on the the direction that his honest uh first time when we request whether uh first time when we request after geshe-la pass away request the prayer from his illness so when we requested that there's already a reply letter that you know he will reincarnate then then after that i think there's a second com communication that uh clearly showed a sign where geshila will be born you know from the cremation side already show the sign uh you know not its direction uh like that so during the cremation also the rainbow uh from the stupa uh area uh some not exactly at the stupa bit below where those of you been to kopan then where the clinic is from there then then the rainbow all the way throughout the mountain uh touching going beyond that mountain and that's the exact direction what his soleness emphasized and that's the rainbow that stay during the cremation and so that's one thing and there are also long story about about the design for the reincarnation there are many but then final conclusion after many observations many astrological checkings uh proposition from those who have clairvoyance then finally er you know his both histories and gabriela uh you know in their conclusion came uh for for this uh uh so so uh was in throne i think two thousand yeah 2006 maybe yeah 2006 i think so he was enthroned uh during the uh one of the his owner's color chakra teaching in amarvadi of course before that he was already had the uh audience with the champion already had all this preliminary preparation ceremonies you know a lot a lot a lot a lot of things then to his homeless then after that yeah i took him for long pilgrimage uh the eddie masida caves sarah debunkenden [Music] then immediately he was enthroned in sera by then already actually i think 2006 i think he was in thrown in sarah already um so but then he joined sarah to to study uh in 2015 i think 2015 15. and now he is studying in sarah he is i think almost 17 18 years old i don't know exactly yeah it's already somewhere there and and he's doing very good he is always in the first position and his main subject is philosophy and and he enjoyed that subject and he's enjoying his life in sarah he have a great connection to our imi sangha especially venerable lexo and venerable uh carissa uh from laura comes and mary's cousin or mary's cousin or something [Music] many of you already know that they are in great scholar you know and [Music] i have requested them to to to stay close connection to punjab visit them have some time mill together and have philosophic uh debate uh you know uh uh maybe most of time i requested maybe mostly in english because to to to to stay tuned futher which is english uh and and also next time whenever riboche is ready you know um he have enough vocab uh enough english to to to to to communicate with us you know and and ultimately yes yes yes so whenever two venerables are being very very kind uh and of course the rest of the other study programs are going extensively so in short he is a happy man happy young llama happy young man in sarah and doing very good and [Music] yes so ultimately riboche is whenever he is with me i always remind if not not every day if not every day but every now and then that our purpose of life my purpose of life your purpose of life and um the whole reason uh gesh lamon koncho reincarnate is to uh help lama super rinpoche you know to serve uh rinpoche uh you know uh proposal you know personally he's a caveman you know his his previous life is from cave and the cave also it's not he never think that it's it's belonging you know whoever whoever now like anybody can go and do retreat you know actually he's somebody is like absolutely hidden and and total renounced um humble and you know like absolutely renounce monk you know and uh so so there's nothing kind of like to to to to be busy running organizations or or taking care of monasteries or or et cetera his his life will be fully you know uh uh serving the buddha dharma through extensive learning extensive practice continuation of geshala's legacy in retreats and practice and benefit uh all sentient beings in particularly you know those who have a close connection to like because the whole purpose kesla uh came down to kopan is to to to help lama is you know and uh so this is what i've been uh telling that yeah whenever riboche needs your help and your life is for that you know otherwise uh otherwise like islamokonjo you know continue to meditate continue to study and the cave is ready you know cave during earthquake the whole destroyed so just last year i ran away so the cape is ready any time you know and any of you also welcome if you want to go okay i think i better stop here something like that thank you so much thank you so much i know you are reluctant to talk about yourself but could i ask what was what is your relationship to llama control and now to a llama punch okay yes there's no no biological relationship in this in in in my lifetime with him uh but when he came to the village and when he when he uh start connection with the villager my true auntie was especially my older auntie was one of the disciples that from the aid disciple who committed to rest of her life to do retreat and learn from learn from him so basically actually the two undies the not only one but two undies and they are still continuing their commitments and that is the that is one of the uh one of the the connection uh and then later uh in in my in my uh andy's family uh one man and yeah three four girls um and two already none then one girl is bit you know she is a bit um how to say uh symbol so you need some kind of uh you know uh the the capability to run the family so you so in the village you know you you have to take care of your your livelihood and uh you have to manage a lot of things so um so they thought that my mother is like quite capable in that so they decided my mother to get married and my uncle uh my mother's uh brother was also mute and and also uh cannot hear so so um so so somehow that he also decided not to get married and that and and only my mother is is available to run the family so then my auntie helped to ask you know about that and geshe-la from the firm just from his his his mind uh say that there's one man from from from tibet you know somewhere maybe he could be in that village so so your sister marry him if uh i said i think he said like this if you want a dharma family spiritual family then your sister married this man then of course my auntie is like 100 percent you know uh a hundred percent respect to geshe last whatever you say so so then they approached uh my father and and agreed so my father was ex-army i think i heard that he was actually a bodyguard to his solenoids in tibet and during the during the the revolution i think he was sent to the border maybe actually he's from kirong which is also near to the border but then somehow he settled you know our village which is which is very much the border there so he settled there so yeah so my mother married to uh him then so that's my connection started and when i was uh uh when my mother was giving birth to me he went he went huge complication uh i was i was told that i came uh you know the wrong way my feet came first usually i think they had come first i think something like that so then i was stuck halfway and i heard there's a huge danger for both my mother and myself and that time then just pray because geshila also is quite quite a quite a distant you know in the mountain and kesala just literally descended there right at that critical time and i heard that uh gesella asks butter so over there the butter is like from a refrigerator very very hard you know so keshalla chant some mantra and ask my mother to solo so now the next story is maybe scientifically unbelievable you know so but that's what uh what i heard is really happened that my mother solo the butter and i went inside i went inside take a u-turn maybe maybe went round about i don't know oh then when i come out the butter will stick on my my my crown here so scientifically not possible isn't it i'm and i have confirmed that with geshe-la also say yes it really happened i confirmed with my auntie many times you know i i didn't trust and my aunties it definitely happened like that and my mother said i said i don't she said she don't know so so anyway so like that so geshe-la saved my life gesala said my mother's life and my life and many times not like that so so somehow uh uh you know what i remember which i thought around two three years old but my my family told me that actually very soon after birth you know i i always like look up uh from our home you can see the cave actually right up there like that you don't see the exact cave but the mountain is right up there like that but you you always like kind of wanting to you know go there like that and i used to cry and make a lot of problem and for them to pacify me is to send me up you know bring me up that's what that's that's that's what they said then when i'm when i can remember then yes that's the best place for me to go and even such a uh quite a little uh baby uh i i even go alone myself without any fear and and i and geshila allowed me to stay with him and gesella by then people come and visit him and people make offerings so i also have you know food to eat and um and the foods are delicious because as a llama there the people offered samba also butter and also sugar at my home you know yes you can get sambar but very little butter no sugar very humble family you know and maybe i'm attached to the the sweet and the butternut whatever but maybe i like geshela maybe i like that samba or i don't know but i like that very much and again long story there are so many things for so many things to like another thing is i like the warmness because uh when kesla always most of time meditate so um you know i i feel the warmness in his left i feel very secure i can even remember i can feel it now that how secure i used to feel uh then you know so yeah then after a few years then gesala was gone so then he was in kopan then that's how yeah again long story so then uh i came to kopan uh age of i think nine uh yeah an age of eight or nine something like that then then since then i stayed full time with geshe-la for about eight nine years maybe then after that i went to sarah something like that thank you so much for sharing thank you so i think many people now go like wow that sounds like some some sounds like fairy tale to us for us westerners special announce like llama super rinpoche calling not zoom no no telephone no no zoom no internet calling llamacorn shock and nama contra comes down from his cave or uh namazuba rinpoche requesting uh lana contraclat to finish his took them after the seventh day i mean for us conventionally uh you know geshe-la is gone i'm a conscious yeah no there's just his body already burned you know so um yeah so how to explain yeah yeah this uh this yes um telepathy i think i think uh you see it's very obvious uh sign that uh based on the teaching you know uh you can see like geshila himself is already achieved like shine you know uh of course even enlightenment asset there's so many signs after he he passed away you can see that but uh even even uh let's say um these basic basic realizations like shine so when you achieve shine you know you achieve clairvoyance you achieve clever ones uh is you see and someone is already enlightened and of course omniscient but then even ordinary person but achieve chinese is already have clairvoyance uh then that you can you can see that um during his time of 26 years in the retreat without chine is not possible what he what he can able to remain there you know he he remained most of time in julian practice and he did he did he remained in a wind chilling practice not even a substance using substance so without a high level of a tantric practice on the basis of the single pointed samadhi is not possible not possible to do that so from from from that alone you can say that you know china is definite and therefore clairvoyance uh you see and also for tumu you know he have nothing to protect him especially you know when he was in the first cave and second k uh the second retreat place is no protection at all and the the weather there is very harsh especially winter weather long and very harsh and the way he was staying is actually is the it's like like like like at the tip of of clips like that you know so so so minimum then of course tomo basically all element is under his control in that sense okay uh so that's one thing then gesella himself said during himself reply to some of the western students who accompany uh in geshe-la when they went to tibet and because of you know he don't sleep and his his activities are 24 hours so some students happen to ask how this is possible and gesh allah says achieve shine so again you know very obvious sign i myself got fortunate to serve rinpoche for three years and uh and this is the real one you know this is the real one not just someone because of faith talking about river chicken don't sleep remote you know meditate everybody stay awake for 24 hours i i myself uh you know until until and my my ship was night shift my ship was night shift actually when i first came to uh monastery the the some of the senior monks you know they're all like like telling stories and talking about our guru you know he don't sleep on you know and i say how possible you know how possible and i got the opportunity to stay in the living room of supreme salamancho in the gomba and my job was to to offer them you know tea clean their room do water bowl offerings so that was from very first time i'm i'm in copenhagen opportunity and the the that the there's a room that uh where rama suburban just stay uh there's two doors and the other side of the door the half is glass window and i divide divided because i because because uh that time you know i'm not attendant so i'm not allowed to stay in his room for for check check about him for a whole night isn't it so uh so and i also early morning i need to go to puja so i need to sleep also so i so i make a time you know every night start from maybe 11 something or 12 so one hour one hour so you see and i go and peep from that glass window really rama's open not sleeping so first time one hour then another time another hour i i really you know a petrol whole night complete night and every time like this either writing uh either doing pujas you know either you know frustration that term which it does a lot a lot of prostration frustrations um and writes a lot like cards or mantras you know and sometimes you know look at the statues in a very detailed way it's like meditation you know so and and of course you will sit uh like this meditation so um so every night is you know every night so basically whole through night i already but it's still not hundred percent convinced maybe yes maybe during when i was pet rolling maybe he's not sleeping after my petrol finish maybe he's sleeping you know this little boy was still thinking like that you know then eventually i got the opportunity to uh to be more accessible in rebecca's room uh especially when i got more uh responsibility to serve drinks you know and and sometime i like middle of the night you know i would just you know uh go and bring something but actually my motivation is check whether he's sleeping or not but then sometimes it's like it's sitting like that and i i still like doubt maybe maybe maybe some people sleep like that you know so the moment i think like that rinpoche will uh loudly he don't open his eye but very loud chant mantra or charm prayers he was like and i said my heart thinking oh he's like that but actually he's sleeping you know maybe some people sleep like that i was so scared then then finally when i get chance to serve um for three years then then you have to convince me every day every night my night shift every night yeah so it's is it so clever so clairvoyance and clairvoyance easy isn't it very easy communication very easy i think that even the rituals are they are just just show to us like a weak mind like like us you know you know they're already communicating they're already like like no you know what you want what i want something like that amazing that's really amazing but who knows here you know many many i think some from ram salah you know samsung they maybe who knows some of you have achieved shinny then you know i have no shine so i don't know how he works was living underneath a tree is that true and then he's a juniper free otherwise he may stay longer i don't know you know yeah yes geshe-la mentioned chilean chilean practice taking the essence maybe some students are not familiar what that is it's quite fascinating to us as well i think okay chulan is more about strategy extracting nutrition uh using the capability of you know tantric practice and samadhi uh so that is that is the base that is the basis and without relying on you know normal gross food how we normally you know consume to sustain our uh our nutrition in the body so uh so so the purpose of chilean is that so some children they they use uh stone they they you know they bless the stone uh through through samadhi and and tantric practices they bless the stone and they they take the stone one small piece and that uh doesn't harm the body rather that give the nutrition you know uh uh specify the hunger also give the nutrition energy that needed to to to to survive the aggregates then there are children practice that use herbs medicinal herbs or medicinal pills you know the herb combined with many different medicine appeals that combine many different herbs or just one single herbs medicinal herbs and some they use flowers uh some they also use uh liquid uh you know uh like a drip of liquid not drinking a lot but just a drip of liquid then very very um extend one then they they use just the air so you just you just you know uh yeah you just breathe in the the the air that you breathe in uh uh so so yeah so so of course you you have to prepare that uh uh you know that condition then after that they inhale the air and that air that breathing you know gives pacify the hunger and give all the necessary uh you know the strength or the nutrients that your body need so from the science from the scientific point of view it is a very very uh difficult to explain you know but then this is a uh you know very how to say very well known practice uh in the past happened to be quite common also you know especially in in in tibet uh and those uh long historical you know uh the hemispheres in in the nepal and india himalayas where there's a long time you know history of yogics one thing is also the physical you know the foods are very rare very difficult to obtain and they they do not wish to have any external obstacles to interrupt you know their meditation you see and many of those lifelong dedicated retreaters one of the very first thing is they try to achieve the ability to do chilean so once you have the ability to chill and then you don't have to worry about food you know then the second thing is they will try to achieve the tumor practice then you don't have to worry about the climate you know uh hot and cold etc you see so these are the uh very important and favorable you know uh conditions for our serious uh you know yogics so in geshe-la's case uh he uh he used the vinculin the air chilling like that yeah amazing yeah so so it's very difficult you know if very difficult if you talk to the science and very difficult you know and also from from our side in the scripture you you can you can there are there are teachings there are you know tragedies that you can study but but then again you know there's no kind of like a physical thing to to demonstrate you know unless you are with a meditator then you can you that can be the demonstration uh and and and most of these serious practice practitioners are pursue this path because they have they have full faith and conviction in the in in their gurus because their gurus and the earlier masters they have succeeded in those practices then even though they are not 100 sure but their full trust full faith full conviction then they study that you know they receive the instruction and they just train themselves you know having the heart that is definitely going to happen definitely going to achieve so then by doing so it comes in your way uh so so it's very difficult to how to say someone like me who don't have that that practice to explain to someone that who also don't have that practice it's very hard to convince you know so so like that it's it's quite something i've heard i think it was lama yeshi maybe guiding a retreat with westerners with a chilling practice does sketchula knows so it's also possible for westerners because this sounds like uh one has to be you know for us that sounds like one has to be tibetan or from the mountain areas and already very much used to a very uh let's say austere or simple lifestyle but for us westerners who like their pizza and you know french fries and lots of attachments ice cream cake we go like oh not possible for us there is so much to renounce is is definitely possible to anybody you know uh anybody you know uh tibetan westerner you know whoever anybody as long as you have the determination you have the correct instruction uh you have the lineage blessing because for for these practices you you really need to have a lineage blessing it's not just knowing the technique and you just try to train yourself it doesn't work that way you know for both children uh and tumor practice all this you need to have a transmission lineage blessing i think that also play a major role you know in in overall realization in the part in buddha dharma the main element is the is the blessing the inter intellectual knowledge intellectual understanding play very small role it is very important but very small role uh then uh the the you know the 100 percent irritable faith that also very important for for any realization in spiritual practice then consistency you know consistency uh you know the way we practice is that consistencies is needed but i may not even able to achieve that before my death comes but i can still accumulate the continuation for to continue from next lifetime the way how we practice should practice like that uh most of the dharma realizations uh it doesn't come you know it it don't comes in a way just knowing you know the texts and and and just occasionally you know being habitual you know uh consciousness and the lama atisha said uh that whatever amount of practice we practice you know whatever uh path you know either you practice emptiness or bodhichitta or guru devotion or whatever it's it's not about knowing many having many commitments it's more about uh steadily you know consistent uh continuous practice realization without asking will comes in our way uh so so similar in particular goals for chilean all this yeah so a lineage blessing irritable faith in the practice full conviction in the practice uh consistent the day that you receive the blessing then from that onward even it takes whole life but consistent practice if you can do that anyone young old eastern western sangha non-sangha woman men black blonde anybody same all the same for for buddha buddha's part for buddha's part everybody is equal everybody is same you know uh for the realization outwardly conventionally you may see you know everywhere in a human era of imbalance but in the actual reality actually what really matters is the realization you know realization the enlightenment in our heart that there's no discrimination there's no no biases you know yeah you can be less imprint from the past less hard working then you you may fall back only otherwise no what are blessings many people use the word but it's really hard to explain so the blessings are the in fact it's a realization okay blessings are the realization uh in another word you can say the wisdom that which gain through you know habitual practice or meditation in any practice to do with emptiness to do with buddhichita to do with the tantric practices you know even shamatha et cetera everything uh so you know um the realization so realization uh uh again there may be realization uh in in in the different form the realization uh as a part you know as a as a as um uh you know achieving the state of let's say uh the emptiness realizing emptiness you know like directly realizing emptiness and that realization only happens you have gained the wisdom of learning correct information about emptiness then wisdom of correct contemplation of that that topic then correct meditation on on the emptiness then only you know you gain the result of direct realization emptiness isn't it so now someone achieved that realization then he or she uh give you the the the learning aspect like the commentary that is that is in that sense you are receiving the blessing so that so the commentary is like a channel to to to to infuse our continuum the realization that person have achieved that person is not transferring his realization onto us but through the medium of commentary explanation through the medium of initiation through the medium of oral transmission or even through the medium of just putting the mala on the crown or just through the medium of when you go to see the guru guru just smile at you you know guru just smile at you you see and the ripened disciple with the realized guru just smiling at you you already transmitted the blessing you know so um and that uh that transmission is in is uh is intangible you see that transmission uh it's like it's like how the how how the kami imprint that we accumulate whatever action we do through our body surgeon mind the imprint is stored in our continuum isn't it and that imprint never get lost you know until it produce result so through this different medium the blessing that we receive through that action you know we accumulate the imprint in our mental continuum and that imprint served as the the conducive condition for us to actualize the exact level of the realization or capability that what the guru have achieved so from a very very uh you know very tiny realization all the way up to the realization of of enlightenment the guru hood the buddhahood you know basically uh is to you know uh through the medium of learning meditation and practices uh uh you know eventually at the end you achieve the equal level of the quality of the guru ego level or quality of the buddha when you become the resultant buddha you become you achieve the guru good buddhahood isn't it so so that's that's that's what how the how the blessing works so so therefore you know some realize being uh uh chanting mantra to you as an order transmission and someone who don't have you know who don't have the realization you know and giving all transmission to you is a huge difference but then but then let's say that i give auto transmission to somebody i don't have that realization but one thing that i could have is the lineage blessing that i received from a realized guru because i received the order task mission so when i give order transmission to somebody you are receiving the same benefit of that that uh uh stream of you know lineage uh the transmission blessing so that's why someone that qualified to whether qualified to give commentary whether qualified to give order transmission initiation or not you must receive it so without having the initiation to you you cannot give initiation either without having all the transmission of all money payment under you may know how to chant but other they don't receive the blessing unless you already buddha you know unless you already actualize buddhahood then then you have the ability otherwise one ordinary person as a guru or as a teacher to grant a blessing or a transmission or give the order transmission means giving the blessing you at least have to receive from someone who is realized one so and and we all know in tibetan buddhism this is a very serious thing you know like you you can see like one of the one of the great example historian is dalai lama himself and capture allah most precious guru chapter allah himself even today you know he put so much effort to go and receive other transmissions and initiations it's not because he's going to go and collect new knowledge you know he already know everything he's go he is going around to receive the lineage blessing and sometimes you also see he is receiving from one ordinary person who we never know him he's just one ordinary person but that ordinary person has the lineage blessing he is the richness of that but he is not famous he's not sitting on the throne he's not uh you know geisha he's not rimbacher he's not holiness he's not just one ordinary wondering i don't know retweeter or one dream monk or wondering none but he has this fortunate of having the lineage from a realized master and that's why the some llamas they go around and search you know there's certain particular texts uh you know everyone knows but then everyone study but but no lineage blessing because never had the transmission so then you know tibetan llamas put a great effort in that you see and that that shows the how important role that uh lineage blessing plays yes so question can one receive blessings via the internet so get your last smiling at us okay from me surely not okay yes you see i make distinction like this uh and that is based on the teaching uh you know in the sutras and the tantric teachings those who have authority in the dharma like his son is dalai lama you know and like captain america and you know there may be many other gurus i don't know you know but we can give clear example like he's not a dalai lama he is uh everyone knows is he is uh unmistakable you know uh compassionate buddha cherishing and that is not just people saying you know you you can see that even with our ordinary naked eye and he is also uh you know during the during this period of time he played the role of uh like the fortunate buddha one of the fortunate buddha you know from the like thousand fortunate buddha like that not not in the count that we usually historically count but you know he was prophesized and chosen as the uh the king the central central deity or the central buddha of the pordola podola pyoland portal palace you know we think portala palace is the tibet one actually for the place is is talking about the generations pure land so enlightened buddha so enlightened buddhas in the deities they have the uh to grant the blessing sometime you know just moving their hair sometime you know they bless the the tree just tree wind tree moving the sound you know the people get the transmission uh you know during buddha's time many teaching happened like that when buddha was passing passing by the rice buddha bless the rice field the rice movement to to grant the teaching to you know teaching blessing transmission to the the rice uh petty workers that's why in the sutra you can see many sutra name of the incident you know many sutra's name of the incident you know and when you look back the story you know the history how it happened then you know we we get a lot of amazing stories uh then uh like khasutra you know buddha just remain in meditation you know buddha bless the cherishing and buddha bless the shariputra sutra was transmitted like that you know like that so similar way like uh uh you know in short uh if his unless give initiation through online or even through telephone or or you know you will definitely receive it you know any order transmission or any blessing but if you ask me to give you will surely not receive it if you ask me to give initiation through online surely will not receive it you know as you asked me to give other transmission you know during this period pandemic period uh i do a lot of online teachings and quite a number of you know requests to give order a transmission you see uh i i i do give but it's like a to leave an imprint to create some cause but then i at the end of the order transmission i will say next time put effort to receive in person you know because i don't have the authority uh like the enlightened beings you know uh so it's clear but what about my faith if i have if i have pure faith in geshe-la being a buddha then don't i receive the blessing there's many stories of yes yes yes when when the an example yes an example uh when the receiver you know have the quality of irritable conviction and faith you know right there you know tuba buddha right there definitely right right in front of your eye a hundred percent present and communicating with you so that means anything anything and that is very hard very hard you know to to to have someone that uh to have that quality you know uh usually uh you know uh we we talk very much about the importance of wisdom but faith and conviction play the equal responsibility to achieve the result you see so in the sutras again and again talk about faith as a mother you know it's a must faith must have at the beginning in order to succeed any spiritual gain is it mother check you know so it's so it's a mother it's a faith act like a mother when there's no faith nothing spiritual realization will be produced you may understand a lot but cannot produce cannot actualize realizations you know cannot receive the blessing so it's like a sponge you know the faith is like a sponge then when poor the nectar of of of a dharma blessing observe everything when there's no faith how intelligent one may be uh sound very loud but nothing you see uh so yes yes uh you know yeah in the in in the in the irritable faith and conviction uh you see one of the example you know to prove this what i what i'm saying here what kumpaya is saying even even in like buddhist alba vows you know given an option if there's a real person to grant you receive it otherwise as long as you're ready with the faith and conviction right there you know buddha is present buddha and buddhism are right there present because they have omniscience because they have clairvoyance you are ready you know how can they even when you are ready with faith and conviction how can buddhas buddha still say wait you know you know buddha is like eagerly waiting you know to wait for us to wake up isn't it he said wake up so wake up is is not talking about the intelligent work of you know wake up with the faith trust conviction you know it's talking about that the moment we will wake up with that buddha is already faster than us oh is that that is it so yes so faith is so important yes we have so many more questions and time is already over but um can we ask a few more questions i haven't even given it to the audience yet for me no problem at all i'm free no problem at all but as you can you can tell me when to stop i'm no problem but and also in case anybody from the audience that uh you have something to do you can leave any time happily okay and thank you very much for for this session is uh i hardly have this kind of session you know always i i talk out so this i really enjoy feel very relaxed feel free wonderful so it's good yeah the only unfortunate thing is i need i i have to talk quite quite a few things about myself so that's otherwise wonderful you tell me anytime when you're ready okay yes question reincarnation so the whole movie about the unmistaken child brought up that topic of reincarnation and of course geshela knows for us westerners oh my goodness reincarnation is like something from the fairy tales you know we also even dharma practitioners long-term dharma practitioners often say i mean some go to the length of saying the buddha didn't teach it you know making the teachings more i don't know more suitable or thinking that makes them more suitable to westerners uh so reincarnation of finding llama conscious reincarnation um do we how can we prove it do we have to believe in reincarnation to progress on the path or um is there a way around it oh to progress on the path reincarnation must gain conviction in reincarnation that is that is so crucial because you know when we when we learn the the the lamrim which is the basis of all practice even for small capable beings practice you know we have the vision for next lifetimes you know future lives uh benefit you know dharma and worldly one of the thing that make distinction is that something that you are you know focusing on the virtual future lifetime that become dharma anything that you are focusing on this life's purpose even is a virtue also not a dharma virtue just a virtue but not a dharma virtue you see so even for small capable being so without accepting rebirth reincarnation even that is not possible that's very clear but this is talking from the from the uh you know buddhist teaching point of view now in actual uh conventional you know fact reincarnation is definite recognition simply meaning uh you know uh the the the life uh the next life after the before life isn't it the life after or uh you know live after uh their life um uh yeah the the the next life you know uh uh yes so how to say [Laughter] i want to say something but i wanted to say something but this is not coming out okay so anyway uh it's kind of like compare comparing you know compa maybe i don't know whether it works exactly or not like comparing you know uh in other words it is like independent independent independent uh of the uh of the previous life and uh and the next one is the recognition [Laughter] is it so now so now so now uh you know maybe by by now by now within our session you know that's the time that started and up to now you know this is maybe my i don't know maybe maybe 200 over a thousand over incarnations already reincarnated you know every single moment every single moment you reincarnate every single moment your internet single moment you reckon that every single moment you are newborn isn't it you don't agree in every single moment okay you think about it think about it you think about a letter you think about you know how possible every single moment i'm i'm reborn yes you know so the conventional life and that it's just one bigger picture play only you know comparing to the previous moment comparing to this present moment my previous moment of my life is already dead how did it pass away isn't it already passed away we don't call that we don't use that because it's quite drastic to use death i'm just now just now i'm dead and now i i reconnected we don't say like that but in the actual fact it's like that you see so the on the basis of momentarily changes of this basis of these aggregates which define our life which define our life whenever the next moment arrives the previous moment of that basis of aggregate is already seized already finished and and that is dead that's gone so the next one is the reincarnation of that meaning that next one is just simply continuation of the life you know we're still in hallucination we thought that we are still the same one actually it's absolutely not we are just simply in the in the in the in the view or in the understanding or in the recognition of the continuation only you know yesterday's i yesterday is me today no more isn't it but i still if fpi or indian police come and chase after me you know they would chase up to me based on their yesterday's my conduct you know it's still regarding the same and we also do the same way but in actual reality i'm not the same you can say same person in the continuation on the basis of the same continuation only but the yesterday's me is never exists in today's me just very moment before me definitely 100 percent guarantee do not exist in this present moment of me so this one you just label a big name the previous moment is dead the new moment is rebirth rebirth so now this one stretch bigger picture okay you know as long as we stay we are we are completely caught up with this hallucination of so-called as a life and this is given one package called this is a living life and when that big uh what you call the transition of losing that identity then call this life is disappeared death then the next continuation uh is regarded as a reincarnation or next life it could be could be could be just carrying the you know consciousness aggregate you know maybe not carrying the physical aggregates but it's still you it's your your continuum in the sense it's your continuum this is a new rebirth and sometimes you know you carry the entirety of the aggregates let's say if we're born in the lamb the higher the form form formula i would say if we were born in a formless realm it doesn't necessarily to even go through the intermediate state the moment die you're born in a formula a formless realm [Music] it's just that is it it's just transition or one moment only transition of just one moment only you see so the next moment regard as a rebirth the earlier moment is the this lifetime so called as the life you see so so in that in that way in that way then it's not difficult to understand or accept the uh the life and rebirth because you know library but we cannot uh define uh on the basis of uh the having entirety of the same aggregates you know you you know the human life we have this complete package of this all the five aggregates but then suddenly but we don't have the all the package of the all the complete five aggregates so anyway [Music] um yeah so so you know for us to uh to get to the very clear you know uh the apprehension of the exactly how these transitions are happening first of course you know we we we get to know the how the growth impermanence works like a form you know like the wall you know complete wall then you destroy then you know that it's it's impermanent and happen grows impermanent an example then get to unders get to know the the more subtle level of you know uh impermanent then go to even more subtle that until that you know uh in the moment of one snapping uh you know um uh the 64 moments you know you know there's there's one text you know says even like 300 moments not just 64. you know 300 moments happens momentarily changes happens and even that even that is still still not the subtlest you know absolute you know definite you know the the most most subtle less momentary changes that we we get on but we have to go we have to progress ourselves to get to really see how those uh ex you know uh momentarily changes of existing to the non-existent life to death that happens then from there then uh when that relates to the uh uh the continuation of on the basis of our consciousness you know number six consciousness and how this consciousness uh lies in the nature of that impermanent when you see that then you start to see the that consciousness you know uh using many different platform to to uh you know to gain the identity right now you know that subtle consciousness is using this human aggregates as a basis to gain the identity as a human being and if that consciousness take the the basis of the aggregates of the number six aggregates of the formless realm then that that being become form you know become uh have the identity of the formless being like like that uh so and and that you can you able to detect you know within this very shortest you know two moment that you see uh you see the seizing of the life of the first first moment in order to actualize the in order to actualize the actualizations of the life of the next moment then within these two you can actually uh define uh life and death you see so in fact the usual you know the pronounced life and death is a very gross impermanent that we we we we emphasize and and and anybody can see that anybody can understand that uh you see so we are very much caught up with you know just a very gross labor we we we we're not able to you know go to the more subtle level if we go to the more subtle level then you see you may able to even convince that yes every single moment is your new life something like that thank you so much same continuum so the question always arises you know we are always curious do you see them as the same continuum do you see similarities or very different aspect or or how does it work did you recognize uh la mapunzo or did it come from the boy's side or did you did you fear something this islama conscious this is my from the past life yeah so during the search of the incarnation we were we will kind of uh design our you know uh our perception you know try not to get influenced by our own ideas or our own emotions you know like because of i have so much faith and or because of you your your your your you know your relation uh to the family then you may have closer heart you see so that the the committee who go and search we have to kind of shut we we just go and collect the evidence from the from the from the site not from not based on our own emotion so so uh so try to be very uh very cold-hearted uh you know uh yeah uh so so it's very much during that period it's like that but then once he was recognized especially the time that i got a chance to stay with him about three years full time then i literally see two character one is without any doubt hundred percent like i i see even from the way he talked the way he emphasized things though the way he you know it's not just my feeling even the uh the action that he performed exactly like islam exactly you know and there's one another side you know young naughty kid you know so when when when he was with me um you know when he displayed the the the ordinary the naughty kid site was very tough so so so so in that uh in that scenario you know i sometimes tell him that i'm older than you you know i'm older than you and i'm more experienced than you you have to listen to me so i try to be more tough you see then he also you know behave then after he go to bed after he could go to bed then i do prostration i do frustration to him to purify my my even even even i don't have the motivation but i'm not i'm not uh you know dealing ordinary i was a very audi seeing him ordinary way i have a i have a reason for that but still my action you know i supposed to be doing like this but i've been doing like that you know i supposed to be like doing like this but i've been pointing finger on him you say you behave like that you see so all these are uh is very tough for me it's regretful for me you know how can i behave like this to my guru so the moment he goes to bed when he start to snow then i do many many prostration to to to ask forgiveness to to purify my action you see then morning when he wake up i become the boss you know when he go to bed when you go to sleep you know i become this so we play we play a role like that and sometime well he was having some some maybe conversations or activities and sometimes i i carried away i never tell him that you know i have i have a i have a one side of my my mind is you know i regard you as my guru and another side of my mind is i regard you as an ordinary child i never tell him that but this is what i think this this is what i have and he he the way he responded to me as if he knew what i'm thinking and sometimes i i i forgot about that carried away and i behaved it very ordinarily and he immediately manifests into a llama control way and literally you know i was like my heart beating also goes very fast like how i used to feel with lemon control and he even with the word say okay now is enough now i can see you're carried away his voice changes his appearance changes and the the the way how he construct the wording you know to to lecture me was like exactly like how llama culture would do you know so so so in many many times like that almost every day there's there's a few occasions happen like that that sounds very difficult question to one on one on one hand to have the responsibility the great responsibility uh to shoulder that to to educate and take care of drama punsauk you know and so many people revere as a reincarnation of lama construct on the other hand you know it's a it's a little boy and yeah yes from my side my way of thinking is uh i never expect from his side to behave like lambo control so this is this is this is my my my own way i don't know how other llamas think how other people think when he is child i want him to be the child ordinary child i know he is a special child but i want him to forget about his special child i want him to behave experience be the normal you know how ordinary basically just just express you know your childishness uh and that's the that's also one of the reason that because he's already recognized when when he was so small and i know that once you go to uh great monastery uh you know to start the extensive study is very very serious the community is very very very very serious you know you know yeah you do wrong you know uh thousands of eyes uh you know and you do right thousands of rejoicement you know so it's not easy so uh and i can see when he was in kopan uh from the from the very first day uh the treatment is like holy being you know like you know like it's completely like uh different than everybody else in the movie you can see i also treat that but in a real life actually i'm not like that so and and uh and almost every day you know almost every day there's so many people come and receive blessing from him and his duty is just like kind of give blessing to people you know and and seems like losing a way and also when people come to see you you know of course the atmosphere is like you have to you have to be special otherwise white people come and see you isn't it to give blessing to you so you have to look like a llama so so the atmosphere is like becoming very much like that and and the time is running very fast you know the years are finishing very fast and it's very uh because chapter number when i checked when he was little i think age of i think age of age of 13 if i remember uh basically that exactly the 2015 you know he he should go to sarah so i wanted i already planned everything to for him to go to sarah to study philosophy by then and in between there's not much time so then uh i pursue for him to go to australia and and uh and go to normal school and have a normal friend and and i also i also don't you know in i do my own things but then i behave normal you know and i i treat him ordinarily normal you know one one child you know one one young student in studying in the school like that and i felt that that is very important for him to experience i i want him to experience that especially when he have a certain capability to understand differentiate what's going on uh not in a two three years old baby but also not during the teenage you know so i find that during teenage the best place is the monastery not only teenage teenage onward is the best place is the monastery that's the best environment why it is past environment but but before that uh he don't have this teenage hormone teenage this you know like the the thinking transformations but at the same time very smart you know know what's going on so i wanted him to experience the lay wall in that in that eyes so i i uh so that's the reason that i i bring him out of monastery to experience that and and i thought that that will help him to appreciate the monastery and that will help him to uh you know uh observe the vow purely you know uh i give you an example when he when he was with me in australia whenever i need to buy gosuri i bring him together and he usually carry a notebook and a pen to jot down the name of the shop and also the prize of the onion so i go to a place that where they got vietnamese shop chinese shop australian shop and many many many different shops so just to buy one kilo of onion i will go to so many different shops to compare the price and that time rinpoche used to be very fat very short and very fat and we are working so very tired you know so so what until to the last one then i asked him which shop is the cheapest one you see it's just a matter of one cent two cents five cents you know you're so tired you walk all the way down why don't you buy from the first one it just doesn't make much difference so then i used to say in this wall almost everybody you know or at least majority every single cent count every single cent matter whether they have a food on the table to eat or not i say we as a monk and you know some more you as a rinpoche you know people come and get ready the meal you know offer you know [Music] so so we are very privileged we are very very very fortunate in one way you know i say even the money that i have actually is you know someone supported me to buy food for two of us you know but i i need to live with that budget otherwise we won't have a meal for next month so i need to spend within this budget i said this is how it works i say in our monastery you know all of us just ding ding ding go for lunch ding ding ding go for tea but there there are also people that without telling us they they're working so hard to earn money and feed us but especially the lay people they work almost whole life you know to to just for the survival so i say it's the world is not as easy as what we think so i said therefore i have to be very careful even once and i have to be very careful because one cent will make us no food next next month so then he oh i see okay now i got it and he he he likes uh blueberry he likes berries and blue the blueberry is very expensive one of the most expensive fruit so we in australia the woodwork calls when we go you know you see blueberry which is i become very big like that you know like that you know he wanted it so then uh and in the school so i prepare sandwich i prepare you know whatever and there are some elements that he likes it so whenever he wants to have blueberry i said okay you have a choice you cannot ask blueberry anytime you like to eat or anytime when you see blueberry i say i i don't have budget you see so if you want to have blueberry next whole month you cannot have the thing that you like so much to bring to school so you don't have that so you choose which one you want i say life is like that i say whatever we want whenever we want whatever we see it doesn't comes in our way i say real life is like that it's not easy to be a lay person i say we are so fortunate to be um especially himalayan tibetan monk and none you know not many westerner sanghas they have a hard time you know to to to to really have a facility to take care of themselves like like us you know our monastery take care everything so sometimes without knowing the outside world sometimes we think that in the monastery rules monastery education system monastery is a very harsh place actually monastery is the really pure land you know you only study you only practice you are you are asked to do nothing else and study and practice you know and that also sometimes feels and asks you to observe vows uh virtue you know that's why everybody tried to discipline you to only accumulate virtue when if you know the outside world wow that's that's so precious isn't it but if we are not exposed we think this is punishment no no if i go to new york if i go to australia then i will have the real freedom but actually it's not so this is one example then when he was in the monastery every person who come to see him surely have at least three four five or maybe ten or hundreds of toys you know entire his house is completely filled with toys and i remember you know this toys one new toy come open the new toy the old toy gun isn't it so when i bring him uh to australia i say you cannot take any toy no toy at all so when he came to australia he's still a little boy and he he likes toy very much then when we go out to the shop there's one i think that there's one round thing you know when you it's like a ball you throw then it becomes like a monster like that you know the the limb come out that's one round so he saw his friend in school playing that and he wanted that so much so so he expressed to me then i say i said you have to earn it you know you cannot you you cannot just ask me i said say remember i said you have so many toys that none of them is now valuable i can have a toy museum for you but now everything cannot make a museum you have to throw rubbish i said you have to earn i say when you get good good good great good mark in the school surely i will get this for you so he really got you know he he had a exam in all throughout australia he he got a uh high distinction on the map and and that he got a present from school and he he uh he even uplifted the name of the school you know he did very well then i give that toy and throughout three years he he he treasured that toy very much then when he went to sarah i said you pack your things so he's already grown up he's not he's he's still child but you know he's a bit grown up and he forgot that toy and without telling him i packed with my luggage and when we reached sarah i i showed to him they say you know very precious one remember and and and that time we had a little bit of emotional you know like he also felt that i care for him uh even i've been very stingy uh very harsh but he also felt that he actually cared for me and i also feel very emotional because now we're going to separate you know i'm going away tonight and you staying back here so it was a it was a tough time so so you say okay the the point is i don't know the question now i forgot but uh yes it'd been very beneficial and i i guess that uh i think he appreciate you know he's he's yeah yeah uh the the they become you know ordinary the genuine you know then after that uh when he comes to his own sense then he wants to be i mean as a guru uh as a as a as someone is chosen then of course there's so many people look up to them and they have to behave but not when they are little when they really have the capability to think and when they become you know already got some education and training everyone have to have to have to behave isn't it and especially these llamas you know you know they understand the benefit and they behave by their own understanding and this is joy for them feel proud for themselves and also so beneficial for others uh you know definitely you know but when they are little i think it's it's good to experience the child side something like that so geshela taking lamakunsok to australia i'm sure had a very good reason is it also to prepare llama control to teach us us westerners to learn perfect english and because geshe-la could have taken llama punch to back to his home village it's very harsh conditions very simple life um to show him you know the preciousness of material things but geshe-la chose australia i'm i'm sure there's a reason yes yeah there are few reasons one is i wanted to go to a place where that nobody knows us [Music] you know so that's why even though our center is just just nearby and we didn't go to any of the center during that period uh and totally go away from the idea of this you know uh holy being and just as i mentioned before you know just want to experience the real total you know normal life that yes one of the motivation is uh is is to understand the western world also you know western mind you know at least in the in the childhood with among the child it can be very helpful when they grow up and which is which is the asset tool uh to to to you know to to benefit to offer benefit dharma is for everybody whoever you know whoever uh in any sentient being you know uh and you have the skillful means and the tools and and you may have a more opportunity to share the dharma more broadly isn't it and and also as i mentioned before uh is to to to serve uh uh visions uh rebecca's visions are all over the world you know not just in nepal but just in india you know all over the world so and i also think that in monastery we have so many so many sanghas you know so many geishas there are so many senior monks and nuns are there and uh like like like myself now you know i'm fulfilling butch's wish to to to be in the west and you know teach go to as many centers as possible this is rebecca's advice uh and and i also uh feel good because in a monastery you know there's there's so many seniors are there you know so many in my my my parents are there but then in the west my pair is only me maybe the only one you know and so and and and also even though my english is absolutely broken that you can see that but still i can communicate and and and i enjoy sharing dharma and [Music] and and most of all you know this this job is in and according with what guru wants you to do and that's most fulfilling and similar way for putin if you happen to be in the monastery like myself also one day you know i need to return to monastery and i will have my own responsibility to do but right now [Music] i think i'm more comfortable you know where i am and just prepare just have many tools so so knowing the world knowing different language i think is very good isn't it yes yeah yes we've been oh more than two hours we took kesha last precious time thank you so much i know there are so many more questions but i could encourage everybody geshe-la will come back and teach on the eight verses of mind training in march and april uh it's a free teaching anybody can register so if you have more pressing questions please come back and join us for those teachings um but we don't want to take geshela's time even more thank you so much gesherla this was such a such a pleasure such a such an honor to have you here and i hope it was a very auspicious beginning for gashala to teach for toshita hopefully not just on zoom but in person at toshita very very soon please please please please thank you very much and your venerable compel and your your team in tushita and also each and every one of you here the venerables and all the brother sisters thank you for your time and uh yeah so wonderful yes we also had uh geshe-la i didn't make you aware we had venable sillyanna from instituto llamas on capa joining us to translate into italian venable paloma from spain uh translating for the spanish centers and oh i forgot the name for the brazilian centers the brazilian center joined us ben bonandro and i think today jen was translating for them so we had a very worldwide community and uh especially knows you know fpmt and you know we are all worldwide so we are so so glad so honored thank you so much thank you so much thank you thank you very much so please take good care and take good care of each other okay thank you so much thank you thank you so much [Music] thank you thank you bye hello good to see you thank you so much everybody sorry for the overtime but i i hope you enjoyed i did certainly thank you thank you so much have a good good evening good morning wherever you are good night we have another amazing teacher coming up thank you so much hi pamela bye bye everybody
Channel: Tushita Meditation Centre Dharamkot
Views: 1,020
Rating: 4.8571429 out of 5
Id: aluvEMM4eIg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 132min 30sec (7950 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 11 2021
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