Mahā Guru aspiration prayer of Khandro Yeshe Tsogyal

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is [Applause] [Applause] foreign [Applause] foreign [Applause] foreign is [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign foreign [Applause] we still hello we still have 10 minutes okay we're still waiting for people to get in so um during the um translation but i won't hear anything right no machella we have a interpretation translation room so people can go in there uh you won't be hearing any of the translations not even one ah because you see then i'm just waiting for something you know [Music] will be simultaneous translation you don't need to wait no no sometimes i want to do it um non-small tennis oh um i'm not sure why but your name seems to be mine just so tony yes sometimes it should be non densely non-simultaneous translation okay okay because i think um for some of the translators is becoming difficult isn't it i think yes because i mean you don't speak fast so they can follow uh well let's see also yeah we will let you know if anybody has an issue how many more minutes uh we have about seven minutes okay how many people are joining now right now we have almost 600 people here but we are also streaming on youtube and the youtube people people will hear the water english we have english and a chinese that's streaming on youtube so those who need the translation in the different languages we requested them to come here those who don't need translation will be in the other youtube links okay so will you be will there be some sort of introduction or something like that yes i'll just speak for like two minutes in the beginning [Music] will you be telling that the listeners might have to bear occasional silence because this will be translated into several languages we will mention that [Music] so what i'm only seeing myself uh well you'll see a few of the panelists here on the side michelle okay do you want us to keep our camera on robert it doesn't matter i think it's good to have otherwise you know i need some sort of a reaction otherwise you know on the long when things get really long that's all so uh tony can we request you to put on your camera when the teaching starts or even the translators actually then i can also see them their reaction so on the on your right side you have the grid's rubber chiller uh if you can put it on the show grid video then you will be see you'll be able to see many of us remission you mean view yes from machine learning can you see us from chile right now yes yes yes so it'll be like that you will be seeing all the translators but you will not be hearing them okay i'm getting more i don't know i think i should get used to this can you see me now yes okay very good and um people did they see everyone or they can choose who they want to see i'm sure hello all the translators foreign uh hello everyone um on behalf of siddhartha's intent we would like to welcome you to this very special teaching on the maha guru aspiration prayer uh by secretary mitchell before we begin um i just wanted to take this opportunity to speak a little bit about uh the significance of today and why we requested for this particular prayer um in the pema katang the biography of guru rinpoche guru which he mentions of one thousand minor thirteens one hundred major turtans and five thurston kings um the five thurston kings being uh nima yazir guru chowang doji lingpa pema linka and who is also german in siwangpo from the five thurston kings pemalimba is the only bhutanese so for bhutan he is a very very important spiritual person um the telling loche was uh started uh under the guidance of some second surrounding uh coinciding with the 500th anniversary of malinka which happens to be this year uh under the umbrella of belindochi many different activities have taken place for example the rediscovery and rebuilding of pema lincoln's forgotten birthplace i say rediscovery because it was literally forgotten and buried we also marking the 500th anniversary we had planned uh elaborate four-day festival in bhutan where people can collectively practice the pemalimpa treasure teachings and together with that this particular teaching was requested but unfortunately because of the pandemic the festival itself has been postponed next year and we are having um the teaching virtually so maybe in a way it's also fortunate um so now uh just to let you all know uh you can follow pillingloche on instagram facebook uh we are also conducting the chin of lama nur gujaram show which started yesterday night is ongoing you can follow it live on facebook page uh billing loche or even the pemalimpa foundation uh i'll keep it for that that so that we can go into the teaching um we request people to not message in the chat if you have questions and if room which it does take a q a session we will pick the questions from the q a bar on the bottom right corner uh you can choose your translation by going into the translation room also on the bottom right corner um rumuchi has also uh mentioned uh to share with you all that because there's many different translations going on uh sometimes he might uh take a break uh just so that the translators can catch up and uh that is it uh so it's all yours so um greetings to all our friends in bhutan and uh greetings to [Music] different people around the world who has um sort of short interest in listening to this um i feel very fortunate to have uh met or received the teachings of tamilbar from chicago i grew up in bhutan so dema limba is a very um especially when i was growing up bama linga was a very um i think that happens in our day-to-day life as a folklore as legend at times and also very very um special our own bhutanese fellow bhutanese so to speak our king who reigned the kingdom of bhutan is very much connected to bameling by dna so to speak um i'm i will try my best to speak this uh special prayer by uh countryside which was later discovered by great families i'm emphasizing that i'm going to try my best because this is not an ordinary prayer this prayer consists of basically everything from a to that of buddha dharma so to speak um this is a family bus treasure teaching and like all the treasure teaching we should never think that emmett limbaugh wrote this it's not as if emeline had a pencil and an eraser he then wrote it erase thought about it construct the sentence read it again and again see whether it it's beautiful poetic readable it doesn't work like that um before i go ahead with this treasure teaching i should really tell you this this is a mahayana teaching and especially vajrayana teaching so the listeners to this teaching have to be really broad-minded and when i say broad-minded i'm talking about you know you have to be prepared to go beyond this very limited narrow rational scientific you know limited human way of thinking um if you think of you know um if you think in terms of certain logic certain language within a certain boundary that's all you get you know that's what you are asking for but if you can sort of make your room bigger of course ideally pretty vast and receptive then it's possible that you can actually get a lot out of these treasure teachings and by the way it's not too far-fetched too you know i have recently tried my best i think mother for the 10th time to read 100 years of solitude by gabriella garcia marquez last time i gave up up to 10 page this time i i think i reached about 50 pages and then i had to give up i can't remember all those names still and there is actually um i've read it somewhere that gabriella garcia i don't know when he um he's a he was a colombian right so when he went for a holiday with his wife as he was driving the first sentence of the 100 years solitude hundred years of solitude the first sentence something to do with the eyes i don't know whether if any one of you have read it you would remember something to do with it like looking at the eyes this sentence somehow appeared while he drop while he was driving on his way for a holiday which they have prepared for a long time they've been wanting to do this holiday and when this sentence occurred in his head he told his wife you know look i have to turn back something is coming to my head holiday need to be canceled it's just just you know i can't stop something is happening in my head and he turned he turned around and supposedly he wrote this long novel yeah you can find this out well there are unfortunate vessels like myself who can't go beyond 50 pages still these are still a lot more fortunate beings who can understand gabriela garcia markets out there they are raving about gabriel garcia marquez i'm telling you this to give you that is really not far-fetched this treasure-teaching thing if you could understand what if you let your mind if you give chance to your mind if you let it explore and expand what this mind can do and how you know what kind of inspiration it can you know like what what can inspire this mind it's really really amazing but you know we in general be human beings especially the modern human beings we are really really depriving ourselves from this very thing we just don't give enough attention to the most important thing that we have which is mind okay we give so much i mean you know man has gone men you know people are smarting have to go to the moon trying to go to mars i mean some amazing thing has achieved antibiotics i don't know vaccinations you know but somehow we just don't pay enough attention to this mind i mean it did once upon a time during the buddhist time shakhtar muni buddha's time um obviously i mean buddhism buddha dharma i mean that's all they i mean one could almost say that's all they care about mind if there is no i mean if basically buddhism is all about mind and around that time buddhist time there were incredible thinkers in india and china and they also i think these are traces that they actually paid a lot of attention to this mind business but i don't know for some reason we we have never been putting enough effort or attention well now a lot of scientists and a lot of scholars are saying that probably especially with the arrival of the artificial intelligence and the world world as it is now we probably we human beings are forced now to think about this mind finally so if you can pay some attention to the matter of mind you will really understand the vastness and the depth of the phenomena of permalink and therefore chondroitin prayer and many others actually this is this is one small part of a much larger family by teaching okay now um talking about how important mind is is the very subject we will be i mean that is the quantitations of the so-called aspiration right aspiring wishing prayer besieging this is what the mind does so that's exactly what we are covering here with the mahaguru prayer um just so that we will have the gist of this incredibly profound and vast prayer i may sort of go everywhere what i'm saying is i'm not going to go through the stanzas in order sometimes it helps us to really kind of um go [Music] sort of you know mix it a little bit you know go go to the top go to the bottom so that we we have the full picture because this because because this is such a profound uh player so there is a two sections of this aspiration or well this liturgy i should say the first part is basically in tibetan we call it which is prayer prayer or aspiration is probably better word and then last few stanzas is i guess you can loosely translate that as a dedication um aspiration okay when we talk about the dedication we are talking about um having done something and whatever that act you dedicate to a specific cause whereas aspiration the minimum isn't it's not uh basically the actual aspiration is the action it's not really the dedication so there's two parts in this litergy it begins you know and uh it begins with the maha guru you know maha guru china you know well even the title of the this aspiration which there is not really a specific title but for the convenience people have ended up calling this mahaguru prayer so the stanza big uh i mean the whole prayer begins with the maha guru jinaji by the blessing of the glorious guru now this stun this sentence can be used throughout you could almost sort of use this sentence to at the beginning of each um section of this prayer mahaguri maharaja the blessing through the blessing of the guru may or may someone saw such and such be accomplished etc now this is this is uh in this is if how should i put it this is um [Music] this statement alone is actually something quite special so because this is probably the one of the quintessential thing quintessential sentence of this whole liturgy let us um dwell discussing this a little bit first the word very very badly translated is blessing i guess in english and i don't know what akiko-san will translate this in japanese or in french or whatever um buddhists in general don't believe that an external force god or a guru or a creator will sort of insert or pour down a power or a blessing ultimately this is not a buddhist view so when we talk about china what are we talking here the real chin up or the real blessing is your own mind which is stainless which is also actually the maha guru so can you understand you know how this is just in brilliant this one you can read it you know you can read this prayer as if especially you know in the uh when we talk about the setting of this aspiration we are talking about when guru rinpoche when he was about to leave tibet when he was about to take flight to copper-colored mountain all the kings and ministers and scholars and translators and of course they were all in you know this it's a kind of a hill or a peak of a a place called kung tang and well many of you those who are familiar with the ningmah teaching you will know i sometimes tease many of my younger friends that this gung tang peak seems to be like a place where lots and lots of teachings have happened in fact i guess it's it's kind of it's kind of very normal isn't it you know like you know when you love somebody when you respect somebody and when this somebody is about to leave let's say he's about to take a bus or when he's about to take a train or a take off go to airport then suddenly you think about you know you read your notes and you know it's anything that i've left you know forgotten to ask i guess something like that so many many you know inter you know like exchange between buche and tj albacham and guru rinpoche and so many others happened on the peak of gung-tang yeah i'm really really trying to go to this peak of kung tang one of these days i really wish to go i don't know that place has to be something quite special anyway this prayer happened to be yeshua girls i don't think we should call it a farewell prayer because farewell is not really the point i mean farewell is not really it it's really like um um parting i guess temporarily parting from the guru so sort of her last prayer just before guru rinpoche took off so when you hear these stories then of course we are talking about a very relative symbolic and historical guru who is about to depart and the historical sort of disciple or in in her case the consort is offering her last sort of parting prayer but as you will notice as we go down a few more standards and probably this is here this is the po um this here i should also mention there are so many treasure teachings of the many different death and treasure discoverer and especially also in the pamela in the teachings where there's a clear um confirmation or a statement of um how actually yesterday is no um she she is or she was or she is guru rinpoche sometimes we call her llama you know she's really cannot see her as a some sort of a separate entity from guru rinpoche she's just buddhism but you know for you know dualistic time-bound space-bound people like us we need to have some sort of a something tangible to think of so then i guess guru rinpoche as the master he should target as actually asian social is always referred as a top j bunk top top means friend even on the relative level ac circle is most of the time historical is referred as the dog or the companion but more importantly the word maha guru is actually referring to our own nature of the mind this is why the word maha in sanskrit means referring to something great something like infinite okay come going back to the blessing and i i use this example a lot and probably this may i will use it again here if you need to wash a dish a dirty dish the fact that dish the dirty seemingly temporary temporarily seemingly dirty dish can be washed is because dish itself inherently is never permanently stained by the dirt that is the blessing see this is this is kind of important one important here in the whole thing so this general you don't have to download from somewhere you don't have to actually besiege you already actually have it i mean you have mine don't you and i have mine you are listening to me you are sort of comprehending me you know your thought of knowing what i'm saying or not knowing probably some of you are getting confused even then what is it that is getting confused the mind this mind the great sarahah one of the greatest mahamudra master also said rinchen nondissembler i prostrate to the mind that is like a wish fulfilling gem this is actually the real real maha guru and that you have it but of course on the relative level this mind our innate guru maha guru which is now being projected as a i guess he's a you know if the external guru which is alive today he would be holding pakistani passport no or what afghan i think something like that right pakistani right i have a lot of things to say about this but probably it's not the right thing to say you know when you look at those those people you could feel you know they're turban and they're just such a you know this mountain like look i could just feel it sometimes but anyway i don't want to waste our time here talking about these things [Music] but anyway yes so externally guru rinpoche time bound one who went to well putin is we are so proud that he went to bliss he went very near our airport but took air flies well probably not these days but before the pandemic almost every day over the summer and we are very proud that he was there and not only that bhutanese are very proud and they should be that um there's a two most important place of the yeshi together and guru rinpoche and they're both in bhutan mankind and uh so you know those are you know some of us okay we all have mind all of us but but some of our mind have this cause and condition this kind of what do you call it um infinity this kind of i don't know um because of our you can call it merit you can call it our karma we can call it our past karmic aspiration we just feel inspired we feel uh excited we feel close to phenomena such as guru rinpoche and asia so for yeah so for this kind of people when we say mahang guru we you know we could think that this is referring to guru rinpoche either way is fine but um i need to tell you this because if when we say mahang guru jinlapji if this statement is only referring to the historically bound guru rinpoche who once upon a time 2000 years ago came to bhutan and he never returned then we remember i was talking earlier then we are thinking very small then we are thinking very limited then we are thinking in the in terms of things like anthropology history you know measurement the moment you think like that you are basically not much bigger than a small mouse or a i don't know insect you know mouse cats they have a certain capacity to think they have their language using their own language they unders they communicate there's nothing that extraordinary so the reason why i'm stressing this before we go be before we go ahead with the rest of the player and okay so now to ex uh sort of in um explain this further may i never be separated from the guru in the in the palace and the buddha field uh in the buddha field and the palace of the um [Music] you know primordially pure state okay it's like this prayer this yes you can say this is a prayer this is a prayer liturgy this is let's say prescribed by ashish organ discovered by bemalimba and we are to do this now you know we should pray to something that is achievable you know achievable you know like nowhere in this whole prayer he says may i never die you understand that's not achievable prayer has to be achievable otherwise whoever has composed this prayer is deceiving us so the first sentence may i never be separated from the guru how is that possible especially guru rinpoche is about to take off to my bling you know copper-colored mountain what's she talking about she's here she's in on the peak of the basically saying goodbye and then she's also praying may i never be separated from you what is that but because as i said earlier because the maha guru is none other than the nature of your mind maha guru is your mind that is the chinlap and this even if you wish to separate you cannot try yourself right this very moment can you try to say sort of hey mind can you sort of pause for one hour or one minute you cannot you are stuck with it you know it's just that we are not being able to use its full capacity remember i told you earlier especially these scientists the rationalists all this you know i really don't know i was thinking late recently the we human beings we have achieved a lot i mean iphone 13 is about to come very soon right i mean just within my own life the smart forms are just mind-boggling i'm using something called a city this city is doing a lot of things sometimes just talking to me out of nowhere but as i said earlier you just we just not being able to use the one thing that is the most important that is our mind so for us what's happening we are always separated we we i mean even though in reality we are not never separated from the guru it's a bit like you are a beggar destitute poor you have nothing begging food struggling and you have your bedroom right on the top of a treasure mine it's equal to you don't have the treasure let's say you have a gold nugget hanging on your neck but you don't know it's gold it's equal to not having gold you go here there you sit you sleep you eat with mind but you are not using mind yes forgives praying all the time this setup is not necessarily referring to this life and the next life it's talking about continuously may i be able to not separate from this maha guru lama jamie and then if i i mean each stanzas has an incredible you know wealth and depth so be like we of course need to sort of complete this prayer so if i go through this [Music] room without any hypocrisy without any what you call it contrived fabricate it maybe but with a genuine admiration devotion and a pure perception to this guru and every time when i say guru please always think in terms of two kinds the inner guru the maha guru your nature of the mind and the outer guru which is the reflection of this for chondroitin is the guru rinpoche also for us it's guru rinpoche and for a lot of us you know we are our own guru whom we have received teachings for in like because i have received family teachings from for me is guru rinpoche when i received these teachings from he had asthma he had to cough a lot and that is because that's all my merit my own capacity or pure perception can you know handle so to speak if my marriage and my pure perception is bigger i'm sure every cough every wheezing sound he make when he was having an asthma attack i could extract lots of nectar of teachings but you know me bound by dualistic thinking but at the same time lucky enough to appreciate dujum jiren ishidoji as someone who is connected to guru rinpoche so anyway or with a genuine devotion towards this guru fulfilling the wishes of this guru offering our service and when we talk about the service especially the service of practicing now this is another important point here when we talk about pleasing the guru paltron which talks about the three ways to please the most powerful and the important way to please the guru is by practicing practicing what practicing mind right by practicing mind what happens it takes you to the inner guru so it's like much more than pleasing when we are talking about pleasing we are talking about an external being you know getting pleased and then if you on top of that offering physical or i don't know whatever whatever your skill your time and giving your what you call it service to the shuttle you know this is nearby it's like a service physical time skill and then lastly material food flowers incense i don't know greetings and through this you know fulfilling the wishes of the guru may i be able to actualize the chin up again i've already explained the chin up earlier actualize one's own nature of the mind and then here now so i would say again just to you know this is what i was saying maha this time this sentence we can bring it all the way here um this is just when i'm i'm um to understand the what is it the prayer i'm not suggesting that you should bring that sentence when you are doing the prayer of course not anyway by the blessing of the guru's body speech and mind through his body speech and mind may my body speech and mind ripen okay so this to this two sentence this sentence is talking about abhisheka one and it really yes abhisheka and britain is many bhutanese are quite familiar with the idea you know the phenomena called we say one receiving one okay one um the the term one is like uh authority right authority entitlement uh i think authority is good empowerment is also good again if you use the word entitlement if you are let's say i don't know son of duke of nottingham then you are entitled i just made that up i don't know whether there's any duke called duke of nottingham let's say you are a son of a duke of i don't know wellington or uh edinburgh or whatever then you are entitled to the wealth or the position of that i don't know edinburgh rochester whatever you understand so we are talking about the similar thing here you all of us we are entitled to body speech and mind of the buddha why because our mind is a buddha the similar thing what i said earlier we are entitled and this word min is such an important word mean means ripen right right now you and my body is bit like green tomato not yet ripened unless you like the green tomato but let's say you want to have a i don't know uh pomodoro pasta pomodoro you want a red red tomato right so it has to be ripened you and i our body our mind our speech is like a really hard unripened tomato but one thing is thing that you need to know is that at least we are a tomato if you are avocado and we need to eat pomodoro pasta pomodoro useless you are useless isn't it pomodoro you know red tomato this is what we want so we are so lucky that at least we are green tomatoes sure you know we are green tomato at least we can be ripened to the red tomato you have that the whole ingredient in you so by the blessing of the body speech and the mind of the guru our body speech and mind gets ripened as the body speech and mind buddha's body buddha speech buddha's mind when he talks about this he's talking i mean she's talking about abhisheka ah what is it one okay most of us you know it takes time for a tomato green tomato to become red red tomato so meanwhile what do you do now we know at least it's automatic that's already i mean i should not really say at least i mean the big big good news is that you are a tomato anybody who comes in the middle of this teaching they will get really confused they will think what's happening here you know johnson kansas is supposed to teach this very profound teaching on we are now talking about a tomato but anyway maybe somebody can recap but anyway green tomato so for some of us it takes time to ripen so what do we do i don't know sun let the sun hit i i'm not a farmer so i don't know about this i guess um yeah sun is an important one right so that it will ripe properly and i don't know railing fencing so that goats won't eat it obstacles you know so then what do we do for that so very briefly we have no time to talk about the whole you know these are really as i was saying you know kandra is i'm telling you these things are not written you can't write these things i mean of course nowadays we as we just copy these things and you know arrange the words here and there but these things can't be written these things just it just comes out when you are in when you can claim the entitlement when you have the dna document to prove that you are the child of duke of i don't know edinburgh or i don't know whatever then you can just confidently go and claim this is what happened with all this then you see so i mean for some of us maybe this is a easier way to understand between pamela lingar and exactly the same thing one because of that permalink is basically entitled to it's like okay i'm entitled i am entitled and i can remember i am allowed to remember and tell you i just took a japanese already called it noodle as for you know for my lunch right i i can tell you that this is exactly how it is for these treasure takers they can just it's entitled you know they they can just express because they're the one it's coming from the same ocean anyway to maintain your body speech and mind as the [Music] body speech and mind of the buddha you then do it through to technique one is cherim and the other is dorim upani grammar and somebody grammar and it's a very briefly cherim is basically maintaining that you are not an ordinary person or you are not an ordinary being you are actually a deity a dragony darker whatever it's a bit like this let's say you have a dementia you forgot who you are okay and your guru is sort of you know out of his compassion his or her compassion is um like showing you certain um your guru is um using certain techniques such as okay let's say you have a dementia and this is one pill that you always take right so you are i don't know your parents or your friends sort of you know six times a day trying to show you you know what's this you know this is you know you're very familiar this you know you're about to recall so always showing so it's bit like that right now we have a dementia we've forgotten who we are we are guru rinpoche we are this in that deity but we have forgotten so this kind of a trick is basically cherim so there's so many techniques where you are supposed to for instance for instance in bhutan since i'm speaking a lot of to a lot of bhutanese here a lot of bhutanese are very keen on practicing tremor you know like so basically trying to remind themself with attributes such as you know fangs and dark and curved knife and so on and so forth so that's what basically um you know i'm trying to uh express this kind of in a very i don't know simple way as i you know i'm trying it so yeah and then jorim is basically trying to know that everything you visualize or you think or not think are basically just your projection they are nothing more than a reflection of your mind projection of your mind just like a moon reflecting on the water they are there but at the same time they are not there so this understanding the um the emptiness aspect is basically the problem so by the blessing of the guru maha guru may i be able to receive the bomb may it may be able to receive the [Music] after receiving the one may i be able to practice the cherim and thorim and basically um [Music] [Music] how should i say merge our life into practice we are supposed to take a break if i am over the time can somebody tell me power is am i yoga we have 25 more minutes okay it's just incredible every word by the power of the maha guru's blessing made the obstacles so she has you know categorize obstacles here first and as you can you know notice of the of all the obstacles the worst one the most vicious one the thing that we should be really really worried about is not really in that sickness not not things like you know um all kinds of obstacles like um even death no not here it's not you're not on the top list right on the top is locked wrong view wrong view is synonymous to do you know demon mara who is it is it locked wrong view what kind of wrong view are we talking about oh so much i mean i can go on and on about this and it will end up becoming a ranting i mean the fact that um i have i have to do this you know some grunting is almost like inevitable from conservation isn't it this the fact that the you know the rise of individualism individual right wow that is one of the biggest locked wrong view it's just not possible not possible at all yes ideally romantically this is possible rise of individualism i mean forget the dharma practice you can't even have a proper relationship you can't even have a boyfriend girlfriend relationship or a boyfriend boyfriend or girlfriend girlfriend you can't even have a proper relationship because you know you want to use your whatsapp your girlfriend or a boyfriend wants to use wechat each and every individual you know it's so confusing this self-cherishing so much hype on individualism and actually believing that it's possible that is one wrong view that is killing the modern people it's basically destroying the modern people of course the politicians they're so happy when they hear this you know they they have something to feed but the yeshi struggle is not even talking about this that was me you know ranting that's like a kindergarten level of unison is you not even believing that you your mind is perfect as it is condemning yourself looking down at yourself looking this is a real lockdown and this is specifically important for my fellow you know young bhutanese because my fellow young bhutanese you know sometimes you know they get easily what they call kotang chat i don't know how to translate that in other languages i don't know like how do you translate that i'm not sure yeah you know they just in in one of the britain is a dialect it's called semshi such an amazing term sam shi means a death of mind you know someone basically someone tells you something very very little maybe negative same same shiva you know someone is basically something to do basically we have forgotten this gold mine that is basically all the time with us and not being able to use this wealth and putting so much effort in all the other things external things and when things does not go according to your this petty plan then basically sort of like giving up i think chat has something to do with giving up this is what um yeah anyway duality dualistic mind is the funny mental locked and on top of that of course wrong view of not believing in cause and condition and effect wrong view on path eternalistic view nihilistic view so on and so forth so that is the main obstacle that we need to overcome so by the blessing of mahaguru may this lotto maybe be able to overcome that together with all the other you know like sickness obstacles may they all be pacified may maybe have friends families retinues and may our wish be fulfilled praying to the guru by the blessing of the maha guru may i be able to always put the practice of mindfulness awareness practice may i be able to apply the one-pointedness samadhi things in at all time and here i want to explain this a little bit more where where should we wear all the uh favorable places and then here she laid a few names here cemetery ritu is more like a um isolated or like a mountain she is mountain it's more yeah and then counter is like uh glazier but uh we now we have to understand this not only literally literally is also fine there is a tradition especially in the past in bhutan probably getting less and less now there are actually even when when i was growing up there were a lot in bhutan um you know remote places mountains you know of filled by practitioners but um when this you know cemetery mountain or isolated place or glaciers she is not really she's not only talking about the actual physical cemetery the term in one sense cemetery is everywhere where where there is a body like right now wherever you are sitting and listening to this in a way is a cemetery why because that body that you have that will be discarded like a used tissue paper anytime any day any day so in this sense everywhere is a cemetery this is one way to understand the cemetery of course also the real cemetery is considered very very special place but basically everywhere isolated place is again where it could be your okay maybe your living room is not really isolated but maybe your bedroom is isolated from distractions or maybe you can isolate every day from your home to a park you can isolate yourself even for a few seconds and the counter this is probably for a very new audience here a little difficult to understand but again you know this can be understood literally but more importantly the glacier is up in the country is you are supposed to do tumor kundalini this heat practice now this is of course a really very vast subject the reason why we are supposed to do this heat or kundalini practice is we are a human and as a human we belong to what we call desiring realm of all the emotions our desire the desire emotion desire is probably the most prominent especially desire that is related to physical and i'm not only talking about like wanting to eat food and just like a warmth like i don't know um like intimacy you know that kind of desire is a very very strong emotion for human beings so in the tantra there is a method of using this emotion as the path and that practice is called kundalini or sometimes tumor heat fire so she's talking about that basically anyway the most important word here is meaning so on wherever as long as it takes you closer to the your true nature that is a perfect place so through these places may i be able to practice at all times shall we take a break now lasso majella so we will take a break for 15 minutes just oh [Applause] [Applause] um [Music] [Applause] foreign is [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] me is [Applause] [Music] is foreign me [Music] [Music] is foreign a [Laughter] foreign foreign a foreign [Music] oh [Music] [Music] um [Music] right now it's 8 30 in taiwan we are going till uh 10 15 the break is uh for another another 10 minutes from if you want 10 minutes foreign [Music] [Applause] foreign [Music] a foreign um [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign foreign foreign [Music] me [Applause] [Music] a foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] hello um okay okay welcome back everyone your camera is off um i was just um re-reading it you know this prayer i i mean i don't know maybe it's almost safe to say i do it every day after a while you know we just do it it ends up becoming some sort of a ritual so we don't pay enough attention but i was reading it carefully just now during the break and you know i feel sorry for you guys because i'm not i'm not doing the justice to asia and by malinka there's so much in it um anyway let's continue so by the power of the maha guru maha guru's blessing yeah this is something especially for the practitioners i want to just say this have you noticed something here everything is basically um essentialized distilled if you like to just one trusting the guru even the trusting the guru we ask the guru maha guru to bless me so that i will trust you you know it's just this is what i call the beauty and the wealth of the tantra you know you know usually the practitioners always complain not practicing enough then what do you do you try to extend your practice you try to i don't know do more numbers don't know more spend more time and energy with the practice but here countries struggle even that you you you basically leave it in the hands of the guru by the power of the guru's blessing may i practice and this is so good you know this is sort of the um continuation of the earlier stanza by the blessing of the guru may i be able to spend my energy and time in practicing and practicing what i like i'd like to talk about this a little bit the word practice has been misleading people a lot and part of it i can understand because um a lot of these methods you know such as okay you know and i'm especially i'm talking to bhutanese audience here when we say oh you know are you practicing and also other sangha is similar because many of you the sanghas from i don't know russia france spain you have this tibetan bhutanese gurus so they have brought their nuances right anyway when we talk when we say practice most of the time we are referring to some sort of a number have you done hundred thousand prostrations have you done one draw did you sit half an hour did you do nine days vipassana every day nine hours sitting did you sit did you actually put your butt on the cushion you know so always referring to something tangible something physical something you know countable measurable and as i said earlier to the certain extent i can understand i we should forgive this to the certain extent but we need to be careful here especially in front of ladies like asia together we have to be kind of cautious she is very sharp here when we talk about a practice it's basically like um like in like for fellow bhutanese i would say i mean not just bhutanese anyone especially bhutanese since we are so blessed physically connected to guru rinpoche before i'm i'm quite sure if there's a dedicated scientist you can go to boom tongue or urjay or sangazong and you can sort of search for guru rinpoche dna i'm sure there's drop droplets here and there you know it's not really any asian it's so amazing so for us bhutanese if you admire the guru rinpoche if you love guru rinpoche you know wow he you know rides tiger even this i would treasure much more than have you done hundred thousand prostrations have you done nine hours of sitting sort of a genuine admiration towards guru rinpoche um but i understand you know i used to be one of the fellow young you know i used when i was younger you know i used to be um you know these youngsters who who are embarrassed to talk about guru rinpoche you know like tiger riding tyler and then you know i used to be embarrassed about talk talking about guru rinpoche having footprint on stones and stuff like that because the reason why i know why because i'm afraid that all these modern people scientific people will kep you know i'm afraid that they may categorize me into this department of flat earth department or those you know people who believe that the earth is flat really i'm this is my confession and i have to thank uh chilean writer chili right chilean woman writer her name is isabella ayande she wrote some books and this was much later actually when i kind of managed to read a little bit of english and in there she talks about all her you know childhood and she talks about this woman with the green hair and it was so fascinating and i was so lucky of course why should we be embarrassed about this magical world in fact believing in this rational scientific is so just on that is so limiting it really makes things so narrow so now i am so proud of being a citizen of this country that actually believed somebody called guru rinpoche came to baruch song flying on you know riding a flying tiger fantastic to me it is equally believable that there is this head on my neck because after all this is also my projection i believe that there's a head on this neck that's all is it it's a projection of course you know the scientist people scientists and all these you know modern people they may laugh at this but you know they are getting very very deprived living in this small cage anyway so for us practice is really liking admiring loving getting inspired by words like yeshua's hogil and pemberley but that is really actually the ingredient of practice if you have that nine hours sitting five hours sitting this much frustrations that much mental offering those are easy those are actually doable those are actually a bit like a gimmick you know that is achievable you think that's not hp but that's achievable but liking admiring to guru rinpoche admiring to this kind of like fascinating world of paradoxic that needs a bit of a blessing that's not going to come that easily so through the blessing of guru we need that and that is called practice actually if the fellow putin is here if they could think about guru rinpoche and here again i will say this if you if they tattoo guru rinpoche on their shoulder out of administration towards guru rinpoche fantastic that is called practice and through that kind of admiration towards guru rinpoche liking towards guru rinpoche what will then happen because through that then actually this is a such a profound statement here but let me just first say this first through because of this this um as a result of the duba jab in deborah as a result of this practice you will accomplish four kind of activity pacifying peaceful activity increasing activity and what magnetizing activity and their subjugating activity now let me just give you a very shallow but probably good for many of the younger listener here sherlock analogy by trusting the guru rinpoche maha guru innate maha guru especially innate mahabhuru and if not at least a represent represented guru which is guru rinpoche by trusting him by admiring him what will happen and at the least when you are tormented by quran remember that words that untranslatable word you know there's so many untranslatable words um [Music] in different uh you know nations and the japanese they have so much i actually collect them because they're so beautiful um i think bhutan is what kotanchat is one of those untranslatable words but anyway feeling abandoned feeling i don't know alienated probably alienation alienated depressed sad abandoned hopeless when you can if you can develop ideally to the maha guru innate maha guru if not to the outer guru that you know there will be an outlet to surrender to a higher force and that's easily going to specify so you see pacifying activity is accomplished and how about increasing increase you know rich prosperity by the time you trust yourself your inner innate maha guru and the outer guru you this person is quite content when a person is content person is already rich a person doesn't need extra vacuum machine i don't know when the person is not into you know content then you need this you need that never ever you will feel rich you always feel that you always feel that you are not you are not there yet you still need to acquire more and this this exists even i mean you know like billionaires they never think they have enough so they are basically poverty written they you know inside there you know they may have billions but contentment is not there so there's no increasing activity okay magnetizing what do you want to do this is something that everybody wants isn't it why are we not being able to magnetize others why are we not not be able to seduce others let's use a very crude word seduce or magnetize why because you look like a nervous thing you you look like a wreck because you're so nervous you have no confidence you are your eyes are rolling everywhere you're looking right and left you're always fixing your tie or your goal your company you're you know you're always like nervous not just relax you understand so all the other people who are also nerve wrack when they look at you they get even more nervous they can't relax because you know he has another you know you know nervy guy why would they trust you but when you are confident then i can talk to this person just the dominion and the vibe of this person you will feel when this person is in the house the vibe of this person is like huh i can sort of relax that's how you magnetize and how do you subjugate you know subjugate basically you know like overpower because you have no agenda other than this inner guru you have that trust towards the maha guru so when you have no more agenda you have basically conquered the world now this is the really really important the next word was an amazing powerful word basically means god or a divine simple is like a monster demon let's say chen means slave by the by perfecting the four activity may i be able to make both god and demon as my servant what a statement you know in the normal you know many many other people oh the god you want to be you want to surrender to god demon you want to crush them but here no equally moment you like to destroy bad things and surrender to good things you are not a master if you want if you look at both good and bad both god and demon as an equal now you are the master the moment you prefer the god you have become weak because you prefer god so demons also know this so the demons may sometimes act as a god or some of those gods are very very wetty they might some of those demons are very good friends with demons i mean because those gods so you can really get confused so may i be able to basically um around boss around both god and the demon and here actually literally also referring to you know spirits and by by managing to uh boss around them or order around them may i be able to make them protect the buddha dharma okay then there is this is so good this is just so important many many dharma students we think that dharma can be studied that only through study read book highlight make notes listen only through that you will understand the dharma yes to the certain extent but with a lot of effort here you should talk about saying just pray to guru by the blessing of the guru without any of these difficulties may the understanding of the dharma arise [Music] and by the power of the okay so by the power of the guru's blessing may i have the bodhichitta energy and through this bodhichitta may i magnetize all sentient beings and like a wish fulfilling gem without any obstructions may i be you know this is such a good thing turn down temperature you really should uh make note of this many of you are probably wishing to really benefit sentient beings right but then you feel that you are inadequate you are not you know powerful enough you are not equipped enough no need to worry about it by the power of the guru's blessing may i have the chance and by having that they'll say what does that mean that means by through that through the blessing of the gurus and the bodhichitta let's say you go to sunday market this is exclusive bhutanese so i don't know whether the translations would understand every week there's a some sort of a vegetable market in temple so badly designed i must say i'm sorry to say this whoever has designed those um anyway if you happen to go to vegetable market and let's say you are a bright togo especially the ladies and somebody sees you because you have such a bright terror you know shirt that is already dealt is like a connection and probably you this person will never speak to you and never even look at you twice but look at you once just because you have a bright red togo or i don't know some really strange lipsticks you have put on but i don't know whatever because of that there is a some sort of just a momentary delaware link and made this become dandang temperature means may it become meaningful so see even by going to sunday market vegetable market you can make that what you call it excursion to thimpu vegetable market meaningful all the more reasons to go to vegetable market from now on and all the more reasons to put on brighter and i don't know bright or strange or i don't know uh remarkable makeup or i don't know bags i don't know if you if you dare walk negative but probably i would not suggest okay it's getting late so since it's getting late i'm getting a little bit um off the sort of we're going to just say to them and by the blessings of the guru may the buddha dharma flourish may the [Music] stakeholder of the buddha dharma live long or may there be lot of those stakeholders or the lineage holders may they teach and may the teachings be increased and through that may all the documentaries may all be placed in the in a blissful happiness state and through that may all field meaning may all realm or countries or places may they all become perfect [Music] and may i so profound this may i be able to not not really may i be able to may i appear or get projected by others different people different beings with the different capacities different i don't know different uh values different background may they be able to project me and make through this projection may i be able to benefit as a [Music] you know buddhist manifestation in other words and this is sort of an inside joke with in bhutan okay here you can see in this stanza you are basically entitled to be a tulku here he says in a certain society it's only reserved for certain people but it's not says this may my body speech and mind four different people however they wish i don't know however they wish some as a teacher some as i don't know friends some as uh probably even enemy for some as a i don't know like a bus you know like a companion however may i appear infinite amount from now on so next time when you meet a turku please quote this and say well you know i have become a trooper i am able to also manifest a lot of from now on and if you if you ask how so you should call to yeshi tokyo and bama lingbah same thing right lastly summary just an amazing summary in in summary in in in nutshell me everything not just nirvana stuff not a good start not the excellent stuff only even the samsara negative impure stuff may they all become inseparable one taste oneness with guru maha guru now kusum didn't remember this is a little difficult for the general audience if those who wish to explore this kusuma nepali have aspiration so that you will be able to get connected to this anyway by you know becoming everything in one taste guru rinpoche may all actualize the makaya and through that through that may they be able to awaken swiftly quickly and then here more some of this is so beautiful issues for girls yeshua's praying to guru rinpoche i pray to god i pray to you bless these sentient beings so that they will pray to you what an incredible statement here so that they will supplicate so that they will pray i pray to guru rinpoche so that allah may change a liberation so that the gurus will bless us i pray to guru rinpoche so that the deities will give us the siddhi attainment i pray to guru rinpoche so that all the darkness will give us guidance and the prophecies it's sort of like a prediction i pray to guru rinpoche so that all our chechong mahakalas dharmapalas will you know dispel our obstacles i pray to guru so that buddha dharma will flourish pray to guru so that all sentient beings will have happiness and bliss so that all everyone will dwell with the dharma day and night so that um we will perfect one's own desire and the desire of others or basically you know so that one will attain one one self and all the others will attain enlightenment saying this is a virtuous action but not ordinary virtuous section the prayer that is made here has nothing selfish first of all it is coming from the most pure of the pure heart it is not lopsided it is not biased you are not trying to your own village or your own i don't know your own kins you are praying for everyone and you are not only paying for some you know like mundane achievements such as good food and good shelter but realizing the truth and especially ranjinta we give means this prayer is also with the is this prayer is done with a total you know totally based on the wisdom of sunita that's what it is talking about the prayer maker the prayer the aim of the prayer all our illusion with that understanding we are doing this prayer therefore this is a rajin dhabi given meaning it's the most supreme pure prayer and because of that we have a confidence that this prayer will churn the depth of the samsara from the bottom so that all sentient beings will never fall into the samsara and may the end they will all actualize dharmakaya and this secret mantra yana the secret teaching of all the buddha which is vajrayana and especially probably you can say it's also referring to like um this specific also is related to a lot of the pamela lingus tragic teaching so such as lama nur bhujam so for instance so may this vajrayana teaching like a rising sun in the sky may it illuminate and propagate everywhere okay so that's the aspiration now that aspiration is indeed well done this deed is what is being dedicated by the next few strangers which should be fairly easy to understand doggy gives wishes of the maha guru be fulfilled may i become powerful and able person but for what nothing else only to make only to propagate the buddha dharma because only the buddha dharma is the answer to all the calamities or the downfall therefore may i be able to do that may i may be able to become that and chamber 7 verse 13 may i perfect my you know knowledge compassion and the ability and become the buddha and may all sentient beings those who are dwelling in the sixth rounds may they all be free from the ocean like samsara and quickly achieve the tatakata so as i said earlier this was prayed just as guru rinpoche was about to board flights to you know copper-colored mountain and much later this i mean many of the issues together songs prayers teachings because guru rinpoche told her that everything basically came out from her will benefit so many sentient beings in the future that she should immediately it's not really write it down okay it's like um she should um sort of i don't know it's almost like wrap it into this magical dug in a casket so it's a it's a really quite an amazing thing actually this is like um see when all the cause and conditions are together it happens you know like this let's say there's a two candle right one is lit the other is not lit yet but the other has all the cause and conditions there's a wig there's oil everything and all you do is just touch it and then there's another one without the diminishing the first one it doesn't have to transfer between guru rinpoche asia's chocolate and the malinka their wisdom mind is like that so okay between asian social and bama limba hundreds of years gab now again when we talk about hundred years we are talking about this small you know mouse-like brain years was such a limited mentality so we have this kind of you know a bit different you know how can this possible well if you can open your mind when pamela lingard went to hoda mendo this this is probably what has happened you know i already gave you remember the very very shallow example of gabriella garcia marcus driving i don't know where he was driving and driving and he suddenly stopped and he said to his wife and i have to go back and the wife said why we you gonna be planned this holiday for all this time so now i have to go back why because i've got the first line of the novel the rest just the first line and he went back and he wrote the 100 years of solitude that just to give you a reference it's something like that so this this is what must have happened anyway i'd like to conclude that i'm really happy that even though it was such a bad job that i have done today because i have said yes when the organizer requested me to do this i've said yes just so that the auspicious circumstance will not get broken otherwise it's it's a it's a it's a it's a huge task to explain this uh profound player but anyway um at least it's a it's a beginning uh i'm especially happy for doing this sort of um [Music] what you call it celebrating the belling watcher for those who are not familiar with the launcher uh you know permalink had a tremendous impact on bhutanese life by the way pamela was as i said earlier you know he was a bhutanese you know so many great masters have come to [Music] bhutan i mean she came to bhutan but she was a tibetan you know she was a tibetan and guru rinpoche pakistani right and um yeah longchamper came he's also a tibetan and then there was many kagupa masters like they're all tibetan and then later say all of these are tibetans he is a bhutanese through and through according to the lord of different accounts he really he had that whole bhutanese element so to speak the big sort of what do you call it cough and there's a special cough that i don't think you translate is a good no it's a bit like um anyway it's a big calf and short supposedly yeah and he was very kind of crude and most probably he was chewing a lot of little nut and he was uh also uh uh you know iron smith um she was really and i think power hair brought it yeah about have already mentioned this and i mean nothing so special about being good is but one thing we need to remember is there is not many you know the tibetans i mean we are talking about the you know ancient time right so a lot of tibetan masters a lot of there's a historical historical account of how bhutanese have relied upon tibetan llamas tibetan gurus but there's not many many accounts about how the tibetans rely on the bhutan islama but with the birmingham there is a lot i mean if there's any mineraling by people listening here they may probably feel little bit amused but i would you know confidentially say today for instance in the ningna tradition there's something called mineraling tradition which is one of the most important seed of the ningmata school [Music] lineage is basically the disciple of the pemalimbus if there's anybody who's disputing this they can write to me i can show them but you know it's a big deal it's a really really big deal um he you know so i'm really so basically what i'm saying is that bhutanese have us so much affinity i mean he was one of our own and because of that lot of bhutanese family they do even though they may not be able to practice the permalink treasure teachings daily or you know monthly or weekly there's a very beautiful sort of habit or a custom or a tradition if you like of doing what they call law law means like any uh like yearly you know i mean it means year che is like offering so and you're offering ceremony that the bhutanese families especially uh sort of well to do families they observe i believe that um you know because of the circumstance and the situation and the globalization and all of that that may be now slowly slowly raining you know because many of these bhutanese who used to observe the berlin watcher probably there in perth or they're in jackson heights flipping hamburger who knows what they are doing or driving uber but anyway i thought you know it's a wonderful idea that a group of people actually because that's the thing to do now right that's the way to observe our value it's it's a different way and it's a good way so uh this launcher festival uh i think it's a such a good idea so now i'm happy that um you know i had you know i'm being invited to talk to you um regarding this i mean during this time um and yeah i think that's about it for to as far as the i believe that there's some questions so i don't know i think we still have some time so maybe yeah so where is the questions come from and maybe if you if you know the name of the people who are asking the question otherwise just the country so that people know that they have their question is answered or not uh we have been gathering the questions from the different uh translation rooms and the q and a uh box here uh there's one request which is in all the rooms which is which if the can bestow the oral transmission of this prayer okay let me do that but um i don't know giving a loom on through the zoom is a bit of a controversy these days there's a lot of llamas who oppose this just don't tell them i have done that today so i will do this right now foreign [Music] foreign foreign uh there are two questions from the japanese room uh there's no name um wishing not to be separate isn't that an attachment yes it is an attachment and um uh even to have the notion that there is an enlightenment and there is a samsara is also a is a flaw but a path is a but at the same time we need to use the path so buddha himself said if you want to go to other shore you need to take a boat once you reach the other shore you abandon the boat so for many of deluded beings like us at the moment we need some sort of a direction either you have this wish to never separate from the maha guru or wish to never separate from the online shopping which one do you choose most likely you'll be less stressed if you put more emphasize on not to separate from the guru online shopping is going to really bring lots of misery okay not so much the second question from the japanese room is when you say mind or maha guru or inner and outer objectification but how should i think about silence in terms of this prayer um i need to define what is silence because if you are talking about a silence in the in the sense of you know like not talking you know like actual silence literally that can be i mean beneficial but that can be also a pain in the neck too right so depends on the motivation the view and all of that but if the term silence that you are using if you are using this to refer to [Music] not to fall into extreme then yes then i think you are close to what we are talking about maha guru or the nature of the mind little bit slow so the translators can translate the questions i have been practicing guru rinpoche uh ever since i knew the mantra doubt has been coming and i did not get an opportunity to clarify from any rumour till now and it has become an obstacle for my practice i'm in my late 30s the doubt is that is it necessary to for me to practice any other deity is it okay for me to just practice guru rinpoche my whole life and don't bother to practice the deities such as vajrasattva and tara turma is my mere deity and sometimes i feel doubt that i'm not being able to practice dermal if you can take my word and trust and i say this with the backing from all the tantra and the shastras and all the masters of the past in the present just practicing the guru so there is nothing that you have to worry about um of course the dualistic mind do tend to think like oh manjushit is for the wisdom i will look at teshwara changes it is for compassion as if manjushri doesn't have compassion as if abu dhabi teshwar is a bit of a slow thinker you know equally you know full of wisdom and manchester is equally compassionate this is all you know human mind talking but you know it's understandable we do have that kind of thing you know we you know human beings like varieties she would like to get your thoughts on the domestic violence that has been happening towards bhutanese women at home many are suffering in silence and wondering if seeking peace and freedom from their partner is being selfish can you repeat the second because there was a net problem uh she's asking about your thoughts on the domestic violence that's happening towards bhutanese women at home many are suffering in silence and wondering if seeking peace and freedom from their abusive partner is being selfish okay um first i think this is where we as a whole bhutanese society we need to have a real hard thinking um um of course there's a lot of good things about bhutan there's a really really lot of beautiful things about bhutan and bhutanese but there's a lot of things that has flaw i mean as a human being and also as a male i should say and many times we are so caught up with this sort of seemingly cultural tradition it's never written somewhere it's never written it's never clear it's most probably made up by some male chauvinist i don't know hundred years ago 200 years ago a thousand years ago who knows and that is still very much there and i think because of that weight and that sort of social pressure i think a lot of individuals as this lady's question seems to indicate there are a lot of individuals that are suffering and i think as a whole bhutanese society we need to really not just speak out not really very call it um [Music] like i don't know print shirt or you know hold up placard or i don't know talk about it but we need to really parents friends families we need to really understand these things we need to really what we call it have the courage to point out that if there is any abuse especially if it is coming from you know physically power more you know powerful i'm not only talking about men and women but between children and the adults also uh we need to be able to point this out and when these things are pointed out the way our attitude how we sort of chew this how we digested this and then how we share this um we need to body conduct um we need to really have a deep thinking about this this this is something that i wanted to put it out there and um this is a serious business this is this is something that we have to do as a whole as a society as a community llamas like myself we need to really have a good understanding on this um leaders elites people who are respected by the society i don't know whether they need to speak it out or i don't know they need to be skillful they need to be compassionate um they can't we can't afford to sort of get lost in this age-old habit which is misunderstood as a cultural value i don't know way to do i really uh we need to sort of we need to awaken to this and i guess to do that it's good that time she asked this question in this kind of format i think we need to talk more i don't know maybe bbs should talk about this more maybe i don't know radio bhutan we should talk about this more and then personally i would say not necessarily uh you know you should be um what do you call it uh you know speaking out and exposing is not necessarily being selfish this is what i wanted to say you know you know as an answer to your question because many times i think exposing especially for the benefit of a greater good and a longer term i think maybe exposing speaking it out trying to sort it out rather than swallowing and freely swallowing day after day month after month years after year and then it become that becoming some sort of a disease that is maybe not the right thing to do okay this question is from cheryl katz from does rubachi recommend this practice as a daily practice which would be the priority practicing this or doing your uh undraw accumulations and rinsing hammer from bhutan is also asking the same question if thinking of guru rinpoche as an innate inseparable nature part of us through all times is equivalent to doing mundo in one's lifetime actually as i spoke during the teaching fundamentally uh if you are a dharma practitioner if you are not dharma practitioner it doesn't matter i'm not speaking to you in this case right but if you are a dharma practitioner i would really bank on invest all your time and energy or whatever in developing admiration i don't want to use the word devotion admiration liking i don't know just becoming a you know like fan of the guru rinpoche principle once you have that you will automatically practice these monroes and etc etc then those are those are easy it's a bit like when you become a liverpool fan liverpool fan you know football club i don't know i think maybe the ladies the question is coming from the ladies and my answer is becoming very men men stuff right but anyway this is all i can think of when you become a liberal football club fan then when you watch how you watch would you record the game would you play back and rewind old game you know so boring even if you know the sport some people still watch that will come automatically okay this question is from china um in the beginning of the teaching room shay said that everybody dies but didn't guru rinpoche and nishitojo attain deathless bodies wow what a good question yes for the auspiciousness i have to say yes what choice do i have they have achieved the deathlessness but i need to define this their deathlessness is also something to do with the birthlessness this is important that people know the deathlessness is also a synonymous to understanding the shuniata emptiness when you have no more duality of time what is death time is very relative i mean even einstein knew this right but if you know that time is just a relative it's just a projection hallucination imagination death is conquered okay how many mom do you have uh quite a bit from bachelor how many do you want okay um this is from juliana is there a way to describe the relation between the four activities and the body speech and mind can you come again is there a way to describe the relationship between the four activities pacifying enriching magnetizing subjugation and the body speech and mind okay this is a little bit of a technical question okay uh let's talk about the body speech and mind first and i'll be very brief because this is very big subject um in the tundra body speech and mind is seen as a shell as in eggshell most outer and most gross most tangible shell of course is the body obviously very lim there's so much limitation i mean you know if your shoe size is 42 you can't wear a baby's shoes so on and so forth then much more refined shell is the speech but when we say speech is not really the speech like as in sound and words and language that also but actually we are more talking about the prana the the air that flow okay so that's the inner shell now there's another shell which is really really tough but the most intangible most invisible is the mind shell and when these three shells sometimes we use the language broken hatched broken sometimes we use the language ripen but i think the tantra they use the word ripen then they function differently they function differently and yeah it's it's very very okay so it's a bit like this um okay so so the mind okay so mind has a you know mind is by product of a lot of influence a lot of i don't know cause and conditions so let's say your mind likes someone or something let's say a pencil okay let's say you are an artist you know that's all so the because because your mind made you think you are an artist and because of that even the smell of the pencil excites you you know prana is working now you understand otherwise if you are not an artist the pencils smell oh what is pencil smell is but you know artists do love pencil smell and then the whole procedure of sharpening the pencil and then the you know then the as you draw on the paper and then the scratching and around the sound of you know pencil uh you know like a sketching on the paper all of that these yeah see it has become gross and this is how your pristine clear nature of the mind is now taken for ride detour and then you draw something and then it gets printed on your local newspaper and then it gets read by a local critic who has the loudest of the mouth and then he gives you two thumbs down oh my god you will be depressed and you might have i don't know prozac antidepressant or whiskey i don't know this is how the body speech and the mind functions let me i'm talking about the tantra here right now if you can overpower this of course through overpowering the mind especially then the four activities gets accomplished right away i'm just trying to connect this to anyway yeah this is uh from a 23 year old tibetan girl in canada i pray to recognize the true nature of my mind and i try to practice often but i do smoke marijuana often i'm currently a university student majoring in psychology i was wondering if my marijuana smoking is considered non-virtuous action and a sin i would be grateful if rubiji could bestow some wisdom on this wow that needs a long answer i feel okay first of all i have to point this out buddhists don't believe in sin buddhists believe in ignorance if there's ignorance that will lead you to pain dissatisfaction so on and so forth very important that you need to jot it down on your notebook this one in other words um anything this is what according to buddhism anything that takes you away from the truth is ignorance non-virtuous not wholesome something that you need to be aware of something that you need to be cautious so that could be marijuana who knows but that could be also oh i'm a buddhist you know i have a shrine i'm wearing this oh you know very proud of being buddhist [Music] you could be very much into spiritual materialism there so that is not necessarily bringing you closer to the truth you understand what i mean uh of course i would suggest um especially with the marijuana i think the marijuana okay it's like this i i should tell you this you know i often make joke about this that buddhism traveled to china and probably it is also thanks to silkworm you know silk road you know so the merchants go up and down between china and india and somehow buddhism arrived and likewise many times i close one eye with a marijuana users because during the 1960s many of the woodstock and byron bay and scottish you know all those what they call it i forgot the name cape town people they came to the east in search for marijuana and they bump into buddhist lamas okay so for me to outright saying marijuana is like the sinful the devilish demon whatever that's i don't know i i did not say this but this is a public forum so i have to be really careful so everything what i say will get edited paste it put it together and then tomorrow it will be all in the social media it's okay but um what i want to say is this the marijuana tend to i think gives you a lot of addiction right the whole point of us the whole business of seeing the truth is so that we can be free so that we can be liberated from the addiction and we already have so much addiction so many things i mean why would we want to get addicted to some plant that also you need to well i i understand you canadians is legalized there but you know um i mean we we as a buddhist we are supposed to be you know our quest is to be the master of one you know you are your own master this is what buddha said you are your own master so why would you want a plant to be your master that's so pathetic so this is something that i would say but if you know as i said if the usage of these kind of substance does give you an analogy and a recognition that your mind is powerful then that benefit i cannot condem or i cannot sort of outright sort of dismiss but i would not suggest you to get addicted to any kind of you know addictive addictive substance you know i think it's why not just get addicted to shamatha vipassana it's a bodily harmless it's cheap you don't have to buy and it's um legal everywhere you don't have to hide okay what else there's a lot more but there's not much time so shall i just select three more questions yes three more questions from uh luciana rodriguez dear rumbache how can we know we are really connected with our inner guru and not being trapped by our own confused ego but a very short answer ask that question again and again that is actually a sign of the inner guru kicking you know the very fact that you are asking this is this my ego doing this ah this is wonderful on the day when you stop this asking question i would worry this question is from china how do we use suffering to be an antidote to suffering [Music] isn't this what some sad people do most of the time it's all all our you know solutions are all like that this is why the buddhist teachings on anita meaning all all everything is a dukkha solution is a dukkha but therefore we need to transcend from both solution and the problem okay this is from karen in minneapolis can the mahakuru aspiration prayer of khandro ishitsugel balance the elements and pacify climate change of course i would say and thank you for really worrying about climate change the reason why i said of course is where does the climate destruction happen or originated from from our own greed from our own insatiable greed and i don't know like wanting every impatience and greed and insecurity and so on and so forth so if we could tame that the climate change i mean the ecology problem can be solved so on that note because this is this is something that we should really aspire for because i've been hearing a lot from a lot of scientists and a lot of thinkers that people are not thinking enough for the real issue i mean people are thinking more about things like trade war that's the least things to think about the real issue that we should be thinking about is things like climate issue that's a real thing in about 20 years 30 years time i think values like democracy universal selfridge human rights this will all be a luxury item like uh extra you know shoes in your closet i don't think we will have time to think about you know these kind of things we will i mean pandemic situation that we are going through right now at least we can wash our hand and put on a mask and that's supposed to be that seems to be working what happens when there's a climate you know disaster wash hand where mask what's that going to do so this is uh this is a real thing so you know please put your voice i think this our leaders around the world and especially leaders of the big able countries they should really think about this anyway um thank you so much for listening and um this has been um yeah very challenging time uh with this virus and you know there was there's been a lot of anxiety personally for me but also there has been a lot of you know rewarding situation but god managed to do a lot of you know like contemplation looking inside appreciating gurus teachings lineages friends but of course i also have um my what you call it i feel anxious and i feel concerned about people back home people in places like bangtash people like in places like uh i don't know [Music] clint say you know like bidum all these kind of obscure places i'm also concerned about my friends those who are [Music] stuck in places like siberia arkansas [Music] i and nagoya i don't know russia many of my european friends yes you can see like this in small boxes i have managed to see a lot of your living room and bedroom and kitchen but somehow i don't know i'm a very old-fashioned this doesn't seem right and i hope to see all of you again very soon and um hope to actually you know have a quality time in the sense of actually you know meeting um not through tube but actually you know human to human meanwhile uh let us you know mind is the most powerful so if you keep on wishing praying for greater good i'm sure we will be uh you know free from this kind of calamities soon okay thank you thank you so much
Channel: Siddhartha's Intent Livestream
Views: 27,700
Rating: 4.9802818 out of 5
Id: ASncDl_DFU8
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Length: 209min 0sec (12540 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 16 2021
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