DAYMARE: 1994 Sandcastle All Cutscenes (Full Game Movie) 4K 60FPS Ultra HD

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foreign [Music] all right [Music] [Music] hey where the hell have you been because me I've been waiting for you man any updates got them on national TV listen up so Rachel is currently beyond our understanding whoops yeah Foster was too damn jumpy you were right I usually am I have no reason to think that there will be any recurrence of the incident s all right move I'm coming over give me a couple of minutes I gotta wrap up something real quick [Music] there are still no hard facts regarding the cause of a terrible accident that took place this morning in the town of Rachel Nevada a school bus carrying 40 students from Clover High School or returned turning what should have been an ordinary school trip into a tragedy unfortunately two deaths have already been confirmed at the time of the accident a series of unexplained Tremors were reported in a neighboring area causing extensive damage to buildings and a throwing sense of alarm among local residents the causes of the incident are still unknown the town is famous all over the world for local urban legends featuring alleged supernatural phenomena and for its proximity to groom Lake USAF light Development Center better known as Area 51 making the town of popular tourists that's the green light from the Dot finally we're good to go it's Code Red it only took them 10 hours to figure it out they must have pulled out all the stops let me guess are we leaving damn straight get your ass off that chair Foster's orders effective immediately and you do not want to keep him waiting [Music] what are you doing I have a surprise for you a prototype from my college days I abandoned it a while back but I just started working on it again what the hell is that that's gratitude for you come on give me your arm I needed to test the device so what do you think data interchange device d i d it detects your location in real time are you sure this thing won't rip my arm off come on give me a break I'll need it to keep track of your ass when you get lost I'm gonna rendezvous with Foster join us at the heliport we leave in a few minutes got it [Music] oh [Music] foreign okay hey our team is unrest feel to the lake grab your weapons you'll need them well enjoy the paperwork then enjoy the [ __ ] storm coming your way need an umbrella very funny there you are while you were doing your makeup we got the engines warmed up Commander I see the majors in a good mood is that a good sign s we have a code red with immediate effect and maximum secrecy destination area 51. it isn't an episode of your favorite TV show when you're ready some of the mission information is classified by order of the Department of Defense but what you need to know is very simple we have to meet a certain Dr Noah Anderson the only person who managed to communicate with the outside world following the incident yeah who is this Anderson I don't have all the details oh I know he's one of the Eggheads in charge of the government program that we're working on down there codename project hoax I'm no scientist but I'd say something didn't go according to plan maybe somebody pressed the wrong button what were they working on well Reyes that's exactly the kind of question we aren't supposed to ask the instructions from the dod were clear meet the contact and retrieve the briefcase that's what you get paid for that's all you need to know we have to collect a package basically and a package of a certain value given that the commander is coming along for the ride that's correct my personal supervision was requested I'll fill you in during the flight let's move out there's no time to waste Romeo goal to zero takeoff authorized by underground H2 good luck [Music] [Music] why the long face word this encounter might be a little too close just minding my own goddamn business I'm not like you Reyes I have a life outside Hades sure hanging out at the Blackjack Pub being an [ __ ] hey at least it's better than sitting alone in your apartment with all of your high-tech crap human company is overrated you're a case in point Roddick you'll be glad soon enough to have me around Foster doesn't usually get involved not if he doesn't have to something tells me this isn't going to be a walk in the park you don't miss a trick do you radic let's say there's a tricky internal issue that makes the operation well delicate from a diplomatic point of view give it to us straight after Rachel the president sealed the base for all military forces nobody can get in or out except his own men the hcos people have been on site for a few hours escorted by a special Squadron reporting directly to him hco why bring in scientists I'd be more worried about section 8. Mr President's calling the shots he's trying to get a clear picture obviously the secretary is hitting something but since he's the one who writes the checks this is a Federal Communication from the United States government cautioned military permits to enter and cross the no-fly zone are canceled with immediate effect reverse sounds like the president won't be welcoming us with open arms yeah if he doesn't sickest guard dogs don't worry we'll soon put his mind at ease but only after the dod has secured the contents of that briefcase that's why it's essential that we locate the contact before them and if necessary make their visit a little more eventful with immediate effect I repeat caution military permits to enter across the no place this is it the president's welcome committee your direction of flight immediately I repeat any unauthorized aircraft will be shut down on site you're about five clicks from base As you move up the hillside you should be out of their line of sight don't keep me waiting weird base camp looks deserted move out eyes open this isn't the welcome I was expecting you never abandoned a base camp something must have happened too easy they left something behind check it out real deal looks like they used it to unlock the security system and access the facility I don't understand it looks like it melted the control panel is gone gone too I'll have to find another way and quickly too that's why you're here find a way to get us in okay back off man I'm a scientist let's see if I can restore access to the main facility from there [Music] [Applause] what the [ __ ] was that something's going on I just intercepted a message from God knows where it didn't sound good this is getting weird eyes open race power supply area spider senses are telling me I can reactivate access to the main facility from there I'll have to find a way in spider eggs I like it the electrical system of the entire facility seems to be damaged as if there was a major overload I'm trying to work out what happened I'll keep you posted worked let's go and see what happened on the lower floor sucks having to wait huh hey radic are you receiving me I've got the electricity back on if I can access the facility's Mainframe I should be able to take control of the auxiliary generators and bypass security troglodytes concentrate attorney terminal for rebooting the Power Systems around here somewhere everything should be operational please confirm yeah I confirmed doors open now get back here right now okay [ __ ] this electrical system is completely [ __ ] [Music] laughs yeah right my entrance is blocked by an alarm system I need a few minutes [Music] I'll see you inside I'll find a way Advanced research facility according to the maps of the base this area shouldn't exist where are you good question with Extreme Caution what the [ __ ] are you talking about Section 8 . we don't know what the hell it is let's find this [ __ ] Anderson to get out of here as soon as possible no sign of life what the [ __ ] happened here ruddick Rey is everything okay I'm fine but something is not right here I found some Section 8 bodies a couple were burned to death there are signs of a fight I wonder what they were trying to escape from I don't give a [ __ ] I need your ass over here okay understood on my way hey Roddick I'm in a weird laboratory I found more Section 8 Corpses located area we're heading there now okay I'll join you as soon as I find a way out of here all containment measures will be deactivated [Music] now we're talking are you receiving me Roddick [ __ ] [Music] foreign [Applause] this can't be happening did that weird ball of energy just bring it back to life [Music] thank you Rod act are you receiving me radic red xdid locator is active but it doesn't seem to be moving I hope no I don't even want to think about it foreign [Music] and what was that noise ship inside Area 51 radek are you receiving me please respond I've located the burned out area Roddick are you receiving me [Music] I'm screwed [Music] I can't take them all on I have to move all right time to go those noises again it just disappeared erotics locators nearby you must be around here somewhere damn it this is not how it's supposed to go down we had a deal you guaranteed a clean extraction and now you've sick to your goddamn Bloodhounds on me those things are everywhere they're snatching people and dragging them away hey you there hands on your head I didn't Jesus take a chill pill ladies I'm the least of your worries down here foreign oh my God are you all right are you hurt so you can be friendly if you feel like it I need to be an [ __ ] what happened to you see if your resuscitation techniques for those two nice guys down there don't be a dick what happened where's Foster is chasing an old friend what we found the contact with Section 8 got there before us they tried to negotiate they didn't want any trouble but you're in a hurry right not me this time it was the commander it was in no mood for small talk he blew the briefcase out of Anderson's grip along with most of his arm she shot the contact yeah God it took me by surprise it's a briefcase he took it we killed two of them but then that guy the one who took me out even Foster couldn't hit him I don't know what happened to him talking about he was section eight Foster called him Gora he was given orders like he was straight from the goddamn movies but he wasn't [ __ ] around he and Foster seem to know each other maybe that's why they were playing nice at first or maybe the whole thing was just a [ __ ] trap calm down you can't stand you'll have to wait here we have the briefcase we'll be out of here soon if we find Foster before Gore does whatever it is it's a big deal Foss talks about it like it's the holy [ __ ] Grail Jesus Christ Roddick haven't you seen what's out there yeah I have I can't explain it they seem to be animated by some kind of electromagnetic anomaly you've been playing scientists with those goddamn monsters I found a laboratory they were researching some kind of metal it must have something to do with all this listen Foster knows a lot more than he's letting on but you should stay out of this you're not prepared for this right now no way for foster and me to wrap things up we don't need you here are you kidding you can barely move look at you haven't you noticed bullets are not enough you'll get fried as soon as you step out that door and they broke my radio if we split up we won't even be able to communicate exactly we need to stay here I'm going to find Foster absolutely not are you serious I I am giving you an order Reyes listen do you think I'm scared of any of it this place or [ __ ] Court martial you said so yourself all I have to go back to is an empty apartment I can't lose you get out of here [Music] open this goddamn door [Music] sorry major I'll be back for you later now Foster doesn't have any kind of locator but how am I supposed to find him in this maze it's not possible who the hell are you what are you [Music] doing [Music] don't you really think you can make it you managed to kill a lot of them with that device but you'll need more than liquid nitrogen to survive hell [Music] I feel sorry for you and use the wrong hand and now you're lost forever look at you you aren't lost yet who the [ __ ] are you Gora don't you really think that weapon will make any difference [Music] you just have to choose [Music] come on and face me you bastard follow your orders it doesn't matter see how this works [Music] I hope this proton pack thing works back down here too why bring out the whole Platoon sorry again [Applause] [Applause] feels like I'm on the set of one of those crappy Area 51 movies you see us progress building those weird looking planes what the [ __ ] can't believe this teleported out of nowhere it's getting worse and worse [Music] is it raining [Music] rain indoors I mean that's some how the hell did you get here I can't believe it it looks like a clean cut how is that possible yeah gross but also really interesting hey that guy had a briefcase if it's our briefcase that means he met Foster I have to get to him guy briefcase he's one of the scientists that came here along with Section 8 seems injured couldn't have gone that far stop put down the briefcase I said Put it Down please please don't shoot you're from hco aren't you where did you get this they there was a gunfight I was with the sergeant Gora Tahiti Soldier found us he had it he dropped it near me and I where is he now where's this Hades Soldier I don't know Angora were fighting then those monsters turned up and I don't know I ran away maybe Gora killed him you've been hit don't try to move shortly your friend doing this to us you're trying to silence us people died here I have no [ __ ] idea what happened in this [ __ ] need to know you must know something those monsters I saw them teleport with my own eyes tell me how [Music] in theory it shouldn't be possible but they must have found a way matter transfer that was the aim of the research they actually pulled it off those [ __ ] Revolution an unprecedented technological advance but how one of those clusters of electricity and why do they bring corpses back to life they were manipulating the structure of electromagnetic fields seemed like a baseless theory but then they made a discovery that changed everything in that briefcase I'm not sure but you're blind like everyone else who want isn't it it's the only thing you care about you'll never get it what do you want from me don't come any closer I didn't do anything to you Vulcan are you receiving me I need an extraction Point I've recovered the briefcase I repeat I've recovered the briefcase [ __ ] I'll have to get closer to the surface I'm sorry Foster but I have to get this briefcase out of here thank God I need an extraction point of making my way back to the surface it's a mess down here get me out of here [Laughter] [Applause] I I don't know I'm climbing some kind of weird water tower this place is a [ __ ] death trap I lost contact with Foster and Rhonda got left behind he's injured as soon as I reach the surface I'll be able to give you more details if I make it in one piece holy hell so that's where the rest of the plane went what it's losing charge what's wrong with it [Music] [Music] all right [Music] let it in stop resisting it will get easier breathe what is it freaking answer me it is knowledge is truth I understand I was just like you survival the first commandment the prime imperative looking out of here but the question is what are you living for and above all what are will you die for foreign corridor's leading nowhere New York line at the end of each day uh for the longest time of one light illuminated it like a lighthouse in a storm that had happened the order changed I turned off that last Light and the abyss became a Peak from which to look out over everything else [Music] what are you looking for when you gaze into the abyss [Music] he's rooting for you okay okay you're almost there what have I been breathing and who's that guy Gora apparently I wasn't that unprepared after all right hold on it's almost over Vulcan I made it outside but I can't work out where I am it's impossible to see anything in this storm I can just about make out some pylons if you give me a few minutes I'll try to locate an extraction point faster negative I need to find him okay I'll try to work out where I am the lights of a helipad okay [Applause] this is the plan as soon as I reach the helipad I'll try to Signal the landing area to you there must be players on that Tower at least I hope so foreign foreign you there wait up I'm doing my best but that [ __ ] helipad isn't easy to get to oh damn Foster Reyes you're alive Commander are you all right ah things got pretty bad I thought I'd seen everything but I still managed to surprise me what the hell is that thing this it's a long story booking's coming for the extraction I recovered this you managed to get hold of it don't act so surprised on the contrary that's why you're here I knew you wouldn't let me down well done the storm is getting worse can you walk sir you were in Iraq weren't you Reyes yes sir so you know that sometimes it's necessary to burn an oil well in order to avoid it falling into enemy hands I've known Gloria since 83. he was a hot-headed kid he had already made a name for himself through his dedication his initiative but People Like Us Reyes we understand whoever looked to War as a solution ends up being consumed by it was he the one that wounded you yeah I tried to stop but that kid has what it takes he's always had it listen Gora has no intention of reporting to the president he only believes in himself now if the research ends up in his hands God only knows who will get hold of it with all due respect sir to hell with Gora let's get that out of here as soon as possible this is far from over I have other orders do you know where this comes from down there is one of the most advanced experimentation centers on the planet they call it the castle it stretches miles underground operation sand castle was launched to stop Section 8 finding it but I failed why didn't you tell us anything do you have any idea how important this is we're talking about the most dangerous technology on the face of the Earth had my suspicions Reyes think look around you that data can't be allowed to leave here we have to reach the depths of the laboratory before goradas and destroy it forever those are my orders but maybe we can that server must be destroyed Reyes or the whole world will burn you have to understand the Department of Defense can't trust anyone with this not even Hades earlier found a dead Hades agent he was wearing this then you know there must be Hades operatives outside my command it was someone I'd never seen before there must be infiltrators I don't know who's commanding where's radic exactly where you left him he's wounded he couldn't carry on where I left him he was the one who left me what in the middle of the fight with Section Eight ah apparently radic also has a price that's not possible so where the hell did he go that's always been your weak spot Reyes presuming you know better I mocked him in a warehouse checked his position not long ago great I doubt he's still there we'll have to watch out for him too just the two of us now now ah there's no time to waste you'll have to complete the mission in my place you can reach the underground facility with this ventilation shaft I'll make sure the briefcase gets out in one piece then we'll go back to retriever attic the major owes us an explanation that scientist he was babbling about matter transfer experiments basically a teleporter do you know anything about that what are those creatures sir that's just the tip of the iceberg kid down there there's so much more and it needs to stay here Commander enough with the ambiguity I'm ready to do what it takes but I need to know what I'm heading into listen I don't have the full picture that technology originated it can't be Vulcan come in spoken [Applause] listen to me Foster is dead they shot him right in front of me [Applause] I don't know Vulcan the situation is far worse than we could have imagined Foster gave me one last order I have to go down I'm so screwed [Music] looks like blood oh this for you what are you [Music] what hey stop it can't be that looks like oh it's impossible looks like it's been abandoned for years jeez that smells like [ __ ] [Music] no [Music] it can't be over here follow me follow me my ass who the hell are you that suit are you with Hades your questions were not to get the answers but you're right the shadow of Our Lord Hades is rapidly spreading over this place so the time has come for us Haze to choice look I've had enough of your [ __ ] what kind of game are you playing in this goddamn Asylum it's [ __ ] absurd what did you do to me in that room you better answer or else what forget that I just see already you will understand it even has its own transportation system big as this place hey Captain you call me abdom what the [ __ ] tell me where we're going then at them impatience is clouding your mind at the end of this glorious day you will thank me prepare yourself for what is to come yeah sure enough already tell me where we are home I'm sick of your [ __ ] like [ __ ] I'll follow you in there what do you want from me do you know Roddick hey [Music] you still don't understand don't take another step did you think I didn't know you are not worthy to carry it I'm none of us are [Music] rest now where am I okay all right Delilah don't you recognize me it's me no you're not real we are here look at me I know you hate me stop it leave me alone that's so you just like when we were kids you close yourself away and won't let me reach out to you but I always was there for you and I still am that's not true you abandoned me that wasn't what I wanted everyone said you were dead I kept looking for you and here we are I've been waiting for you race don't call me that stop get away [Music] you must be important if he brought you here instead of just killing you the doors opened come on when you're ready [Music] strange he must trust you maybe it's because of your uniform did you find a new girlfriend be quiet under normal circumstances Hades aren't welcome here but active has always helped us out so we'll make an exception for his sake and you might have your uses as well [ __ ] you leave me alone watch your mouth we see and hear everything we've been locked up in here for so long as our guest you should show some humility right do you want to go no I'm not sure then be quiet come and join us my dear Hades now I hear his call oh it's so clear oh thank God I stopped taking those damn pills time to home or sanctuary just won finally you'll be able to offer him the sucker he's so desperately needs hey hey you over here look there you are you're pretty slow for one of those scumbags come on don't do this be quiet I'm speaking who the hell are you I'm the doctor uh a doctor a researcher to be precise and you are the new arrival how are you feeling I actually I don't care the only thing that matters to me is getting out of here we're stuck in this room would you help us dear why should I help you well because otherwise you'll rot in here too we have total control of the entire facility from this room so I could let you out whatever I want I just need a little convincing okay let's say I believe you what do you want in return I've got new good news and we're short of I'll move on to a better life we tried praying but that didn't work so much for being in total control touche anyway you scratch my back and I'll scratch yours you'll have to get to the technical area we tried before but uh nobody made it back now we've run out of volunteers but don't worry I'll guide you I guess I don't have a choice that was easier than I anticipated the Hades I remember were a little less are you sure you're all right you want my help or not the main entrance to the maintenance area is blocked and you can't get in from there go to the cells and Block B to gain access to the lower levels you'll find an alternative entrance front there and then you'll be able to restart the ventilation system another blocked doorway that big door on the other hand is the one on the opening to let you out maybe I know you're judging us before all this oh back then everything was perfect we at U.S progress have lived through incredible times we had a dream the abyss scam program I was responsible for one of the most Innovative research projects in history until you people turned up we refuse to Do Your Dirty Work to sacrifice human lives to transfer matter at any cost so many innocent Souls so much unimaginable pain in the future and they locked us up but they paid for it a seismic shock wave and then those meetings arrived by the way have you noticed those electrical devices scattered around they're for isolating electromagnetic fields it's the only way to keep them at Bay oh I'm sorry where were they with this scam program never heard of it one thing at a time ah a hey doctor can you hear me ventilation system has started working again incredible you've saved us you can't be 80s cut the crap you owe me an explanation dear join us we have one we want to discuss Ed there you are complete purification will take a few more minutes you'd better keep that mask on until it's finished you promised me an explanation then let's start with those Abominations you created we didn't create a damn thing or the global Elite of scientific research too bad about the Nobel Prize maybe next time do you understand what you've done no this is why we're in this we have to serve our sentence while you serve your sentence the risk of these things getting out is too damn High I don't understand that's not the point so tell me ah it's a long story it all started in the 1950s when U.S progress was running the abysscan program before you were born we were already building your future for the progress of humanity no with the history lesson what were you looking for lost of course organic life forms that had never been classified a gold mine of genetic and biochemical research with unbridled potential that was how we discovered Ram 77 a mysterious new alloy wait you're talking about that's strange metal strange you say I would say revolutionary it never registered on our detectors the government initiated project hooks using it to construct military aircraft capable of going undetected by enemy forces aircraft that are invisible to radar well if the Cold War had heated up they would have come in handy right everything in those hangers that was just a facade my dear girl we still hadn't understood the true potential of RAM 77. the more we investigated the more we realized that this alloy would change our understanding of the nature of reality itself the stakes were rising and then you turned up hexa core what don't be so surprised we know the truth oh don't tell me you don't know who you really work for hexacore stole everything from us Hades watched our every move but we at U.S progress are the true pioneers of molecular transfer Theory without us those incompetence wouldn't have gotten anywhere [Music] I didn't know anything about it nobody knew some knowledge is on the rest of the world that's why they built an underground city we had to disappear with our families and believe everything to live only for research living underground deep within the Earth in the abyss the world would achieve enlightenment through our sacrifice and we sacrifices so much he still hasn't forgiven us we did it for him they forced us they made us do it who are you talking about we didn't want to uh I swear it wasn't our fault please calm down I just want to understand no you have condemned us what I don't shut up for what you've done I'm gonna give you a taste of your medicine you crazy [ __ ] thank you thank you I hope the control panel survived time to get out of here train station I saw before you my way to the castle it has to be sorry [ __ ] psycho Foster was killed for that vial I don't want to believe that Braddock is involved in all this [Music] thank you Helen stop freeze there's no end of Hades down here you we meet at last I don't think I've had the pleasure Miss I heard all about you As You Wish let's skip to pleasantries just hand over the weapons so we can speak more calmly don't move a muscle exaggerated okay you know you're stuck way I see it either we keep snarling at each other until one of us pulls the trigger you listen to what I have to say the clock is ticking we got off on the wrong foot but we're going to have to cooperate if we want to get out of here alive you don't have to get out of here alive if I wanted to kill you you would already be dead the last thing I want to do is put my trust in someone from Hades but I'm all out of options what's the matter too afraid to go alone fear is the appropriate response the entrance to the castle is sealed due to the state of emergency we're trapped in this [ __ ] tomb this is the only way out you need to unlock it by deactivating the security system so what are you waiting for it's not gonna be easy there are three sectors the castle medical area in the residential area are you serious yeah few more floors down we'll go through the center of the Earth whatever happened down there he crashed the whole system after disarming it we'll need to get an access password from one of the facility managers a password we'll be looking for a needle in a haystack I know but a lot of the castle managers lived in the same neighborhood in the residential area I reckon that's a good place to start looking time out I'm not convinced God damn it you'll never make it on your own we have different objectives stop thinking like a soldier I think we're both here for the same reason figure out what's going on otherwise you'd have already pulled the trigger think about it if you really want to shoot me in the head you can do it later now you need me split up I'll take care of the security system you'll find the password I don't want you getting under my feet okay we keep in radio contact and when we're done we'll meet back here and then you'll kill me I suppose exactly hmm you can anyway you can call me Reyes [Music] hey baby how's it going at the doctors making an appointment for you [ __ ] as soon as we meet again you're going to need it seriously though you're doing the right thing [Music] slow down cowboy we aren't on the same team concentrate on finding that [ __ ] password you don't know any one in any of them anything now arriving medical area [Music] trying to figure out how to disable that security system fast whatever this is it seems to be all over the whole facility gross hey Gora this place is a cemetery there are references to that area and files I found in the base they were carrying out some weird experiments there just careful pills were a hit down here remember they were four they're starting to look pretty damn tempting I don't like the idea of having to go through but I don't have much choice again they must be close oh Chris stage hang in there maybe I can free you what okay York here do you know how to disable the castle security system [Music] I need to know where can I find it help me [Music] [ __ ] okay Mr Ward downstairs I'm on it you must have [ __ ] up the primary communication systems as well let's try another Channel this is an emergency Zone c27 operator reporting can anyone hear me [Applause] I can't make out what you're saying what the hell happened down here did you hear that deafening Roar Roar can't even deactivate the electronic [Applause] lock what the [ __ ] is going on sweet Jesus it's the T3 subjects something's happening to them what the [ __ ] are they doing help somebody please help me get down here and let me out [Applause] stay away from me [Applause] Cora are you receiving me the system is offline we should be able to get in how about you I have a lead on the whereabouts of one of the castle security officers I'm on the way to tell them the good news I'll keep you updated okay you have to get over here right now what's going on I need help okay okay hang tight I'm on my way go back to the main entrance to reach Gora feel like a commuter in hell [Music] foreign there really is a city down here the doctor wasn't kidding Gora are you receiving me there's a huge fire here [Applause] hold on I'm on my way don't even think about it Cora I'm in where are you Cora are you receiving me Gora damn this way oh all right get behind me oh please go oh no no run no one here it's over this time I Gora it's over I'm here I couldn't do it I failed we're survivors children most monsters took them away not again it's happening they're all bad you did everything you could [Music] I'm sorry Gora we can still stop this you said so yourself [Music] tears in front of a Hades agent that there's could see me right now it doesn't matter anymore it's just the two of us you're right Reyes Delilah call me Delilah hey about what happened earlier it doesn't matter it's over I know I just wanted you to know it's not your fault so who the [ __ ] is to play for all this you're all the same your commander once tried to tell me the same thing but I'm the one who has to live with the guilt and it's a pain that never goes away no it's true you knew Foster he was my commander in Granada forced me to abandon my team in the middle of a [ __ ] ambush I'm alive thanks to him I'll never forgive him you don't have to worry about him anymore what do you mean Foster's dead oh I can't say he'll miss him but I know it hurts your comrades die innocent people die War sucks yeah yeah look at the tough soldier girl while we're in the mood for confessions why don't you tell me about Helen what the [ __ ] do you know about Helen I don't know anything screamed her name in Terror just before we met in front of the castle Place pulls all the skeletons out of the closet so why don't you tell me about a Wonder Woman she's my sister but just leave it hey sorry I'm an [ __ ] all right I started it let's move out the last thing this situation needs is a couple of old Soldiers traumatized by their harrowing past okay what do you think of this place they really managed to teleport it's crazy yeah but at what cost you think the world needs to know what are you asking me for I thought this was why the president sent you here you certainly don't need my approval please Delilah for the first time in my life I don't know what to do help me out here imagine if this [ __ ] got into the outside world it would be chaos how can I take responsibility for all this betting that we're soldiers we follow orders stop assuming responsibility it's the only way we're going to get to the bottom of this a little simplistic maybe so but taking sole responsibility for deciding what's best for the world it's Madness well I'll happily share the responsibility with you you don't know anything about me you don't even know what my orders are you're right but as you say we're here to do someone else's Dirty Work whatever our orders we're working together now so here we go after you isn't this where are you supposed to kill me I can't wait to die huh I can take care of that product Look Who's Back shut the [ __ ] up if you don't want me to blow your brains out right now okay okay calm down man what are you doing that's enough put your weapon down hell is around the corner we don't need any more dead this is [ __ ] don't be fooled by his pretty face he'd kill you without a second thought let's finish this [ __ ] stop Dumbo neither of you are getting in there that's the way it is like I told you stay out of it so you're even a thought in the ass of your own Squad say one more word don't [ __ ] around you know me dude I don't know you not well enough [Music] laughs thank you what the hell that's right X signal with the security system down maybe I can find another way into the castle Gora Gora answer me god damn it product how could you do this how can that be Radix signal shouldn't be anywhere near here seems to be coming from inside that house [Music] you really are here I can't explain everything they're chasing me and and time's running out the situation is completely out of control and everything's about to kick off a lot of people are going to die but it's a price we have to pay there's something down there or maybe you already know about it I'm about to carry out my plans I had a laboratory built in the depths of the sarcophagus to the womb I'm going there now the consequences of what I am about to do May extend further than anticipated I just wanted to say what have you done are you one of them now are you foreign you kept it after all these years it can't be too late it is you you told me you would leave if I didn't give you a reason to stay and I didn't College days science has always brought us together but for me it was a way to prove my worth on the field for you it was everything I never thought it would lead you to this it was discharged when I came back home it felt different you asked too much and I had nothing to give I was dry and he left Helen is here be the Mind behind this madness I need to find her I need to find the Moon so this is where abdom lives it certainly reflects his personality not promising but if it still works I could use it to get to the labs better take a look destination it's also crazy Helen could be somewhere in these Labs I have to find her I've got a sense of their original function but this thing it has so much more to offer oh my God doing here Helen you can't have been part of this key three experiment subject should have just called them guinea pigs bastards [Music] finally here the castle Helen could be here I still can't believe it's possible Hades should have known the king site HQ wasn't the only nest of vipers laughs our data confirms what we found at King's site after just one week of exposure to the toxin the research team already proved to be more docile and obedient what about productivity that voice more stable in patients undergoing CRM 114 we can now confirm that applying the antitoxin provides the desired results hallucinations tend to regress until they fade away completely Excellence we'll have them eating out of our hand the most unexpected data regards patients who are not administered crm-114 hallucinations tend to become uniform over time they all seem to become obsessed with the same thing many refer to a hypothetical hymn the reasons for this anomaly are not yet fully clear as long as they're hallucinating it's fine by me yes commander Dr Reese or authorizing experimentation on the subjects in Block B excellent keep me informed of any developments Foster you bastard I can't believe Helen got caught up in your deranged schemes you got what you deserved this must be part of the abysscan program the doctor was right they had something big on their hands [Music] it's sound my head is spinning [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [ __ ] you dumb robot [Music] well it's March 14th 1993. I'm so excited this is such an important try and stop and I'm recording phase two of our plan begins today it may take some time but this is a day that will go down in history this place will be called the moon to symbolize its purpose rebirth it's incredible I can feel it down there it's so close [Music] Helen what have you done what have you become whatever he is it's freaking me out there were more of them blood [Applause] well it's March 14 1993. I'm so excited this is such an important moment shouldn't you be a little more formal come on Ryan's not gonna recording phase two of our plan begins today it may take some time but this is indeed I will go down in history this place will be called the room to symbolize its purpose rebirth incredible feel it down there close makes me feel like I can do anything but at the same time hears me I knew Brian it's difficult for me to but remember why we're doing this they injected you with that blood they used you as a guinea pig just like they're using him I was so scared of losing you I was lucky we absolutely have to free him for their sakes as well he ensuing signs of recovery is becoming ever more active by increasing the charge of this structure to a critical level we should be able to bring down part of the sarcophagus far high but we can do it with you in jail It Off don't say that I don't know what I would have done without you all this time I'd have gone crazy in that prison without the antitoxin I'd never abandoned you and now you'll free him from this bondage and together with him you can save us all I'll do everything I can found again they might notice your absence thank you [Music] please wait foreign [Music] it's in my head it's toxin [ __ ] me up Gora are you receiving me I'm going to finish this forever I hope you're all right you how dare you show your face here you killed them without Mercy you you're back before my very eyes what are you doing Helen please forgive me it's enough do you know my sister you aren't her you're a lot are you Brian I'm yes yes I'm Brian she was everything to me I didn't think I'd ever while everything else was losing its meaning she was my life this place allowed us to find each other and to lose ourselves where's she now where's my sister where's she now tell me she's dead it was my fault I wasn't myself I lost control it was the toxin that monster it wasn't me [Music] oh [Applause] I saved her look at her now the closest creature that got in the face the plan has worked the ogre is almost charged the living and the dead have contributed with their light will welcome him in the Reaper the time has come to finally that God chained by men will be set free it's time please please forgive me thank you I'm sorry you have to bear a witness to this he wanted to take me back but I can't not now what remains of my will exists only in you and only because of what I sought to destroy Brian killed me before I could carry out my plan through the ogre I managed to bring you here it's up to you now rice still you are you me my mind Intoxicated by that substance I am both of us but I'm him too now what is it the last Exemplar of a prehistoric species his origin lies in an unanticipated Fusion linking this world with a distant planet our paths crossed in his genetic heritage the discovery of the biological material imprinted on RAM 77 set the wheels of Fate In Motion thanks to those genetic segments a toxin was developed and when hex of course read it within the castle he started calling out to us from afar he was The Missing Link his unexpected arrival was the first success after years of failure first organic transfer we tried to exploit him for his blood finally make this epical leap but we were Pawns in his inextinguishable will to survive he regulating you he wanted to free this monster on the contrary I wanted to destroy him I'd realize the truth I lied to Brian to achieve my aim he went out of his way to protect me from this madness but he didn't think about himself and the more time passed the more the ogre crept into him in the end only I could clearly see that we were all wrong [Music] that the price we were paying for technological progress was too high hundreds of dead our own Humanity the ogre was a victim of our experiments like many of us but now he must be destroyed I summoned you rice you must complete what I have started you just abandoned me to take part in this research now you're asking me to destroy it and lose you again I didn't understand until it was too late we never really separated our bond has survived over time years of Silence it's overcome even death and has now overcome the will of this Millennial creature I don't want to lose you again we're not separating we just got back together what are you doing don't touch it Gora you're alive what's wrong with you still have time I have to no we have to destroy this monster can't you see it's the source of all this madness no they're all dead already it doesn't matter anymore I have orders yes I'm a soldier I have to follow my orders together you're delirious don't come any closer if you destroy that creature that research data will be lost forever we're out time for this don't make me do it please Gora stop want to kill you [Music] [Music] I'm begging you don't ah [Music] no [Music] no [Music] thank you [Music] I have to see her with my own eyes [Music] [Music] oh my God [Music] [Music] I can't stay here [ __ ] you quickness if you can hear me there's an emergency evacuation area near your position get over there Eddie sap it's your only way out they're my last chance hey down here oh yes how the hell move it the whole place is coming down [ __ ] you rodent you couldn't hear your voice again Reyes but now let's get our asses out of here otherwise [ __ ] radic will be your last words calm down we're coming in [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Applause] I can't face you not like this [Music] what's up [Music] just what the [ __ ] where did you go can you hear me it's complicated there's no time I need you to reach me Reyes I'm trying all right Helen please I can't stay please get a move on I can't sit here tangling like a worm in a big [ __ ] hook for much longer foreign [Music] did you hear me I didn't want you to get involved you weren't even supposed to be here but that old [ __ ] forced me he made arrangements for the briefcase with a third party I don't know who it was he was frisking his ass he wanted me to be here but he needed some collateral that's why you got brought along don't [ __ ] me Roddick was leaving me outside the castle part of the deal [Music] this belongs to you how did you get this so you knew about her too I'll explain everything I trusted you laughs can you hear me Reyes I'm alive get to the top the shaft is gonna collapse at any moment we'll be waiting for you on the surface you should go listen this time it's me I just want to lose you belong to it for me do it for her find a way out of here I'll just say it one more [ __ ] time and I'll shoot you in an attic if we stay just one more minute that [ __ ] scene buckle up Fly Boy right I'm almost there I can see the surface I don't know no [Music] it's nice [Music] [Music] operation sand castle was a partial success the DNA sample of subject code name ogre was destroyed but we were able to prevent Section 8 from collecting research data and uncovering evidence we believe our primary goal has been achieved everything was buried by the desert welcome back I'm sure that's bastard give him a sedative you seem collaborative again good where the [ __ ] is he if you're referring to Captain Vulcan he has just been commended for his heroic action heroic [ __ ] he left her to die he managed to rescue his Superior and made sure the entire operation went completely unnoticed staying hovering in that Sandstorm they're already calling him Sandman [ __ ] [ __ ] Commander Foster and special agent rays are dead the operation was sabotaged and we didn't obtain the contents of the briefcase somebody should have assumed responsibility you get it Foster had everything set up to screw you over he was gonna sell that damn test tube to the highest better personal interests of the Commander in his loyalty to us are no longer the issue now we have a much bigger and more urgent problem the president the men he sent on a mission are all dead The Groom Lake Center no longer exists Foster certainly Bears some responsibility but one dead culprit isn't enough the president has ordered your execution which will take place in the next few hours how convenient for you maybe but here's the thing if we go ahead with your execution we lose one of our baddest [ __ ] what the [ __ ] do you still want from me Ivan radic must die but you you're still in a position to negotiate you can change your identity and be reassigned to this unit you get to live on if nothing else you'll have the opportunity to plot your revenge special agent Liev in any case any evidence of what happened down there has been completely destroyed as has everyone else involved the president will just have to suck it up thank you okay [Music] the consequences of what I am about to do May extend further than anticipated wanted to say thank you Ivan ruddick thank you for everything you've done for me but most of all thank you for staying by Delilah's side all this time when I found out she had abandoned her prototype I realized that our relationship was no longer recoverable just why I decided to participate in this research project it's been years since I received our last message she had built the two prototypes for us so we could communicate while we were apart love to hear her voice again I'm glad you agreed to take the device tell Delilah that I was wrong my feelings are never weakened who knows if it's the same for her today I'll try to make amends for my choices at least in part whatever happens at least I don't know that I remain true to myself until the end [Music] [Music] nice [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music]
Channel: Gamer's Little Playground
Views: 25,501
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: game, full, gameplay, no commentary, full gameplay, DAYMARE: 1994 Sandcastle All Cutscenes (Full Game Movie) 4K 60FPS Ultra HD, daymare 1994 sandcastle movie, daymare 1994 sandcastle full game movie, daymare 1994 sandcastle, daymare 1994 sandcastle gameplay, daymare 1994 sandcastle full gameplay, daymare 1994 sandcastle ending, full movie, daymare: 1994 sandcastle, 4k, 60fps, ultra hd, daymare 1994 sandcastle all cutscenes, daymare 1994 sandcastle cutscenes, daymare all cutscenes
Id: ufQ6WeQOLkY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 121min 27sec (7287 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 11 2023
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