Day in the life with Erickson Inc. | N159AC| Philadelphia, PA - Denver, CO | 6 March 2021

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good morning it is march 6 2021 my name is brian dudas i'm the crew chief for erickson incorporated on the s64 sky crane here in philadelphia pennsylvania inside the aircraft pod where we equipped most parts and tooling my qualifications is field maintenance as well as keeping the aircraft maintained inspected to company standards as a crew we perform pre-flight post flight inspections replacement of time life components as well as mechanical and electrical troubleshooting this is our dispatch sheet or the current job that we're on in downtown philadelphia cabinet spacing electrical on these left-hand compartments right here our aircraft parts our fly away parts we have our cargo pod right here and here we have our cold weather pod and inside this one is generators and frost fighters for preheating the aircraft did you get the bims yes nice 6 39 in the morning moving the lift truck aircraft's pre-flighted and guys are in position downtown philadelphia penn's landing for the fuel truck and probably another hour we'll be taking off we did the mission specific we did the fuel integrity and the low lights fuel shutoff levers [Music] and field i'm ready on two [Music] there's oil pressure no fuel flow t5 is at zero it's coming up to 10 igniters are on to 12 it's going to the gate there's fuel and light off 100 200 starters out at 27 and 300 372 and 44 in northeast philly area traffic sky creek number 159 alpha charlie's taxing out of the atlantic uh aviation ramp to alpha 5 going to alpha and departing southwest to downtown philly clear [Music] you're going to go up here and make a turn on fox [Music] okay we're just gonna come around and you can see where that crane is on that one bridge it's the next bridge about 20 above the roof [Music] [Applause] as you can see the aircraft is flying downtown at the moment robert is this first one to the uh east or west would that be the east side buddy is the first one that's awesome [Music] [Music] what's up you all go went well one of the things we do is we check our engine oils [Music] job went well we're uh just refueling the aircraft right now and doing a quick inspection before the long prairie flight in denver [Applause] [Music] sky creek november 159 alpha charlie's 10 nautical miles to the east inbound for landing joel's town at 159 charlie rodger [Music] charlie to the main ramp sign up for [Applause] we're in jonestown pennsylvania just landed for fuel just going through the aircraft right now quickly and we'll be on our way after our fuel just heading out to from jonestown philadelphia to new work ohio for the night console overhead is good paying a fuel and fuel southwest thank you sir appreciate it [Music] [Applause] [Music] we are currently eight minutes to our destination in newark ohio for the night and that should conclude our day enroute to denver colorado [Music] just coming over the numbers 2-7 indoors [Music] well this guy's got plenty of ways out so he's standing there bringing us in i want to turkey traffic [Music] is [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] i'll jump in the back maybe i'll just well as you see this is usually how the day ends either in the pod or in a hotel room just finishing up the paperwork here for today's flight from philadelphia to ohio just going through the component board and the special inspections that are coming due as well as the aviation maintenance log book again my name is brian and thanks for joining the journey
Channel: BDudasProductions
Views: 96,810
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: zDWemxZ8ZE8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 20sec (740 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 11 2021
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