Day In The Life of Hells Angels President Mel Chancey: Hells Angels Interview 2020

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i want to know the audience wants to know i mean i already know but right i want to get it out of you talk to me about the lifestyle talk to me about the day-to-day talk to me about your roles and responsibilities when you're at war which we'll get into that more in detail like you're not just walking the streets you're not just going to the gym to train normally you're not just going to the bars and hanging out you're doing those things but you're doing it in a very deliberate way so talk to me about the day-to-day lifestyle operation and overall mindset that you had as the president of the hells angels yeah so it was definitely um how do i want to say it it was definitely hectic now that i look back at it but with me training and loving the gym and stuff like that that was that was the love of my day so i i every day that i trained i needed to go to the gym well obviously the other team knew where i was going to this gym i trained at this gold's gym so they of course knew where i was i was always out running i was young so at night time i was out here in all the strip clubs partying you know as is is i'll tell the viewers but it's a lot of people know of me i've always had multiple girlfriends in my life all at the same time you know i had a girl that i when it was over with after the first prison sentence i was with her eight years six years four years kendall was the two year one and i had them all set up in different spots a house a townhouse an apartment and that was you know the spots where they lived and i bounced around the eight year girl her name was nancy that was my queen bee at the time i sheltered everything from her but the rest knew about each other but i kept everything from nancy because that was the one back in the day that i thought i was gonna ride my life out out with i sheltered her from the club i didn't bring her around that stuff i was going and doing all the other stuff without her knowing she if she thought i was out of town or whatever so then i was out constantly in the clubs you know with the normal chicks you know so i had you know we call it the harem back then everybody's like yeah mel keeps that harem and uh so i was constantly out i mean when you're in the gyms you told me you'd be in there with the team of security as you're training i just couldn't imagine walking into a gym and seeing that that would be a very intimidating so you know at first i it wasn't like that i'd be training in the gym i'd have my gym bag next to me with the guns in it and stuff and i'd do a set and kind of look out and make sure that nobody was bum rush in the gym yeah but then after they were calling the gyms and we were hearing the grumbles and they went to a few other gyms looking for me i don't know if it was just to throw me off maybe they'd think i would they didn't i didn't know maybe oh they're looking at a gym 20 minutes away they don't know where i'm at i knew they knew where i was at that's when i that we put the team together that was my security team so when i was down when i was training they were at the front door and you know sitting up you know by the shake counter and stuff like that pistoled out anybody comes in looking like they didn't belong in that gym yeah and my guys were going to see where they were you came in with some tattoos and some facial hair oh you could believe my guys if they didn't know you hey what's what are you doing who are you you know they didn't let nobody get by me taking girls out to dates man taking them out to the nice places in chicago i mean the most expensive restaurants because i'm making a ton of money back so basically during the the the height of the war you're not trying to be low-key you're not no trying to be discreet you're literally doing the opposite of that i'm driving around in a corvette with mr 187 on the plate which which 187 for those who don't know the penal code for murder you know um so i'm flamboyant i have business cards that that have made that said crime incorporated we supply what you demand i'm just pushing the button at the federal prison going take me in take me in right not knowing it at the time but i mean i'm just i get it i get it 23 24 years old making a gang of cash and having the club on the track of man we were outnumbered in chicago as far as revenue you see making a ton of cash the majority of income that you guys had coming in was from the drug game and the guns and the gun scott the drugs and the guns you know i was able to get you know nice source of revenue through both yeah i didn't have a care in order i had the girls i had the money i had the different spots you know and i was living that you know i don't want to say everybody's dream because not everybody's doing that but i'm at 23 years old i'm like i'm like a kid in toys r us like they opened up the door and they said son run through here everything's free and i'm running through right you know and keeping the crew on track and keeping us you know making sure we're taking care of business and that we were very outnumbered in in chicago you know from the others from the other side you know the outlaws were very very dominant there man and uh you know at the height of everything you know we had 27 guys and in all the areas around us the outlaws put their crews together i mean they can put 120 guys together and you know in 30 minutes of phone calls so we were really you know outnumbered but what kept us strong was the unity we had with each other we had a young crew me being the youngest but yeah i showed you a picture and we had a very young crew and uh most of the guys trained back then there was no mma so we were just all pounding on the bags you had to make sure you were in shape but you couldn't beat so big that you know you were in a bar and you couldn't fight you're ready to go that's why i was everybody's like man mel's good with his hands because i practiced as i was growing sure so as i was 290 pounds i could still get on that bag and work that heavy bag because we were you never know we were fighting in bars with just street people from chicago chicago was a rough place back in the yeah i mean you just gotta get a guy that gets stabbed in the bar and they're shooting pool over them nobody breaks stride back you know back then so um it was very very hectic it got to the point where like i said i i was i would take a girl out for you know let's go downtown a tavern on russian eat tonight okay babe okay and then the three guys are sitting at the table next to me sometimes they'd sit at the table with me and stuff but if it was like the girl and i was trying to have like a halfway romantic dinner with her the fellas would be like we'll just be at the table next year i'd be at the bar right here and stuff like that so you know it was crazy you know i became without knowing i became public enemy number one to the federal government to the to to back then janet reno was the was the attorney general of the united states uh janarino was and um things got so crazy with the bombings and the shootings and everything like that that the government put a full court press on us you know um and janet reno named it operation lucifer and uh so what happened under this operation lucifer case they raided five of us me the vice president the sergeant of arms the secretary the treasurer they raided five of us on this one morning and uh they locked us all up in the and they really got nothing at one of the guys houses they were scraping cocaine off a mirror i mean little minor dust like that my house they grabbed a drawer full of steroids which i took back and everybody knew i was taking steroids they grabbed about 32 different guns that were locked up in a safe and my girl had a gun card at the time i didn't but i wasn't a felon so they couldn't charge me with none of the guns that were in the house and um so they charged me with um anissa tall and i know you're probably familiar with that which is a vitamin b it's a called inositol and uh but back in the day everybody cut their cocaine with it because it was white it didn't smell it was you know pure it was a vitamin and um so i had a big jar of it a one pound jar or whatever like that so they said that they uh did some testing on it and they said i cross-contaminated it by putting the spoon from the cocaine and they charged me with a pound of cocaine which when we went to court it everything got dropped because it was all just pure anesthetic so long story short that operation lucifer got everybody a misdemeanor so you could imagine how pissed off the government was when because let's just paint the picture because people have never been to the system don't understand the man hours the time the energy the money like they're fully [ __ ] committed their their purpose their agenda months some in some cases years of their life is dedicated to one thing and that's getting a conviction yes a solid conviction and not a misdemeanor no i mean it was so bad at the end they were like hey will your clients plead guilty to one year in prison and our lawyers are like no we'll go to trial right so then finally they're like okay they couldn't charge me for the distribution of steroids because what got them in our houses was three consecutive trash pickups they were taking my trash from the street we didn't know it they were getting syringes out of me because i was injecting myself and everything like that so they tried to charge me with the distribution of steroids which would have been the felony but they couldn't get it for on me because obviously i was a bodybuilder taking the hormones you know had the broken needles in there the broken ampules and stuff like that so like i said i pled guilty to a misdemeanor got a year supervision so did the other four guys they got nothing on them it was a big flop and that's when i knew right then and there that the [ __ ] was on this [ __ ] was on and now we were at kind of so to say a war with the federal government so now that now now there is in fact two wars yeah two words going on i used i say it all the time i had the other guys that were trying to knock my head off my shoulders and put it on a mailbox stick and i had the government that was trying to give you know pump me sunlight and through 100 years in prison and put me under under a prison [Music]
Channel: Podcastn Out
Views: 565,523
Rating: 4.7825689 out of 5
Keywords: mel chancey day in the life, hells angels mc, hells angels documentary, hells angels interview, mel chancey, hells angels chicago, mel chancey hells angels, hells angels 2020, hells angels president, biker gang interview
Id: lRlsAqPDuIU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 58sec (598 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 09 2020
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