Mongols “Lil Dave” Street Scholars EP2

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[Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] so pretty much is there a really big on interview for us it's probably wondering like it's a huge interview because this guy doesn't do interviews I think he did what he did one interview for ya he did wine I was on CNN so for us even gave us kind of show is a huge deal Bobby do gotta be careful what we say I am we dig in prep questions so we want to go with the prep questions I don't want to fall too far and you want to stray away from that yeah we want for fall too far off the path where we're going with him you have the cheat money on there with them and he's like I feel money president so they just keep it assume you've been gonna do to stop but just one of the guys pretty much what I'm saying you know yeah well I have to be real careful we need to be super prepared and [Music] here we are season 4 episode 2 we've got a really big guest today two big guests actually we're kind of nervous about doing this interview just because I feel like we're walking on eggshells a little bit we don't want get anybody in trouble we did prep questions and they're okay with the questions they actually had to give these questions to their attorney to make sure they can answer these questions so that's what kind of interview we're getting into today Bob we're ready for we've been prepping for over a week on it so it's going to get it's again to an interview already let's go man I might be so nervous I'm gonna be talking the whole damn time I'm gonna let the guests talk I'm actually really nervous about this I'm just gonna shut up all right in five four three oh we're on already we are on i'm season 4 episode 2 we got a really big guest you know whatever guests um it's gonna be a we were excited for this for this episode in our our DMS are blown up I feel like a workout Sam's right now you know my team just live you know so I just everyone see this in this episode and on it's not gonna be able to what you think is gonna be it's and be all like it's gonna be pretty fun I think right I'm sure any kind of so if you have new sponsor so we do have um we're gonna talk about a weekend I'm you I mean what are you guys doing weekend's I'm walking this a little Dave wood uses do I need again no bomb saying I would like could usually before every podcast talk about a week you want you for a weekend I usually like I smash he don't do nothing like it's something like that so I mean I'm courting it's not the same anymore right are you look at Tuesday and we're recording a podcast really not the same no but I'm saying that did you smash on the weekend I smash every day okay okay good I'm gonna have any money he was there his band's only as popular my first subscriber with the free Taco Bell sure yeah so we do have little Dame on the show right now obviously you can see therefore no mongos motorcycle club you can't really I will be incorrect if I say like motorcycle gang right pretty much negative connotation that we don't choose to ever acknowledge a law enforcement federal government labels us as a criminal organization outlaw motorcycle gang OMG not oh my god and you know we just don't choose acknowledge that we're a motorcycle club to the fullest and that's what we want to be represented us that's a shame because yeah they're such nice guys yeah you know we're not Boy Scouts but you know we like to ride and just be out there flying our flag representing the Hispanic community it's one of those things for you guys it's um you get what you give so you know people are rude to just like anybody else it is what it is respect you if I ever survived energies energy kind of deal like it is what it is so what I want to get into um like what made you want to get into the motorcycle club like you were just like you're all into bikes kind of er yeah I've always been in a riding I grew up riding dirt bikes stealing job bikes running from the police [ __ ] like that but when I got in a riding harleys it was a whole different culture it's a lifestyle away that people don't understand until you get on it it's it slow and slow yeah and you know when we ride our bikes were just out there and having a good time and you know being united as a club what really attracted me to the club was that we went to a big bike function at Paramount Studios back in 97 I seen a bunch of Mongols and there was a brother by the name of Giovanni that I grew up with was a member of the Mongols motorcycle club he invited us to go to the woggels Clubhouse called Green Hell in Hollywood and we jumped in the pack at the end of the pack obviously because we weren't brothers yet and it was me Auto and gangster they were all from neighborhoods and we were just riding out there with the brothers and they were stopping traffic like the police let us go through on red lights and everything so it's kind of an outline yeah yeah it was a high was intense some outlaw [ __ ] gangster [ __ ] so not gangster in a bad way don't get bad don't get it twisted that a gang that was me gangsters trigger a lot of guys grew up in the neighborhood so they kept their name so you know it just transferred into you know their manga club absolutely we had a good time that night it was one of our you know first impressions and I was I was really like you hooked up impressed to say the least and it's just I gravitated towards it is there some kind of high like we're rolling with your brothers like I mean I seen a videos up on screens is kind of like like wow like an almost like I mean we say 100,000 the bikes just all together just means some kind of like an adrenaline rush that deep yeah it's always an adrenaline rush but safety first you know you're riding in a pack with 50 100 200 guys sometimes either at a national runner at a funeral and you're doing like 70 80 miles an hour your front tire to somebody else's back tire so you really got to pay attention but it's it's the camaraderie that you see and everybody coming out to support either somebody's party or function or to pay homage your brother that's fallen you know passed away and you're paying your respects at a funeral and we all get together we don't write we don't drive cars we ride bikes so we all get together and it's mandatory to pay our respects and put a brother in the ground so I mean when you see those videos with us all riding in a large pack it's not easy but it's fun and we make the best out of it what comes with wearing your arm I mean I mean I'm gonna say it wrong what do you call I don't want say Jackie whoa chill echo I mean I'm yeah we say cha let go it's a Mexican term for a vest another bet I say this what are you dude kill didn't I get mad at you it doesn't matter how you say it yes you're a go here you see veces and I've seen a snap as you said like you said um you're tops for those of you that aren't in the biker world of the biker community uh if you will to wear a three-piece patch or a one-percenter you're an outlaw motorcycle what's it what with a three-piece what does that mean like it means you have the top rocker which is your club name okay center patch which is our Genghis Khan depicting Genghis Khan yeah and the bottom rocker which is a state you represent I say you're from and does that determine if we're like a one-percenter from a 99% are kind of with with the three matches the one percenter the coin they coined that phrase back in the 70s and 80s and it was to represent one percent of outlaw motorcycle clubs versus a 99 percent that are law-abiding citizens today now we don't really you're still a one-percenter but the rules have changed you know the punishment the sentences have gotten stiffer with the RICO acts so you really got to control your people and be more reserved I mean we're still one percenters but we have more rules and regulations as society does amongst ourselves and within our club within our organization just to stay away from the law enforcement attention you know so we're better behaved for sure you have to do what have you yeah I mean you go [ __ ] from back then that's right yeah I mean back in the day you could get away with killing someone elbow and get five years on a manslaughter you do that now on the nowadays you did 20 on a Rico all day so they're steps that you take to tailor the club's needs and to prevent everybody's going to jail yeah even like that gang enhancement gang injunction like if I were to get caught yeah if I get caught with two homies my car and we ought to stay in barrio tattoo like we're all going to jail like cuz we're on that that's [ __ ] you know I mean yeah you know whatever charge you get if it sticks and you fight her take it of the box there's always gonna be a gang enhancement attached whether you're from Kluber of audio doesn't matter that's the way so usually pretty much yeah you double your time yeah okay yeah there's the same route yeah the worst thing of it is now is the reco that holds a ten year to life to 20 year to life an understory minimum in the feds Wow because we were convicted in the federal court as a club so they can recall us at any time now so what country weren't wearing your um your vest like okay you walk in a bar or a restaurant i mean- that comes with more than Russia's doing let you guys in wear your colors I mean does that kind of like piss you off a little bit yeah it's frustrating I mean you're never gonna break that level of that cycle of that stereotyping that stigma that's gonna hang over your head that's always hung over the club's head I mean there's been a lot of stuff in the news media that portrays us to be you know to vilify us in a sense but we're not Boy Scouts obviously we come you know from you know rough backgrounds and you know a lot of us carry ourselves a certain way but the patch carries a lot of respect and your reputation precedes you and I always tell brothers man every man stands on his own two feet and you carry yourself in a bar respectfully so like we were talking earlier today it's like you know we run into bars and you run into knuckleheads everybody wants to challenge you when they're wearing a cholic or not with your blasted on your neck or your head everybody's gonna you know give you that evil eye or try to start some [ __ ] but my thing is that you kill you know like to me to kill that issue or to downplay that situation I'd rather buy a bucket of beer and stay out here and converse with somebody with you're from a valley or you're a black dude or whatever it don't matter I'm just trying to stay out here and survive like I'm not trying to go to jail I'd rather spend $25 on a book at a beer and still be out here tomorrow I said really good way looking at I mean I was positive I was saying gee money before I went to sew on some gay time club I'm in Pomona one time it was like last year I just got there you know I walk in with one of the homies a walk in some other homies this food really just got rated to pin you know I mean okay homie what's uncle so he's on a there's some Mongols here so just get ready I'm gonna get ready for what like whatever party by here ready and he goes and I looked it was it was all the homies I knew like is a chapter that I know I got homies like Turku there's all right then homie like like what the [ __ ] you even know this guy they know this guy so it was true me also like that has to come with we're now on the your vest as well like geez like so people want like test your toughness almost right you could go with your bad you know just like anything like when you're driving on the freeway near and I'll pack of 10 20 brothers you know you get your thumbs up you get your people that nod your head and dismay but at the end of the day we are who we are we're how we carry ourselves and you know it's about respect at the end of the day and there's always gonna be somebody that's gonna be better or bigger than you that wants to challenge you like you said it's just you take it like case-by-case basis all I ever tell my brothers I mean the only thing I get a little bit like I don't say upset about like I feel like you're taking all the girls I mean not you you're married I about you like I feel like some of y'all to get all the girl that you like there's groupies like I'm on man like I thought you liked cholos I had to go back to the girls do you have a bike I go no way girl you want to ride a bike right now the girls are growing up they're becoming women now am I gonna can girls like that bad boy image yeah I mean you know they're attracted to that good or bad is the way it works again like I use know I almost want like a tagger thing I think you know all bottoms you know boy crispy with the baby cook k-swiss oh yeah I used to have k-swiss bro it had some chrome Cologne and sometimes your car I sound cool are and I'm gonna go car is a cool water but I'm saying before you guys like I did a couple rest on with your brothers and on they go okay I can't wear my investing in his restaurant out so you know so they kind of get like okay okay go somewhere else kind of you know so I almost feel bad it's uh it's a matter of pride I'm not gonna if I walk up to a restaurant and they don't serve us because we're wearing our trial Eccles our patch I'll go patron another bar or restaurant it's just I rather take my business elsewhere I'm the same way um but it's like I said it's across the board we go we have runs national runs across the country from here to New York and everywhere in between and about 95% of all establishments that serve food or liquor do not allow any one percenter patches um there's no way to fight it because they're in you know personally old and you know it's no violation ourselves right it's not discrimination it's that's the right to refuse service so we go to some major bike functions across the country we'll go to like Daytona Bike Week and if you go on Main Street there's not one [ __ ] bar that lets you fly your patch not one and if no we are money's green just like everybody else's life and some of our brothers you know they think they got big banker counselor you know we slurred to write you guys have to have a job in order to get in the club yeah 100% but going back to the whole discriminatory [ __ ] um it goes without saying it's just like across the board they're not letting anybody in whether they're starting to discriminate against the Christian clubs or the hot chapters it's because they don't want to seem like they're just targeting one percenters all right or you know it's just it's part of the program now we've been living with it for years I've been like that for years - cause I would like even back in the age where big pants and then I've been tatted on the neck and a face is like Oh 203 so I couldn't get in closing bar so I'm so used to bomb how you said like if my money's not good here then I'm spending somewhere else like I'm not gonna bribe you to get in this stupid bar club I'll just go somewhere else I mean we know where we're not welcome so we steer clear of those bars or restaurants and you know we make it a habit to go to the ones that do welcomed us and encourage us to come in and hang out you know a lot of us got families and kids and grandkids and we go there on the weekends and have a good time and drink on a Sunday out of Mexican barking my Nuland drink micheladas you know and there's spaces that welcome us and with open arms or our money's green and back to what Nava was saying right now he won't seem that you guys are like breadwinners yeah I do like I know I'm Princeton g-money like he's like a little eco coach of football coach right he's like one of those good dad that does right so he's like a really good dad like his kids in boxing and even for a school district gee money or I'm actually a certified behavior interventionist oh wow that's amazing right I know it's a trip everybody took but I mean at the end of the day that's that's my job I'm saying and what I do on the side if I want to ride have a badass time with my brothers that's my personal thing yeah I don't let it carry over at the end of the day I'm I have a [ __ ] job and I'm a [ __ ] Mongol and you get out what you do like you know a lot of us have our own businesses too you know but they shouldn't be able to dictate what would you do after hours it's just like that stripper that works for a law firm during the day not you as she [ __ ] she's hopping on a pole at night just to make ends meet because we're going to college but what I was trying to tell you is this like a lot of our brothers have nine-to-five jobs and some other their jobs wouldn't be cool with them being from the club you know and I was in the body shop business for years and I feel like I got railroaded on one of my jobs and got let go because they found out I was a Mongol no and if I thought I was a [ __ ] national president for the Mongols motorcycle club calling shots worldwide but yeah at the end of the day they did me a favor I grew my business for the last 10 11 years and it's been a it's been a good long run it's been good that's something that rocky and I always say like especially with this podcast because we've only been doing for sure here is that everything happens for a reason yeah I agree I agree one door shuts like 50 open that's right and God just works that way with us and you know what I'm blessing I'm fortunate um to have a family business grow the way we have you know my wife and I feed off of each other and it's just been really good and it's a word-of-mouth business you know we take care of people and they take care of us you know put food on the table if there's on I don't have any kids I know you have a kid g-money but it's just something like this lifestyle that you guys do is something you would recommend for your kid or your nephew or somebody like that it's you recommend it's a tough lifestyle you have to be willing to accept certain things and situations at times when you're called out in the middle stressful right it could be you know but every man sells on his own two feet and you meet the club and attach what you make it you know nobody calls you just for nothing you know what I mean like this is a it's it's a long haul sometimes when you have to you know drive off somewhere in the middle and then have a brothers back and go be a little more difficult cuz like for me if you want to warm from like if I hadn't you can you make tats but you have to approach me and say where I'm from you guys have your this is where you're from you'd say fortunately that's good I'm bad cuz you're a moving target I mean if you have bombs of people or there's politics going on on the streets we try to steer stay away from that [ __ ] because it ain't it ain't what we're about yeah and no disrespect to anybody or any any organization I'm just speaking on my behalf on my organization but we just try to stay away from politics it's not what we are what someone were about you know we just want to ride be free and have a good time with our brothers enjoy our time writing or go out of this go out of state we ride miles like we're at 800 miles 1600 miles this is a couple of days but we get there that's where you form your Brotherhood and your camaraderie when you're on the side of the road eating a [ __ ] sandwich and drinking a beer and gassing up your bike to go to the next [ __ ] stop and you guys there you like you guys do a lot of family function I like it like if you ever your kids birthday party I know your brother going it are very family-oriented it's not like like I know like 4G money first I know G money kind of personally so I know like when your kids birthday party all your brothers are there like supporting birthday parties in yeah I mean definitely like my my kids talk to him call him Uncle Dave yeah and auntie Annie they know my chapter my people my son's birthday had just passed and there was more brothers in my club and family members family but I'm fine with that I'm fine with that because they know where their loves coming from yeah and at the end of the day when they see them and they're happy and they run up to them and they call brothers in my chapter uncle it's because they feel that that's fake yeah it's true [ __ ] like we we have each other's backs I mean I go to brothers weddings I'm invited to a lot of functions I can't make it I can't experiment self thin sometimes cuz I'm out of the state a lot but at the end of the day we try to keep it family-oriented I mean I know the club a lot of times comes first we're out on runs you know there's a lot of responsibilities and obligations that you have when you wear this patch and you know we have a constitution we abide by you know for the most part you know we try to keep a family as much as we can to a certain extent but it is it is hard like I don't say it's hard being a [ __ ] buff guys do carry yourself a little different like if you call someone not saying you personally but like you can't you gotta ever every brother need you you kind of got to go like in other coach you could just do whatever regardless if it's a bar situation or you break down on the middle of the road or you get in a [ __ ] bike accident or whatever you can always call her brother and brother will always have your back it's like an older a bigger brother a family member who do you call you know he's kidding family yeah exactly this club is my family it's been my family for almost 24 years now and you seem that like like like you tested that already where you know it that's how it is 100% we've been in a lot of sticks with you we've been on a lot of sticky situations and brothers have always there and had my back bro I've been to some really really crazy [ __ ] I could imagine at the end of the day you know I've seen brothers dive and shot at [ __ ] stabbed everybody unisys we're not gang banging honestly it's just like take the good with the bad like I said and I think you guys get a lot kind like a bad name maybe two because I mean no matter what club organization Church Little League whatever it is there's always certain people act a certain way and you can like I like I go to a church cross the street always telling you by like people that church will mean your little sweet angel either though you know I'm like just come on from a gang told me I'm that I'm a piece of [ __ ] our bad person so like maybe somebody gets busted for club so like for you guys they consider the whole club that way okay they're drug dealers drug cartel it's no once again a stigma there's rotten apples in every organization whether it be law enforcement Catholic Church whatever Mongols motorcycle club you have rogue ma'am you have rogue actors you know what I mean you can't control what everybody does I mean if somebody goes ourselves dope behind your bag you can't control it yeah somebody goes I shoot somebody off their bike or does something stupid or rogue it's hard to control I mean yeah it's not a hit or anything right happens yeah right to refrain and you know my thing is this man it's just like we don't go head hunting if you're at a bar and [ __ ] cracks you're gonna defend yourself by any means necessary any [ __ ] anybody would and that's we don't go ahead on women looking for problems we just want to have fun ride our bikes and do what we do everybody always brings up that arm that that footers are the laughlin the thing with you guys that think they can never like I hate that thing so much the voice is everything about that it's just a bad situation and went really bad we're minding your own business and you know what the outcome was bad a lot of people died in that situation you know including one of our brothers rest in peace Bronson and you know we just try to get the bad behind us you know mend fences and move forward you know but it's not always the case when there's too much bad blood between two organizations yeah but it seems like it always just goes right back to that video it's like they have nothing else with that video it's like yeah y'all can stop that now we should move forward you're gonna hear that it's the infamous video it cuz that's all they have they have no love to promote the negative [ __ ] they would have used that as a to park in Vegas it would look so much worse than what was like come on yeah a new video you're watching this [ __ ] they're not our toy drives our turkey drives in the newspaper yeah we do a lot of [ __ ] we do know we do a lot of [ __ ] for the community we give back oh you don't see that No then let me ask you let me tell you something there's been so many times where we've contacted the me you to give us some coverage only because we're doing good for the communities people need to know to kind of loosen the perception on were these bad guys that think we get vilified by the [ __ ] news media constantly badly and we try to do things not news yeah we try to do things my boy Donny to make sure people know a were we're giving back to the community it's not everything what you hear in the media and it doesn't work I mean we just we just finished we did in November a sock and blanket run for Skid Row it was our first annual and we do a turkey drive every year Victory Outreach in Boyle Heights we give away 400 turkeys when I was giving your turkey we're really proud of when we did for so many years since I've been in the club since 1997 we did the Fred Jordan mission run and that's one where we all come together with another organization by the name of the Vagos motorcycle club and we challenge each other to see who can bring the most bikes every year for the kids peddle bikes oh wow so every year we did that for years until we got booted out of there by LAPD just being angry and vicious and a positive thing of doing a positive thing and they turn positive and a negative and after that we never did it again this was two years ago we had done it for almost 20 [ __ ] years it's probably the first time a lot of people are hearing about this yeah yeah this is Jordan she's a sweetheart she knows who we are we've taken a lot of pictures with her throughout the years before mr. Jordan passed away Fred Jordan yeah and you know to try to do something good for your community and then the LAPD just turns it around like drop off your [ __ ] and get the [ __ ] down the road or so disrespectful one year so we did we grabbed our [ __ ] and threw back in the truck unfortunately and the kids are watching all this go down we did nothing wrong they just didn't want us there that's great well you know even on even let me on a production team no Ali when you when you guys walk this she wish her again yeah so was she the one was she the one who grabbed her purse and the nearest a walk yeah I go through but like relax Idaho don't mind her yeah she's from Idaho so like she but she had a baby somewhere [ __ ] in Idaho Tula they've come up with mix missing kids over there I was watching that special the other night a little boy little girl came up missing my even her bday young girl like she just had this this image of you guys like oh my god stereotypical oh well we have to go through on a daily basis but you know what like I said sometimes we get thumbs up sometimes you don't hey it is what it is see no Holly open to learning something right now humming I can't oh gee money's gonna give me stuffy he's gonna stuff me smell of your scare pretty much pees in our pants every time she sees you guys good uses my lines all the time the biggest thing [Applause] you blow it up g-money has a famous say night I'm [ __ ] horn every note she has warning huh oh I could call you guys a character a big time this guy when I'm having a bad day this guy lifts me up honestly he'll just like say some dumb ass [ __ ] and makes me laugh you know say he's fun he's like a circus clown I'm kidding I'm kidding he's a good guy alright yeah would you want a family do you guys is there any like black guys and you guys Club oh [ __ ] what edit that part out no okay okay no I'll give you the real deal on that you want to know why one oh yeah you can cuss on this too you can say [ __ ] [ __ ] yeah we're good yeah unfortunately because when you get involved with politics in the prisons guys you segregate GOC and unfortunately you know the White's go with the whites and Hispanics cool so had the blasts of race thing and it spills out on the streets unfortunately there's some really good black news that out what am I having in the club I just can't do it my hands are tied because of politics because when you go in you segregate that's the bottom almost a lot of people don't know that like that's why we don't know that we're being races I'm not a racist guy I'm good with it but people don't get it so you didn't get it now you know it's a pilot it's a political and I'm not the only one that feels with it there's other motorcycle clubs 1% is that would but you can yeah you know but there are some 1% or black clubs that are on the East Coast under guard being one of them they're good friends of ours we coexist and get along with everybody we don't have no issues you know what I mean life's too short absolutely and the sentences are too long g-money is line jacker Oh Mickey [ __ ] you jack one of my we ran out look at two star we were we were in Omani at a bike show this fool says hey you come rob did ya know I'm a trademark that I'm gonna get that jacket do you have to be married to wear one of those windows best oh you want my property Acharya I mean if it's you take an enderman Jackie oh yeah cool oh my game you know what I see get that I see brothers okay look it's your righteous old lady if you're gonna give somebody a property patch it's it's some people that's so degrading she's you're already of little Dave it's not the gradient it's like a wedding ring it's like she's taken yeah so [ __ ] step off that's it that's all cuz week order a lot of public functions and if you have a good-looking old lady mo-fuckers gonna try to hit on her they gonna hit on ever they got a property patch you don't say got you so I was like a big [ __ ] yeah off limits and a big [ __ ] wedding ring in your face that's what happens if I'm of a Brotherhood with somebody's wife are they just done yeah we don't talk Oh super frowned upon um we've had 20-year members at a [ __ ] cross that line I got thrown the [ __ ] out and we're not the only organization that does that I mean there's a lot of organizations that stick true to that oh that's that's a that's taboo you don't do that you should be able to trust your club brother with troll lady in the room and not have an issue what what the government try that dude you because I know they keep trying to you're a statue eight do they do the same thing with other wonder-percent or clubs or you just feel like you they're targeted only oh your beer dropped your beer drop yan your beer dropped oh [ __ ] okay no we want to say D on your heartbeat dr. bierd we you guys want to see her be we have a spill on aisle nine come here often I think D did that on purpose he's good only follow her no my fans only is ready but what was the question no but do you guys do it you're targeted or are like art like for instance on there's a government after late the other you like rival clubs or whatever one percenters that do you want take their gender there are patches off to as well well the way the way it all came down came about was they try to do it in Germany and it worked in some parts of Germany and then they went to Canada it didn't work so well and then they took it to Australia it worked really well so you have all these law enforcement agencies throughout the country throughout globally worldwide come together for these conferences to see what's gonna work cuz they want to try to decimate all one percenter cuz they really they really want they think we're such a threat to society we're domestic terrorists they like you make me really not you're making traffic better it was on bikes like no more cheetah yeah it's a code we live by but at the end of the day yeah we were targeted by law enforcement and we were the test case for the federal government to move forward oh you saw an issue oh yeah and we thought initially oh yeah no money we can't fight them and they're gonna just wear us out but unfortunately they didn't know how resilient our club was and is to this day cuz we've been under indictment for [ __ ] 11 12 years now you're gonna fold yeah they thought words in a fold and call it a day but you know when they got the initial injunction inouye they tricked the the judge judge Cooper into thinking they were just regular trademarks like coca-cola or IBM and it wasn't like that these are collective membership marks by the memberships so yeah your patches are copyright pretty much 100% trademarked ah and really to really truly you could just during use you have to have them in use for them to be active so the federal government never gained control over it I've been being use 100% that's true law to the letter yes sir so how they would even keep goodness because there we go silly this case is silly and it should have never come to fruition I mean I'm not silly that case is done now right it's done what happened was we ended up getting recode back in 2008 was 79 defendants and then they all you know took their punishment and took their deals and went to prison you know paid their debt to society unfortunately in the process they were just trying to steal our identity still our patch and in 2013 they came up with a novel way to take our patch I'm gonna say now no pun intended no pun intended so they're not there novel way of doing well it was to charge the organization as a whole the Mongols motorcycle club a non incorporate Association so when they did that they opened up this case on us and we had a fighting continue to fight it to this day well we ended up going to a jury trial a year and a half ago and we were convicted by a jury on two counts of conspiracy on Rico at the end of the day the judge let the verdict stand but threw the case out on First Amendment right issues so the government appealed and we're in the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeal process of it right now all right now yeah and because of the coronavirus all courts are shut down we probably would have been on the 9th circuit probably June or July is probably gonna be at the end of the year early next year no and is this you gonna is you gonna um to court yeah I personally went to court i sat in court for the last well from October 30th in the 2019 for four months straight every day driving down a Santa Ana courthouse we couldn't have a lot of brothers supporting judge Carter wasn't gonna have it he said for every brother that showed up the court you have a marshal standing you a thousand bikes outside yeah they don't want they don't want the intimidation factor imposed on the jury which that's nah we were just brothers are just you know they they wanna support they would they believe in our club they believe in our patch freedom of speech I always tripped out on on I know you guys do have a lot of supporters like people don't ain't ain't from your club they were like supports your local local mom going anywhere shirt for I mean no I kind of get it by [Laughter] [Music] [Music] Tuesday so um I just wanna like kinda like this podcast I mean we have a lot of different guests on I'm ray guys came by my main thing was like kind of like a lop you don't understand and I before I didn't understand either though like I was one of those person that I didn't really care for like you know I mean I'll just like you know stupid little cholo like whatever you want to call it yeah so I was kind of like I'm like [ __ ] it's so organized a like hard [ __ ] about yeah our organization is really regimented like we abide by Constitution got bylaws you got to remember you have a lot of brothers that have coming to this club from back in Vietnam days back in the early 70s and now you're getting a bleed-out from [ __ ] all the Afghanistan and Iraqi war veterans that are trying to fill that void that camaraderie that unity they're yearning for that they're used to that and we have a lot of solid ass brothers that have come our way because they like that freedom they like to ride they like to be a part of something and that's what they find when they cut in the mall is more to psycho Club it is freedom I in the name when I used to ride I'm not gonna say what I wrote all right Kevin not it is freedom it's it's the ultimate freedom it is it really is and you know I've gotten close over the years with a lot of brothers and I've heard a lot of the stories and you got a lot of brothers out there that have PTSD and it's sad but true and they're not getting the clinical help they need in order to move for a dope-ass there is no there is absolutely no it leaves a drug and alcohol and everything else and you know that's what we come up you know try to help them I say but it's not easy they've seen a lot and done a lot out there and in the [ __ ] desert you know that's great could ya just start like in 1970 something he was a the club yeah well the club boss just was established in 1969 more December 15 16 we just had our 50-year anniversary and we're just gonna keep pushing what's the National like I know I'm Lisa Ling do the whole things in here but what's the National and Palm Springs about like you just get together everybody the whole life yeah we have we stopped for national runs a year but the club's gotten so big we trimmed it down to three national runs a year and one of our major runs is in a Palm Springs we have a contract with the Palm Springs Hilton Hotel so open us with well open arms we spend a lot of money there we're respectful to their staff and all their employees they love us there we're like family to them - you've seen the videos yeah I am to say that they say that because it's true [ __ ] yeah it's like everywhere we go we're welcome like - it didn't happen back in the day brothers were [ __ ] ruthless and scattered they break fronted sure [ __ ] you'll [ __ ] [ __ ] up but that was back in the day times your print yeah and you're never gonna break that stigma just just try to polish it polish your image any which way you can it's never easy but we try what if somebody had to do arm to do to Guinea I know you guys have your little things but like you got to be obviously I don't do all this kind of stuff by like you have to like get to know somebody pretty good again in the club it's a cosign for you guys yeah you have a cosigner which you run through the motions you hang around for a year or two like an apprenticeship right yeah no I mean you gotta do just grunt work you know go get fetch beers you know go pick up people at the airport once you become a prospect and you know you're basically being initiated into the club and you have to earn your way in you know the longer you take to earn it you know it's the more you'll never drop your [ __ ] if you're earning in this club yeah you know it's a matter of pride and respect at the end of the day with us so on so you get in like like to have somebody go a wig or like if I will tell what I'm like a young homie or mines they want me a beer food I'm either like you know like one of those bar so when you get into the mom getting your club you kind of got to leave your own your pride at the door for you do you don't do that those are grading at times well you don't imagine you don't ask any you can't ask a prospect to do anything you wouldn't do yourself and that's the bottom [ __ ] lion that's what sets us apart from the rest if you tell them to [ __ ] do 10 push if you're gonna do 10 push-ups next song I know yeah I mean we know you still got a low he's gonna be your club brother with a matter of six months a year whatever long it takes you don't be sitting next to you you don't want somebody resemble towards you ain't gonna help you I don't know some [ __ ] goes down they all [ __ ] that remember when you make 20 [ __ ] push-ups so you do that leave your pride at the door yeah you do is you know just you do you know for some grown men it's hard to ask you some people to do that it's tough because you got some hard cores dude hardcore dudes are coming to our club straight out of prison in shoo like you know and it's hard to do but that's how you weep you know the weak from the strong yeah you know I've done it hiding prospect to come in I came in full patches of probationary but I disciplinary prospect for [ __ ] that I really do but [ __ ] it I sucked it up because I got pride and I ain't [ __ ] letting my patch go for nothing other than that yeah all the magic I know if you would say Mac and you and then it's just it seems worse than it is but if you really think about what you do people come to my house yeah yeah come to my house clean up some trash and a big party it's not that big of a deal if you want about enough you'll do it around listen I don't want to do that how far how many miles behind I got a ride on my bike behind you guys you just got a ride at the back of the pack of you're just a hanging room there's four dirt cheap right now who's ready bikes are going preachy and so our cars it kind of cool 90-day defer payments yeah you're smaller than me bro you going that car I'm on the handlebars let's get pigs that's cool hey so that's cool man I mean what's a game at one thank you I mean is there something that you want to tell somebody that's gonna like doesn't be making a decision to come in with like like I said like you you know if you recommend it for your kid or anything cuz so stressful kind of deal about it something like your homework and know what you're getting yourself in exactly you you know this club isn't for everybody it's not about the party isn't the line let's what about the chicks I'm doing this people think that at first and that's why the hang around period is so important and then you're vetting the person in between as well like making sure that he's solid enough to hold it down and stand on his own two feet in case [ __ ] is sometimes a co-sign for you though you just 100% you're not walking in without a cosigner okay dot every I and cross every T with you have you seen that like cuz I mean have you seen it like let's say somebody gets patched in in front they finally get in to get patched in have you see something like change from a door to round like just walk different talk different kind of like just like calm down a little bit like we call a patch fever that's what it is Mather is a name for it so this is the thing then like it's a big thing okay for the first year I was on top of the [ __ ] world okay tell me [ __ ] yeah okay I need a fade I knew I made you get knocked around by your older brothers yeah they put you in your place you know and it's a good thing you know it keeps you solid keeps you from being humble pie a lot this club will do that to you you have to if you're if you're anything and you give a [ __ ] your bout it you [ __ ] yeah you get humble is there any way you get kicked out or like other club not too much there's certain things that you can keep kicked out for we try to save you before we toss you yeah yeah you know what if you get a brother that's all [ __ ] [ __ ] off on Scott there okay you know we got a clean and sober chop that we got a drug house in [ __ ] Pasadena call impact we had a thirty to do better than yeah we had a 33 we have a 33 year member by the name of poor boy Dom Ferris who has saved so many brothers from destitute and just [ __ ] hitting the curb and just [ __ ] eating dog [ __ ] and he opens up a bed every [ __ ] time for our brothers before anybody to make him clean us over to get him clean and sober I got brothers I'm on chapter and mother chapter that I've been clean and sober for like [ __ ] 25 years but we have that conduit and that conduit is poor boy and we saved so many brothers and then we even comprise the a clean and sober chapter in Pasadena so if you want to keep on the straight and narrow and not go back to doing drugs and alcohol you go to that chapter you know we'll save you before we throw you to the curb that's amazing bro helping each other I'm super not organizations won't even put up with there you know like one chance no chance get the [ __ ] down the road but when I like to work with our business that's what separates our club from any other club you know that honor that loyalty that respect for one another I know my happening till yeah I never seen anybody else con me besides g-money all is that another stigma that people think they're all drugged out yeah back in the day I mean [ __ ] if you look at the 70s you know a Vietnam yeah I mean dudes are doing heroin and they're riding around with a [ __ ] bag of [ __ ] dope in their pocket a [ __ ] gun in the other pocket riding through the state to state and acting like [ __ ] crazy individuals on bikes and you know just doing the outlaw [ __ ] you know but at the end of the day bro like that [ __ ] is no more if you were able to go through that era and be still here still be alive and go you're good you know so wacko wacko director asked him since the series Mayans something some of the anarchy came out have that arm what do you want to say it has people are more accepting um you know you get your weekend warriors but the guys that are serious is the guys that we're looking at to come on board and we don't recruit I mean if you want to come on board you hang around you do you know you gotta you got to run through the motions yeah do your homework like I said this lifestyles not for everybody it's it's a whole different culture than just the regular 99 percenters if you will that just go on the weekends and take a putt down PCH and hit a [ __ ] bar down Huntington Beach you know and and and to be a one-percenter like can anybody start up a motorcycle club and just call some but one percenter you know what if you do that you'll have other one-percenter clubs to contestants or problems on yeah you know what the the big five you got the outlaws and Hells Angels the boggles the pagans the Bandidos yeah you got to give them all those motorcycle club you got the big Five's that have been around 1960s and 70s you know that I paved the way for everybody else it just you know what I like like you guys were commenting on the Mayans and-and-and the [ __ ] sons of anarchy thing has popular popularized the biker community has galvanized the biker community our yeah and everybody wants to you know black leather vest get on their Dinah's you know it's it cracks me up I see them with their full face helmets really not I I crack up but you know one night to each his own yeah you know our our deal is totally separate from their world and I respect the [ __ ] ain't nobody you want to right right let's do this the more the merrier you know the more accepted society is towards bikers that's how I look at it in a positive way well that's one thing guys for coming on our show I hope we they clarify a lot of things for you guys I know I learned MA on this that both laws right I mean it just it her something you want to tell anybody just a last a mangie money or AG may use quite a quiet you're quite quiet today bro you always fun you're not in bed yes so this is the thing like when rocky hit me up I mean me and rocky are pretty [ __ ] cool right for Knightley to say that right I would play for night together but um when you hit me a person I hear the interview right huh I was [ __ ] down with it I seen the questions and I'm like I could answer these [ __ ] questions but at the end of the day why not get the [ __ ] man that will answer these workshops yeah and just lay it out for you I mean I love this [ __ ] right here he's one of the smartest [ __ ] dudes I know personally and not only that I mean he's taking care of me and not only me some real [ __ ] aside I mean like frill I mean he's sucking care of not only me but a lot of [ __ ] brothers in this nation bro and I know you've seen a lot of love that when you showed that little Dave was gonna be on here it was [ __ ] to me all my games are blown up like a stripper yeah exactly and you stop stripping but I'm sick like I I asked him for a favor and let him know aid these fools are [ __ ] cool they want to break some [ __ ] you know let it be known how it really is yeah and I'm glad he [ __ ] came down and knocked it out for you guys yeah when you call me told me yeah um cuz he was gonna call you to get the bomb day okay to come on yeah I've got better news anyway told me though oh yeah you know what I'm all for doing anything that sheds good light on the club anything positive like I've been obviously on CNN that's a major Network I've done some positive work with Wall Street Journal and The New York Times Los Angeles Times and just to spread the word just keep it positive amongst all one-percenter bikers and the perception isn't what you always see it to be bottom [ __ ] line we get a bad rap like anybody else but just keep it positive out there there you go anything like the churches get a bad rap you think y'all ain't gonna get bad rep like it's everyone's gonna get a bad rep one way or another even when all like I mean when I do my gang like you can never be gangster enough you can I go to church you're not Christian enough you guys if you felt was always gonna say something like no matter what Christians get a bad rap yeah some Christians are hypocritical but it is what it is humans are hypocritical I just the way it is you know I mean to to zone yeah yeah thanks for coming in show I really really appreciate it man thank you for having though thank you for having us Shh oh sure yeah g-money not st. enough [ __ ] happy Cinco de Mayo [ __ ] just got done episode 2 it went really well it was more of them talking let me talk to you so I thought winter very well I've learned a lot from their club I hope you learned a lot today too because I know we all stereotypes one way or another and I hope you like we broke those chains for you guys man cuz I'm a 10-8 day they do good deeds charity work you can't judge a whole club by a couple bad apples I loved it I hope you guys enjoy two beautiful episode we learned a lot I hope you guys learned a lot oh we answered a lot of questions that some of you may have had in your mind that we're too afraid to ask whenever you may have seen a Mongol come your way man thank you guys for tuning in we love you thank you for the support you guys have a beautiful night [Music]
Channel: No Lames Podcast
Views: 818,997
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: dAYY1ojpVrQ
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Length: 55min 17sec (3317 seconds)
Published: Thu May 07 2020
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