Day In The Life of an Investment Banking Intern

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Alexa queue new york hey guys welcome to a day in the life  of an investment banking intern in   new york city i know it's been a while  since i posted on this channel i've been   super busy working but i'm back and let's  get right into the video so a lot of you   guys might not know what investment banking  is or you might think it looks like this and that's what investment banking is really  like so thanks for watching the video guys bye   okay okay this is the real definition of what  investment banking is like so what is investment   banking investment banking is the part of an  investment bank that advises companies and   governments and how to raise money how to merge  or acquire other companies and how to restructure   businesses in a more effective and efficient way  in general investment banks provide financial   advice on deals within the markets through  three types of deals that are usually conducted   so first we have m&a deals which stands for  mergers and acquisitions that's basically   the buying and selling of companies second we have  debt/leverage deals which are deals where you need   to raise funds via loans and third we have equity  deals where a company would issue stock and the   investment banks guide clients to these various  transactions and take a percentage of the fees   associated with them anyways i am running late  for work so let's get this day in life started   all right so typically i start my day around  5:30 a.m i know that is a bit extreme but   i only wake up this early because i commute  from new jersey and i have to be the office   around 9:00 a.m so with inflation and rent  prices right now i chose the stay with   family which is basically rent free for the  summer so it's not so bad but that's just me okay so usually i like to just relax here for a  bit with my coffee out and then pull out the wall   street journal because i do need to read it just  to keep up with what's going on in the economy in   the markets right now as a typical banker but i'm  going to drink this coffee read a little bit and   then hit the office i can't film in there so i'll  try to get some scenes on my phone for now the   camera quality is going to go down guys sorry  about that but let's do that for a little bit so i'm usually at the office around 8:20  a.m. i get there a little bit earlier just   to go through my emails and respond to them as  soon as possible and then after that i usually   go through the agenda i set for myself for  the day and today doesn't seem too bad it's   a pretty light day so far i'm mainly going to  be doing a lot of market research which is just   going through a bunch of companies  filings for the deals i'm working on   there's actually a lot of reading and research  done in investment banking as you are learning   about different industries and the companies that  operate within them it's also important to just   have a good grasp of understanding the company's  purpose why they're there and their financials   today i spent a few hours doing this but it's  around 11am right now so i usually check up with   any updates with my team on the deals i'm working  on and then after that i head out for lunch   typically i don't have time to make lunches every  day so i hit up some spots near my office and then   head back to the office and usually eat at my  desk but today i ended up having some extra time   so i went to go eat with a friend in another  group after lunch around 1pm i go through some   financial models and make some corrections on the  ones i'm working on usually when something needs   to be corrected on your model an analyst will  leave a comment on it so i have to go through   the comments and then fix the mistakes i have  and then send it back to the analyst there's a   lot of like back and forth between you and the  senior management on the team and it's usually   the same for powerpoint as well because you do  have to make a lot of corrections and make sure   slide decks are presented well after that i have  some client calls i usually take throughout the   day and i spend a good time with that just  taking notes to go over during the meeting   anyway it's around 5:30 p.m right now i didn't  have that much work today so i'm actually going   to be heading out of the office early the group  i have is pretty chill so i usually finish up my   work earlier in the day but in some cases i'll  be at the office till 8 to 10 pm okay guys so   i just got off work it was a pretty chill day i  actually got off early around 6:30 p.m it's about   to rain right now but i'm gonna go meet up with  some friends get some dinner but that's just a   little preview of what ib is like in the corporate  lifestyle oh yeah let's go get some dinner baby all right guys so i just got back from an amazing  day with some friends it's about 10 p.m right now   i am tired of wearing these clothes so i'm going  to change in one second all alright so i just   changed i'm going to do a quick cardio  workout and then chill for a little bit all right guys and that's a day in the life of  an investment making intern in new york city   if any of you guys are interested in investment  banking or even like getting an internship in   the field i would really definitely  do a lot of research on the industry   work life balance from my experience i think it's  a great experience a great opportunity for you to   learn at an extremely fast rate and also gain  exposure to the markets as well one thing i've   learned through my internship so far is you  definitely need to pay attention to detail   especially when going over work and checking if  you have any mistakes and another thing is always   ask questions even if you may think the questions  are stupid it goes a really long way and shows   that you have an initiative to really grow and  learn it's also really good for you guys to have   a lot of good technical skills such as having a  strong foundation in powerpoint and excel it saves   a lot of time even though you go through training  it's always helpful to have a good base on these   skills so that you can work more efficiently and  effectively anyways in banking is actually pretty   funny if you have an interest in finance or the  economy in general but it is getting late so i   need to go to bed thank you guys for watching the  video to the end if you like this content leave   a like sub and comment down below and once  again i'll see you on the next one so peace all right so a lot of you guys not
Channel: Brian Ariyo
Views: 647,478
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: #dayinthelife, invesment banking internship, internship, day in the life of an investment banking, a day in the life, finance, intern, day in the life of an intern, nyc internship, nyc intern
Id: aper8hDomkA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 40sec (460 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 01 2022
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