Day in the Life of an Apprentice Electrician | Should you become an Apprentice in 2021?

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uh [Applause] still not ready to talk to a camera yet um if you're as primitive as i am and you drink black coffee here's a little tip throw some ice into it straight over the freezer it keeps a manageable temperature so that you're not waiting 17 minutes to drink it here is one simple meal that can get you instantly ripped so uh one unusual thing that i do every morning that most people don't do is i eat breakfast i'd call it a decent breakfast but it's not a lot of effort i was put into it and trust me i didn't dress it up for the video or anything it's four eggs scrambled up whole eggs no egg whites and two pieces of toast so usually i'd hammer this into me maybe maybe maybe watch a youtube video or two and get on with my day as a testament to my very minimal camera equipment setup scenario going on here i'm having to use my advanced skill level to get this camera pointed at me right now which is the same because the phone holder can go really down the way what do i listen to every morning in the car i'm gonna drive to work i hear you all asking well oh you listen to a lot of podcasts now i've got a nice rotation on them i've got like four or five thousand that would be if that was one uh abbreviation of someone's name it would be bbb and that was that's completely a coincidence but uh on the other time i can tolerate a john rogan podcast as well but the issue with that is that you listen if you listen to enough joe rogan podcast you realize when he hasn't got maybe such a captivating guest he'll just end up talking about the same same stuff every every podcast i don't know it's not his fault everybody has a tendency to repeat themselves well i don't listen to podcasts to bring myself to some advanced level of knowledge i just do it because it provides a lot of comfort the autonomy listen to music but if i am listening to music it's about to be a good day not only to abuse my tolerance to music because sometimes i listen to just a basic house tune because i rarely listen to music and other gif girls all over my body on me [ __ ] scalp on me legs on my arms goosebumps everywhere i am driving safely but i will cut this clip here now and i'll let it get myself to work [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] and thanks to the magic and power of edin we've made it to lunchtime so i'll show you what i have it's just a bit of a chicken rice and some greens uh i didn't intend for it to be so painfully bodybuilder-esque uh flavorless meal see when it comes to prepping i can be really lazy sometimes but i always have i always have me meals with me i don't ever go to the shop and boy rolls or chicken fillet rolls or or fry ups or anything i always bring me lunch with me uh because i'm stingy basically which would also explain why i've got i've got a coffee with me with which is a it's quite a standard thing to have with you but usually i'd have a protein shake with me or something and again the only the only excuse i have for not having one right now is because of how stingy it can be but maybe one day i'll hop on one of those 75 percent bulk powers discounts and get a [ __ ] two and a half kilo bag of protein for like a fiver or something like that that would that would make me feel very nice and very happy about myself so i'll crack on i'll eat this lunch and work through the second part of the day and go home so i've come home to a freshly prepared dinner i have to resist the urge to absolutely nail into this for the moment until after i do a back workout and also perhaps until after i take a shower uh which i'll take you through now not the shower part just just back working apart okay we're at the part of the video which a lot of you probably didn't initially click onto it for but uh if all you're interested in seeing was an apprentice run around with his little tools putting up a few lights and a few sockets then feel free to click off i'm going to take you through the rest of my day and a big part of my day is the parent when i'm working no i'm no fitness enthusiast but i'm certainly enthusiastic about you know the workouts that i do uh and to a certain extent i pray i'm a fitness enthusiast but i'm already gonna promote myself as like the 87th person that does fitness around you know trying to think of i'm trying to take it outside the box i'm trying to go to go to the mill ben grant stocks buy some ben grant stocks we're going to the mill i'll take you through me little setup don't worry it's very minimal it'll take no time at all so i guess we'll start off with a purple resistance band now the color doesn't necessarily signify how heavy these things are as far as i know this is supposed to imitate about 40 kilos of resistance 40 kilograms that is it's a good piece of kit to replicate like i don't know certain machine movements that you might be used to like i use a tie onto the end of my bed or whatever or what have you and i do leg curls uh leg extensions i even do like mimicking a dumbbell press not a barbell press unfortunately uh what can you do though given the circumstances you're not going to get much of a bang for your buck as a resistance band and finally i have this bag with a lot of random argos white in it that are like four and a half kilos and two kilos i'm not sure exactly how much the bag weighs so i thought we'd do a live reveal of how much this byway is on camera so let's go and see how much the spike weighs as you can tell this thing hasn't been used in a while we'll put it to good use now no i'm not trying to see how much away moment of truth is that uh what i'm going to do is i'm going to list the workouts here rather than demonstrating it live and in real time because i'm really on that edit pose today maybe it's maybe it's because i want to feel these and think i'm a really good youtuber by the the caliber of tunes that i'm playing over these edits i'm going to start off by doing four sets of 12 of weight pull-ups weighted in quotes because that bag is horrifyingly light that was not that was not an enjoyable reveal for me i put the resistance band around the pull apart by doing a few lap pull downs i wrap that resistance banner in the end of my bed and do some rows and i'll finish up by doing probably some sort of hybrid with the bag and the resistance band and doing curls and that'll be enjoyable enjoyable little workout after working out soy poop dog [Music] [Music] [Music] oh is it is that it still rolling oh here we go final meal of the day uh do you want to write on a wednesday night i might put a bit too much gravy on there a bit of dirty coke i love i love some ice cubes they're not very cool ice cubes though i could do it doing a little amazon hunt for some uh some interesting ice cubes there we go i think this is where i'm gonna end in the vlog here i've got a whole vlog without saying the word vlog i just said it three times though so it doesn't really count anymore um feel free to uh subscribe comment whether you had a fun time comment whether or not i click page uh comment on whether or not i'm a i'm a cool guy coming to whether or not i'm an uncool guy just make sure you leave a comment and also like the video you
Channel: Ben Grant
Views: 965,178
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Electrician, Apprenticeship, Apprentice Electrician, Day in the life of an apprentice electrician, Day in the life of a construction worker, Day in the life, thomas nagy, nick bundy, cjr electrical, irish electrician, electrician ireland, full day of eating, ian grant, drivewithig, ian grant trucks
Id: mRtVy-dFcc4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 0sec (720 seconds)
Published: Sun May 16 2021
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