Day in the Life of an Electrician

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day in the life of an electrician changes every day it depends what you're doing so usually get up early in the morning and run to Timmy's grab your coffee we started about 6:30 get all together with all the guys and you go over all the tasks you have for the day set up who's going where who's working with who make sure you have all the information you need to start your task depending on the weather it could be cold weather work hot weather work inside outside you don't know if you're rigging or pulling wire or runnin pipe or Ruffin and BX or finishing off putting switches and lights in that can change every day depending on where you're at we have a couple breaks usually do a coffee break in the morning and lunch around noon and then we keep working until the those lights come on and then then we're good for a day come back put it another hard day so it's it's a great environment because you always have different things going on whether you're in a residential or commercial or industrial environment it's all pretty much the same kind of hours and setup and and you do different tasks depending on where the job is that different stages that come through a project being electrician it's really neat because you get to start off right from Ground Zero we're there when they start scraping the dirt off we get our primary installations in and get the electrical vault going so we're there right from when they break ground and we get into the concrete so as the concrete's going in we've got conduits running in the concrete and everything there then as the building starts to warm up its shape we're there roughing in right behind it the studs go up the iron goes up we follow through with all of our wiring and conduits and follow through with that then as we finish our installations and the plumbers and the HVAC guys and the sprinklers and everybody else finishes their installations they come through and board everything over and all of our hard work gets hidden behind the walls which no one ever sees again but with all that important rough-in work nothing else can happen so we go through to our Ruffins do inspections close everything up and then they start finishing and when we get to that point we go through and hang over light fixtures and devices and plugs and switches and Wireless and all that kind of stuff to keep up with the technologies and the needs of people today and once we're finished wrapping up they do a big cleanup we turn all the lights on test all the power and buildings ready to turn over to the client it's it's really rewarding work when you go to a project and you start off and there's nothing there and you get to stay till this thing is now a full project done and ready to turn over the client you say I did that I drive around the city with my kids hey daddy was involved in that one daddy was involved in that one I helped build that store and we go through the stores like hey my dad did this it's really cool to have that you know feeling of accomplishment from something that you've done and and it's very rewarding to to be able to see your the fruits of your labor come to fruition
Channel: Electrical Contractors Association of Alberta
Views: 248,621
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: electrician, trades, construction, PEC, registered electrician, day in the life of an electrician, Alberta electrician, ECAA, contractor, electrical trade
Id: ZfskvPZHKnA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 12sec (192 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 27 2018
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