Day in the life of a Pediatric Nurse | Come to work with me | a 12-hour shift|Nurse Vlog 💉

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[Music] hey you guys welcome back to Geneva Jeremy so before we get into the intro I have an intro to the intro actually just a disclaimer to this video so as you guys know I am a registered pediatric nurse and the video you're about to see is a day in the life of a pediatric nurse I take you guys along gave an entire 12 hour show but just a disclaimer saying that all patient confidentiality was upheld he'll provide relations work up health I did not film in any patient there are no patient identify use anywhere in this video just to protect my patients and to protect my career so let's get into this intro and I hope you guys hi guys welcome back to Geneva II so I just got home from work hence I am still in my stuff so just got home from work and I thought I think I want to film a day in the life of a pediatric nurse oh just kidding I've got to say pediatric nurse practitioner but I am still a pediatric nurse right now so I am going to take you guys along with me tomorrow and show you what a day is like in a day in the life of a pediatric nurse so if you're interested please stay tuned and don't forget to as always make sure you subscribe give this video a thumbs up and leave any comments you have down below in the comment section and turn your bill notification on so that you can be notified for each and every upload so I'll see you guys in the morning when I wake up bright and early at body time to start today already I was really time to get up and go brush my teeth wash my face my life wasn't perfect I know that now when it came crashing down I know and I need you around it comes crashing maybe you can give me everything [Music] good morning you guys can finally see my face I just made it to work it's 44 degrees and I don't have to clock in until 6:30 hey I get to work early so that I can get a good parking spot and yeah no parking can be an issue we get to work so especially relationship I just wish today no one wants to go and so I mean but I've always good I get to everywhere I'm just an early person I like to be on time so it's now 625 and I can it at 6:38 so I just sit in my car and I catch up on YouTube maybe watch the day in the life of somebody else looking you know this utilizing but gonna catch up on YouTube are some studying actually I was listening to my lecture it's like it's a test coming up really soon and so catch up on emails catch up on just catch up on some things that I may not have gotten to do yesterday I worked yesterday too um yeah look at this beautiful morning starting at 6:30 any time to get out and go Kentuckiana I love you subscribe we have a good day today [Music] yes I'm the bag lady tough enough shirts toughen up here product and of course I got the lunch box and that [Music] pediatric nurse so all the doors are locked doors I got a badges everywhere that lots of love back alrighty we just been at huddle now it's time for me to go get report I have two patients today yesterday I had one when I can't ask I can see you anything [Music] [Music] this every part so I go through my meds that are on my bar on the computer then I come to the mat room with a commitment I am going to just make sure I have everything and then make sure now that on day shift I have to make sure that my patients are up and they've ordered breakfast so I'm going to make sure they have their breakfast order today all right my culture been sitting here knows that there [Music] [Music] [Music] so I trades online we get any breakfast I just got married breakfast because I didn't pack my bags this morning and I also have some oatmeal and I would just eat that so headed back to the unit I am going to probably eat breakfast and then I'll probably eat breakfast and then I'll chart and then testing it alright so back from the cafeteria I only got Mary Ellen breakfast I decided not to because I have weight but I Pat you funny Oh guys let me pack my collegues and I also have oatmeal and money once ripe someone eat my oatmeal and my boy eggs and I had it further here how could that happen for others to some wait a minute room supply room stasis place no patient information so you're gonna see these places all right sorry not sorry that I gotta protect my job and my life with it but it is now 8:20 it's only eight twenty you have got another 11 hours to go alright go chart and then get [Music] one of my favorite parts about my job is the cute little thing is my patient make me settle my little patient this morning for yummy colored this actually is watercolor I think painted this for me I love it so I'm in the treatment room right now I'm grabbing her because she loves by doctors here so she loved them so much all right it's not time to go change that antibiotic that we had mix and dissolve earlier and my other bags have to dance again all righty you guys get meds make sure my kids water breakfast they're settled and now getting ready surround with the doctors too I'm talking about potential discharges and any potential needs that the patients have so rounding usually starts between like 9:30 at 10:30 so we have five patients on the floor so they're gonna start a little bit early today we brown with the doctor surgeons and when I say doctor I mean the hospital if that stays on the floor on the pediatrician it stays on the floor hospital is pharmacist surgeons and any other specialist that the kid is requiring at that time for there's neurology nephrology any other specialists so getting ready to do that and after 10 that's what you might say I'm using 30 I have like a little break but I already ate breakfast so I'll just catch up on some net learning or some education that we need we have the end of your education that we've already you load it so I'm gonna start applying that just because we have 50 to do before the end of the year and I kind of just like do bond every year just to kind of get it out the way in addition to all the other stuff that we have to do to maintain our license and actually my license expires this year so I need to actually work on that today so we're gonna work on that book between 10:30 and 10 and 11 I start my next gun run around 11:00 one three and five and yeah so that's the plan for today going so far if you are make sure you come in in a treatment room again because my other patient so my doctor sticker and guess what she wants some too so my outfit pictures another room that you guys will see this is our equipment room pretty standard for most hospitals I am getting ready to actually just watch one of my patients so I am going to go get them ready take out her IV make sure she has clothes to go home in and make sure mom has a ride make sure they have all the doctors appointment scheduled and then I'll do my discharge paperwork discharge teaching and get them on their way so they can go home they've been here long enough I have the cutest patient today I love her so much so she requested what she requests the ice cream by showing like this tasty treat type of ice cream but I'm gonna make it work for her so we have vanilla and we have chocolate so and we just don't happen to have chocolate syrup it's sprinkles from this week so I'm gonna make her a sundae [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] all righty then I'm gonna be getting ready for that discharge that I have me and Mary got surprised a previous patient came to visit us they give us a gift because we're awesome at our job right I love I love this part of the job I like the Crockett on it I hate Dunkin Donuts Krispy Kreme yes I was all perp was my favorite color so it's keen and I don't know which one I'll choose one and I love the ten sanitizer I put this on my Disney bag and I love Disney you do that song today [Music] [Music] so Mary got a special Zig and she picked this out just for Mary oh yeah yeah it's important to my office [Music] yeah that was such a nice surprise and just just warmed my heart but time for 12 o'clock news and a perfect date of love right like okay she came to visit it was a gift had a little moment where you know you make my heart feel full huh I love being a PD nurse this is one of the best when I tell y'all they just want a best decisions I made I am NOT and I'm not taking that very lightly because I love what I do so time to pastor Matt and we get the patient out that I told y'all two three hours ago that I was supposed to be discharged and finally got all the UM follow-up appointments made with their PCP with the primary care provider a pediatric care provider however you want to say yes and also an appointment with their post-op appointment for their surgery follow-up with the surgeon that they did the surgery so getting meds then gonna chart and get that discharge out of here finally [Music] [Music] so I have to restart an IV I hate that so I'm gonna get some heat packs to kind of heater up the seats with your brain and things to the surface despite a bigger ice [Music] [Music] [Music] so I just had to start a new IV and that's what I'm sitting there talking with my coworker about about how good the patient was and how we were able to get the IV on the first try so I'm just thankful that we were able to get it on the first try and we didn't have to stick her more than once people [Music] [Music] I hate having to do a parent supporting [Music] the run up to the NICU at the are charting idea 20 CFO to the track correction for I was on the call for NICU and make sure I can pay for that and I'm gonna call it get tomorrow so I'm really just I'm here to see if they really need yeah what's today's vlog actually so we can and I want twice I want Weis I want toys I want twice looks lik the loser oh my gosh look at my car my patient made me and see the best is that I made something for you and she signed it I wrote the Dean in their last class but my last I'm gonna have to like okay so back into my last charting and damn it we're going to need our IDs back so we started with five patients we discharged or some getting ready to break down the fourth and I have one patient left and my coworker has one a patient loves those generators over six o'clock and what that concludes our 12 hours you ready oh my god they have been the longest day ever well my face it was actually four hours but today was a really good day a long day but good day they're productive and I had lots of great patient so hey see you later [Music] great day so I am going to end it off here because I am going to end it up here I'm hit it home so hope you enjoyed this vlog make sure you subscribe give me a thumbs up and me a comment down below [Music]
Channel: Jenean’s Journey
Views: 73,442
Rating: 4.9697657 out of 5
Keywords: day in the life of a nurse, registered nurse, come to work with me, nurse life, nurse vlog, vlogging nurse, nurse video, registered nurse day in the life, DITL, ditl of a registered nurse, DITL nurse, DITL pediatric nurse, day in the life of a pediatric nurse, pediatric nurse, day in the life, nursing vlogs, picu nurse, nursing student day in the life, nursing vlogs 2020, registered nurse rn, nurse life funny, day in the life of a nurse and mom, nursing school
Id: 9G5_PT8kN0w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 35sec (1415 seconds)
Published: Tue May 12 2020
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