How To Become a Registered Nurse 💉

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I was like dude I'm not I don't belong here I don't know what I'm doing I don't know why I chose this career it's not for me I'm obviously too stupid but I decided you know what I did not come this far to give up dengue I'm going to try again hey today imma be sharing with y'all how I became a registered nurse the journey was not easy but I made it last month I finished my bachelor's of registered nursing with highest honors yes I'm so excited that I'm finally that what's goal I still get nightmares that I have a test somewhere out there that I haven't studied for I wake up in cold night sweats before I begin I do want to disclose that today's video is sponsored by Bill and Melinda Gates I am also shook I was asked to create a video inspired by the annual 2020 letter in which Bill and Melinda Gates reflect on some of the big risks that they took in global health and education over the last two decades with their foundation they want to encourage us you and me to take big risks and swing for the fences and take advantage of those opportunities that could change our lives forever so in honor of the 20/20 annual letter this video will be themed around the topic of US education specifically how I became a registered nurse choosing to become a nurse was a big risk in and of itself because I didn't have the slightest clue what nursing was so if you find yourself feeling curious about nursing but you're not really sure what it is that they do I actually made a day in my life as a night nurse video where I show my 12-hour night shift and everything that it is that I do so if you want to check out that video I'll link it down below in the description box there are so many types of nursing there's a school nursing hospital nursing clinic and are seeing travel nursing geriatric pediatric emergency Oh our ICU it is a job that never becomes stale never becomes boring never becomes repetitive and if you ever want to have a different experience you can just apply for a different job now there are multiple paths you can take you can go to university you can go to Community College or you can do an accelerated program accelerated programs have prerequisites and nursing school condensed it's like putting coffee and rock stars and Pepsi and Mentos and a can shaking it and then releasing the gas it's pretty intense but you will be done faster you can also go to university I personally didn't take that route just because it was way too freakin expensive but I highly recommend you check out the nursing program at your local community college because you'll be saving so much money and it really doesn't matter in the end because you're gonna have the same exact license as everybody else everyone has to take the NCLEX and that's all that matters when you're looking for a college to do your prerequisite I highly recommend you look for one that offers a cadaver lab a cadaver lab is a lab full of corpses which are dead bodies that you can study muscles and organs on I know it sounds really scary and I actually told my teacher like yo is there any way I can pass this class without touching their bodies no but I ended up actually really enjoying the experience and I really feel like it really solidified my learning because I was able to see it and touch it [Music] so I graduated high school at 17 and then I went straight to Community College I spoke with an advisor and declared nursing as my major and I did two years of prerequisites prerequisites are classes that you have to take before you can even be considered to apply for the nursing program I did extensive anatomy and physiology chemistry microbiology statistics nutrition now I might just give this disclaimer real quick if you think nursing prerequisites or classes that you can just you know kind of try and get by No if you want to get into a nursing program you need to have good grades and you have to study your butt off so the grades that you get on the prerequisites dictate how many points you get when you apply to the nursing program better grades give you higher points which increases your possibility of being accepted into the nursing program also if you have CNA experience that actually increases your points for the application and this is where I want to give y'all some important advice so listen Ed if you want to become a registered nurse I highly highly highly highly highly highly highly highly highly highly recommend you work as a CNA working as a CNA is going to give you medical experience in general with bedside care time management it's also going to get your foot in the door for a nursing job so I really wish that I had done that so I could have gotten a job a lot easier so after two years of lots of studying I finally applied for the nursing program so I was able to finish all my prerequisites with straight A's so I did have a 4.0 when I applied but I just want to let y'all know you don't have to have a 4.0 I had to wait like three months until I got a response you know that one scene in spongebob where he's so anxious he starts eating like a box of his own arms yeah that's kind of how it feels like and the last after three months of extraneous and anxious waiting I got my letter and I got accepted on my first try and you know I broke down crying I was shaking quaking quacking I thought I had finished the most difficult part which was getting into nursing school but boy oh boy was I freaking wrong I had a 4.0 for four years and nursing school broke that I actually got to see on my first test and I cried you might be wondering why I was crying over a c-grade and that is because C is actually considered failing and nursing school and if you get a C in a class you're held back an entire quarter you cannot just retake that class so yeah getting a C that's a big deal I was like dude I'm not I don't belong here I don't know what I'm doing I don't know why I chose this career it's not for me I'm obviously too stupid but I just want to let you know that that's completely normal to feel Nursing is not easy and it's going to push you if you find yourself feeling discouraged just remember you are not stupid you are not dumb you just have to learn how you learn some people are more visual some people are more physical some people are more social learn how you learn and apply that in your study methods nursing classes are not about memorizing things it's about genuinely understanding and being able to apply the concepts so I had to completely change up the way that I was studying [Music] for studying a highly reccommend Quizlet flashcards youtube also has some amazing videos if you're learning about a certain topic in school just go to youtube type it in and you're gonna find a bunch of lectures on that topic and it helped me a lot take notes during lecture notes were my saving grace I would take them home and go over them a bunch of times also consider joining a study group I had a handful of friends where we all exchanged notes and lectures and it was a lifesaver [Music] so the nursing program that I did was two years long my nursing program was very intensive we had a test every single week and the majority of it was pathophysiology lab practice trach skills tube skills IV skills needle skills we got to practice on mannequins don't call them dummies because some teachers get very offended by that don't scold the patient a dummy his name is mr. mammee kid okay we also had to practice on each other yes that includes needle skills my friend in a subdermal injection on me and made me bleed it was very painful so thank you for that max my program also had amazing clinical placements I was able to get experience in so many places pre-op or post-op Children's Hospital medical surgical cardiac as well as a mental health facility another really big tip I want to share is to make connections at these clinical sites really bond with your preceptor so they can get to know you and you can use them as a reference in the future I was able to get my first job because I used to preceptors as my references so definitely bond with your preceptors [Music] so after two years of pathophysiology clinicals weekly papers weekly tests and lots and lots of crying I finally graduated nursing school and with highest honors the amount of accomplishment I felt when I graduated y'all like I can't even describe it four years of cooling as steady so I could apply for the NCLEX that's right your study so finishing nursing school does not make you a nurse you need to apply for the NCLEX which is the board exam to be given a license so I studied for about three months took the NCLEX and failed I'm not joking I literally failed surprise surprise cried and I called Martin my husband I was like oh I can't believe this I spent four years studying for this I'm such an idiot I knew that I chose the wrong career I shouldn't have done this I felt so useless Tom I was so heartbroken but I decided you know what I did not come this far to give up dengue I'm going to try again okay well this is what happened turns out the reason I failed everybody else was using a program called you world when I was using something else and everyone that used you world freaking passed I was so pissed when I found out I was like dang ya'll are fake y'all didn't even tell me about you world I'm over here with some bootleg program that I thought was good so I studied for my second and clicks with you world I did a hundred questions a day and with the questions that I got wrong I would do additional studying and I passed I was feeling so good yeah I was so proud of myself but my journey was not yet over the Center for nurses is getting higher and higher every single year so in the state that I live in Washington State nurses are required to have bachelor's degrees if they want to work in a hospital luckily I had done a transfer degree at Community so all those credits moved over to my local university Washington State University and I did the online RN to BSN program to get my bachelor's degree which I finished the last month also I just got my first job I'm gonna be in pediatric home health for medically fragile children and it starting next week and y'all I'm so excited and that is it folks five and a half years taking my bachelor's degree I've registered and nursing nursing is hard it's not easy but it is such an amazing needed and fulfilling job so if you have it in your heart to want to be a nurse I say go for it all right are y'all so that is my journey on how I became a bachelor's registered nurse let me know down below if nursing is something that you're interested in that you want to become or something you want me to talk more about on this channel and again thank you to Bill and Melinda Gates for sponsoring this video please check out their twenty20 annual letter they also talked about the big risks that they're gonna continue to take in the next two decades with climate and gender equality take big risks swing for the fences take advantage of those opportunities that could change your life forever thank you for watching and I hope you have a great day [Music] [Music]
Channel: Penny Tovar
Views: 242,358
Rating: 4.9712539 out of 5
Keywords: registered nurse, penny tovar, penny tovar vlogs, nurse, penny nurse, how to become an rn, how to become a registered nurse, becoming a nurse, nursing school, how to become a nurse, nursing, registered nurse rn, annual letter, vlog, vlogger, funny vlog, relatable, relatable vlog, how i became a nurse, became a nurse, bill gates, nursing career, nursing student, nursing school clinicals, nursing student tips, nursing school tips, rn, hospital, pediatrics, nursing careers
Id: IRDzJfq0z_w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 37sec (757 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 10 2020
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