Day In The Life Living with Galaxy S24 Ultra - Real Life Usage

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this video is sponsored by snap [Applause] [Music] dragon what time is it 10:25 yo my schedule is so bad reason why my schedule is so bad is because uh because of my ankle I keep waking up at like 4 5 600 a.m. because it hurts and then I fall back asleep like 2 hours later and then I wake up 2 hours later and there you go it's 10:00 great um today I have a haircut in 30 minutes believe it or not and then I have to start packing because because we're going to Manchester [Music] [Music] y I checked in last night because I wanted some extra room so now I have all my my boarding pass is right here so we're good to freaking go hey Google can you please call my princess is that my princess heart yellow heart rose heart an arrow smiling face smiling face or my princess heart yellow heart rose heart and narrow smiling face smiling face old Hash D I need a new [Music] name [Music] have good life [Music] thanks we made it to Manchester today is Thursday uh technically it's like 2 Days in one because we haven't slept uh what time is it it's true I don't know what time it is here 10:26 tomorrow is our big day and Saturday's our big day nice to meet nice to meet you hello your name oh Jan not Yan when I saw your name I thought J or oh so lovely to meet you are you all right in the yeah I can walk it just now what happened oh je this is very nice never been in a Mercedes like [Music] this oh I think I've gotten pretty decent a travel and filming um to be honest this is the first time I traveled with the s24 ultra that's for sure last year I came to Manchester with the s23 ultra and we went to Old Trafford I took some amazing pictures actually with that phone I think Manchester and Snapdragon saw that video because they were like uh why don't you just coming over so I decided to bring you guys with me within a day in the life because I have so many things to do today with Manchester and snapdragon it's also my girlfriend's birthday so we're probably going to go out to a restaurant or something like that I'm excited uh this is definitely a once in a lifetime experience um provided by Snapdragon I went from a broken kneecap to a broken ankle and now I get to go on an actual field old traford go figured [Music] I'm supposed to have breakfast at eat battery is at 100% I'm going to give you guys a real battery life test today we're going to we're going to really see how long this phone's going to last today cuz we have a long day by the way wait Snapdragon is the chip that actually Powers this whole phone like a lot of people that are new to the world of Android kind of miss that but uh yeah Snapdragon practically Powers cars they power phones tablets laptops a bunch of stuff to be honest with you guys Manchester drip they go out quick so yeah you ready for your first football game honestly don't know what they expect I just want to see the crazy Chat [Applause] thing the first time you have an English breakfast yeah that's true it's the first time you're in England no yeah pretty good how do you like the [Music] bacon not bad English breakfast the best [Music] this is legit when the Spen comes in handy take pictures of [Music] yourself [Music] morning our schedule for the day was packed I really try to explain that on camera but it was just so long to explain look what you must know is that snap dragon in Manchester United wait just give me two seconds cuz Snap Dragon gave us some goodies including a shirt on our way to Carrington uh anyways Manchester United invited John and I to their training facility I couldn't believe my eyes I was there to be honest like legit this is where the team trained I took so many photos just to show them to the boys and to also show you guys how great all the focal lengths can be for a day like this this is this is technically all possible due to the Snapdragon AG gen 3 chip that resides in the s24 ultra this is what all those pictures look like once edited on Lightning anyways I couldn't wait to get out of the bus with my currently healing broken foot which made me slow when it came time to walk but we absolutely made it everywhere in this strip we're here baby so where are we so welcome to Carrington so this is obviously the training ground for Manchester United's men's women's and Academy teams so this morning we are going to have a very special treat for you so we're going to go and meet some Legends and former players of the club and we're also going to give you the opportunity to watch the team doing some training as well oh my God wild so um there will be certain moments because of confidentiality where you won't be able to film but we'll just let you know as we go through that um but obviously lots of opportunities to answer questions the legends um and yeah lots of opportunities have photos of the players and get things signed as well I thought I would my dream was to be here as a player and then I thought that would never happen after I just sto playing [Music] now you okay good nice the picture right there Jesus Christ that's insane thank you thank you so much thank you thank you good good okay I'll show you most of the stuff because I'm sure you guys would love to see the stuff cuz I'm freaking [Music] out I guess Welcome To The Man United training facility for moments like these honestly you can't go wrong bringing an s24 ultra the photos this thing takes are incredible for the daytoday user in fact it's the cameras I use all the time to post stories on Instagram I mainly take them with the camera app and import them in the app to avoid the Instagram app compressing my stories I think natively this set of lenses have so much to deliver and it does it so well so every time I travel places I make sure to use the camera app for memories and I also make sure I always wear a case I very much never take off my case by the way mainly because I would hate to break the back of my titanium orange s24 Ultra oh if you're wondering my lenses have some camera covers from span that's why they are so black um overall fantastic design I love the titanium rails this has I just really wish the S Pen was pushed a bit further because sometimes the mechanism gets triggered accidentally it really only happened once when I was sitting down actually but other than that works like usual you just got to press the pen down to take it out Rob I got to ask you a question you were manager of course you were so where you were hard T did you make them run or you give play the ball no always like intense intense training but always with the ball um it wasn't very often I I sort of like got annoyed with the players and said well you know I was so mesmerized at the fact I was there anyways look what I'm trying to get at is that design-wise it's a solid phone that feels great at hand if you need a device you want to whip out quickly and be comfortable with your grip I've always thought this rectangular shape is solid for that it is big and it does feel big I won't lie to you but with this size comes great power and responsibility look in terms of power Snapdragon allows for the s24 ultra to run smooth and intelligently mostly when it comes to capturing video and photos like for example being able to capture something like AK video at 30 frames per second that's something that the phone will do extremely well and deliver it to you with ease the same thing goes with its photography you remember this is a phone capable of delivering 200 megapixel photos for events like these where you are just capturing some Run and Gun memories honestly bringing a phone like such I mean you can't go wrong and so with that just wait until I show you the content I captured much later got a few signatures in the shirt look at that it's pretty awesome couldn't take you guys with me to see the whole event um because of privacy reasons and there's a lot of sck for Manchester United but I'm seeing the team train right now in front of my eyes I can't can't show it they won't allow me to but it's freaking crazy to look at these players like you know in real life got a bunch of signatures so I'm super happy this is crazy man Yep this is the story of my [Music] life that's [Music] [Music] [Music] foree [Music] [Music] for [Music] birthday Snap Dragon just to give you guys a little brief of as to why snap dragon in Manchester decided to bring us here well Snap Dragon is the official partner of uh Manchester United I mean it's pretty obvious literally they're like everywhere so um I guess I'm lucky enough that my actual device is a s24 Ultra and they decided to invite me cuz they genuinely know I use it so we got lucky man just the uh date is the 10 is it the 8 8 and it is I don't know what time 11:30 yeah thank you so much I can't walk too fast with my ankle at least I'm not on crutches so [Music] there you go yeah just watch thank you thanks [Music] very cool cool cool wow this is amazing crap this is freaking insane wow it didn't look like this last year but I don't know if it was just different oh my God okay to the front here right now okay guys so welcome to our Trafford um the next part of the tour which Greg again is keeping secret yes we have some special guests joining us today they're going to dance and sing two former players and legends of the club so Dion Dublin and Gary pister are going to be joining you for the that's [Music] crazy so we're going to be doing a stadium tour and Museum tour as well and these guys will will come along and then we'll come back here and and have some lunch for the afternoon so that's the plan for the next couple of hours so yeah go to grill them ask them all your difficult questions would be able to fit in now a big yes [Music] sir [Music] yeah it down [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] down going to R it B very [Music] be surprised people can't that's on me you guys man [Music] freaking [Music] crazy and this here is the conference room thank you very much [Music] everybody prob the back we got to go next year I hope to be here with Shaban nice Cameo so we're just going to have lunch um eat a bit my ankle is so swollen man I don't know how I'm walking right now but uh it's so worth it um I'm going to be having lunch here in front of this beautiful [Music] field if you travel and you sight see this is all you do right you take photos you take some videos all of it so you can have the best memories ever I've always found that having a phone that can capture all sorts of different phot lengths comes in so handy and I'll say the same thing about its brightness I mean a 2,600 nits I'm really starting to notice the difference it's a fantastic screen to me it's the best screen on a smartphone at the moment it just looks so good and as much as I miss the curved edges of the s23 ultra I'm still happy with the new design and how the screen fuses with the titanium together for me personally as a daily user this might be the best phone on the market I like to think of it as a I don't know having like a Swiss army knife at all times I do absolutely everything with it whether it's U scrolling social media taking care of some admin work for the business scheduling my days answering emails texting one-handed when I need it I think it's obvious as to why this became my primary phone practically it's the phone I take with me wherever I go you know a lot of the features that like the s24 ultra packs up AI wise is all possible because of snapd dragon which remember it's the chip that powers it literally runs this full which is amazing battery life right now 55% and it's 2:8 [Music] [Applause] p.m. that's hilarious they're just like cheering in stuff I think I did take one of you in the tunnel like uh oh yeah yeah you mind sharing that one with me yeah oh there you go and [Music] just perfect look at this shot super freaking clean shot okay I wanted to show you guys um I got my picture right the picture I wanted super clean what we can do is actually I want to get rid of these poles these black poles right here they're just annoying I can Circle that and then I can move to this part of the image make sure that I grabb them properly there you go maybe even like this one there you go I have my P right there I can click on it remove and then it'll literally load the new image boom how clean is that that's freaking cool what I'm going to do now is that I don't really need to stream this image um but I can save it as a copy there you go and we can probably open this on night [Music] one and then if you want to buy anything else you can buy that with the 25% % discount just a separate transaction um so basically just shop your little hearts out when you get to the checkout look for one of the Manchester United crew they will take you to the right uh till the right checkout for your discount light to you I saw one of your videos have like a million views the Google yeah he was so great um it's pretty cool I'm good thank you so thank you I'm actually going to try to call shoban see if he answers uh I'm going have to do it on Instagram I just want to see if he wants anything from here cuz there's a lot of stuff I wanted to ask you if you wanted anything actually cuz I'm at the store uh like do you want do you want me to buy you like yeah what what size are you it would be so cinematic if we did like uh got a few things for my parents and sioban up other what a they my feet are killing me my ankle not so much which is not too bad I'm actually quite happy about it um it's a bit big but other than that I mean I took some ad and I'm fine it is currently 327 and I have 43% left which is pretty good considering all the stuff I've been doing with my phone uh yeah we're going to go head to the hotel so I'll see you guys there good boy good in get in son oh this productive thing I got an extra sign shirt from my rapid Snapdragon she has a few so I mean I wasn't going to say no like what this is cool I might just give this to sioban also this is the best stuff ever when you get someone something they really want this guy's freaking out for the he's just fre who's giving away sign shirts he's freaking out I'm going to send them him this and his rord shirt show me bro oh oh yeah bro Comm commit bro full matching suits 2 five7 I got to write my caption for the Post what a day it could have ended there and I would have been beyond satisfied so many great memories I'll be able to share with so many people it's always fun just being able to document all of this on Instagram I I really think it's what makes the channel special it'll be a day I'll never forget but little did I know one of my childhood dreams was about to come true you were going to leave your phone qualifying live now [Music] and I thought that was an insane day the next day was actually even crazier you see Snapdragon forgot to mention this small little detail we were going to go on the pitch at halftime in order for Snapdragon to announc Manchester United's partnership that was wild this is unreal absolutely crazy there's no one right here because we're like 2 hours [Music] early we have like our Hospitality badges we have like the food over there uh watch the game I guess I don't know why you would do that this is unbelievable just going to enjoy the moment right [Music] now this is the craziest thing I've ever done in my [Music] life [Music] this is absolutely freaking insane this is the craziest thing I've ever done in my life probably the craziest thing I'll ever do to be honest this is unbelievable there's no words like I there's not enough words for me to be able to describe how insane this feels like to touch this grass you know like this is absolutely wild so privileged
Channel: Andres Vidoza
Views: 233,363
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: day in the life, s24 ultra, galaxy s24 ultra, andres vidoza, samsung, samsung galaxy s24 ultra, premier league, soccer, football, manchester united, man united, samsung dex, samsung s24, samsung tricks, samsung s24 camera, battery life, samsung battery life, Samsung Galaxy S24 Ultra, Galaxy S24, Galaxy S24 Ultra vs, S24 ultra, samsung galaxy s24 ultra review, samsung s24 ultra, samsung galaxy s24, galaxy s24 review, Samsung S24 Ultra Review, galaxy s24 ultra review, man u
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 15sec (1695 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 24 2024
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