Apple Fan Boy Switches To Samsung Galaxy S24 Ultra - Goodbye iPhone!

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where my keys at can up you know what I'm saying about to push this right now man seats this is like a [Laughter] [Music] [Laughter] char is all right all right time to break it to the gang switch into Android man I don't know how they're going to feel about this but some people have to deal with the green bubbles I think I know yo I'm yo I'm switching to Android s24 Ultra so switching to the S wait what l phone it was nice being friends y man said green text Bro the things I have to do whoa it was just a skit this this man really said bro is not going to get any girls yo W it was just a skit bro chill God [Music] damn all right guys you already know what time it is another switching video so today we'll be switching over to the Samsung Galaxy s24 Ultra as you guys you can see right here brand new you already know we had to go titanium since you know my main daily driver the iPhone 15 Pro Max I have is in titanium and I'm going to keep this one close to me so we could draw some comparisons to be honest guys I've been out of the game for a minute so I haven't seen any videos on the s24 ultra the only thing I really know about this phone is that it's basically the same thing as last year but they have just new AI features so this is a brand new phone I looked at it before but I haven't turned it on or any anything so as you can see this is the titanium gray finish and here we go so this is titanium gray already off the bat you can see it's not really gray you know what I'm saying no shots no shots thrown but this is a gray jacket gray phone let's look at this right here see the gray is kind of off but I think that's all we get inside the Box we're supposed to get like a USB C cable I think we're supposed to get a USBC cable and the most important thing right here guys the Sim ejector tool we're going to need this 100% put that to the side keep it safe we get this flimsy USBC to USBC cable I never ever use them I don't know what Samsung is doing let me know Down Below in the comments do you guys ever use the USBC cable that comes with your Samsung device I just feel like it's so flimsy all right now we have the box out the way it's time time to unveil the Beast all right Samsung Galaxy s24 Ultra here we go the first peel marvelous always exciting peeling off wait first first thing first I can see how flat this thing is I just put smudge marks on it this is the first time I'm holding it by the way it does feel a little bit heavier than last last year I'm not sure if it is but almost a little bit heavier than the iPhone 15 Pro Max and I could already feel this thing stabbing me bro they still have these sharp Corners I don't know why they have the sharp corners but one thing I always complain about are these curved edges let me just turn this phone on real quick but they got rid of the curved screen I don't know why they had the curve screen in the first place guys to be honest it to me it was just like a waste of I don't know time nobody really liked it I didn't like it it cost more to to fix the screen if you broke the screen it cost more to get screen protectors it was just a headache finally they got rid of it especially if you were playing games I felt like it was really annoying so thank God Samsung I know you like to do things differently but thankfully you woke up and got rid of that scurve screen nobody liked it all right if I'm wrong let me know Down Below in the comments but here we go the welcome screen on the s24 ultra the screen looks all right I know they said that they had this new technology that has anti-g glaring so if your phone is like in a window uh I can't really tell right now but I'll give it a try I just have to boot this thing up and see what it's all about the sides are really nice I like how the sides feel taking a look at the top up here yeah I think it's the same as last year just I I guess the internals are different all right so let's start this thing off I probably want to transfer some stuff from my OnePlus device over to here because I kind of like to that funnel setup so let me just transfer over some stuff and we'll get back to the video real quick I got myself the galaxi Z flip I said I was going to get the OnePlus but I remember I did a setup on the Z flip when I was in Malaysia so we're just going to easily just transfer everything from the Z flip over to the s24 ultra scan the cure code show options is it working all right it's taking a while to set up but it shouldn't be too long you know I already know Samsung is really good with you know data transfer and speeds so should be pretty quick just like that it's going to take 15 minutes again bro just calls and contacts all right I need contacts messages app settings home screen I don't really need images I must transfer all this stuff right here let's start from a clean slate all right so now it's telling us that we could use facial recognition I actually want to see how accurate this facial recognition is register my face boom easy now I'm not going to add Samsung wallet right now I'll do that later agree you're all set up finish nice and we got that wallpaper by the way if you want this wallpaper you already know what to do links Down Below in the descript destion I have new ones coming soon all right so don't worry all right so here we go the Samsung Galaxy s24 Ultra right off the bat the first thing we have to do of course we have to change this to 4K because I know everyone was talking about the screen and how good the screens are this year by the way brightness on this year's phone is crazy it gets up to 2,600 Peak nits of brightness indoors you won't get that but when you're outside and it hits you know what I'm saying it it goes crazy the iPhone I know the iPhone has 2,000 yeah the iPhone has 2,000 and the s24 ultra has 2,600 that's actually insane but anyways let's get down to the resolution go to Quad HD so now we're on basically like 4K screen resolution so right off the bat it already looks super sharp 120 hertz refresh rate I don't know but right now the the iPhone screen looks brighter I don't know why maybe because I don't know bright on the Galaxy right extra brightness so you could do extra brightness increase the maximum brightness yeah so now it's way brighter holy okay so first thing first how does the phone look like if I was supposed to choose one of these devices to be like which one I think looks better I'm not going to lie I have to go galaxy bro I feel like the Galaxy just the way how the layout the cameras just looks better than the iPhone you know the only thing I don't like is just the sharp edges kudos to Samsung for moving the curve displays I didn't like that at all but it does feel good in the hand it feels premium it looks luxurious I have to give it to them like holding this you know what I'm saying walking around with it it looks like a luxury device it looks it looks premium it feels premium the back glass they both feel the same I don't know they working I don't know Samsung probably copied apple with the titanium thing or they had it before no shots thrown out there but Apple came with titanium first and then Samsung you know decided to jump on the the titanium wave but we already know how it goes they probably had it in the pipeline before but it's just a coincidence like how both companies just decided to go for titanium this year I don't know why but I guess it's the new trend all right so while I was talking about the screen Samsung claims that the screen is way more durable this year corn gorilla glass armor 7 and basically that has also the new anti-glare feature so I I have to try that when I go outside or with my day in the live video but just looking at it right now I could see it like pointing the phones I'm not sure if you guys could see it but just pointing the phone at the the lights in here it's way more dim on the Galaxy s24 Ultra compared to the iPhone it's like blown out on the iPhone so that's definitely working and in terms of scratch resistance again I have to test that in my D the live video but Jer everything when he was doing his video it scratched at at level eight usually phone scratch at a level 7 so that's definitely some improvements with the screens and as you can see I don't really rock cases I never Rock cases but I have a crack on my iPhone 15 Pro again not sure if you guys can see it and since I got this crack on the screen I decided to put a case on it but I just love how the phones feel in my hand without a case and especially with the titanium finish is definitely something you're going to enjoy now as I was saying there's not a lot of things that's new this year if I was supposed to get like a s23 Ultra versus the s24 you can't really tell the difference same thing with the s22 Android Fanboys you got to get used to it I know you guys usually clown iPhones for having the same design but this is the same thing as last year you know what I'm saying but the battery life supposedly improved this year 5,000 mamp power of battery but with that new Snapdragon 8 gen 3 trip set inside we're supposed to see longer battery lives again I know I sound like a broken record but I have to try that with my D and the life test because the s23 last year it it held up pretty well but it didn't go through the entire day so hopefully the s24 ultra could go through my rigorous Day in the Life test can't wait to test that out now something that a lot of people don't really usually test when it comes on to these phones is the speakers because they're always using the same speaker but I love to see which one sounds better between my iPhone or even if they made a little bit tweaks so I'm going to hop on to epidemic sound real quick and blast some tunes and let's see which one sounds best hold on let me go to the settings real quick on the Galaxy because I remember last time I tck the settings they're like yo you should have turned on Dolby Atmos and all that extra stuff so I'm going make sure the sound is at the best guys you know because with Galaxy out of the box you just always need to tweak stuff sound quality and effects allow doe Atmos it's on alter right now so make all your music sound richer all right you guys see I did it so Doe music make it sound richer I think that's all I need to turn on all right guys so if you didn't know right here a lot of people like to say Android is for broke boys but guess what the Android s24 Ultra cost more than the iPhone the s24 ultra is what $ 17.99 go it starts at $1 1799 and the iPhone starts at 1760 no 49 1749 so we're playing with the big boys right now so let's see which one delivers the biggest audio quality all right starting with the iPhone I want to I want to start them the same time this is the [Music] Galaxy that's the max bro so I can hear it coming through the top speakers and the bottom speakers all right I'm pause that turn up the iPhone different bro it's the same thing have more the iPhone have more Bas I'm going be honest the iPhone does have aate more it's not like thumping base but play the Galaxy one more [Music] time I can't even feel it in the iPhone like I could feel the base more Samsung this is Samsung this is iPhone yeah the iPhone is way better every year bro like come on Galaxy come on Samsung like we need better speakers man like I know you can do it now one thing that iPhone doesn't have is you know what I'm saying when we talk about the Galaxy we talk about the Spen and I don't think the Spen got any new crazy features this year but it's always nice to know that we have a S Pen on Deck so it could do cool stuff play around with all the typing gestures as you can see right here S Pen to text so you could just write and you turn it into text you could hover over stuff and get animation air actions for example if I want to take a group pick I could just put the phone down and use the button on the S Pen and could take a selfie or prompt commands so there's tons of stuff you could do with the S Pen and one thing I really wanted to try is the circle to search feature so let me go ahead and jump on to to Instagram real quick all right so here we are on Instagram as you can see I'm just scrolling and for example I want to figure out what type of card this is with Galaxy's new AI features they call it Galaxy AI that's basically everything that's really new with this year's new s24 Ultra apart from obviously the new screen the new chipset they really focused on AI Integrations and this thing is called circles to search so all I have to do just hold down on this little button right here and as you can see see we now have Circle to search so try it now so I'm just going to circle this Porsche that's the new Porsche EV and it actually brought it up the Porsche meon EV right here now that's crazy like usually I'd have to like screenshot something then bring it into Google search from my screenshot now I could literally just circle to search anything and it brings it up which is insane even if it's a video all right let's hold it down boom Circle oh my God no know sorry guys my first my first day my first day all right Circle oh my all right there we go so it just found the Instagram video but it found a boat so it's a boat in Thailand it looks sick the Royal vacation DMC boat all right so you get the idea you could literally Circle to search anything and to me that's that's pretty cool take a picture of this galaxy box right here and I want to try this new AI feature where it's called where you could remove stuff so let's go to edit right here tap to draw around anything you want to erase let's erase this box yo that's actually clean yo yeah you can still see sh you can see the shadow but like if you had no idea just looking at it you wouldn't you wouldn't even know that's clean like this got got rid of everything like from this to this that's sick now so far the phone it looks it looks like there's a lot I still need to try out for sure but one thing that I really wanted to see was also the cameras because you I'm a big camera person like when it comes to cameras I still think the iPhone has the best cameras in the game and I don't know it's just hard for different companies to catch up with iPhone right now even if it's better on on paper whenever I'm just filming with the iPhone if it's video on social media it just always looks best on Apple that's the only reason I always stick by Apple because I love when my stories my Instagram stuff are just super clean and yeah Samsung claimed that with the s24 ultra they have integrated apps like Snapchat Instagram like the direct app in the direct camera in those apps supposed to look good it's supposed to look sharp so I'm going to give it a try right now let's just open the camera app for the first time time and as you can see there's so much things you could do here like Samsung doesn't play around when it comes on to the camera so this year we still have the 200 megapixel main camera there's like 1 2 3 four I think it's four cameras and the other one is like a lighter scanner but the main camera is a 200 megapix Main by default it set to like 12 megapix so you have to change it to 200 megap they did change the optical lens now from 10 times they went down to five times but I personally think it was a better move because not everybody wanted to zoom in optically like 10 times every time so I think five times a good middle ground and because of the high resolution and 50 megapixel so you still have like lossess image quality when you zoom in up to like 10 times which is still good three times 10 megapixel it's just too much like you know Theory so we're actually going to put this to the test we're going to go outside right now take some pics and you guys let me know which one looks best between the iPhone 15 Pro Max and the brand new Samsung Galaxy s24 Ultra one phone will be on the left and one phone will be on the right let the games [Music] begin never switch on the homies in the day on they didn't want to open doors so we made some take B on these haters like I'm Trey young that director hitting like a bass drum in coming come in come in come in keep it in com in come in come in switch on the that I came up with No New Friends with the same old click couple old homies and stab me in the but all right guys so let me know comment down below pause the video comment down below which one you think look best was it the iPhone or was it the s23 ultra so which one do you choose left or right all right so the iPhone was on the right iPhone 15 Pro Max was on the right Samsung Galaxy s24 Ultra was on the left let me know if you guys got it right down below in the comments all right guys so now it comes to the part that we've all been waiting for the part that is kind of sad we're leaving again the blue bubble team we're going to Green Team bro I can't believe I'm doing this I don't know how long I last to be honest like last time I lasted for like 4 weeks or so but I've been really enjoying the iOS ecosystem especially I'm getting the Vision Pro soon and all that so we'll see but here we go this guy looks sad cameraman looks sad bro we're actually doing it man we're switching over to Android so SIM card out this is where this where it gets real because you guys want to see the the best day in the life right so I I have to do it this is the only way I could produce the best day in the life I have to switch over and actually use the phone for a couple weeks get used to everything and then I'll film The the end of life I just don't go into it like that because the battery life has to be optimize he has to learn my patterns and all that so we got to do what we got to do all right here it is I can't believe it bro we're over to the Green Team Android Fanboys let me get some W's in the chat man oh my God my number is getting leaked all right tell us is saying we noticed you have switched even my carrier is like come on bro you really going to switch on us like that that's it I'm going try to live translate feature actually so I'm going call on my boys and I'm going ask him to speak French and see if it actually works really yeah but how am I know like if I'm talking to somebody how am I going to know their language supposed to call somewhere and they just randomly start speaking Chinese you're supposed to know your call has been forwarded to voicemail because like you have to download like the whole this scary of that language into the form so that's why you can they can translate all right where do I go to find a language th they are Vietnamese they have it yeah they are Vietnamese let's go so my cameraman is actually Vietnamese so we actually I could just call you bro mhm all right so down yeah I'm going just call him and we're going to speak his language and let's see if it translates all right speak Vietnamese now yeah speak Vietnamese all right wait wait wait call assist live translate oh I have to press it all right all right other person Vietnamese wait hello can I hear you well in this dress I hear you spend back to me I'm speaking Spanish you have to choose your English yeah it says I'm English and then me is Vietnam yeah all right go around there go go there all right other person V Justin ticker Dr something p is great do on diamond City executive system landscape try the phone 123123 1231 you just saying 123 1 23 all right say something though like hey guys remember to subscribe like go around there and say Yu combined with look okay I don't want to say hello to everyone watching this video say something else all Oracle everyone please subscribe to this channel okay so it's not super accurate but it did says everyone please subscribe to this channel it's kind of cool I guess boo but it's not it's not that much accurate it's not that accurate this guy speaks fluent VI he's from Vietnam so I don't know I guess they still need a little bit of work to do but yes guys that's that's going to be it for this video now I'm actually excited to try the s24 ultra and all this new features that has to offer I feel like it's just going to going to be AI stuff that I'm testing out but the camera reviews all that if this video gets 10,000 likes in 48 hours today is March 1st Friday March 1st 2024 if this video get 10,000 lik in 48 hours I'll drop my s24 ultra Day in the Life video next Sunday all right so yeah as always guys remember love peace and tweaks signing out catch you on the next video Let's Go Green Team [Music] you know French right sure all right speak French hey how are you doing my name is Shan do you do you want to get do you want to get food tonight yes I'm very oh that's sick it actually works a
Channel: Shevon Salmon
Views: 347,799
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Shevon, Salmon, s24 ultra, samsung galaxy s24 ultra, samsung s24 ultra, s24 ultra review, galaxy ai, apple fan boy switches to s24 ultra, switching to s24 ultra, samsing galaxy s24 ultra unboxing, iphone 15 pro max, shevon salmon day in the life, apple fan boy uses s24 ultra, galaxy s24 ultra review, samsung s24 ultra review, samsung s24 ultra camera, samsung s24 ultra vs iphone, samsung s24 ultra vs iphone 15 pro max, iphone vs samsung, s24 ultra vs iphone
Id: mhbfxcmrn2M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 7sec (1567 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 03 2024
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