Day in the life AP Gambler (Blackjack)

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[Music] so now you think didn't wait I thought I'd tune in to watch a video about blackjack why am I looking through a not so clean windshield out of the road well because this is the day in life of a professional blackjack player and you know I've been trying to think of new things to do with this show with this video with this channel you know and the problem is I'm on the road all the time and working all the time and I don't have a lot of time lately to make youtube videos plus I'm running out of ideas of what to talk about so I thought I'd take this in a little bit different direction I'm going to start making these day and life videos and just just turn the camera on while I'm going about my business now I'm not gonna film too much inside the casinos I've done that in the past there's a few of those videos out there I might do a little bit of that but I got to be careful with that because there's a lot of issues with that Casino might think that I'm using a device people have gotten arrested mistakenly for doing stuff like that in the past I don't really need that hassle and plus I don't really want the casinos watching these videos and figuring out hey he was playing in our casino the trouble is I've been getting thrown out of a lot of places anyway and that is why I'm on the road all the time because they cannot play close to home I have to travel a lot it's getting too difficult to play near my home and so I have to travel further I have tried some things with disguises with mixed results is going to be not even a day of playing blackjack at the casino actually this is more administrative day there's sick things that go into this business like any other business if one of them is banking and I can rant a little bit about national banks you know any national thing this happens me chase you know it's kind of appealing that I open this account because I needed a national banks of it instead of having to take cash through the airport which I've never had trouble with but I've heard of people having problems with that and with TSA one and all of the cash is for because basically any cash in this country is assumed to be for a drug deal and you have to then you know prove that it's not for immunity doesn't matter that you don't have any drugs on you it doesn't matter that you have no record of even using drugs let alone selling them if you got cash you're either a terrorist or a drug again that's that's just that's just the Assumption and they don't even have to charge you with a crime I've done videos on this before they just take your money and then you gotta prove that it was for a perfectly legitimate purpose like gambling so anyway when I open this account they said that I would not get a fee as long as I maintain $500 in there at least that's what I thought they said apparently it's $1,500 which wouldn't really be a problem and I opened the account a lot more than that but I recently I've not been traveling through airports much and since it's a checking account I decided I would just keep the minimum of 500 hours in their lease they thought that was and I transferred majority of the money to an account that earns interest a money market account actually with another Bank so that I could have interest on it but it's that real convenient to withdraw money from this particular lending market account whenever I need it so anyway inside so what I'm gonna do now I'm gonna go talk to them and I'm either gonna change this I guess what I should do is just change it to a savings account where I only have to keep $300 in there and then that way you know if I need to move money I could just deposit a bunch of money in there fly to Vegas or whatever and then go to the Chase Bank in Vegas let's draw the cash you know and play blackjack that's a better option I think than just keeping 1,500 or more dollars in there because it doesn't hurt any interest you know I'd rather have the money or any interest even though I have money in a safe deposit box - that doesn't hurt any interest fine and the safe-deposit box is closer to my home I don't have a Chase Bank here where I live so sorry I'm just sort of thinking out loud here but anyway I'm gonna go into the bank and we're gonna see what happens I'm not gonna get the camera on in the bank but I am gonna try to record the conversation so it'll be audio only and I'll just put up some picture alright so the audio quality on that was ridiculously bad but basically they worked out she waived the fee for me so I'm just gonna convert it into a savings account for now I just deposited a thousand dollars into the account just to avoid any more fees until I get around to converting it to a savings account which will have a lower minimum balance and will actually earn a little bit of interest so and I can just maybe keep 10 grand or so in there so that when I take a trip I don't have to carry so much cash with me you know I the thing is this is always you have to kind of work out you know you I don't want to withdraw more than ten thousand dollars from the bank at one time because then they're gonna have to report that to the IRS and everybody in I just assumed avoid those kinds of transactions that get reported and I can't like withdraw you know five thousand one day and another five thousand the next day because they'll report that too because it looks suspicious looks like a structuring which is actually a crime there's no crime and taking out ten thousand dollars but if you try to hide that you're taking out ten thousand dollars that is a crime so you know I could take out like nine thousand and then I could travel with another you know nine thousand maybe that way both amounts are under I know this sounds like structuring right but I'm carrying nine thousand in cash that don't mean to say they needs to know about more of TSA finds it fine they find it it seems like ten thousands the threshold so it's less than ten thousand it's not a big deal and then I take out less than ten thousand from the bank to separate people involve two separate you know the bank is involved in one of the transactions and possibly TSA s about meals but most of the time I've never even had the money come up at TSA but like I said I know other people that have so so that's that all right so now I'm on to another bank but that's just for my own personal bills and stuff like that not really related to blackjack except that I have to put some of the profits into that checking account to pay some bills so won't bother you with the details of that hey guys this is Dark Star we just want to let you know about other training opportunities I have advanced training videos that are available for anyone that joins patreon at the $15 a month level or more if you want to do more yeah but $15 a month on patreon is going to get you access to exclusive videos where I teach you some serious card-counting benefit it's a whole video series that will last if you decide to stay a member long enough for nine total videos plus some extra bonus ones that I'll throw in here and there and it's going to teach you absolutely everything you need to know to start your own blackjack business not only how to count cards and how to play correctly but how to manage a bankroll how to put a team together how to camouflage your place you can last longer in the casino without getting thrown out all of those types of things are included in there and those are for people that support me on patreon so that I can continue to make these videos for you guys I need some better video editing software as you all know better cameras better equipment and I can get all that if I can get some support on patreon so also if you don't want to support me on patreon that's perfectly fine I appreciate you watching the videos I appreciate your comments I appreciate it if you click the like button and I especially appreciate all my subscribers thank you to all my existing subscribers please go ahead and click the subscribe button and make sure you turn on the notifications so that you know when new videos come out and when I make announcements like about live shows and stuff like that so subscribe but then also make sure you click the bell a lot of people wonder why they're a subscriber but they don't get notified when I have new videos that's because you have to turn the notifications on they have it defaulted to where the notifications are off so that you don't get bothered by all this stuff but you want to know about when I have a new video out I would assume so turnout in the notifications you won't get a lot of spam or anything like that all of that means is that you're gonna find out when I have a new video out alright everyone thanks very much thanks for continued support may the count be with you alright so for today's banks like use real cards some practicing mostly my deck exclamation today so we're gonna there's four decks in here and we're gonna see if I can count do this video deal and estimate the deck so that I can get the proper true count alright so there you go we're going to place two spots don't worry about who wins or loses we're just trying to get the count here all right excuse me all right nice you gotta hit that look at nice hit alright hit that one too okay that busted Matt busted alright let's see if I can keep the count when I get to a place where I've got a decent count and I'm gonna estimate my true count and based on how many decks left an we'll see how to do alright I'll let you guys figure out who's winning and losing see if you would have played the hand the same way I did how does a nice round huh alright I'm not suppose to pay attention to health care right can't help it you're gonna practice it's fun to win [Music] try to pick up the cards the same way the dealer does like when you're busting that so that it's a true counting experience nice alright alright get in there we got it true count them close to one I'm not going to raise them if I don't raise my bet until it gets to two actually should raise my bet there yeah cuz we had seven they've all definitely reason after this one cuz we got running count of eight right now and there's like three decks left so it should raise in the last one I was going too fast there alright anyway so I like to think in the real environment things would be slower I would have remembered to raise but I'm not betting anyway but anyway yeah we should have raised on the last one and we'll definitely raise that to this one how many chips out there anyway so let's pretend like I raised alright and we'll see how this hand works out because I would have been I believe well we'll see here I believe we've got a running count of eight right now including these cards and this is what we were trying to figure out all right seven if we look at that so actually that keeps it the same so that means this should be a running count of seven you know as far as my deck estimation goes I said there was like three decks left in there let's see that means there should be a deck here so first of all let's see if I was right about my running count being seven these don't count those two balance each other out so it's still even there's 3 4 3 2 3 4 5 4 3 4 3 2 3 4 3 3 4 3 3 2 1 1 2 3 4 3 3 4 5 5 4 3 2 3 2 3 4 5 4 4 5 5 4 3 4 5 5 5 6 5 5 6 7 7 7 so yes running comma 7 I had that part right okay and I said there was about a deck let's see 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 tonight 43 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 50 do you want 52 all that was off quite a bit okay there's definitely a lot more than a deck in there fact there was that's a deck so 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 okay so 14 cards that's about a quarter of a deck 14 cards okay so I was off by quarter a deck that's not terrible I like you know as long as I'm within a half a deck because I don't really do quarter deck calculations so it's not terrible that I was off by a quarter deck so I would like to get a little better see so I have something work on my deck estimation I knew my deck estimation kind of needed some work so I still would have been okay because I was saying seven and three decks left okay there was actually two and three quarters decks left but I would still round that to three okay and I would have been playing based on a true count of two okay seven divided by three is about - okay at least I'd play it as - it's a little more than two obviously but not much not enough to top the bet okay - and three quarters you can get aggressive maybe you know depends two and a half seven divided by two and a half now what I bet life it was a true count of three maybe somewhere between the two and the three sometimes I do that sometimes I split the difference if it's close like that makes for good camouflage because your bets don't always conform they're not always exactly you know the same as sort of depends on how many chips that in front of me and if I want or lost you know sometimes try to incorporate a little camouflage in there alright so at least we got the count right and I was off about a quarter deck in my deck estimation so that's why I practice I mean to work on my deck estimation all right what else am I gonna do for today I have some reading to do so I'm not gonna record myself reading that's gonna be very boring reading a blackjack book that I already read and reading it again because I have some ideas about something that I'm working on it's a little bit beyond counting but I'm not really ready to discuss that yet so so maybe in a future video I'm not sure about that there's certain secrets that the AP community I'm sure would prefer that I don't discuss everybody knows about card counting so no one's gonna get mad at me for making card counting videos but some of those other stuff we probably need to keep it on the down-low for now all right everybody may the count be with you [Music]
Channel: DarkStar Blackjack
Views: 595
Rating: 4.8518519 out of 5
Keywords: blackjack training, blackjack strategy, ap blackjack, professional gamblers, casinois, gamming, gambling
Id: 3lUGUqH0dg4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 13sec (1273 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 05 2019
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