day in my life as a software engineer in NYC * in-office edition *

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hi everyone it is Sarah if you're new here and today I'm doing another highly requested day in my life as a software engineer video except this time we are actually going into the office so just get ready for a ton of cringeworthy clips of me being [Music] self-conscious my work makeup routine has slowly regressed the longer I've worked here so I have no idea if that is a product of my laziness or just my comfort level around my co-workers but here is my very quick 10-minute makeup [Music] routine [Music] it usually takes me about 25 minutes to get to work but I feel like I can't complain just because I don't have any transfers and so it's basically 20 minutes of me sitting on a subway and listening to music or listening to a [Music] podcast once I got into the office I just went directly to one of my favorite cafes that basically looks like it belongs on a Pinterest board somewhere and then I stood in line to get some healthy breakfast food usually there's three or more breakfast options and I almost always get the basics like eggs but I did wait in the crepe stand and I got a very quick Nutella crepe and this was my 9:30 a.m. breakfast on 30 [Music] seconds please reenter your Destin I'm not sure if you guys were expecting an office desk tour but this is pretty much it um I know it is super depressing but I also don't come in enough to decorate this and then this morning was just me working on some code that I had been fixing up for the last couple of days and preparing a launch for a feature that I've been working on the the last couple of quarters mornings are usually pretty chill since RPM and ux that we work with are on West Coast time so most of our meetings are after 10:00 a.m. which I really appreciate and as a result mornings also tend to be the most productive time for me so the first meeting of my day was actually virtual so I hopped into a oneperson meeting room and took the call from there usually around this time on days that I do go into the office there are weekly engineering standups but for some reason that one was cancelled today for those we just provide some status updates on projects that we're doing and discuss any challenges with pm and ux the meeting I did have today though was just a one-on-one with someone that I was working with on a current project okay now it has hit lunchtime and my team had decided to go to a neighboring office building for lunch and since I was eating with my team I didn't really get to film much but I did get some sushi some nice flavored Spa water and this is basically what I had for lunch but after lunch I got some fruits and desserts in our home building this is the healthy version of it but I kind of caved and got some soft serve as well but of course with more fruits here is some filler clips of me working but I basically spent an hour just trying to debug this issue that I was having with my local testing environment and then also trying to unblock myself on some code that wasn't working and I was getting very frustrated at some point but I ended up getting that to work so I felt a little bit [Music] better [Music] hi um can I get an ice chai latte please thank [Music] [Music] you then for a change of scenery I went down to the fourth floor to one of the C face that was still open and I got an iced chai latte my go-to in the past has always been Macha lattes but recently one of my co-workers put me on chai and I've been getting at least one a day whenever I come into the office which I think is a really bad habit afterwards I found a little Nook on the sixth floor which is my favorite floor at the current moment and I kind of just popped down and started working and this bird of paradise on camera looks so small small but I swear in real life it was at least 10 ft tall so then I spent a couple of minutes just wondering when my own bird of paradise would get this big but yeah long story short I worked here for a bit and then thought about my [Music] plans also at the same time as when I left I got a little bit hungry since I didn't eat too much for lunch so I went to the 14th floor since that was the only Cafe that was still open and had [Music] food I get a bowl with mixed greens [Music] at this point I should probably say that 90% of the time I don't usually get a second lunch but today I was just really hungry and the salad also looked pretty darn [Music] good me before I left I just grabbed some drinks and snacks from the micro [Music] kitchen and then I finished up some more work I do want to say that even though I'm showing you all the highlights of working in Tech my day as a software engineer is pretty much just sitting at a computer and working most of the time there is a forest fire or 10 things happening at once in my head things are breaking left to right tests are failing so whatever I present to you just know that this is the digestible version of what an actual day is like as a software engineer so somewhere in the middle of working mode I also had a cross team meeting with people from other teams since we were trying to understand how to build a new feature on top of an existing one no footage of that unfortunately but that went a lot smoother than I had thought and so I just finished out the rest of my day at my desk once it hit around 5:30 I wrapped up my work and headed to dinner I grabbed it to go boox and then waited in line the food is generally the same every day of the week so I kind of already knew what I would be getting [Music] so in order to get to the elevators from this particular Cafe you have to walk down this super Eerie hallway and so I did make it out alive but after that I just took the subway home which was about half an hour and I ended up making it back [Music] [Music] home you could another side hustle for you children once I got home I just put my food in the fridge because I did have a therapy session I only recently started this so I think this was my fourth session but I've been trying to value my own mental health a lot more recently I've mentioned this in my other Vlogs but lately I've been pretty overwhelmed with my work and my YouTube and maintaining relationships with people that I care about because honestly sometimes it can be pretty darn hard and up until this point I really didn't realize how important it is just to take care of myself and it's really been a lot of an adjustment to learn how to be happy and comfortable in the presence of [Music] stress then I out the final expectations so after my therapy session I had a quick call with my intern Megan who has been an absolute lifesaver because she's been helping me a lot with my YouTube stuff and so that ended up being pretty much an half hour conversation yeah it's like for like these types of things I feel like I would do one minute um maybe we can pick like 6 to 90 seconds for this and working with super random Breath by the time I was 8 that's when I actually went to the kitchen and then microwaved my food that I brought home I think work nights are still pretty busy for me so I try to offload a lot of My Fun Life activities to the weekends but if you consider watching Netflix as fun this is basically me finishing up my food and having fun watching [Music] TV what do you want [Music] W visual honestly the rest of the night was just me editing so that is basically a day of my life as a software engineer if you guys are interested I've been thinking of filming more day in my life videos or even work Vlogs since that is pretty much 80% of my days and honestly sometimes scramble to even put together Vlogs of me doing other things so yeah let me know if you guys would be interested and I hope you guys are having a wonderful day and I will see you in the next video [Music] peace
Channel: sarah pan
Views: 998,347
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: day in the life of a software engineer, software engineer day in the life, day in the life swe, working at google, google wfh, google software engineer vlog, software engineer nyc, day in the life nyc, nyc software engineer, living in nyc, life as a software engineer, day in my life as a software engineer, google vlog, day in the life google, working from home, day in the life faang software engineer, swe, faang swe, faang software engineer, day in the life faang, sarah pan
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 54sec (774 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 01 2022
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