Living in New York | busy day in the office, starting a business? managing my time (job + youtube)

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[Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] business plan each section then becomes the chapters [Music] so I am currently going to the office it's summer right now which means we have summer interns to this summer my team doesn't have it but in the New York office there are around 50 interns here one of them actually reached out to me on slack and she was like by the way I watch your YouTube videos I'm gonna go in and get breakfast with her I'm gonna use my hand cream as a perfume so that the scent is not too strong [Music] oh [Music] all right now back to work I like to bring my own keyboards and mouse because it feels more familiar and I'm more productive that way today's schedule is slightly packed but not too bad I also posted an IG Rio of my work day too so you can check that out on my Instagram every few hours once I've made some significant progress I like to treat myself by going to the snack bar these Swedish Fish are my perfect tree one is enough though it's a lot of sugar I like to do some lighter work while I snack such as reading presentations giving feedback on something or checking on emails I usually clock out around 5 PM we don't really have a rule on how long you have to stay it's really up to you [Music] thank you so as I mentioned in my last video I am building my own business analytics online course I wrote down like a full business plan because I realized there's actually so many things involved in this operation so the first one is scripting I wrote the script based on my entire business analysis workflow you know I was given a business problem all the way to delivering that presentation I then chop it up in sections each section then becomes the chapters I think that way it feels more real and I want to teach you step by step like how I actually do it in real time actually let me go to the writing business recommendations chapter since you all really want to learn more about that in each chapter I have an intro on what this chapter about I think this helps prep you on like what to expect I have also Incorporated some of my personal experiences and tips and by the way in terms of pricing it will be set based on y'all's responses on the survey make sure you fill out the survey there's an English version and the Chinese version once the course launches you will get out of automatic email with a discount code to ensure that you have the cheapest price possible in terms of timing because I'm still working on it as we speak right now likely September that's like best case scenario thing goes well so in this shot oh I didn't click record I'm actually so about myself I don't know how to explain it I'm so stressed [Music] you don't have to be great to start but you have to start to be great [Music] thank you so much for being here and I'm so excited to bring you along this journey today's Friday my work is really chill on Fridays I usually get up around like two three and on Friday afternoons I try to like meet up with my friends or do Coffee shots I am meeting up with one of my viewers she came to Hawaii in person events in Taiwan when I did one thank you so much [Music] I usually work from home Monday Wednesday Fridays mainly because like we only have food in the office from Tuesday to Thursdays I have like a full morning of meetings today I usually just make like this super quick smoothie frozen banana Frozen acai pack from Trader Joe's and during this time I also like to start my Robo rock as a Pro Ultra vacuum to help me clean this is where I set on my Robo Rock vacuum Robo rock is known for their intelligent automatic Robot vacuum cleaner and it only takes minutes to set up the entire thing on the robo Rock app so you can see here this is like my full apartment and the vacuums can also set up a route avoid obstacles their vacuums comes with powerful cleaning performance and the sa series can vacuum and mop which has saved me so much time it's also super easy to use you can control everything on the app on your cleaning schedule so here you can see I am setting schedule for Monday Wednesday Fridays 8 30 a.m which are the days I work from home and before I start my work the S8 Pro Ultra also comes with a zero maintenance docking system that empties washes refills and even dries itself hey Google start the robo rock all the features can help people like me who are busy professionals who want to forget about cleaning and just let Robo Rock do the job and when you press the home button on the vacuum no matter where it is at that moment it will find its way back to the dock to start charging and washing by itself on the days when I'm really busy with you know work and YouTube and online course I just let the robot run in the background because I just don't have the time to be honest so if you also work from home I highly recommend Robo rock as a series to help provide you a fresh and clean workspace so you can focus on what you do best you can check it out in the link in the bio standby got this package it's actually Albert's he's been waiting for this for five weeks now last month he also got promoted at his job and he thought he would treat himself to this oh my God that is insane oh wait it looks so good it looks so good on countertop [Music] so we actually have like two cameras here oh really stressed this [Music] um oh wow I can totally his difference can you oh this is so much so it is currently the weekend this is what our weekend looks like we just stay in and like work on our content business Albert is like back there helping me as well I think with my 905 job and content creation also doing this online course side business a lot of you even with my friends have always asked me like how do you just time manage everything I think the first thing is like you just have to create more time for yourself for my typical weekday it's not just a 95. there's a pre-morning 7 A.M to 9 A.M I checked my sponsorship inquiries I respond to them and I go into nine to five my job in the evening this is where I like to edit because I don't really film at night my weekends most of the time are fully dedicated to my content business so like fall Saturdays I'm writing the script for my online course Sunday I might film something for my next video in terms of tools I schedule my entire life on Google Calendar at work we already use Google Calendar so what I do is like sync my calendar with my personal email for my personal I only put the deadlines because I don't want to overcrow my calendar here you can see La on Thursday I have to post an IG reel so that gives me a signal of like okay use a Sunday to film Monday Tuesday to edit Wednesday I need to do the translation what's really important after that is doing it holding yourself accountable and start thinking and brainstorming I brainstorm everything in my note app and I like it because I don't have the time to build or maintain a template the best ideas don't come when you're like sitting and forcing it they come when you're out and about on the subway on the toilet in the shower so for me it's really important to just like capture them as soon as possible and as easy as possible I don't care how they look I just need them to be in there so that I can work off of it later and I organize my notes by topics all my pinned notes are the topics that I am have been thinking about top of mind for my YouTube video ideas this is like the preliminary title I thought about usually I go through like rounds of refinement all my talking points oh and there's also like my grocery list you can do to do list in here and you can just like check off the list if you meet me in real life you realize like I'm always brainstorming I'm always thinking about something even my friends that would tell me you know Lily I feel like you live in your head so much when you become an owner and you're a side hustle it's a 24 7 thing and for me I feel like I'm really like challenging myself maximizing all the potential that I see myself it if you also want to start something just do it because there's really nothing that's stopping you it is currently Saturday I was gonna stay home but Albert was like Lily are you gonna get out of the house more it's better for your mental health I'm also going to wear my new sunglasses out I got this when I was in Taiwan and I thought it'd be like a little gift for myself it comes with the bead I love how Sleek the design is [Music] so nice sometimes after work I stay right outside there by the water with my co-workers [Music] it's one of my favorite stores it's always a line but it moves really fast Taco in New York City [Music] work yeah this looks really good I like this a lot this is my favorite store the Webster it looks very normal from the outside but trust me we go in you will see what it looks like [Music] it kind of looks good it's a little bit big one day I know thank you for dragging me oh you literally dragged my butt out of the couch I think outside is so good for like my mental health because when I'm home I'm just like thinking about work a lot or like YouTube like what is what is my next video idea but something I've learned is that you get the most creative when you're recharging and you're like outside hanging out just absorbing everything that the world has to offer [Music] oh [Music] just got out of work but I am getting ready to go to a Creator event that I was invited to up until like 20 minutes ago I was literally on the couch debating if I should go because I'm just so drained but then I feel really bad before I already said yes to the brand and secondly Albert is actually coming with me he's gonna come as my manager and there are days when I feel like you know I can be a superwoman I can do everything but there are times like today where I'm just like I want to sink into a couch I don't want to talk to anyone what I'm feeling a little bit overwhelmed like I am right now I always remind myself that I'm given so many different opportunities and experiences like I'll meet other creators and be able to talk to their friends it's so much more genuine than you know just talking via email for it the whole time it's really interesting to not only meet the creators but also people who work with the creators like how a managers or content strategists for YouTubers I think they come with a lot more business perspective which I love because I'm a business analyst I'm wearing these Timeless earrings from Anna Louisa he's still working because I'm gonna call right now so you look great thank you we are off to the event do you get a car yeah foreign [Music] starving how did you like the event Albert it's cool I also met one of my favorite YouTubers at the event his name is Judd he used to be a software engineer and he does like career and lifestyle Vlogs now we also met the person who heads up influencer marketing at grammarly and we were like oh my God it's so good to finally see a face to the name I think the course description is a little bit hard I was also using this one as reference but yeah seeing like a product marketer did that help you or no all right well you know you know we're like a Mastery anything unlocking chocolate and this is the grand audio [Music] a little bit thank you [Music] what sugar it's fruits [Music] [Music]
Channel: Lillian Chiu
Views: 449,985
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: epVYFUvoDhw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 57sec (897 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 25 2023
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