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[Music] [Music] [Applause] we need we need you [Music] hallelujah glory to you cheese's Manhattan a certain area millennion any rebels you can either a boss who you are to achieve [Music] marceline we worship we wash we wash we wash we must build it we love we love we love you geez molarity in Jesus mighty name we are pray lift up your head Stewart 7 to none as we magnify our King Jesus hidden space Jesus we raise you are tonight let the glory come down come down from heaven come down let the glory now I need every one of us on the front now to please go back to your seats you can please go back to your seat now you can please go back to your seats thank you Jesus for incest prayin tonight hallelujah thank you Jesus thank you Jesus [Music] let it come down [Music] [Applause] let the power let the power [Music] we may sub you - nah [Music] [Applause] we sail at dawn Terry up Mikey ray down [Music] brevets what my kid in the stage [Applause] [Music] we need you we need you [Music] never [Music] [Music] story on [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] Laurie let your power [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] No [Music] that's a weird I call by [Music] the [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] you [Music] would you not [Music] [Music] demonically fellow nurses come to your [Laughter] tea God [Music] Here I am at sea Oh [Music] [Music] idly just quiet I'm Preston them of the Living God with your hands to our God worship Him in the beauty of his holiness exalt his name appreciate him for his awesome presence let them hear your voice tonight we wash thank you we appreciate you Lord God or before universe with thank you we exalt your name for there is none like You the Lord o heart absolute dominion we give you long all the glory the crate of the hen story huh thank you thank you thank you blessed be your name alone in Jesus mighty name we have worships let your amen sound to the heavens tonight is a very special night the deliverance nights God is about to do something in your situation you're going to pray a very simple prayer tonight but the profound prayer the Bible says thou art my king or God command the liberal says for Jacob you better tell the living go tonight that he will command the Liberals for you too we mention your name command deliverance is for me command the Liberals is for my family quiet I begin to pray inquired abracadabra let them hear your voice tonight you are my god command deliverance for me tonight and for every member of my family command deliverances that's a promise Oh Lord us Award for ever O Lord that what is set to the heaven c'mon deliverance tonight for me Lord for every member of my family thank you Father blessed be your name in Jesus mighty name we pray father we appreciate you and exhaustion name one more time we thank you for 2018 annual convention we appreciate to LA for all you have started to do since this program started we thank you Lord for touching our lives in special ways we thank you love our father and the lord we thank you love our more than the Lord we thank you for all the ministers of the gospel we thank you Lord for your presence your some presence in the midst of your people father without my exalted forever in the name of Jesus this is the night you are designated for delivers the request of your children is one and is simple command deliverances for us tonight in the name of Jesus every yoke every bondage by whatsoever name it may be called tonight let every of be destroyed in the name of Jesus for everyone who is here tonight and everyone who is watching either through the internet or television or any other means for the Lord as a son with Sandhya to minister tonight let there be deliverance to halt in the name of Jesus do something new let Rene millimetre defied in Jesus most precious name we pray and somebody will say glorious ma butoh chance to get every living God [Applause] praise the Lord praise the Lord amen the opening prayer was taken by Pastor II or DME who is a stanchion overseer in charge of training in the regime Christian Church of God thank you very much sir for the prayers we like to welcome each one of us to tonight's session of the 66th are not convention of the Jim Christian Church of God if you are here you're warmly welcome if you are watching for one of the real centers you're welcome if you are watching by any other media you are welcome and appreciated the theme of this year's convention is Dominion and truly you shall have dominion over all forces of darkness and tonight we all shall be set free completely totally and permanently in the name of Jesus Christ praise ye the Lord at this time we would like to call for the following persons so please go to the back of the altar to get ready to take their testimonies so please listen if you hear your name go immediately to the back of the altar where the ministers are waiting to listen to your testimony and tell you what to do Oba I do you Venga a deacon or by do you Benga a tycoon mrs. Felicia Day fight join you are this is philosophy for joining WA a body about Solomon Yama Solomon Yama brother Samson brother Samson mrs. hoon Ghazi Isaac illusion misses on Ghazi Isaac illusion past oh I'd any wrong Babaji day a Diwali past Oh edenia Babaji day a Diwali and for Oh bong email Jacob inform Bank email Jacob brother a boo-boo Israel brother a boo-boo Israel and mrs. Jonah Oh quietly mrs. Jonah according please go to the back of the altar to pray for your testimonies as you continue in tonight's program we'd like to welcome the region 5 choir the region 5 choir will be ministering in just one song and we all shall be blessed in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ return fire [Music] [Music] [Music] sooo cool because puppies meow meow meow Oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] ah will you feel you see fast you he from the devil you bow when you claim to belong to the law when you leave if at last you find uh that your friends will be there in hell with you [Applause] [Music] to hell [Music] [Applause] what can you say you cry wait go see nah man please father just one more time then you're here [Music] just because of what see you know [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] then you from [Music] should be come back soon that's for me [Music] [Music] [Applause] so you [Music] ah [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] that was administration by the region five choir thank you very much please listen to these announcements if you are here we have not called your name as one of the testifiers but you have a testimony to share with us tonight from one of the PAS legal services or one of the conventions in the past or the congresses in the past please go right now immediately to the prayer prayer foyer at the back of the altar if you have a testimony you'd like to share with us it says money from one of the Holy Ghost services or one of the services during any of the Congress programs or the conventions please go to the prayer foyer the ministers of God are waiting to take down your testimony praise the name of the Lord a few more announcements the Ana Convention program is on sill with the OSHA's if only 300 naira per copy and that program contains some testimonies it contains the hymns for this Dominion convention and you can also keep that program as a souvenir as a point of reference in the future to what God will do during this convention the RCC jpas toasted family is going to host all the pastors and ministers C's children and youth on Camp to their meeting which continues tomorrow Friday the 10th of August the venue is the new arena prayer foyer and that time is 9 a.m. bosses will be available from 7:30 a.m. to convey those who wish to go to this program from the following points if you want to go to the program of the RCC G pastor seat family bosses were available from 7:30 to take you there from the following points car park be behind the altar that's the car park behind this this arena this this arena the prophets Moses Hall international office loto the senior Apostles Lodge I'll take that's again the venues from which you can take the posses tomorrow morning at 7:30 carpet carpet be behind the altar behind the auditorium the prophets Moses Hall international office lotto senior pastors Lodge the program promises to be great in the name of Jesus Christ the foreign missionaries luncheon will be coming up on Saturday the 11th of August at the Comfort Palace beside the Redemption results on the camp grounds the time is between 12:00 noon and 2:00 p.m. 12 noon and 2:00 p.m. pastors in charge of parishes and above in all our foreign mission fuels are all invited you are invited to this special luncheon coming up on Saturday 11th of August at the Comfort Palace beside the Redemption results on the campgrounds between 12:00 noon and 2:00 p.m. and finally for now a mother in Israel Momiji o would like to meet with all country coordinators whose wives are not around if we country coordinator but your wife is not here please mommy would like to meet with you immediately after the service two nights it's time to take our offering it's offering time his blessing time is Dominion time and to lead in taking the offering is one of the special assistance to our dad in the Lord special assistant to the general Vasya and he is in charge of special duties welcome with me to the altar pastor Bella Meena opanka to lead us in taking the offering let somebody shout a resounding domineering hallelujah a time comes in the life of an individual when they determine enough is enough and I believe there's someone in this gathering who has determined enough is enough nobody can truly experience Dominion by the experience suppression stagnancy and sorrow but the Word of God is Clare there is a way out of experiencing such oppression and so in some some 20 verse 1 through 2 for some 20 verse 1 through 2 4 it is written the Lord hear thee in the day of trouble the name of the Lord God of Jacob defence thee I thought I'll hear an Amen sent thee help from the sanctuary and strengthen thee out of Zion and verse 3 in particular says remember the eye offerings and accept that burnt sacrifices below brethren there's an offering you'll give and that often that brings the lights to God is an offering that will cause God to defend you is an offering now cause you to experience deliverance is an offering that would distinguish you is my pleasure to mention that today as we go through today's deliverance service as you give an offering during today's deliverance service for somebody here the Lord shall defend you for somebody here the Lord shall deliver you and I am confident for somebody here the Lord shall distinguish you and let the person shout aloud hallelujah but I urge you to give an offering that will cause you to be remembered maybe can you rise as we give that offering and for those that are given online please go to the website our CDs a talk go to online given and just follow the instructions we'll dance out to the offering path we rejoice in gathering this glorious offering the choir [Music] [Music] roll please if you have not yet had the privilege of giving your offering if you have not yet given your offering shout aloud hallelujah shall we pray it's in the Rock of Ages we thank and bless you four times like this when we can so such a wonderful seed on such wonderful occasions a deliverance service in the season of Dominion I ask you know that even as you're chewing up given of this this glorious seed by your grace and by your mercy as they call upon you today I ask that you hear them they shall defend them they shall deliver them they shall distinguish them that this offering be a sweet-smelling server holy and acceptable unto you made me so Lord in the name of Jesus thank you Father in Jesus most glorious name we pray and I believe by the grace of God before the end of the service the favor of God shall envelope you the glory of God shall shine upon you glad tidings shall be apportioned you shall experience wonderful miracles when people see the wonders of God upon your life in amazement they shall ask who did it god bless you thank you very much sir pasta opanka all women in the house shouts a big Alleluia amen this announcement is for you if a woman the general women's conference on Saturday at 11 a.m. here in this auditorium on Saturday at 11 a.m. the big conference here and a mother and a lot mommy Jew will be in attendance too many stats of us so if a human please make sure you are here on Saturday again we welcome all of us so these are some convention with a theme Dominion everyone here is very important and we all go home with our blessings this night in the name of Jesus however we just like to Greece specially a few of our guests the Reverend sanguine dong Han the general was here from Thailand you're welcome sir the Reverend is the general version of be a blessing Church in Bangkok Thailand we welcome also in armies tonight pastor Joseph Swami of the harvest world church in Lesotho welcome sir we welcome also elder Oh buck William hola who the advisor to the President on business in South Sudan you're very welcome we are glad you're in armies tonight the chief executive officer the Municipal Council of moons in in Switzerland language ISA limini you're welcome ma'am also welcome is apostle an apostle mrs. panda from the Pentecost International Christian Center in Malawi you're welcome sir and man and finally for the me in the meantime we welcome also pastor charles insya pastor charles insya the senior pastor of glory chapel international from Accra in Ghana you're welcome sir believe you are all going home with testimonies that you never experienced before in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ all women please note that our meeting with mummy on Saturdays at 10 a.m. not 11 meeting with mommy geo on Saturday is at 10 a.m. not 11 a.m. as previously announced it's time to take testimonies and as we listen I believe through the testimonies we all will receive us as well in the name of Jesus that satisfies I here to share with us but before we hear from them we'll take a few that came online so take one or two or three testimonies online and the first one is from Gerry cray a be Gerry crane a being during the September 2017 Holy Ghost night she stood in for her friend who had been waiting on the Lord for the fruit of the womb for nine years in May 2018 the friend delivered a baby boy after ten years let's clap well for what the Lord has done 10 years of Bernays reversed totally the second online testimony is from pressures be boma pressures be boomin pressures got married in 2009 was she had a lot of miscarriages because of medical reasons the doctor said she could not carry her pregnancy through 14 2017 in September Holy Ghost service she took him that same month and leave at a baby boy the following year the same month she came in for the September 2007 Holy Ghost service she conceived and the following year she delivered a baby boy by the name of the lobby praise forever and ever and ever and ever in the name of Jesus we will not take testimonies from brethren who are here with us please tell us your name sir and MA and go straight to your testimony hallelujah ideally being garden or in the largest record array off of the keel on a narrow street I must the journey of my testimony started in 2003 and that was the first time I came to this count since then I've not been to this come then I was a prince a father and the Lord asked all that night to ask for three things that we need one go to do for us and among those three things is I asked him I asked God when time comes for the next king to be intrude but I want him to enter me I know I don't have the power I do not have the Muslim but I want him to make all conditions favorable to me when the time comes and last year I was elected a president of all Africa Baptists youth fellowship immediately after my election two weeks later I received a call from Serrano that there was a mudslide I have to gather resources on travel to Serrano I wasn't still alone when I received a call that the King has passed away and I was asked to come back home so I left her alone after my assignment and on getting home I was the last person to be submitted and nominated and the youngest among them all there was commotion there was everything and I don't know I just thought that you said it is time and I know you were positive and immediately the nominations were gone the kingmakers went through the process and defined me worthy to be the next king after that the local government chieftains the quality starts he took that position and find me worthy to be king and I was confirmed the installation was done January 12 this year and that was five months after I was elected president of all Africa but this youth fellowship and I was made automatic vice president in the world so that is my testimony I've come to say thank you to Jesus and have us come to us for more strength and the power to keep me on his truth and wisdom and understanding in spirit of excellence to come over me thank you Jesus [Applause] I'm sorry fire you are Joshua better soon comfortable ish methods I was not done with a stroke I was taken to the hospital on Saturday my brother came he said he was coming back from the only ghost that America testimony the somebody did that update for some days the at achieve that a teacher prayed for Ray's death he told me that must've written you CFO he wouldn't achieve in my hands he prayed with me is a large fire flow that should be healed when he left my soccer he brought the Reata chief he said this is the archetype that original press for the Congress is the Dallas Terry fertile with challenges wave one if one did not work where did you if the two did not work where did read he said mommy let your faith work for you now like that happens no I'm Bo before my I rest my legs I can [Applause] praise the Lord my name is Mohammad Samson I'm from Bayelsa prevents happened that one of these illegals Congress just this kind program my son was diagnosed with kidney problem so the doctors say that your boy cannot survive it if we do not pass through after do some surgery work on him so I I don't know what to do so a little I now call my wife and I said don't worry as long as good as East our son will not die so that night drink that same August as we use our this program that eg was praying in the night after a Friday Holy Ghost night games next Saturday morning my my wife all of us contacted the prayer the old and behold that night my son God is miracle healing he is kidney well or as copper to of there was a stop I he taught us you I wonder I said that is the end of God these are gorgeous my son praise the Lord Fresnel on my level I want to tango for the salvation of my soul my name is Ben Ghazi Isaac Allison I am from Kabul province six region 14 my testimony goes like this I go marriage 19 it's 26 December nightly its it I see there we have you believe in God for the fruits of the wounds 2000 and 2016 I came for convention mmm God Assad Maitreya last year 29th august i gave back to this beautiful dancer I'm here to return all the glory to God who are very possible who did it [Applause] praise the living Jesus I didn't imagine a a dually from or your promise to me peace parties Emmanuel soon few years ago I met with one of our fun and alert mizuna pazzo pazzo Jew allegedly that advice of that don't step behind a tomb if we move for you to be administers conference every year and lo and behold every year becoming but last week found there were bottles of series of lectures and in medicine offended with you we we add the vineyard and the one that we have dominion will be able to be such that we will replenish fruitful and multiply and we did me a la ville de Sola and within me I was furious I would like go and the art for developing me I left become foiled by no but we belong to go and look for my whippin wishes we shall attract that I used to do giving chance to people alone behold on Monday as I contacted you wanted normal adventurous and Novello you have traveled away as you wish since when am i miss trained by the roadside at the world Kappa chill around five effect hands and the manga will not was coming and lo and behold at the various tricks a man coming from all those traits Apple to be a pastor - it was driving down from within family and he drove job beside me Alan and only for their demand to update and the old perfect that the Weber the one loss was inside the cavity only 200 public are then demand rose fell from the ceiling driver fights and the fact by inbred and I was dumbfounded and the man said with a man what you are here to destroy oh you are doping thought no no no wind apron nothing I just read from my hands or to demand father you are Ava Sora left life come upon this man and as I'm saying that a number of came by my fights I look at I gave like PETA and only to them being waving at the ambulance and he said workers an ambulance with a golfer glory i lo and behold I came back to Adam and they say give him another chance but they give much lies come upon him and the old multitude fa o so the early cylinder doctor does his mother and doctor and by the time we finished destroyed the government finish with solution demanded amongst am reducing warning just called me a moran now pick up your a truck and you go and later I got to know that I will not only be dead wasting my time since morning but God is there just the world to prove himself may flame be praised forever we like to ask that testifiers please be brief so that everybody can take a test my name is Barbara Mediacom I want to bless the Almighty God the merciful God who delivered me from the shame and embarrassment of bedwetting that started in my life three years ago and also I want to bless God for delivery in my house and my sister from fire hog bread may well be highly exalted in Jesus name praise the Lord I'm a bugger history from meadow province fire last year my mother was seen from this fertility sickness Halligan hunt couldn't work so it started in July and the problem Lassa to December when we watch the December holy ghost Congress our daddy breed on handkerchief and with filth we just use the handkerchief to do practical work on her we use young kerchief too tight the legs and the hand to the glory of God that's nice she stood up from the bed and today she's walking with her leg praise the Lord so he may learn be glory Dominion power forevermore I think we should stand up and give God glory and praise Brian s of 29 years reversed they are by children divinely by God after he came to the camp grounds the Naraku handkerchief through a father and a Lord heal stroke awesome testimonies let's just give Him glory praise honor adoration the room was opened three people's rooms open shame or bedwetting totally of account we give you glory but I give you praise we give you honor we believe you God of Dominion we said thank you blessed be your name forever and ever in the mighty name of our Lord Jesus Christ somebody shot a big Alleluia if you know that tonight is your night give Him praise with a notice Alleluia [Applause] at least deliverance night are they convention 2018 if you believe the law that horan Tudor deliverance is your portion let the Lord here Romanian we're going on now with the convention him this is him in him specially composed for this convention given by the holy spirit unto a father and the Lord the joy overseer the choir would lead us to take the first stanza where we are seated after the first transit all of us would stand and sing along with the choir the choir will lead us thank you [Music] by [Music] let us praise praise the Lord let us praise praise the Lord let us praise [Music] let us shine [Music] we are be given great Romania [Music] I'm here but the zoo by God power in Jesus he strikes [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] but along Oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] we are baking bread store many on [Music] Dean was on state voltage [Music] my what in Jesus is true [Music] Oh [Music] Shyne we are taking a break Slovenia rotten luck and distress Jesus Oh [Music] [Music] [Music] we are forgiven WrestleMania [Music] ruthless efforts why why you Jesus whine unwitnessed [Music] Oh [Music] Romania and hearty [Music] I wish my knees [Music] even breadwinner Oh [Music] [Music] [Music] Oh Lawson oh sorry [Music] [Music] glory to God it is the deliverance night and abyss deliverance plan tonight the name above all names Shasha every one of us into total dominion in the name of Jesus in his short while from now our beloved Abba Jew the general of a sea of the redeemed Christian Church of God Master Yi audibly will be bringing the world on the names above on him and before he comes who have the mask administration these will be followed by the ministration by pastor collie aje the Lord bless you in Jesus name [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] ah bless me [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] Oh [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] hi [Music] [Music] [Music] Oh [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] you see if you [Music] I deserve to [Music] I can Oh [Music] [Music] [Music] Oh [Music] the lemon [Music] the Oh [Applause] [Music] the side [Music] [Music] Oh [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] Oh my [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] Oh and give Him glory you can feel presidency I already so magnificently named crazy give Him glory given Hana given Midori let's not think of be not important bless the agent of days is what is what and I said man every of that beer afford me to be floating thank you [Music] [Music] hey Jesus mighty name we have worshiped the God of Abraham Isaac and yeah merci Oh [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] thank you Father God of Abraham we worship You God of Isaac we bow before you God of Jacob may your name forever be glorified accept our worship in Jesus name tonight father arise fight for your children give them total and complete deliverance and give us Dominion tonight [Music] in Jesus mighty name we have prayed a mile relay somebody shout hallelujah [Applause] let's put our hands together for the Almighty God [Applause] and you may please be seated god bless you and thank you choir thank you for a wonderful performance tonight thank you very much as at 5:00 p.m. this evening the number of babies born grown in this convention at increased to 65 [Applause] today we have among them a set of twins one boy and one girl and I thought now we have boys 33 and girls 32 [Applause] the device shall praise the Lord and let the gas our Alleluia because our closing the gap fast okay now sanitation I told you to keep your surroundings clean because I'd be announcing every evening those who are clean and those who are dating let's start with those who are dirty number three from the bottom is a number of province 3 number two from the bottom this open province is two and nine at the very very bottom his Legos province 61 [Music] because among the cleanest number three among big penis the talk is ocean problems one number two among the clean the second best is Adam our province and the cleanest of all as of now is all your province eight glory be to God keep your surroundings me now tonight we have songs serious actions to take where's that noise coming from [Music] okay thank you and so I we just live a little foundation and then we'll go to the business you mean you are not the only anymore if Renault here in the clearly club those who are hearing me clearly shout hallelujah those who are not really hearing me clearly shout hallelujah so it's about half on half Philippians chapter 2 [Music] we plan to opt out - okay I've been it's not Rafi Philippians chapter 2 alright verse 5 to 11 before I finish reading the hand of the Almighty God will be on the engineers otherwise our we invite them to come and join me here so we can pray for them Philippians chapter 2 verse 5 to 11 let this mind be in you which was also in Christ Jesus who being in the form of God thought it not robbery to be equal with God but made himself of no reputation and took upon him the form of a servant and was made in the likeness of men and being found in fashion as a man he humbled himself and became obedient on today even the death of the cross wherefore God also has highly exalted him and given him a name which is above every name that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow of things in heaven and things in earth and things under the earth and that every tongue shall confess that Jesus Christ is Lord to the glory of God the Father everything that is not of God in your life we bow to the name of Jesus tonight I said we will be doing some things tonight and to encourage you let me share one or two fruits with you truth number one there are only two types of people are many types the dominant and determinated decide that you have dominion or you are subdued there's no me doing so you have to make up your mind straight away to night do you want to have dominion or do you want to leave your the rest of your life in subjection which one do you want number two [Music] my English teacher taught me so if what I'm saying is wrong it is the fault of my English teacher he taught me that verbs words in two major categories active and passive active means you do something eg word like fight is an active because for action Graham is an active word around it's an active word and then there is the passive ones that you don't relate to anything for example sleep you don't do anything just lie on the bed and you are gone fed different from each fair simply means you open your mouth they put your food and it's gone eat as a different matter you have to grab the food bring it to your mouth so two categories of words active and passive now the world Dominion is the noun of the world dominate and dominate is a very active word because it means innocence force down and keep down by force to dominate means you forced down and you keep down by force and I give you an example Georgie's chapter 6 verse 1 to 5 Giorgi 6 1 to 5 the Midianites had dominion over the children of Israel at a particular time so they will wait they will let the children of Israel plant which the water planted has grown then they will come with the itachi and their camels and eat of everything living nothing behind that's for Dominion have you ever heard of anything like that at all anything like that at all a convention with the theme of Dominion therefore is not a convention of passivity it's not a convention you come just to learn and do nothing it's a convention of action may I decree in the name that's above every other name that everything that I'd be holding you down will be destroyed tonight [Applause] now let me move on because tonight we want to talk about me above all names let me just remind us of the power that is in the name names are very very important problem you have not noticed that where you meet somebody new the first thing they ask you for is what is your name they don't ask you first and foremost how old are you they don't ask you how tall you are they don't ask you how rich are you what is the first thing they ask for was your name issue interests you that if they ask for any other thing after that the next thing will be where do you come from you may not think about that at all but it has an importance we are you from I'm from Nigeria years ago when I did I just won the World Cup a football and I went to Israel for the first time they asked me where do you come from and I said I desire football where do you come from him and you say I'm from America it's something where is your address the name of where you live let me something where's your address I'm from Russia I used to live there so right that's why as well move from Ocean Road they come when you send from Russia he tells the fellow who has never met you before something slightly different from if you say I am from VII names Moose's for example his name means pulled out of the water and for the rest of his life water water water played major role in his life change water to blood open the right seal made beta what a sweet brought what out of the rock and you really didn't get to the promised land was because of water [Applause] Alijah you may not know the meaning of his name better man cometh when we call fire down from heaven and the people fell on their faces and they were saying the Lord is God the Lord is God the actually calling the name of Elijah the Lord is God names so important that four years after God promised Abraham that would be the father of many nations he remained barren until God came on the scene in Genesis 17 I said to him I changed your name from Abram to Abraham I change the name of your wife from Sarah - Sarah I pray today that if your name is the one standing against your destiny you get a change of name tonight [Applause] I'm telling you all this so that you can get the importance of the name of Jesus a name that is above all other names above all names in heaven all names on earth on than the all names under the earth it is the name of Dominion at each name every knee must do what masa embedded in the name of Jesus many military names names that talks about fighting warfare I won't be able to tell you all you know it has many names they took the name way John 14 verse 6 John 14 verse 6 he said I am the way do you see force involved in that name there isn't time you make a road how much force do you apply you look in the direction of a jungle and you want to make a way here how many trees have to go maybe God will help me explain in 1st Corinthians chapter 10 verse 13 1st Corinthians 10 verse 30 God said when you get into trouble he will make a way of escape what does escape tell you somebody already captured already kept in bondage but suddenly is free the one whose name is the way we create an escape route for you tonight mr. Cavanaugh his name's delighted John 9 verse 5 don't chop table in verse 5 jesus christ said as long as I'm in the world I am the light of the world and when it was introduced in John chapter 1 from verse 4 to 5 if we like Mary different bus 1 to 5 John 1 from 1 to 5 in the beginning was the word the Word was with God and the Word was God etc cetera in him was life and the life was the light of men the next few years the light shines that lives and that nez cannot overcome it when you talk about overcoming this is Robin when light shines it fights darkness subdues darkness dominates darkness so on that junction of your dis spirit I want to command into the life of any of you see me troubled by forces of darkness tonight let there be light take another one of his name embedded in the name Jesus Johnny Levin was 25 to 26 Johnny level 25 to 26 is I am the resurrection and the life [Music] what'd she say I do mean it death Bible cause death and enemy the last enemy that will be destroyed I said me I dominate death that's what he said in some degree in the mighty name of Jesus Christ every part of your body that is called dead now we receive lies today [Applause] we take another one of his name I'm not going to take too long don't worry because we want to do some things the name Lord is part of his name is giving him a name that's above every other name that at the name of Jesus every knee shall bow and every tongue confess that Jesus is worth know lot of what some 24 from the 7th retain some 24 from by 7 to 10 tells us is the Lord of holes after drew before I thought when he seized a lot of force I thought is talking about the oath of heaven alone when your honor is the lord of hosts in heaven the Lord of hosts on earth the Lord of all son Danny be he controls them all and have seen him in action I've seen him controlling demos on my behalf after new stories before several of them they just remind you of one of them and to me when Cameroon were going for a program and our escort trying to clear the way for me through the traffic but the people just ignored them and suddenly mad man so mad saliva was dripping from his mouth you could see dima dancing in his eyes came out of nowhere came in front of my car and went to the guy in front slap the bonnet a made a gesture to the right the driver looked at him a moved we went to the Nazca slapped opponent made a gesture to the left the driver drew gotten a mood within minutes he cleared away for me and when a half past the traffic he came to decide where I was sitting about and disappeared into the cloud my children were with me the kawaii shop and I told them I said I told you my father is the lord of fools every host that he has to mobilize to give you the minion we do so tonight and Exodus 15 was terrific Exodus 15 verse 3 says the Lord is a man of war the Lord needs his men so many many of false Christians have come to think that Jesus Christ is just the hem atlas he was a love for Josie season and it was allowed for a purpose when the soldiers came to arrest him and Peter grabbed his sword and cut off the air of one of the servants jesus said to him if I want to fight I can ask my father to send me a handful of legions of angels and according to Bible record one angel can kill a hundred and eighty-five thousand soldiers in one night so how many ages are required to deal with all your enemies one that you see most of the time telling you now you already know so you say thank you for you or refreshing a memory the problem with us Christians is that we don't use what we have we have the name I told my pastors in the minister's conference we have what is called Dominion by association she suspense is mega brother and his younger brother we belong to the same family we are both children of the Messiah he's a child begotten I am a child by adoption they both of us are children of the same father I want you to look at it this way you want to travel from Legos to decamp and there's serious stress traffic problem on the way particularly because the road are be partially closed because the president is coming to the company so you say Oh [Music] will I ever get to the calm before the finish and then as you were there somebody saw you in the entirety of the President and said to the president that's your younger brother and illiberal trans aha join the convoy when will you arrive had you come when the president arrives Jesus can do [Music] because you are associated with him and you have his permission to use his name you can do also when the bid was going to fight Goliath and for some s-70 from the beginning to the end just video chapter he made this statement in verse 45 he said cool and you have your weapons you are big you strong but I have a secret weapon and the secret weapon is a name I come against you in the name of the Lord at the end of the confrontation who won the battle okay here [Applause] in mock chapter 16 verse 17 to 18 not 16 17 to 18 Jesus Christ said these signs shall follow them that believe in my name what would I be doing with them the first thing is as we do with the name is you we cast out demons was the meaning of cast out omission grab by force and throughout those of you used to go to nightclubs I say used to because I know you don't go anymore there are some people they call bounce ass I mean if you know what I'm talking over now don't show your hand you don't want them to know you live huge hefty strong men whenever there is somebody babies drunk and is misbehaving they turn to the bouncer and say cast this one out and the bouncer comes this is who you go out and said now I'm not going I am going to stay here til when I like the bounce up picks him up and that's what threw him out tonight everything in your life that you don't want you are going to cast it out but then there is this interesting statement in Matthew chapter 18 verse 18 to 20 Matthew 18 from verse 18 to 20 it says whatsoever you bind on earth shall be bound in heaven whatever you loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven Bible scholars those who really know Bible very well and like a small boy like me they see what that passage is saying is whatever you allow on earth will be allowed in heaven whatever you forbid on earth shall be forbidden in heaven no no Timmy the implication of that if you allow sickness to stay with you it will be allowed in heaven metaphor for be you forbid sickness you for B failure you forbid demons they shall be forbidden in him I'm going to tell just two little stories and then we go to action some of had a story before the son of mine was living in aphasia in the same house say block of flats as a witch doctor and the witch doctor was given all manners of Horus he came to me I said son the Bible says if you believe and without knowledge you will say to this Monty Monty big thou removed and be thou cast into the sea and it will be you move this mountain you know the child of God supposed to be as gentle as a dog that's a very good then I certainly I discover I didn't see myself for quite a while when finally I saw him there were rushes all the wise body what happened the witch doctor reported to the police that some people were holding meetings in his flat people came to pray the we doctor said they were holding meetings the policemen who are coming to the with doctor for channels moved in arrested my son put him in detention mosquitos dealt with him after some time to see who discovered this man is a man of Goddess you know when he when he got into prison he began to do like Paul and Silas singing and praising God finally the realism it came back to me interpret the story as a Oh welcome down lamp of God Gentoo acid they went back that day and Commander mantling to move a mantra moved the following day in the name that's above every other name every month in your life we move tonight I told my passos story only last week a remainder of something that happened when we wanted to start the church in a particular place not far from here a place was in total darkness didn't want anything called Jesus and so when the crew say started they brought out masquerade the masquerade were whipping the women and children who gathered and the drums was beating so loud they won't even be able to hear the Crusader but one of my little gasps who is from that area near the tradition that if a bus crash will come out and why the drama's what drove me if the drum shoe break that masquerade will not see the following year so she went aside I said in the name of Jesus I command every drum to break Bam Bam Bam the drop just began to break a masquerade scattered every drum of shame beteen against you must break tonight [Applause] so a convention Dominion is not real a conventional theory is a convention on practica and there are three areas where I want you to do warfare for yourself and then there's one area I'm going to ask you to join me in doing warfare it won't take long it's just that we are going to play some violent prayers avian number one well you are going to pray for yourself and let me appeal to you there does have a proverb when you hear carry it carry it and you don't join Kyrie in it they will dump it at your butt yet okay so when it is time to pray tonight if you'd like don't pray let us start with Goliath Goliath stands for somebody who says you will never have dominion the devil knew that David had be anointed to be king over Israel never knew that Goliath said send me one man let us fight if he wins our kingdom would become his kingdom if he loses your kingdom will become our kingdom the devil was targeting David Inuyasha became a new you volunteer to fight he thought Goliath would defeat him so that David whenever there are forces and you know some of them who will not want you to ever have dominion we have to deal with them tonight as number one number two in second Kings chapter 2 verse 23 to 24 second Prince to verse 22 24 Elijah had just obtained Dominion he attended the convention on the other side of the River Jordan [Applause] so 15 sons of the prophets they were they are watching the convention the one participating the light that was the one was preaching in Liza was the only one attending the convention by the end of the convention Elijah had dominion everybody said it the spirit of Elijah not rest on Elijah it's my prayer that drawing this convention the Spirit of God that is operating in my life we come on a double portion of on somebody and he had Jose demonstrated I have dominion across river Jordan Agathe Jericho canceled across upon the city suddenly some people came and began to mock him you bought had that fellow with demeanor have you but deceive a yourself he turned round I use a name I simply said Lord silence my mock ass incidentally that is the theme for next month only go service as soon as he spoke because now he has Dominion by association with the God of Elijah action followed everything that those five have been mocking you everything that those five have been asking where is your God we must deal with you tonight that's number two number three you will find in Acts chapter 13 verse 6 to 12 acts 13 verse 6 to 12 Paul was preaching to a governor the governor was interested that I was a sorcerer who was interjecting say don't mind in all these interested in is your money today Paul said because you have decided to turn yourself to a Monti on my way to achieving my goal you will be blind for a season I still don't know why I did for a season when you leave this convention and all of a sudden with the boldness with the unction of the Holy Spirit Oh for you you begin to move speedily upward anyone who tries to stand in your way must be destroyed [Applause] so there are three priests we are going to pray tonight for yourself and then I will tell you the one I want you to join me together to pray but before we pray let me give an opportunity to do so of you of not yet surrender your life to Jesus because if you are not a friend if you are not a child of God he said it clearly in this world if you are not for me you are against me there's no neutral ground so when we begin to pray dangerous prayers tonight if you are not already on the side of God fire will fall and it may consume you so if you are here and you have not just surrendered your life to Jesus but you want to do so now because I know you are very far off some of you I'm going to come from 1 to 15 but if you are very far off the better begin to move now even as I begin to count if you want to surrender your life to Jesus you want to become a member of the family of the Most High God begin to come now as I found one [Applause] June [Applause] if you are not for God you are against God there's no middle way beside that you a child of God are you a child of the devil there's no middle way if you are not born again washed in the blood of the Lamb you are facing trouble but if you come to Jesus now it will save your soul and forgive all your sins and welcome you into the family of God three [Applause] for [Applause] five [Applause] six seven [Applause] if you want to clop clop like warriors eight [Applause] [Music] [Applause] 9 [Music] turn eleven [Applause] [Music] travel [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] thirteen [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] for Team [Applause] [Music] thank you now those of us here on the way just keep coming keep coming keep coming and as you are coming pray along with those who are ready in the front those of you already in the front right to Jesus Christ tell him I've come to surrender my life to you completely please save my soul forgive all my sins receive me to the family of God and I will serve you for the rest of my life go ahead chop through the Almighty God and please the rest of us let's stretch our hands to all these people and intercede for them for a minute or two asking that the Almighty God who have mercy on them that he will forgive all their sins and wash them clean with his blood let's pray that God would give them a brand-new beginning today that they will become true children of the Living God let's intercede for them and those of you on the way you have to worry up because I will be praying for salvation audio Thank You Father keep coming I'm praying as you come ask God to have mercy on you and save your soul and forgive all your sins and receive into the family of God thank you Father thank you Jesus keep coming keep coming keep coming I will 10-second small just make sure you get there before finish break because I have to pray now thank you Father in Jesus mighty name we have prayed [Applause] Silvia I just want to thank you for your work I want to thank you for this wonderful people that have come forward to surrender their life to you for the police as they have come receive them in Jesus may save their souls in Jesus name let your blood wash away their sins in Jesus right there names in the book of life in Jesus name to receive them into the family of God in Jesus name father don't let them ever go back to the devil in Jesus name every time they call on you from now on father answer them by fire [Applause] in Jesus mighty name we have prayed amen now it's rusty comma keep coming the prayer has reached you on the way now those of you already in front i rejoice with you from now on I promise you I be praying for you so I'm going to need your names your address and your prayer requests the cancer loss will help me they will give you a card which you are to feel very quickly and then I can assure you I'd be praying for you and if you ask the only way keep coming because I see some of you see on the way so they will give you a card you feel it very quickly before you go back to your seat now the rest of falls are we ready for warfare you know I thought doesn't sound like that are you ready for warfare please stand on your feet unless we are very old otherwise stand on your feet you're going to lift your voice to the Almighty go loud and clear sir father [Applause] every NGO Lyautey in my way let them die tonight you better for your multiplied to the Almighty go every collide wanting to take away my domain [Applause] no matter how big they are let them die tonight let them die tonight not [Applause] tomorrow let them die tonight every client and whatever phone by whatever name whether human being or an institution let them die tonight Adam died tonight let them die tonight break alliance wanted to take away my domain wanting the weight wanted to take away my kingdom wanting to take away my Dominion let them die tonight every glance whatever maybe their name whatever may be their nature let them die to her [Applause] let them die tonight every Goliath [Applause] block clean my Romania and I'm died tonight let them die tonight [Applause] Adam died tonight every girl and whatever mobility and nature whatever may be their name wherever they may be located let them die tonight let them die to me let them die tonight let them die tonight [Applause] momoko-chan drama Hakkasan de que Cairo Boca Chica Rambo for Chandra Miccosukee remote Ochoa every Goliath must die tonight in the mighty name of Jesus a big Goliath Multi tonight thank you Father [Applause] a Jesus mighty name we have prayed and I want to lift our voice to the Almighty God and so father everything in my life [Applause] that is the same as my god in the name of Jesus let it vanish tonight go ahead cry to the Almighty God everything that is Tim okay me mocking my god she saying where is your God this your God that you say is so powerful this your God that you say can do all things we see now everything that is tim octane my god magis appear to now most disappear tonight mas disappear tonight and the mighty name of Jesus every mocha of my goal must be destroyed tonight whatever it may be every MUC out of my go every Mokhtar of my goal everything in my family the people come points to answer but you say you are serving a god that can do all things why this every mother of God in my life must be destroyed tonight [Applause] saying profile sighing your father [Applause] in Jesus mighty name we have prayed then the top prayer I all do think that we want to stand between you and your goal every saucer every week every hindering force whoever they may be you lift over to the Almighty God and say father every force that will hinder my progress let them be destroyed tonight we talk to the Almighty God whether there are witches or wizard or our beliefs even if there are apostles they my place of work that will not allow me to reach my goal [Applause] blindfold them eject them move them out of the way the mighty name of Jesus Christ move them out of the way [Applause] move them out of you with move them out of the way thank you Father thank you Thank You papa in Jesus mighty name we are praying and now the prayer I want you to join me in praying which I want you to pray with all your strength is this enemy for cancer it is waging war against many children of God I want you to agree with me tonight the from now there will no longer be cancer in the family of God so I want you to join hands with somebody let's pray this prayer in agreement and say father in the body of Christ my concern [Applause] don't pray to the Almighty go [Applause] in the mighty name of Jesus in the popular Christ no more cancer [Applause] [Applause] no more cans our Lord we film against cancer no more cancer in the body oppressed if it's a 13 in the mighty name of Jesus Christ with commanded to get out [Applause] no more cancer when the body of Christ no more concern Oh God Almighty no more cancer [Applause] we're all in agreement slow and you say whatever we find on that is bound in heaven we bind cancer we forbid cancer before big cancer in the body of Christ no more cancer we are the Warner called [Applause] no more cancer Rainbow PUSH enter a macaron decade ago for children wherever it is that is forming with commodity data we also beat canceiied the body of Christ name or consign the body of Christ saying too far in Jesus mighty name we afraid the last prayer will be you own one your mind give a testimony yesterday he said to me armed robbers broke into his apartment they had weapons they had nothing he just kept on shouting Jesus Jesus Jesus and they ran away whatever it is that you see left that you want to get rid of now talk to the Almighty God I just mentioned the name of Jesus tell that thing in the name of Jesus I command you this problem you must get out in the mighty name of Jesus I command every demon every Mouse the negative where was were tormenting the Church of God get up in the mighty name of Jesus in that name does a behavior than every force of darkness no because Jesus already of the light and there was light and the light shines in darkness and the darkness cannot overcome it so tonight light you shine defeat every form of darkness than their life for your children saintil party throughout a bid to the holding Sakura mom consider a man Katanga aah slo-mo foreign declare a metal cylinder a motor and a remote versatile monopod Rhonda chemical Chiquita demo code under thank you Father trying through almighty sighing futures scientist a Jesus mighty name who have prayed now lift up your hands I want to pray with you my father my God I want to thank you for that name does above every other name thank you for the powerful name of Jesus tonight on behalf of every one of us accept our thanks in Jesus name now I join my faith with the fit of this your children and I hereby decree every bullet in the life of this your children must die tonight I decree and the maintenance of Jesus that every time left in devotions in the lives in the offices of this your children that is him walking that is the same way therefore must die tonight I decree that any person or group of persons any force any association that will stand between this your children and achieving their destiny must die tonight and the total agreement with this your children I hereby decree in the entire party of Christ no more cancer murmur turns up in the mighty name of Jesus mobile cancer and all the prayers of your children my father my God before the Sun rises tomorrow turn to a testimony go with them as they go in Jesus mighty name we have craved amen I want you to do something with me I just want you to shout the name of Jesus or seven times three go [Applause] three well why sakes so geez [Applause] [Applause] you
Channel: RCCG
Views: 30,063
Rating: 4.7653332 out of 5
Keywords: rccg, rccg live, rccg video, rccg sermon, rccg holy ghost sermon, rccg 2018 sermons, rccg holy ghost service sermons, pastor e a adeboye, pastor e a adeboye sermons, rccg 2018 convention, rccg dominion convention, rccg 68th annual convention, rccg 2018 dominion convention, pastor e.a adeboye sermon 2018 convention, rccg 2018 convention sermon, rccg 2018 house fellowship, melody hour, service of songs, deliverance service
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 208min 59sec (12539 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 09 2018
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