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[Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] one idea that's right here tall nice nuts you mean business so we're going to pray for Nigeria for three hours no ceremonies it's going to be three hours of solid prayer now there are great men of God will be leading us as we grow to difference the Word of God says if my people that are called by my name who humble themselves and pray the Almighty God says you will hear from heaven and it will heal our land and I believe as a result of the prayer we are about to pray today he will heal our land please be free to choose your own post-show for the prayer if you want to kneel now you're welcome we want to learn your face you are welcome you want to stand you're welcome you want to walk about fee free all I'm asking you to do is pray pray achieve your life depends on it pray as if the future of your children depend on it so I'm asking that you will please pray with all your heart and I'm going to call forward the first man of God who will status who not introducing people and a person who comes forward will just lead us in prayer when he finishes his own the next person becomes so let's get ready to pray some 145 from verse 1 to 21 I will extol thee my god they came and I will bless thee name forever and ever every day the light blessed and now the praise thy name for ever and ever great is the Lord and greatly to be praised and his greatness is unsearchable one generation shall praise thy works to another and shall declare and mighty hearts are you asleep of the glorious honor Majesty I love that one dress yes men shall speak in the minds of the turbulence and I will declare the greatness they shall abundantly what are the memo Nest's unsustained after righteousness the Lord is gracious and full of compassion slowly merci understand Emerson smile all my chakras and they say shuttle mission King to make longer the sunset man is mighty us the majesty of his kingdom by Kingston and that generation muscle in this dungeon the law that is give us tentatively to induce season and satisfy their desire the Lord is righteous in all his ways unholy in all his works the Lord is near unto all them that call upon him to all that call upon him in truth he will fulfill the desire of them the fear him he also will hear the cry and save them the law preserved of them that love him but all the wicked will he destroy my mouth shall speak the praise of the Lord and let all flesh bless His name forever and ever on the people of God shout amen let's lift up our hands together and say almighty father we want to thank you for Nigeria we want to thank you for your mercy we want to thank you for your goodness we want to thank you for your preservation we want to thank you for upholding this nation father I'd set our tongues in the mighty name of Jesus let's go ahead and begin to bless the Almighty God father we bless your name we worship you we adore you we magnify you we have come into your holy presence now our word worthy O Lord to receive all glory now I was worthy to receive on adoration now what water to receive our praise father you're greater than the greatest you're greater than the greatest you're stronger than the strongest you're mightier than the magis or the Almighty the just the unique Savior the everlasting Redeemer our Lord and our Savior the source of Nigeria the sustainer of Nigeria the stability of Nigeria our Coriana Chicana baba father we magnify your name darwin worthy darwin worthy Darwin water Darwin warden father we thank you for your interventions in Nigeria thank you for intervening in citizens of war thank you for entertaining Lord God Almighty even in the Civil War we thank you for bringing an end to it our core than our Father will rejoice as a people father will live with joy Lord we clap our hands in celebration Lord God Almighty we come with the fruits of our lives in our donation to the king of kings father God Almighty we thank you thank you for the days of abundance in Algeria thank you for the cordon 19 the abundance of supply the abundance of oil boom thank you for the way you have enriched this country our garden our Father we give you all the glory father we worship and adore you our Lord and our God we want to thank you because of the peace of the Lord the peace of the Lord father from the South from the West hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah father we thank you for your mighty hand upon this nation we thank you for your mighty hand upon the leadership thank you father for bringing an end to the military rule father take all the glory father take all you or not but I take all the praise thank you for bringing us to the democratic dispensation our God and our Father you're such a merciful God you're the god of wonders you're the god of wonders you are the god of wonders the what worded I was worthy O Lord to receive praise to receive adoration blessed be your holy name in Jesus mighty name we have pray I would like us to hold our hands together in the last two minutes hold your hands together and you're going to give thanks together as the people say father we thank you for reigning over Nigeria thank you for establishing your throne in Nigeria thank you for the light of your grace over Nigeria father we give you all the glory let's go ahead and begin to bless the Almighty God father we bless you Lord we join our handsome sons given Lord of the people and as a family we said or God Almighty or exalted father we thank you Oh bless everything you reign you reign we rearrange thank you for not forsaking us thank you for not abandoning us but I thank you for taking charge hamish i Adama ha thank you for taking charge of every set-off rather we give you all the glory Lord God Almighty we thank you because of your divine mercy we bless your name we all know you will magnify your name hallelujah to the love of God hallelujah to the King of Kings hallelujah to the Lord of lords father we worship and adore you Lord God Almighty will lift your name on high we bless your name you are highly exalted you're highly enables I thank you for lifting and share your book God thank you for lifting and Jerry our God's thank you must say to your hand upon this nation our Lord and our God we worship you we adore you mother send your Korean Donna Basava Hasan Rama great is the Lord and greatly to be praised in the city of our God in the mountain of his holy name father we worship your father we adore you our God and our Father will lift your name on high devotion daily focus on emotion a morose Akiane bahasa hondana vocal sender emotion donna bahasa aroma [Music] and the people of God say Amen we shall now pray a prayer of repentance asking the Lord for messy and for forgiveness and let's take our cue from the Word of God Jonah chapter three from thus five weeks serve the people of Nineveh believed God proclaimed a fast and put on sackcloth from the greatest to the least of them then the word of the king came to Nineveh and he arose from his throne laid aside his rope covered himself with sackcloth and sucks in ashes and he crossed it to be proclaimed and published throughout Miniver by a decree of the king and his nobles say let neither man nor beasts have a flock test anything do not let them eat or drink water then invest 10 we read then God solve their works that they turned from their evil way and God relented from the disaster that he had said he would bring upon them and he did not do it with a little repent for corruption in the land corruption in the land corruption in the marketplace corruption in our schools corruption and the border anywhere there is corruption series Italian art we come in the name of Jesus so retains against you for the sins of corruption or not we have seen we have seen we all have seen and we are sorry we are ashamed for the corruption in our land we are part of it and we ask for your mercy begin to pray let everyone begin to pray let's repent before the Lord Oh Heavenly Father we ask for your forgiveness or not for the corruption in our land Oh God if Nigeria does not repent you will have apologize to Sodom and Gomorrah for our sins have exceeded that of Sodom and that of Gomorrah and we ask that you forgive us our farms of corruption our farms of iniquity our farms Oh Lord a betrayal corruption in the church corruption in the marketplace corruption along the streets collapse and by the law of husband edges corruption by ministers of God corruption by students corruption and maggots women corruption in our offices barrage by the military corruption by the leaders forgive us O God forgive us O God forgive us O God forgive us O God we have seen against you we have seen against you we have seen against you hot mess upon us and the people of God say let me read again from some a hundred and thirty and you will needed to pray this time for corruption and fraud all kinds of fraud fraud in our offices fraud in our town union meetings fraud in the villages someone fancy from this is one to fit to fall out of the depths I have cried to you Lord hear my voice let your ears be attentive to the voice of my supplications three if the Lord should not iniquity or not who can stand but there is forgiveness with you that you may be feared can we use this vs. to bring for repentance on behalf of our mission asking the Lord forgive forgive forgive I'm messy upon us open your mouth of pray open your mouth and pray open your mouth and pray open your Mountain pray Oh Lord forgive us O God for our corruption fraud at any level Ola if you add too much integrity none of us can stand none of us here can stand but with you there is forgiveness and there is mercy that you may be feared with you there is forgiveness and there is messy that unity from feared forgive us O God forgive us O God forgive us O God we have seen caused us to turn pass us to turn cross your people to turn Oh God from our wicked ways may our had start to you may our hearts turn to you we plead Oh God in Jesus name we pray when my prayers let's bring for repentance of corruption in our church in our churches corruption at any level in the church because the healing was start in the church if my people who are called by my name and let us pray that God will puff up the spirit of repentance the spirit of repentance upon the church and upon the nation may God power may God power may God power the spirit of repentance in the church and in the nation open your mouth and pray rubbin your Mountain pray O Lord we repent for the corruption that is in the church and we pray O God but out your spirit by out your spirit upon your church let there be repentance in the land for your spirit of repentance in the land especially in the church thank you Lord we give you all the honor we give you all the glory and God's people say God's people say Devi cried out with his words in the book of Psalm that all that man who praised the Lord we're going to pick up the thoughts segments of this prayer we're going to pray for the president we're going to pray for the vice president and the Synod would take it first of all the president and that God will lead them and God will control the heart the scripture says the heart of the King is in God's hands remember that the book of Romans chapter 13 the scripture says that pray for those who lead us that they might lead us comfortably we need to know that sometimes there can be an attack against them but our prayer will deliver them and put him into the subjection under God and God will control them first and foremost we wonder sing my hope is built on nothing less than Jesus and His righteousness my wood is built on nothing less fine Jesus Lord I show snakes yet not trust the sweetest frame [Music] [Music] [Music] I cannot pick up the president and puts him into the hands of God and God will lead him we'll take it with the vice president and I'm gonna ask you to pray pray from the depth of your heart when they are controlled by God the country will be at peace pray in the name of Jesus and area Lord will call upon you for our own president that we voted for for our own vice president that we voted for Lord will commit their life into your hands Wikimedia family into your hands it will be we're not taking any hearts take over their life show them what to do control them you are the owner of them lead them out of every temptation lead them out of every evil deliver them from every plans of the wicked ones and blood drinkers lift them high above the hands of the enemy the word is settled in heaven thank Lord in Jesus name we have prayed we're gonna pick up their family the wife of the president's the wife of the vice president their children will want to pray for them that God we protected him open about our praying at him oh Jesus universe a McArdle mo say Mura hock abortion they are although a center base we give you praise we give you the all wrong for the life of the family of the president and the vice president it will be well with them yes Lord you will never leave them alone yes you will protect them in the name of Jesus Christ thank you for doing that for us we pray amen amen when to pray for the president of cynics and one who commits his life into the hands of God that God will lead him and also the house of red and all the senators and the members of the rest of us afraid we will commit them into the hands of God that God will lead them so that they do learn law that will come in case that God they are creator and that God will begin to exercise his greatness over them pray in the name of Jesus ha [Music] your weber for pruning you were sheltered yes no your glory will be sitting in there in the name of Jesus in the name of Jesus my hope is built on [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] we're going to pray for the governors and the local governments the governors and the local government I believe that when gotcha answer us the hwacha say Nigeria have a God I remember that western earth was being blamed by his people many years ago that what are you doing in Nigeria as a coach is not a good country and he told his country that you must be seen Nigeria far off as bad as Nigeria as you thought when they do not want anything to happen and they're going to talk to their God God always answered him and of course so we will prefer governors we need governance that will be very effective who will have the pain of this country and their people in their hearts we need local government chairman who were standing up to say my people will be removed from poverty opening mother pray in the name of Jesus gender a Xindi Abu Muaz recovers and they are their Ancient of Days yes you would do this for us we bring our governors we bring a local government chairman before you Lord that you will leave us alone on that crossroad we have a God we have told them that we have a God we have told the world we have told a generation that we have a God if everybody forsake us will you also forsake us rushed and for us as such a time Aziz just one just one answer our prayers and we will give you praise in Jesus name we have prayed Heavenly Father we bow down before you we bring our president we bring our vice-president we bring the president of cynics we bring Senators and members of a friend before you will bring governors and all that matters in Nigeria in governor's we bring them before you Lord wash their hearts give them clean hearts connect them with heaven remove them from every corruption and do let them do what you will your we must be done in Nigeria Nigeria Nigeria to the will of God in Jesus name put your hands together for Jesus shout hallelujah we're praying for Nigeria's economy we're asking God to have mercy upon our economy as a nation we're asking God that all the wealth he has given to us in Nigeria we begin to be enjoyed by Nigerians in every area of life in the mighty name of Jesus you know if you read from the book of Acts chapter 2 verse 8 and now it says the silver is mine and the gold is mine set the Lord now God all the gold and the silver and you will agree with me that Nigeria is not poor God the owner of silver and God has given Angela a sieve and gold but then where is this silver and gold what has happened to eat how come my dear I so blessed and the people are so poor you will lift up your right hand this money you will shout the name of Jesus one time and you will say father say Klaus a father in the name of Jesus let the wealth of Nigeria return back to Nigeria in the mighty name of Jesus lift a voice and prepare whenever the words you give to Angela has gone all Lord returned our words back to us Lord let the poverty in our land be ended Oh Lord arise and restore the words of my julietam and Julian's whoever stole in our world whatever has taken our world Lord returning back to us Lord return our worth back to us not let my Jenna begin to enjoy the word that were given to us in Jesus mighty name we have prayed I wanted to pray like this a father in the name of Jesus Kosmic Giotto begin to enjoy their wet you give to Ross now say it loud in the name of Jesus let me help you Lord caused us to begin to enjoy the worlds that are given to us cause us not to suffer anymore in the midst of abundance you have given us so much and yet there is so much suffering in the land long we put an end to every type of suffering in our nation we caused a revival of our economy and we command that the people will begin to enjoy their good that I've given to us in Jesus mighty name we have prayed recently we were told that our economy went into recession we want to ask the Lord never again somebody say never again our economy will never go down anymore so raise your right hand now and sometimes a father in the name of Jesus the economy of Nigeria we never go to anymore in the mighty name of Jesus said loud said la father the economy of Nigeria never again never again shall be said to have got a normal recession normal recession no quita operable shunt available Sylva shadowdog Oliver Freeman in Jesus mighty name we have prayed I want us to ask everyone was been planted in the wealth of Nigeria further take it away from them opium Alta pray the prayer father everyone who has been wasted who has been plundered the wealth of Nigeria we take it away from them will remove them from the place of authority will install a wealth of knowledge Chaka Chaka la palabra normal plundering normal wasting noble loss normal feeling of the F comma in the name of Jesus will restore the blessed virgin eternal children's thank you Father in Jesus mighty name we have prayed one major source of money for Nigeria is the oil when the price of oil goes down then our economy goes down want to tell the Lord for the sake of the people of God in this land and the play of the said let the price of the oil utilize in the name of Jesus I lift a voice and present where let the price of oil utilize again let there be restoration of high prices over the over the oil that you have given to us further restore its back that all will not go down anymore the price was not crumpled anymore in Jesus mighty name we have pray finally I want us to prefer those who are managing Angela's economy that the wisdom of God will come upon them and any one of them that will spend our money contrary to God's plan let God deal with the matter come on let's pray father in the name of Jesus we give wisdom to those who manage nigera economy we cannot define direction and we pray any one of them that will not do it according to your plan on your purpose father with your mighty heart deal with a matter let no evil with us rule our nation anymore in Jesus mighty name we have prayer join me with a lifted hand for a lifted economy father we lift our hands to you you are the giver of all that we have in Algeria we ask of you that the things you have given to us will begin to benefit us in the name of Jesus Christ we axl God that those who manage our coming will receive wisdom for divine direction in the name of Jesus right and we act so God thou economics and no longer be plundered or stolen in the name of Jesus we'll be booked every Western in the name of Jesus and we'll release the wealth of Nigeria to multiply the name of Jesus we ask that we will not only be honest 36 of the economy 3 better we eat or get in the name of Jesus Christ thank you for Estonia economy in Jesus mighty name we pray everybody shout hallelujah we are going to pray for 2019 general election and the scripture the four scripture is taking from some 47 was for for that God we choose for us when the Chitauri stretches for themselves they regretted but when God chooses there shall be no regret the Bible says here is a choose our heritance for us the excellency of Jacob whom I loved again God we surprised our enemies in Nigeria in 2019 it will give us pleasant surprise in that election if we prove the bookmakers wrong kisara Nigeria is will shall be done in the name of Jesus Christ say after me say father shoes away heritance for all the people that will lead us a right the people that will lead us to the promised land choose them for Rose in 2019 in the name of Jesus let your will be done when appropriate now choose your inheritance choose for us choose for us choose for us choose for us choose for us Mary Kotori Cassata Maresa Kennecott Oh Brenda Katya LaRussa Kariba I take Aruba cattle mikotoba father choose for us we cannot afford to choose ourselves Oh God choose for us Marika so prabhakara surprises in 2019 surprises law they men are women that we take Nigeria to a promised land Lord use them for us let them find out their position of authority from the executive today legislature today judiciary choose for us choose for us we depend on you Lord we crown to you know choose for us maria sopra catalina by Shuba REO second toe Bramley Kataya area Zaragoza Maria circling in lucubra Baja father chose for us choose for us choose for us choose for us not our will Asia will be dawn-marie Kazakh take a token see kotoba Eureka's on de calabaza Brabeck attire you will only yo in only Lord choose for espada y la casa de la Boucherie in Jesus mighty male we apply God we choose for us God's will will be doing Nigeria secondly we are going to pray that there shall be no violence the Bible says in Isaiah chapter 60 was a teen violence are no more be hide in your land Weston or destruction with EU boda boda ah called a war starvation and Acacia becau prayers say after my father in 2090 Yasha be no volunteer dilation no violence in Nigeria no destruction no way stay in the name of Jesus go ahead and pray Ratna no valets no wasted no destruction no violence no Wesley no destruction in 2019 election no violence we rigid rules we wrecking ball will redeploy said father principies FOC Oh peace in every part of Nigeria arre Kelly voseo Bramley Lavasa Marrakech acondo Caesarea ela kebab ricotta bruschetta saruba cinema no vadas novellas novellas Eureka Sadiq Aruba sobre Nautica top rocket and a Ksenia yakisoba baccata yet rocket oprah medical cannabis or abaya no violence in Nigeria and 2019 election we rejected we rejected here labels Oh Brava let your peace be enforce upon our nation let your peace be a force upon our land no violence and Islam low-waist a no destruction Maria say Katya Maria Kate o brahmana Kasich Aruba rocky say Katya basa thank you Father in the name of Jesus Christ if you believe is a Lord as a man as such after 60 verse 20 seas your search are no more go down we must prophesy to Nigeria Nigeria was not returned to the past elections of violence and regain the Saoirse of Nigeria we know Buddha more we know withdraw reserve the Lord shall be able oscillate of Nigeria and the days of regret Amani is entirely Rogerian lincei Artemisa father in 2019 election the Asha be noreagaaa we must carry right the son of Nigeria most no Buddha a moon Bosco with Rosa the law shall be our everlasting light he will be on fire he will be on fire and the world is talking in 2019 the days of regret the days of oppression is a very luxurious no more ego a la palabra no more EG mallilie bozo kata-kata Yabba Ericka Sluka ribosomal when gokon not an election less indeed evident what it lessen the power of the darkness that can manipulated the son of Nigeria shall now go down the son of Nigeria shall not go down a moose shallow its reserve yes shall be no chaos no crisis no no confusion in this land in 2019 for the loss of everlasting light of this nation Nigeria the days of your money is ended marecus of romantic a tileable Shara Thank You mighty father in the name of Jesus Christ please join me lift up your two hands to heaven our Father and our God we submit in 2090 election II to you we surrender it tacuba choose for us [Applause] take over let there be no violence take over let there be no league a disappoint those who are planetory 29th election in the name of Jesus won the election shall be free and fear and a set of people that we take Nigeria to a promised land they will come on board in 2019 in this nation in the name of Jesus cry it is done in the mighty name of Jesus Christ [Applause] in the same manner we're going to begin to pray for the military the paramilitary and the police we're going to be praying for the military the paramilitary and the police so that they were doing the operation in righteousness that in the fear of God that we do their work the Bible say in the book of ecclesiasticus of the twelve as the team is a let us hear the conclusion of the whole matter fear God and keep his Commandments for this is the whole duty of man we are going to pray the military the paramilitary the police the Nigerian please everyone we do their work in the fear of God shall we lift up our voices we prefer Nigeria military let's pray for the military let's pray for the military let's pray for the paramilitary let's pray for the police let's pray for all of them let's command the fear of God to govern the fear of God Matt garrison over the heard all that the affair let's pray for them let's command the fear of God that we do their oppression in the fear of God that we do the oppression in righteousness lift up your voice as we pray for the military as we pray for the paramilitary as we pray for the please let's lift up them less commander that we do their duty in the fear of God that we do their duty in the fear of God that we do the oppression in the fear of God let's pray for the military let's pray for the military let's pray for the military that prayer for the military the Nigeria I mean the Air Force the Navy let's pray for them less command the hand of God Torres mightily upon them let's pray for them let's pray for the wisdom of God let's pray for the fear of God let's pray for the wisdom of God for them to do their job in the fear of the law in fear of the law in the fear of the law in the fear of the law let's prep for them let's pray for the paramilitary the paramilitary the less preferred in the Civil Defence all of them let's pray for them the custom the immigration let's lift them up before God that God we come before you that your fear that we operate in your fear that we oppress in your fear that we are prey in righteousness that we are prayed in righteousness lift up your voice as we pray for military as we pray for the paramilitary as we pray for the police the owner Road let's lift them up before God supernatural touch supernatural touch upon our ministry upon the military upon the paramilitary let's pray les commander hand of God the fear of the law the fear of the law let the fear of the Lord come upon them let the fear of the law come upon them let the fear of the Lord come upon the military Mary fear of God come upon the paramilitary the Nigeria police less command the fear of God let decree the fear of God nothing but the fear of God whatever they do that we're doing in the fear of God that we do it in righteousness that we're doing in the fear of God that we do it in righteousness they were doing the fear of God that we operate the oppression we being a fear of God the oppression we being the fear of God the fear of God with Matt garrison in avid AHA over the lie over the affair on the military of the paramilitary of the police let's pray lift up your voice let's pray let's pray for the paramilitary let's pray for the police Nigeria police let's pray it would be a place of the the plane it will be a place of honesty it to be a place of righteousness let's rap for them let's come and hand of God they commanded mighty hand of God don't rest upon them don't my garrison not they're ready affair don't lead them don't cover them less as the fear of God let the fear of the law come upon our military come upon a paramilitary come upon the police law we cry to you today we cry to you today for a change for a change for a change Oh God we'll work your fear will pop your fear we your fear upon the military upon the paramilitary above the police will release Oh God we release your fear Oh God will release your fear we release your fear we release your fear we release your fear we release your fear we release your fear lift up your voice as we begin to pray for them pray for the hustle pray for the household pray for your household pray for the hustle pray for a good enabling environment for the fear of God a good environment for them to carry out their duty in the fear of God in the fear of God in the fear of God let's pray for them let's pray for them less are the fear of the law less are the fear of the law less added yet beauty will be done in righteousness that Duty will be done in righteousness justice and equity justice and equity justice and equity justice and equity justice and equity justice and equity justice and equity justice equity Oh God in the military in the paramilitary in the police we release righteousness we relieve justice we release equity we release Oh God sound mind sound mind we release it in the name of Jesus our military officer that will be governed with your fear there will be governed with your fear they'll be governed with your fear we pray O God this day for military for the paramilitary let's lift up the Nigeria police let lift up the police police in a nation we become a different police we become police of justice police of Hana police of integrity police of kereta shall we pray for the Nigeria police shall we pray for the Nigerian police love a policeman we lift up a policeman Oh God before you today law penetrates not in rank and file we decree that your money Han begin to move or burn our police in the name of Jesus in the name of Jesus we release your mighty hand your mighty hand your mighty hand your mighty hand your mighty hand O God that our police will be said to be the fearless animals fair and the Warner field with a pleasure in the name of Jesus we command to be in the name of Jesus we command it to be in the name of Jesus we command it to be in the name of Jesus in Jesus mighty name we pray lift up your to her and let's give thanks unto God for our military for the paramilitary for the police give thanks give thanks for the prayer we have prayed then we operate in wisdom then we are praying in knowledge that we are praying in integrity of her that we are praying injustice that we are prayed in righteousness lift up lift up your hand just wave it to the law let's give a weapon offering for our pleas for a military for a paramilitary thus rather hand unto the Lord father we thank him with thanking we thank him for military and paramilitary and the police they work in righteousness they worked in the fear of the Lord we thank you Lord for in Jesus mighty name we pray somebody shout hallelujah I can't hear you Alleluia sound with very loud sound like the victorious person that you are hallelu we are praying generally I don't that is we bring for the Peace of the nation we'll be praying for the security of the nation will be bring for progress and divine favor for my scripture I would like us to total the verticals 26 I will read from by 6 through 12 it says I will give peace in the land and you shall lie down and no we make you afraid I will read the land of evil pieces and the sword will not will not go through your land you will change your enemies and they shall fall by destroy before you five of you shall choose a hundred a hundred of you shall put ten thousand to flight your enemies shall fall by the sword before you for I will look on you favourably and make you fruitful multiply you confine my covenants with you you shall eat the old harvest and clear out the old because of the new I will set my Tabernacle among you and my soul shall not above you I will walk among you and be your God I shall be my people we are going to do it two ways I'm reminded of Jesus on the sea in much of the form and there was a storm and it's apples were scared and they woke him not to cave with that then you got up not answering them he revealed the wind then he spoke to the sea peace be still so what we are going to do today by the grace of God we are virtually Beauty wind of adversity the wind has been blowing that I've been dropping Nigeria sees independence the wind that is blowing today you have the power to rebuke it so let you to lift up your hands I send the name of Jesus come against every power of the devil every wind within to pull and down I put down the wind of adversity the wind of corruption the wind of nepotism the wind of fear the winds of violence the wind of type come on begin to put them down Jesus rebuked the wind put them down pull them down in the name of Jesus it is your heritage as a child of God the Bible says you belong to God I love a condom because great ties leaders in you and healers in the world if you keep quiet evil we want you to roll somebody said the only reason evil will prevail is when I chose keep quiet and do nothing open your mouth rebuke you in the name of Jesus is your right is your positive I will look every window violence every window fear every word of death and ruin of destruction every wind of nepotism fear our friendly or laziness corruption put them daydream of Jesus [Music] put it down your family circle put it down in the charge put it down in the public a public sector put it down in the in the elite opportunity put it down in a private areas come against every lie of the devil the Bible says whatever we bind on earth is bound in heaven wherever we loser is with the devil he's not to rush we are said to that no more we are comedy we have come to the last charge I will say no more in him of Jesus or pretty much and declare let the devil hear your voice as such all authority in Jesus name we pray in the book of Philippians chapter 4 verse 6 Paul was writing it says be careful for nothing there by prayer and supplication with Thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God so automatically if we do this the peace of God that passes all human understanding we God is in our hearts and our mind will protect our land so I want to write that - bill - decree I decree the feasts of God in the name of Jesus grab your prey grabbing supplicating Leben interceding and so naturally we call for the peace of God come on begin to declare peace in the name of Jesus peace in the high places peace in the low places come on command you prepare to be stricken in the name of Jesus commanded values to be filled from animals that we brought you in the name of Jesus command every shortcut to up all in the name of Jesus come on decree degree degree degree in the name of Jesus decree please peace peace because God is is recorded as a sphere we suffer for the asset fear is this call me I will assign you show you get some major things I believe from this rabbiting some strange things will get you up in this country in the name of Jesus or preeminent degree I can hear you I do keep peace in my home and you keep peace in my local assembly the key please do the work of Christ I do feel peace in government's I became pleased in my state I be peace in the role of government I can be peace in the public sector I can't read the peace of God I establish the peace of God I am faucet in the name of Jesus in Jesus name we pray we are going back to the scripture we open very soon best I'm reminded of what ATCO said many years ago is that peace is the forerunner of prosperity where there is no peace that can never be prosperity where there's no peace that can never be progress where the spiritually or physically the moment is a loose initial it comes down and so we are there for peace infinite love is published in social event Jesus name as the socially being Jesus name I said so shall it be in the name of Jesus so if I six of I have personally seen it I will give reason your land I want to naturally traverse the father I receive a general of Jesus we see peace in our land Jesus that peace be still so we are professor chiu aoc please in the name of Jesus Pisa I can hear you I can't hear you I can't hear you I can't hear you these two our leaders please don't follow us in the name of Jesus peace is that you will lie down I'm not even afraid what we must not rebuke was afraid and sworn in the name of Jesus we have been delivered from fear peace is really north we shall make me afraid not region because afraid God hath not given us a spirit of fear but of power or love a some orpheum on let me heal you let me hear you let me hear you this world is blood goes through our land anymore so we prophesy the sword will now go to a land anymore because we know go to a land anymore in lega arms will be for a time in other house God may give the possible government they bless them they will seize them there will be no swag when two are not anymore in the name of Jesus hell if they do which is your enemies and they shall flee before you hallelujah your fear will paralyze your enemies I say your fear will paralyze your enemies they are fear we paralyze your enemies as the covenants a child of God no fear we paralyze our enemy the mention of your name we paralyze your enemy in the name of Jesus 504 such as a thousand a hundred thousand such is the thousand I say henceforth as you call co-star from here in the name of Jesus we are given quit no chaser we are collateral izing the enemies in the name of Jesus it said I will look on you favourably we are preferable when we decree peace people follow the Lord blessed night rose some favors 12 and with favor we surround him like a shield no compromise I see I'm surrounding my family surrounded Nigeria surrounded from a professor called for favor favor favor Opel miles favor we decreased revolver Nigeria everywhere Nigeria has been disgraced everywhere Nigeria has been changed out every election has been put to shame I've screwed me for a name and the press of God in the name of Jesus this is free of all people I can tell you shouting favor in the name of Jesus father with the Kiryas frontier with evil we are certain they will favor we are surrounded with favor and will receive a favor the name of Jesus the nest places and I will make you fruitful because just as we have declared where peace calms flavor comes when he becomes fruitfulness follow it says you shall be like a tree planted by the rivers of water bringing forth fruit in the season your leaf also shall not wither whatever I put your hands to do shall prosper I want to preside for special for Nigeria didn't replace the prosperity of a Nigeria till my hand will prosper my handler prosper I have to prosper I have to prosper in the name of Jesus ah what about Buddha has to do we shall prosper like a tree but rivers of water we will never go dry we will prosper the neverkey sorcerer email here this a lot of times we prefer prosperity and a lot of times you just want the wedge to come but a lot of times God gives instructions I want you to decree that album our leaders will be willing in the name of Jesus that God will grant them the capacity for productivity in the name of Jesus therefore building leaders and the lead there'll be supernatural ideas they'll be power productivity creativity in the name of Jesus we are wronged initially I believe status will be the one that you a militia will become the apple of God's eyes before your eyes --as we problem order to be admired an invader or we around say father power of invention son in the name of Jesus I received from your mouth open your mouth decrease for the torture it's like nothing yes they give me well it will tell you what to do opium out the net only does have the capacity but the capacity even the wisdom in the we're in the name of Jesus to metric Julia prosper forgive the people creative idea come on happy binding legislation every Hindi legislation in the name of Jesus we remove them open your mouth opium out after Roy get the solid you wisdom from where unique on their mind display wisdom of God in every physical thing we did new wisdom for the cha-cha wisdom for Nigeria power office officials creative idea I mean straight to the mission sir in the name of Jesus I can hear you pray I can hear you pray I can hear you pray don't prefer discharge remedy charge too much profit in the short determines provides just to change god is reading the idea of a messiah receive in the name of Jesus I can hear you I can hear you Chuck I receive in the name of Jesus powerful invention creative ideas innovations high productivity industriousness in the name of Jesus we pray for leaders to have the winning hearts to turn this nation around in the name of Jesus now let's meet up in the few circles we're going to tell before it didn't appreciate him we're going to give him all of ruefully where that because we have got that you won't stop Ray there are answers already there are get some Mexicans that we devalue before Wilson and begin to manifest in the name of Jesus we'll treat them begin to manifest into a jewelry store to attend and every tree shall be peaceful the bin Laden broken the ability machine double oscillator so we give God the glory in the name of Jesus father we prophesy open next year here that henceforth the wind of adversity which sees in the name of Jesus we rebuke it in the name of Jesus you say if we have people Stanley Tucci Leticia below we agree with the season Jesus name we defeat peaceable Nigeria with the clip progressive Ana Julia with the clip respectable Nigeria as his children the table children will comfort at all usual wisdom creative ideas with inventions leading the world bringing glory to your name planting fruits that will verify your name in Jesus name we pray [Music] once again let's lift up our hands wherever we are and give thanks to the Lord for the Federal Republic of Nigeria wherever you are this beautiful day lift your hands lift your voice and give thanks to God for Nigeria you are watching online or wherever you are give thanks to God for the peace that we experience for the hope that we have for tomorrow give Him glory give him pangs in the name of Jesus Christ scripture says the husbandman deliberate must be first partakers of the fruits as we labor in prayers for Nigeria we will be first partakers of the fruits in the name of Jesus beware Esther and Mordecai appraised for their nation and they became first partaker of the fruits I pray that will be first partake of the fruits in the name of Jesus so as we continue to pray today I'd like you to lift your voice and make sure you are livering we're not here to play we are here to live we're going to be praying for divine intervention in the health sector of Nigeria God is about healing and health I'd like you to lift your voice wherever you are and say father in the health sector let there be intervention in the name of Jesus lift your voice wherever you are and make sure you are laboring make sure you are laboring in prayers make sure you are laboring in preyus we need divine intervention in our health sector hospitals general or spiros the maternity homes behave santa's all over the country father we need your intervention we need your intervention we need drastic intervention can only happen by your hand in the name of Jesus father intervene our health sector thank you Lord in Jesus mighty name everything rises or falls on leadership and the time a leader makes a decision it affects the land we're going to be praying for the health sector the leadership of the health sector that the wisdom of God will rest upon them to create policies the right strategies that will create change go ahead and pray in the name of Jesus Christ lift the Federal Minister for health into the hands of the Lord and our decayed us of leadership in the health sector lift your voice and pray Lord the heart of a king is with you you turn it with us so ever you will and we ask that you turn their heart after the order of Joseph for preservation in our health sector Lord let your hand be upon the leadership let your wisdom prevail in all that they are doing from now on all over the nation let they have sectors experience a change positive change a positive change Oh let your wisdom be available I like you to pray that God will raise Joseph in the health sector God will raise Joseph in the health sector in our departments of the health sector the God will raise Joseph's the God who raised Joseph's the God will raise Joseph's man the God we used to create preservation in the health sector Oh Lord preservation Ola preservation Oh Lord preservation race men like Joseph in the health sector in the name of Jesus thank you Father in second Samuel 15 verse 31 a man called a heat affair began to conspire with Absalom against David when David had it David shook first at one first second Samuel 15 that one and one told David saying Ahithophel is among the conspirators with Absalom ah unlimited oh Lord I pray thee turn the counsel of Ahithophel to foolishness wherever you are this day they will lift your voice and me ie travail in the health sector or any sector in Nigeria that are conspiring against the well-being of Nigerians not on the account of foolishness go ahead and pray that God will people conspire to steal money people conspire to create decay David prayed O Lord turned becomes a loafer interfaith the foolishness elected to pray this day wherever you are the Lord every eye heat of a cane in the health sector or any sector in Nigeria that has been conspiring to wreck the economy to rag the earth sector but the actors a little foolishness turn their culture into foolishness turn their culture into foolishness turn their culture into foolishness there are the culture into foolishness or turn the house into foolishness rise yourselves in the health sector Josef's in the health sector res just as in our sectors of economy Oh in the name of Jesus finally a king also rose up God Herod against the church and they had to pray and judgment came upon Herod and when Herod went down be taught multiplied not inherit any I eat affair that is making decisions against the well-being of God's people against the weapons of Nigeria and any other sector lost silence the Herod's pray the name of Jesus Christ Silas I eat affairs sylars Herod's let there be development let Daniels continue to rise let yourselves continue to rise Oh silence Herod silence human silence interfere let yourselves and Daniel's rise that our nation would develop massively thank you Jesus thank you Jesus lift your hands and give thanks to God he answers preyus give him glory give him pants hallelujah [Music] hallelujah I said hallelujah we have been praying for some time I want us to sing a song let's turn our Bibles to the book of Isaiah chapter 25 Oh Lord thou art my god I will exalt thee I will press thy name for thou hast done wondrous things by conscious of old our faithfulness and true press the law Lord thou art my god I will praise you [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] time [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] rush the Lord we are praying concerning Nigerians in diaspora our brothers our sisters our sons our daughters our uncles and our auntie's that I nations of the world we are asking that the favor of God will reach each and every one of them I can tell you we are asking that the favor of God we become aware of life for all our people in the name of Jesus the first thing I want us to do is you're going to change your confession about Nigeria let what people hear about us become good news because everything God made is good God made Nigeria there for Nigeria is good let me say Amen lift up your hand and begin to say something good about Nigeria declare the goodness of God we are blessed nation we are a pre nation we are a nation that is bless resources we are a nation that has land we are a nation that are people that are blessed doctors and medical persons are implanting all manner of people scientists we have all kinds in Nigeria I want to talk we are Martin sir God thank you for blessing our nation in the name of Jesus we want to say O God according to Isaiah 25 verse number 6 and 7 I begin to read and in this mountain the Lord of hosts shalt make unto all people a feast of fat things let there be a feast of fast things in Nigeria and among our brothers and sisters wherever they are the Lord will make a feast of fat things - a feast of wines on the lease very special wines talking about the blessings of the Holy Ghost upon our people hallelujah I said hallelujah the branch of the terrible ones shall be brought low the branch of the terrible ones shall be brought low verse seven which is my prayer point he says and he will destroy in this mountain the face of the covering that has been cast over all people let the face of the covering that has been cast over Nigeria be destroyed I cannot hear you every evil war release of our nation that wherever you go people are speaking bad liquors and in our nation we want to declare by this war today that the covering that has been cast over our nation be destroyed in the name of Jesus I want you to lift up your hand and begin to pray ask God for favor upon our sons and daughters and all the nations of the world God favor Nigerians favor every Nigerian there is an ik continent whether in Asia or United States of America or United Kingdom or anywhere in Europe and in Nigerian that is in Australia that is doing a genuine business or God favored him AHA by reaching a favor by regional favor let our people be known by reason of favor let our people be known by reason of the favor of God let our people be known let our people be known let our people be known that they are favored of the Lord in the name of Jesus we want to pray the God will turn around the image of Nigeria from today the image of Nigeria is changing from today your green passport will become a passport that they love lift up your hand and begin to prophesy when they see my passport let them see the favor of God when they see the passport of my brother in America or Europe or in Asia let them see the favor of God let favor follow the image of Nigeria wherever you go let favor follow in the name of Jesus by the grace of God when I go to preach outside Nigeria there is a bishop we hear your message we know you have a very good word how come your country is like that whenever they ask me I have nothing to say but from today every evil what Wolverine over Nigeria by reason of the name of Jesus we turn it around in the name of Jesus in the name of Jesus we want to pray that Nigerians who develop good character and become law-abiding wherever Nigerians are let them be celebrated for good kurata let them be celebrated for being dissents let them be celebrated for be law-abiding somebody lift up your hand and start to pray begin to pray our men aware we men shall become lower Pilate our sons and daughters shall become law-abiding they shall be known for good character they shall be known for good behavior wherever they are in the organization's they walk the nations were in the walk wherever they are planted let our souls and daughters be known for being low abiding in the name of Jesus somebody shot a big amen for thou hast done wonderful things died conscious of our faithful wah [Music] [Music] [Applause] somebody praise the Lord shout aloud ah hallelujah I'm praying today warring against bloodsuckers kidnappers injustice pain robust human trafficking corruption looting nepotism that's what I'm praying against today as Nigerians we are here to say no to all these things and whatever we decree shall stand do you believe in that this is our country and God as empowered us to decree I want us to look into Isaiah 49 Isaiah 49 Isaiah 49 24 shall Despres be taken from the mighty oh the fearful captives delivered I mean the lawful captive delivered but Todd says the Lord even the captains of the mighty shall be taken away and the prey of the terrible shall be delivered for our concern with them that contend with thee and I will save your children I will feed them that oppressor with your own blood with your own flesh and they shall be drunken with your own blood as we sweet wine and all flesh shall know that I the LORD I am a Savior and our Redeemer the Mighty One of Jacob can someone say louder amen we are going to agree today we're going to make a decree about the nation's Nigeria that every bloodsucker they will suck their own blood we stand in the name of Jesus Christ that from today those who suck blood by accident those who demand blood by sacrifice sacrificing from today the Lord will turn them around they will normal find peace there were no more fines or further every kidnapper in this country there shall be a suppose anywhere they are hiding there will be a suppose there will be a suppose they'll be exposed there'll be a suppose there'll be a sports father every injustice in this country those are practiced injustice they they lie a lot to have a God arise Antonia turbulence I down further we agree and we decree and socially be wherever they are the Lord will expose them wherever they are the Lord will expose them the Sonoma find peace the Sonoma find joy Lord we bring them down you will bring them down you will disgrace them out of Nigeria you will use your skirts to cover their faces they will fall when nobody's watching them Lord we decree because award says so those that are contending with justice in this country concerned with them fights them Don the alive of sidon let them know my heart O take away their joy take away their peace that we are gladness cover them with darkness in the name of Jesus Christ and father those who rob we pay the end the offices that turn figures to suits their family to sue them serve as from today that been their hands are with our Lord our hands on oh my be able to write you will erase your hand and those who does woman trafficking the traffic with human being they shall human being they take our children out of this country to have a God arise and fight this battle fight this battle Jehovah God that when you are doing - a because anyone doing it from today your because any traffic you are doing your days are numbered your days are numbered find out the Holy Ghost will chase you we stop you anywhere you are we stop you anywhere we are we raise the name of Jesus Christ over this nation trafficking stop trafficking stop traffic in stop trafficking stop but I will present Quran shocked the nation is so corrupt everybody wants money money money money they are not talking out about the well-being of Nigeria from today your spirit of corrosion unrest them you demon in charge of corruption arrest them send them to jail send them to prison load them up Lord legume normalcy peace jabber guard arrives and fight for us Jesus arrives and those are saluting our money they lose our money we are suffering here to have a god we see their family visitor generation later generation or Germany now suffering that inhalation Ottoman of China whipping excel LAN arise arise arise sugandha sugandha Samba Samba Samba Samba Samba sugandha Samba Samba Samba Samba Samba Samba Samba Samba Samba Samba Samba Samba shot them down further we are prophesying now we stand on this name standing on the finished work of cover you said it is finished and what is finished is finished further we agree with one another and anybody that wants to reverse this case that we prayed for today we pair with this own child [Applause] [Music] they will pair with their own children that we built with your first phone then we pair with your last one there we better we better we better we better we better we better we better we better they will pay the repair they will grow with our generation that generation will not notice the children will not notice they will not have any heritage that salmon is turned upside down Java rise and fight your battle have all the glory have all honor have all our direction where we lived presence back to you in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Ghost can somebody show Jesus we are going to soldiers or seven times because the battle is over can we soldiers or seven times [Music] get that la presse give him a high praise just shout to the glory of God [Music] that the children of God praise the Lord praise the Lord praise the living Jesus we are going to pray now for ourselves that God should continue to favor us with good weather with bountiful harvests with safety and security on our roads in the air in our business places in any place where we are serving God that he himself will be the one that provides us with everything that we need and the Lord is leading us today to look at ourselves and say that when we pray about our weather what we pray about our harvests we're praying about something that only the Lord God provides for us it is his Providence that we are playing about it is the fact that he is going to give us those things that will lead us to success to fruitfulness and we don't have to ask him to do this because he started everything by making provision for us in the creation of the world our Lord God Almighty in His divine wisdom created everything he created plants he created animals he created space he even created climate created weather before he created man in other words he had made provision for us for everything that we're going to need to live this life and because he has made this provision we do not have to worry we don't have to be anxious in Genesis were told that even in making plants and animals God Himself has built into each plant each animal the capacity to renew itself the seed is inside the creation we do not have to go anywhere to look at to look for these things and it must be something that we think about from time to time if our Father in heaven made all this provision it must be because he does not want us to worry he does not want us to be anxious he wants us to know that whatever we are going to need is already provided that is why our Lord Jesus Christ says what we should be doing is to seek first his kingdom and his righteousness because he has made provision for everything and you know sometimes when we look at our country we say that we're not a rich country we say some people even say that were a poor country but not only not in the hands of Almighty God because God's provisions have made us rich children of God God's provisions have made us rich and because we're rich all we have to pray for is that God will help us to make use of his provisions to his pleasure because he made provisions in this world for his purpose and he put us here so that we can work for his purpose therefore whatever we have to do to make God's purpose to be fulfilled in Nigeria he has made all the provision and so our prayer for weather for safety for security is going to be in three segments first we will thank God we will say father thank you for what you have done already we do not have to ask God to make provision he has done so say with me father we are grateful that without our asking you you have made provision you have provided everything that we need and Lord we are grateful accept our thanks father because we offer these things in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ thank you Father but the people who study these things tell us something they say that the kind of climate we have the kind of weather that we enjoy the kind of soil that we have in our country naturally lead to fruitful growth but if you drop your seed in the soil you can leave it there and by the wisdom of God by the mercy of God it will germinate it was proud to blossom and it will bear fruit that is our experience that is our experience and that is what we are thanking God for but the second part of our prayer will be this because scientists who have studied this matter tell us that when we grow these crops and we harvest our crops more than 40% of what we harvest goes to waste it goes to waste because we do not know how to preserve what we grow it goes to waste because we are not contentious in doing the things we must do to get what we have to the place where it is needed and so there are millions of Nigerians who every day are praying to be released from starvation to be released from poverty and yet my Lord God has provided in this country the release from poverty already we have no excuse to be talking about poverty because he has given us a climate and a weather that produces fruit in abundance but because we have not learned how to use what God has provided because we have not learned how to deploy this provision so that it can give us the best in our own best interests that is why we find ourselves constantly talking about poverty about starvation about unemployment what God has done in this country has already cancelled all of those things and therefore the second part of our prayer will be father we want to learn from you we want you to teach us how to use your provision in our lab further we need your wisdom we need your wisdom so that what you have given us does not go to waste so that we do not with our own hands destroy the provision you have made we know we do not have the wisdom we do not have the ability to do these things by ourselves because without you Father we know that we are nothing and every day we see evidence evidence of the fact that we need help we need help Lord to put to use that which you have given us so our prayer this morning father is that by your must because you are a merciful God because you love us because you want us to do well you will teach us father how to use what you have given us and Lord as you teach us give us the spiritual humility to learn to know that we have to learn from you and as we learn further let us be able to apply in our lives what you have taught us and the third part of our prayer will be this but indeed we should never deny God anymore God has made his provision in this land he has given us what we need just as he provided everything in the Garden of Eden before he sent Adam and Eve there so he has provided for us in this land all that we need before he sent us here therefore the third part of her prayer shall be that we ourselves will now acknowledge our identity we are the favored of God God has favoured us in this land with a good climate with good weather and the Bible says that when God gives us these blessings he does not add sorrow to it so the Lord has rescued us from earthquakes from tsunamis from all kinds of things that destroy [Applause] let us ask God to help us to appreciate what he has done because the way to appreciate what God has done the best way to appreciate what God has done is to use it the way he wants us to use it because he has given us everything and that is because He loves us and yet many times we ourselves forget that our Lord God is the provider we did not provide any of this he is a provider when Paul was writing to Timothy he said command all those who are rich in this world command all those who are rich in this world to remember that their riches come from God our riches are not just money we are rich because we are blessed by God therefore our prayer is to go to that passage in first Timothy first image first Timothy well where Paul said took Moses talked to Timothy command those who are rich in this world to remember that God gave them these things so that they can do good to develop the story of the spirit of doing good the spirit of giving the spirit of sharing spirit of giving and the spirit of sharing the Lord God wants to remind us of when our Lord Jesus Christ fed the 5,000 and at the end the Bible says that everybody had eaten as much as they wanted not as much as they needed but as much as they wanted and after they had satisfied themselves My Lord Jesus Christ said now collect all the leftovers bring all the leftovers together so that nothing will be lost nothing will be wasted child of God when you are blessed in your farm when you are blessed in your business when you are blessed in your endeavor bring the leftover together because God wants you to share God wants you to look at those who are in need and use whatever you have as access to bless the people who are in need you know what the Lord is saying to me is that if only all of us particularly those who are blessed by God and who acknowledge that they are blessed by God if they will then from their abundance give to the work of God share with other people bless other people with what God has given us that is when we will realize the real benefit in our Goodweather the real benefit in our bountiful harvests that is one we shall not ourselves destroy ourselves on our roads through bad driving will not destroy ourselves in the air through carelessness we will use the gifts of God to serve the purpose of God we will use the gifts of God to express the love of God therefore please bow your hearts as we pray and as we say father please help us we know that we need help because for everything you have given us we have learned how to misuse them even our leaders who should be putting things together for the benefit of all of us we see what they're doing Lord you give us on our farms in our land a lot of crops and harvest and what happens some of us go to those farms and destroy those prophecies some of us go to those farms and burn them up father forgive us father forgive us I didn't hear you father forgive us we need forgiveness because unless the Lord forgives us we cannot get out of this bad behavior but God has given us good weather he has given us bountiful harvests he has given us the ability to operate on our roads and enough offices to our own safety and security bow your hearts therefore as we say to the father father we are your people not because we chose to be your people but because you made us your people you made us your people because you love us and for everything that you do for us we can see that you do these things because of your love for us further we are praying to you that you will help us help us to make use of your provisions to serve your purpose to bless other people to bless our nation and we know Lord that you want to bless this nation therefore we pray that those of us who are called by your name and to whom you've given the privilege of knowing you that we'll submit our hearts to you that you will enter into our hearts today and make us better people make us the kind of people that can make the best use of your provisions and as we do this Lord let your blessings continue to visit us into our hearts into our coming to our party [Music] [Music] into our hearts [Music] [Music] [Music] shoddy speed entangling oh Jesus I've been asked to pray for the families the elders and the peas and the joy in the families I once also read Genesis chapter 1 verse 28 Genesis 21 was trained series of us from 527 so God created man in his own image in the image of God created Eve Eve make male and female created either in verse 28 he says and God bless them and God said unto them be fruitful and multiply and replenish the earth and subdue it and have dominion over the fish of the sea and over the fowl of the air and over every living thing that moveth upon the death brethren this was the plan of God for the family initially and you see how that plan he has never changed so we are going to thank him for the good plan he has all our families and the one we have enjoyed even up to this time let us begin to thank him give him thanks he created us in His image and likeness male and female bless us and inside we should be fruitful and multiply and replenish the earth subdue it and have dominion over the fish of the sea everything God has planned for every family member life from reception has been a good plan let's take him for his good plan do burrows let's thank him for all he has made ready for us to enjoy what if father we have in him what a good god he is to us thank you for the delivery your wife has had thank you for the share tires put on your hand your family thank you for the beautiful children that God has given to you for signs and wonders thank him for your marriage as family members give him praise let him hear your sound of gratitude today in still the same God he changed at North that plan still remained the same giving praise let's give him thanks what a father we have is you the Lord of all the ages past our hopeful years to come we thank you we thank you we thank you for the good plans to help our families in Jesus mighty name we have sank in it did not create us in His image and likeness alone then it showed us some guidelines so that those blessings in heart for us can be built manifest in Ephesians chapter 5 verse 33 the Bible tells us how our family should be officials 533 seas nevertheless let every one of you in particular so love his wife even as himself and the wife see that she reverence her husband and in official statistics was one it continues the children obey your parents in the Lord for this is right honor thy father and mother which is the first commandment with promise that it may be well with thee and thou may ha males live long on the land brethren all these that God wanted us to do in our family but it has been abuse there are lot of abuse among husband and wife cheating lying unfaithfulness lack of love and anything you can think about divorce in our land children had been disobeying parents lack of fear of God even among the parents and the children we are now going to ask God please forgive all the abuse all the abuses we are told in all our family shall we begin to ask him for forgiveness Father forgive us we have abused the law of marriage we have her build so many things that you have asked us to do in our homes we have abused them you said we should love our husbands and the wives you please just reference the husband all these are upside down in our homes in Nigeria today children are no longer bidden to the appearance they go the whole way they obey the law of the internet and you and I and everything about the social media more than the appearance and the law of God let us ask God for forgiveness because charity begins from home if God is going to prosper Nigeria is more plasma he must prosper our family face let's ask him for forgiveness open your mouth every one of us we are guilty of this if you are not a father you are a mother if you are not a mother you are a child in the home let's ask him for forgiveness all kinds of unfaithfulness disobedience to the law of God cheating and lying in the family hatred disobedience lack of fear of God let's ask God to please forgive us in Jesus mighty name we have prayed in second Timothy chapter 1 verse 12 second Timothy chapter 1 verse 12 the Bible says Paul told Timothy that is marswell dead that's what rebels committed it is found it will keep it at the end of the day let's now commit all our family members into the hand of God that's God will bring a turnaround to all our family members from sickness to good health from poverty to prosperity everything we want that was begin to ask God to bring to the families in Nigeria protection from all kinds of evil lack of job that God will be moving and let you be abundance in our lungs every form of sorrow Suzy's untimely death she sees the substantial see Lazaro must end in all our lungs failures of any kind mercies begins to play opium mark like God hear your cry concerning the families in Nigeria the so free must end we need to ask him he can't do it that's why we are here because we know you can hear our cry that God will bring eternal and for the families of distillation joblessness will cease sickness will cease disobedience will seize everything evil must have a must Karma's Putin and to his that Nigerian families we begin to enjoy and then we begin to her peace in Jesus name we pray let's pray for our elders all the elders those who are above is false in all our homes that are the signals that comes with old age will not be their portion that's Parkinson disease stroke brain wave loss of memory all kinds of evil trees that comes with old age will not be the apportion shall we begin to pray McCrory ke moko Cellini manta ray no por aqui aqui gimme console ka moku G remote second amore mio Cellini oh we commissioned our elders in our lands in your hand that's as from today are the diseases are come from from with an Aldrich with ease in their lives we don't want any play where we don't want any loss of memory for them no stroke no blindness no deafness anything that comes his old age will rebuke angry reject no Parkinson disease in our society all our elders we pray Lord we keep them safe and they will be Helen ha see to the end of the day in Jesus name we have prayed we are going to pray for all of our youth that's all the evil of the media we have no passion in their lives again that's God we have them to lucontour him for their needs and we know God shall we begin to pray for our youth further no we commit all our use into your hand let them know you Jehovah further every member of our family that has not known you Father we pray today the day of their salvation will come and you will touch their hearts we pray that the influence of the media the social media we see the evil influence of the social media will cease in the lives of our youth that we know God so that they can to exploit their own time father we pray Lord that everything that has been in disorder in all our families will come back to other and God with a control ranking father because we know is in storm they are going to pray but every form of instability in our families God will remove them that the joy of the family that is satin afresh today we continue to the end of detail please we continue every storm of violence of consequencies balanus we removed diabetes will no longer be our portion shall we begin to pray Lord Almighty we ask that we calm again and bring your peace into all our homes every area we are we are lucky Jehovah you will bring down your peace your joy and no more sickness no more cancer no more ballerinas normal diabetes every form of disease that the devil has brought into our family members today we pray that your healing power will come down you become with your hidden from your wings and we fly over every family members over every home in Nigeria today and visit them with your peers and your healings socialists be in Jesus Mycenae we have prayed finally we are going to pray that the blessings of God that is already pronounced for families in Genesis chapter one question series we be reactivated in all of our families the blessings of multiplication the blessings of peace the blessings of joy shall we begin to ask him further Lord let your blessings come back to our families oh that were pronounced our families in the past today lessons begin to reactivate every blessings of multiplication every place is you have already done that we should one be fruitful we should replenish the earth we should subdue and have dominion over the fish of the sea over the fowl of the air and over every living thing that moveth upon the earth Lord we ask today that your power and your mind and your mercy Lord let all these reactions come to pass again we no longer abuse them bless every family member in Nigeria today bless your mercy come down on us a new an afresh socialist be in Jesus mighty name the Lord of Abraham Isaac on she called Jehovah [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] father we thank you the Lord of Abraham Isaac and of Jacob our own God the god of our families in Nigeria both home and abroad but thank you for whom Watts was our we are saying today in that we forgive all the abuse we have done every form of abusing all our homes against your wish father today forgive us and please every one of our elders no more decisions for them father we bring their old age you will carry them every form of barrenness we disappear from our homes every form of poverty we disappear every form of sickness and concern all kinds we disappear is we no longer be our portion they are for us to today that good plan too hard for us initially in Genesis chapter 1 verse 28 we call my life again in the name of Jesus nada be fruitfulness nada be multiplication in all our families and let there be peace and I be joy I love today mark the beginning of the good beginning in all our homes in Jesus mighty name we have paid [Music] [Music] [Music] are you tired then everyone on the 55 years stand on your feet everyone on the 55 years stand on your feet can we take this song three times all power belong to you all power belongs to you [Music] [Music] [Music] shall we all declare and say power belongs to you in heaven and on earth our power belongs to you proclaim it and declare proclaim it and declare whether as we gather here we say our power all are our glory they belong to you and we give you the glory in Jesus name we pray we shall now pray for the youth my definition of the youth is from 55 than words shall we read the scriptures some a hundred and forty-four verse 12 saves that ourselves maybe as plants grown up in their youth that our daughters may be a Spillers sculptured in Palace style shall we also see 1st Timothy first Timothy chapter 4 read from this 12 it says let no one despise your youth but be an example to the believers in Word in conduct in love in spirit in faith and in purity to start our prayers let's go to Malachi the last book of the Old Testament and is ended the Old Testament ended with a promise Malachi the last verse and it reads and he will talk and everyone said town the hats of the father's to the children and the hats of the children to the father's lest I come and strike the earth with a curse Sadie's after your Lord may you turn turn around the hats of the youth to the fathers and the hats of the father's to the youth let me be an awakening lady a me Reviva in the hearts of the youth towards the heavenly father and towards their earthly father open your mouth and pray Oh Lord we ask for an awakening we pray for every fiber in the hats of the youth across the land let there be a turning around turn and overturn and avatar an alert on and on and on the hats of the youths back to the father but to the Heavenly Father back to the earthly father and Oh Lord let me be a turning around of the heart of the father's but to the youths Oh God Lenya be harmony between the youths and the father and Heavenly Father like the prodigal son maybe you'd return maybe you treated many youth returned in Jesus name service after me or not every youth living in rebellion against their fathers every youth living in disobedience against their fathers turn their hearts back turn their hearts back turn your hands back to your father's open your mouth and pray Oh Lord all the youths who are living in rebellion who are living in disobedience may you tell me hearts back to the Heavenly Father back to the earthly father lenio be peace lenio be harmony lenio be reconciliation this we pray in Jesus name and the people of God said recently it was reported in the newspaper over 200,000 youths who qualify for admission they don't have a place in any of the universities there are about 74 private universities but they cannot admit all the people let's pray for the youth may the Lord make a way for them to be educated amen open your Mountain pray Oh Lord bless the youths in the education make a way for the youth to be educated in this nation or not expand our educational facilities to accommodate the youths open your mouth and pray where are we pray that oh god you will expand our educational system and that you will bless our educational system that our youths will gain admission our youth will be educated our youths will be taking care of our youths will grow in the knowledge of God help them oh god we pray in the name of Jesus in Jesus name let's pray that God will restore sanity to our educational system for the youths sanity standard values in our educational system for the youth said it's all art rest of rest our standards value in our educational system for the youths open your mouth and pray O Lord with strong standards and quality in our educational system for the sake of the youth that the youth may benefit and may you bless them in the name of Jesus and God's people say unemployment is high among the youths but God can do a miracle mmm God can give them wisdom to be self-employed so shall we ask the Lord the giver of all good peeps to bless our youths with the wisdom for job creation to create jobs for our youth Sadie's after my own heart you are the giver of all good gifts you are the giver of wisdom give our youth jobs jobs jobs jobs give them we stop for self employment make away for jobs for them we pray open your mouth and pray ho good we pray for our youths that you will make a way for them may you bless them and provide jobs provide jobs provide jobs provide jobs for them in the name of Jesus in Jesus name we pray our youths are victims of all kinds of abuses drug abuse sexual abuse and so on but today the Lord will deliver our youths Sade's a formula arise over our youths and deliver them from all manner of abuse sexual abuse drug abuse internet abuse pornographic abuse all kinds of abuse deliver them delivered a believer them believer them believer then open your mouth and pray for I believer our youths and set them free from every bondage from every captivity from every kind of abuse set them free second free set them free set them free in Jesus name we pray our God is a teacher of good values amen wherever our youths are in this mission and if you are a youth here join your hands with every any other youth around you God would teach our youth good values good values to God will move in a supernatural way and cause a revival among our youth do you believe it satis Anthony rod you are the great teacher you are a teacher teach our youth the ways of the Lord teach our youth the right values teach them the fear of God teach them the ways of God costs a Reviver egg grits are working among our youth and the people of God say [Music] lastly let's pray that God will give our youths good partners everyone's a good balance good friends the frame you have determines who where you end up or not bless our youths with good partners the right partners bless our youth with good friends that they will live righteously they will live in the fear of the Lord their lives will bring glory to you and God's people say God's people say all the youth shout [Music] somebody shout hallelujah we have less than 30 minutes to go and so I expect you you started hot especially to end hot we want to pray for the church on the day of Pentecost when the church was born fire fair lift your voice to the Almighty God and law Lord God Almighty send down your fire on the church in Nigeria open your mouth and cry to the all night to go further today send down your fire oh no the churches in Nigeria let your fire fall let your fire fall let your fire fall all mighty God today like in the day of Pentecost let the fire for Oh Lord God Almighty lady fire run the revolutionary macaca to derogatorily mahasaya let the fire for life in the day of Pentecost my father Lamech Oh upon the church in Nigeria let the fire fall let the fire of the Holy Spirit fall send our viola King of glory send down your fire mama McAfee live in the river Peru durable Shantaram a katana the charges particuarly quote your church was born fairly hot sent down the Firelord rain care room before she clear India market and aerial photo montage satire in all the churches in Nigeria and if I have for today let the fire 490 fire for Navy fire for Lord o my father may go put an end to all form of lukewarmness in your church let the fire fall let the fire fall children mark chapter number 2 my father Michael let's go 5 4 let's go file for [Music] likely the day of Pentecost let your fire for this very moment lady fire for put an end to all form of lukewarmness in your terms no father let the fire fall Kingdom Authority Rebecca catherine de Clermont I shot a corner a macaron take a rocket at Orono for city rocket and back to my offer plenty Firefall o my Lord and my Savior right from the trove of ever today like a fire phone and our anak acutally recovered a Rebecca Security Rebecca Tata let's on fire fall your charge was for when to fire fair magnifier follow plenty fire for that if I fall today like if I afford to be that if I have for today but if I alcohol that defy our fall they can fire and remarkably revolutionary maca Katherine shut up before dinner sadly they effectively render before [Music] further data file let a fire for 30 fire for 30 fire phone in Jesus mighty name we have prayed the winter lift over to the Almighty God answer father any agents of the devil - 18 on that the canopy of the Church of Christ let the fire fall on them let the fire for anyone pretending to be a child of God pretending to be a Christian the - is actually an agent of the devil Lord God Almighty send on your fire today let the fire fall cleanse your church Lord God Almighty every plant you have not planted must be rooted Oh send down your fire please my father Michael let your churches become what you prevent them to be here or karate any future my father my god let defy upon them or let your fire followed let the fire of the Almighty God come upon all those who are corrupting your churches enriching themselves to be the Church of Christ when they are actually synagogues of the devil laws send down your fire let the fire fall almighty go then if I fall today and if I fall today let if I fall and burn up everything that is not of God in all your churches do you today Lord you are the Lord of Hosts showed your world that you can take care of your own o my father Michael let your fire for purify your churches purify your churches this very moment particularly the Church of Christ that is a Nigeria the body of Christ the true body of Christ in Nigeria purify Allah treat my father Michael in Jesus mighty name who have prayed lift over to the Almighty God answer father you promised us that it is of hell we not prevail against your church every enemy of the church destroy open your mouth and try to the Almighty God every enemy of the church in Nigeria my father and my god destroy today destroy to be destroyed today all those who are focusing on the Church of God for the purpose of disruption father destroy them first destroy them first what you promised us is that the days of air will not prevail against your church Lord God Almighty arise fulfill your promise the radicals of every day or every enemy of the church benighted a particular destroy Almighty God don't spare them don't spare them every liberal agenda against your church consume it with fire Almighty God all those will focus in on your church for the purpose of destruction destroy their fists let your fire consume them let your fire consume them that your fire consume them right now right now you can as we pray let your fire consume them please not God Almighty fulfill your promise to fill your problems your profits same to my father in Jesus mighty name we have prayed and they live your voice with your mighty God as a father and power your church in all churches let me reduce become Foreman please go ahead open your mouth and try to the Almighty God and by your church Lord O Lord God Almighty your choice should be your hospital the Choshu videos of the Almighty God should be a place of healing the place of deliverance a place of breakthrough a place for truthfulness Empire total or keep the glory empower a church let me reduce become commonplace in the church is material that miracles are on a daily basis he'll miraculously deliver me recklessly neck deep REM free to set the captives free hola when the end is for sweet anyone and they run into any of your turkeys immediately the double deliverance empower a church revive the church Oh Lord let the miracles begin again that miracles began Grampa volunteer mo % a big pyramid a photo remember takateru Nicki Minaj attack please Lord God Almighty revive your church empower your church do marvellously slow o my lord o my Savior revive your jobs to D do not velocities for to the glory of the holiness - hoggonomics [Music] thank you Father in Jesus mighty name we have prayed lift your voice to the Almighty God answer father your word says in Genesis 11 by six that because the people who are of one language because they are uniting it nothing they want will be withheld from them pray loud and clear sir father unite your church so that we can't begin to do the impossible please lift up your voice and cry to the Almighty go unite your church Allah so that we can begin to possibly Mikko wand Oh Lord please Lord God Almighty unite your challenge so that we can begin to do the impossible because one all of your charge one that was my father on leg let us be United let us be united because one one indivisible what so that when we pray with one voice oh the possible will become possible your nights are so low your nights are so low unite to Asuna thank you my father in Jesus mighty name we have prayed lift over to the Almighty God answer father trip over Nigeria beginning from here let the fire Reviva spread Oh let the sauce become Lord in Nigeria lift reversal Almighty God chica Bonita yellow send a file Reviver from here - nobody submission let Jesus become bored let every knee bow to the name of Jesus in this land take over God take over this life sect they are afraid with the fire Reviva beginning from now [Music] set material of limb for you Oh Lord God Almighty through marvelous things Levi Barbara College today in all your touches throughout this mission let my body be very very soon begin to cry to the Almighty God that Jesus is Lord please do it learn to live you are the glow we'll give you all the money in Jesus mighty name we have prayed now I want to I want you to realize that Nigeria is made up of individuals you me your sister your brothers we came into this world one at a time the fall is where we toss me one by one all will be well with Nigeria I'm going to give you ten minutes without interruption to pray for yourself pray for your family pray for your town pray for your village pray that the Lord of Hosts who arrives and fight for you as your mighty God to solve all your problems or your family problems all the problems in your villages are the problems in your towns all the problems in your churches are the problems in your places of work go to God as an individual now and so lord I have come to you now this me now me and you Almighty God me and my family me Lord and my village me and my cities me and the church under my control me and my walkling please please Lord God Almighty arise Lord fight for me fight for my family fight Lord for my village approach every evil that is in my village destroy every curse that is in my family destroy every curse that is in my town in my cities lord I come to you now is you and I please Lord God Almighty perfect that which concerns me now solve all my problems all not God Almighty all those who have lineage or me and my family let a fire consume them all those who want to Trump it my destiny my father my god don't let them see the end of this month all those who sight will not be ware with my children all those who have made up their mind that they will stand between me and fullness of joy approach them or pretend Lord unless they repent today unless you repent before the Sun falls father approach them everything that is contrary to move your will in my life my father and my god removal today heal me Lord make me completely whole destroy sickness in my body destroy a sickness in my soul destroy sickness in my spirit every part plant you have not planted in my body Lord God Almighty approaches to day everything Lord God Almighty that is in any way contrary to your plan for my life my father oh my god wipe it away today give me a new beginning give me a new beginning of joy the new beginning of success a new beginning of progress a new bigger no fruitfulness Lord give me a new beginning well fresh oil of me Lord give me fresh anointing strengthen me Lord so I can do more for you let me know you more let me love you more let me serve you better empower me Lord Almighty like never before to rest ahead to make the blind see to make delay walk Lord God Almighty empar me to cure the incurable empar me Lord Almighty to leave us really possible oh no no first I come to you today for fresh oil on me increase one want to know for my life use me Lord God Almighty to make thy bones live again open new doors for me long make ways where there were no ways before even those that I don't know idea my father my god open them for me wherever I go let him let me find favor with you let me find favor with me o my father my God if there be anybody my family that is an agent of the devil Lord God Almighty or proof such a fellow do it yourself approve such a fellow in your own miraculous way Drew is clinically do it in such a way that everybody will know you ago my father my god I'm asking that you will take care of everyone connected with me all those who wish me well it'll be well with them everyone who will bless me let them be blessed oh my father oh my god anyone so close to me that if anyone should happen to them it to affect me keep evil far away from them I come to you today help me you had to help of the helpless assist to me Lord grant my request grant my request all my friends who I'm any form of need my father my god meet their needs please Lord all those who call me daddy bless them to be let them receive a father's blessing bless them beyond their wildest imaginations all those who call me daddy my father my god let them be greater than I'll empower them stranded and promote them fight their battles for them show yourself to be the Almighty on their behalf Oh Lord God Almighty do something new today in my life do something unforgettable do something glorious do mighty mighty mighty things bless me beyond even my capacity to contain enlarged micros Lord move me from glory to glory take me to a higher level Lord take me to a plane much higher than I please Lord God Almighty let there be no more sorrow in my family let there be no more premature death let there be no sickness please my father and my god there have been no accidents let there be no bad news let there be no evil report for the rest of my life let me go see our cool new let him beware with me Lord and answer my prayer by fire as all my prayers by fire ants all my prayers by fire Ram keshiki render a macaroon take a bucket under every door that I've not gotten out to remain closed let them be opened now in the mighty name of Jesus by I decree that every mountain blocking my way be booked right now and because into the sea o Lord God Almighty smile on me today smile on me today smile on me today thank you Father in Jesus mighty name we have prayed our final prayer I wanted to please Tyne join hands together we are going to pray for your nipple remember the love a vest whatever you showed us water would join hands together and say father pray for this your child I'm holding answer him or her by fire go ahead talk to the almighty go my father my god I'm joining my hands with all this your children answer them by fire rocket children dream Akash Indira Motorola answer every one of them by fire answer every one of them by fire [Applause] as I every one of them by fire [Applause] raccoon room and a rainbow person directly turned a mob for Shanta I answer every one of them by fire everything they have asked for what I do for them what the author was for that he forgot father given to them bless them to a fluey my father may God bless them to a flowing because they have come to pray for your precious munition Nigeria bless them to a flowing pleasant overflowing Lord do more for them that idea as for and let your name be glorified forever thank you Father in Jesus mighty name we have prayed finally for just two three minutes why don't we just go ahead AM bless the name of the Lord I thank him for making this day possible let's glorify soul in a let's praise the king of kings let's praised a lot of laws let's pretend play see I am data [Music] yes almighty go he's the Alpha please you begun [Music] Sasori there that's big of glory that's really about Eurasian blessed blessed blessed [Music] thank you thank you Father thank you God the Father thank you God the Son time to go to your district title Blessed Trinity Thank You alpha Thank You origin Thank You agent of this time to thank you time to on changing Virginia time to got no for missions Oh blessed be or holy them blessed be your holy bless that be five thank you all Almighty God [Applause] [Music] Wow thank you all my painful in Jesus mighty name we have prayed and so my father my God thank you for Nigeria thank you for this day thank you for this meeting thank you because we knew you have already had us thank you because we know the answer has already come further we look forward with excitement to the news that will begin to come from now on Father accept our tongues in Jesus name I commit all your children who have come into your hands and now to those who are linked with us all over the nation please Lord God Almighty bless them let their blessings overflow even as we know that the future of Nigeria is going to be glorious let the home feature also be glorious and grant everybody johnny mathis backhoe thank you my father thank you for answered prayers the Jesus mighty name we have prayed oh let somebody shot a big Alleluia when you end this spirit we bless the name of the Lord somebody asks are we going to take off free we don't call this meeting for the purpose of taking an offering but since the Bible says we should then come before God empty-handed we will put Vasquez all over the place if you feel like giving to God feel free to do so if not the Lord will go with two hours ago but in the meantime a team will just sing and dance and then go the peace in the mighty name of Jesus god bless you all [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music]
Channel: RCCG
Views: 24,246
Rating: 4.7966104 out of 5
Id: ZG-G7dmvoJk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 194min 17sec (11657 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 13 2018
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