Darktide: Patch #12 - A Brief Commentary

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Reginald here and good morning everyone it's patch 12 today so let's go through what's here because there's actually a lot of significant changes that are very good for the game in this patch when you boot up the game today the first thing you're going to be greeted by is this menu explaining that all of your currencies have been merged across your entire account to me this change is wonderful and is one of the key changes they needed to make that I've talked about already before they started adding content in now personally I would have been fine if they had added some classes before making this change but I think most people will be a lot happier that they've made this change before they start adding classes that way when the new class shows up they can just use their pre-existing resources to maximize getting the new equipment once they hit max level with that class that's going to be a lot better gameplay experience for current players and also for new players as they go along maybe trying out different classes so this is just a great change another big change and the one that I'm personally most excited about because I think the gameplay in the game is so good and this highlights the gameplay best is the auric mission board they've taken a lot of the things that we were all clamoring for the key and fun mission types like high shock true Gauntlet high intensity damnation missions and they've shoved them into their own sections next to an extra Hard Mode called Maelstrom so that us crazy people can go get our teeth smashed in by the hardest mode possible while having the darndest good time possible and that's great this game really needed that for us more experienced players and I think it's going to help give the game a lot of Life at the end game where we're all looking for that challenge to keep the game really interesting I think this is an amazing change it's going to be a real benefit to the long-term viability of the product and as well plus this is what I've been wanting to do the whole time every time I put up the game this is what I want to do and I know a lot of people who are like me and so I've talked about it before and I think we're all going to be really happy with this change most of all because the game play part of the game is so much fun before I get into the other big change a couple fixes and tweaks caught my eye two of them I'm pretty interested in as good changes uh they adjusted the calculations for burst fire blessings hopefully that will help with blaze away on some weapons that haven't that aren't getting full Stacks they also lowered Reaper's push Force when hitting players for humans down to five from six and for oberyns from six to two this means ogres are gonna feel a lot more aggressive for pushing into enemy Gunner groups and I'm wondering how that's going to really feel hopefully it makes the ogren feel a lot tougher they also fixed the bug where buns decided to do power squats instead of charging players and I like that change of course but it is going to be a little sad to see that funny bug go and they've also tweaked down rager's normal attack duration and I don't think that means they're chains I think that means the occasion where they take a swipe at you hopefully this makes them a little more dangerous not easier I'd like my enemies to try to kill me harder not less the final big change is a change to the crafting system and how it's been working around locks I used to be that you could only re-roll one perk and one blessing on any weapon you rolled up they've changed the system to be you can reroll any combination of any two of those perks or blessings locking the other choices now I have argued in the past that breaking the blocks was probably the best course fashion but maybe not the only course of action and there might be an alternative approach so this is the alternative approach fast shark has come up with and I am fully aware of much of the criticism levied against this approach and I think a lot of that criticism is totally fair but the system has some advantages like don't think maybe it's getting full credit for so I just like to show you what it's like to roll up a weapon now and discuss some of the advantages of the system for most players in trying to get adequate gear for the average damnation run hagvin here is my psycher and he has a pretty good elysi as it is but I really want one with Slaughter and executor there was nothing in the Armory exchange nor melks for that matter so I'm not gonna be able to get slaughterer that way there are a lot of four sword blessings I don't have because I don't play psycho that much so I'm going to go ahead and roll up a new base using the unsilid resources I didn't have enough money to do this before so let's take advantage of that new functionality now with a couple of decent 360 plus roles with good distributions let's head over to hadron's hard luck hurt box and see what we can get hey I have some cool dark tide content coming out soon if you like what I'm doing go ahead subscribe to my channel hey well I just rolled deflector I didn't expect that but I'm happy about it okay well Unstoppable power is kind of math so I'm gonna have to re-roll that one but I'm going to leave deflector on this even though it's not what I was going for and I will turn this weapon into a new base so I'll just re-roll the plus one stamina and off we go I'm gonna quick try to roll up another one okay so I rolled something pretty decent here I got two good perks and I have unstable power and uh executor so I actually only need to really re-roll one of these things though I could easily rolling them into a 25 perk instead the problem is this weapon's a lower base than my other elysi so I think I'll just take executor off this one and use it for something else well as mentioned unstable power isn't that good so let's throw that level 4 executor on this and then I've still got one re-roll for whatever I want to use probably stamina I suppose the problem is and I'll remind you I set out to get slaughterer for one of my other illicits that I already have that's a good role and instead I got another really great Alicia with deflector and executor but it wasn't what I wanted it's just a good weapon I'm confident that it's pretty easy to get good to Great weapons now with the new system but it's still not possible to get what you want once you have all the blessings unlocked it should be fairly easy to get a nearly perfect weapon every time you try you'll go get your 360 plus if you'll roll it up you'll replace both blessings you'll tough out whatever perks you have because they're not usually that impactful on most weapons and so most of the time you're gonna have a really great weapon whenever you want on demand this system works for the majority case of getting to that like 80 90 threshold there's still a little room in there for God rules to really come in and give that excitement factor and I kind of like that on the whole and for me as a person doing an aggressive testing pair Paradigm this is an opportunity for me to you know have two blessings to swap out on the same weapon so I can test all the different things and completely one-to-one scenarios but if I wanted to get a specific blessing on a weapon without having them all unlocked already there's no way to do that yet so to me the main weakness of the system now is not the locks but the lack of targeted blessing acquisition so that's my proposal for fixing this problem in general and my general thoughts on how this lock system now works is generally being a pretty good change it's not what we wanted exactly but overall it's pretty good and I guess I'll just leave you with some footage here on my way out the door of my first attempt at a Maelstrom Mission so far I've heard nothing but good things about these they're super fun to play so far in my experience over the one run I had I hope to have the rest of that chain weapon video out this week I've been working very hard on it but it's taking a lot of time and uh thanks so much for visiting everybody have a wonderful day she's dead watch for the flame [Music] the tops we shall drive them into the open thank you everyone's so loud questions glorious Imperium we aren't honored us must be perfect grenade [Music] ain't coming back this way that's what wins was I thought it was fortuitously unfair odd that one was that kill that box first step foreign [Applause] [ __ ] up we need nothing ah don't swim again thank you again isn't it obvious and tell me so much about things [Music] thank you I am ready step detonated corrupted Flash meditation enemies [Applause] thank you the mutant is dead interruption break it down flashes face one more fight welcome hate me at once [Music] that legit was awesome
Channel: Reginald
Views: 1,451
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: darktide, patch12, patch#12, chaxe, chainaxe
Id: iqC_G3vlcDA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 39sec (879 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 08 2023
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