Dawnstar has a 0% unemployment rate

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the town of Dawnstar an often forgotten little Port Town on the northern coast of Skyrim nestled between ancient Mountains and the chilly Northern sea but what's really going on underneath the surface of this odd and hard-working Town how is the local economy doing well that is what I'm going to figure out today as we do another unemployment report this time for the city of Dawnstar okay hello folks I have a question for you what is the best way to get a sense of the unemployment in a local area that's right we've got to do a direct survey of all the citizens of Dawnstar every single one including this little kid and then we will add up all of that data and present it to you in a press conference at the end but let's not get ahead of ourselves here it looks like Dawnstar is kind of shaped in a half circle around this little Bay so I'm going to start on the far end of the half circle and then work my way around just so I can keep my head on straight of course there are plenty of guards in any City in Skyrim and typically we count all of the the guards at the end which I think we will probably do again today now we're going to start with everybody who's outside first and foremost and on the far end of the town we have these two gentlemen this is a good sign let me tell you if I get any rest soon myself richer than a king that is a working man's face if I ever seen one my God look at him my mind or to smelter this man Works he's proud of his work but he does um really want a break so hopefully his boss can give him one that's none of my business he's employed now what about you sir how are you legal I own the Quicksilver mine it's a better life than working in that damned iron break of mine okay so he owns a mine well we also saw him actively working over there so in addition to owning the mine he also works in the mine which is good you like to see an owner that's actually putting in some work and that does of course make him employed now he did say something interesting which is he owns a mine and his mind is better than another mine so the fact that there are at least two minds in this town does mean that we are looking at a mining town situation and that usually means lots of health problems but also lots of employment and it also means we're gonna have two minds to look inside of but I guess I'll take care of that later down on the docks here we got a couple of folks sitting on a boat how are you doing both people what's your name I plan to spend all the days I got left on the water okay that implies that you're quite old but it also kind of implies that you're working on this boat because this does not look like a sort of a recreational skiff so this guy works on this boat even though he's old enough to retire just because he loves it you know like I was saying mining towns a lot of sadness a lot of stress a lot of overworked people but a lot of working people for example this elf is working you look like you work on this boat as well is that true not a day goes bar that I don't think about finding a new ship well that's great news looks like you're doing a great job swabbing the poop Tech my Elven friend and who are you I want my crewmen to enjoy their work not a day goes bar that I don't think about finding a new ship crewman well that's a lovely um philosophy you have there Mr employee ship captain it sounds like you can be empathetic but don't be pushover that's my advice to you Mr Boatman anybody out this way a lot of houses so got someone sitting up here who are you I'm so tired yeah that's what it is when you live in a place like this no he's a Marvel well there you go she helps her husband run the forge what can you tell me about this place to rent any other any information that might be helpful not much okay thanks You Must Be This Woman's husband is that right seems like no one is getting a decent night's rest in Dawnstar stranger well it's because everyone's getting a decent day of work you know now can you please stand up and turn around so I can put the thing yeah thank you turn around perfect stand right there a couple of folks walking around here what do we got looks like a rich person and a bodyguard is that right are you employed you are wearing like a rich person scarf and you do look old as hell so maybe you're just like a retired rich person Park and I have lived here ever since I retired oh amazing I appreciate you being forthright about it now that does mean that this is your bodyguard right he also looks extremely old but still employed you know these people just they won't give up their work no matter what happens not a lot of people out and about in this place oh hello the Museum of the Mythic Dawn is open friend oh you own a museum wow it's really cool that you're a museum owner let's talk inside sure I'll ask you about your employment inside I don't think it's really up for question but you know I'll take a look and just make sure it's a legitimate business okay this does look an awful lot like a house but I guess you've got some display cases over here I'll just be tending the museum if you need me okay well I appreciate all of your your kindness telling me a bunch of stuff I don't know anything about but I think that's all the information I need from you oh a sad man on a boat is this our first unemployed person looking to hire a boat oh hire a boat okay so you do have a job unfortunately I don't need to leave yet but maybe when we do our survey of Winterhold you can take me there because I believe that's on the coast but for now however harlog only thing I need from you is a smile and happy working face not trying to jinx it but so far we have a literal 100 employment rates in this Old Town of Dawn star uh oh a drinking man oh no this is that one guy yeah he works at the mine so everything's fine he doesn't count all right is there anybody else outside I know there's at least one more mine so I should probably go look for it oh a couple more people up here this place is deceptively large I thought it was gonna be a small little place but no hello sir chance sleep will no matter how much drink I put in me drinking actually makes you sleep worse maybe you should try and cut the addiction I'm no one special just a miner who swings a pickaxe for his drinking money you know that does make you special though doesn't it because uh swinging a pickaxe is employment man you look like you're doing all the work this guy's just hanging out oh wow that was very aggressive you must be the owner of this mine oh there you go I pay a good wage for any iron ore you dig up how much is a good wage is that like an actual good wage or is it like when you get a job and it says competitive wages but it actually just means the bare minimum I suppose I can't ask that question in Skyrim but uh hey congratulations on owning and being employed in this mine nice okay and then there's you you definitely work right wow look at this labor happening right now remember labor is life even if it kills you uh okay anybody else got a guard here I'll take care of that later another guard up here and that looks like about the edge of town this is like a little farm ah a child why are you carrying a pot where are your parents kid oh okay what are you hurrying around for a little kid are you doing some sort of Labor I'm running good in supplies to the miners oh even the kids are working here see I knew this was going to be the type of place that was had a lot of employment now kids don't actually count towards our survey in terms of the employment numbers because we try not to encourage child labor uh whenever possible but I know a lot of you argue that I should count the kids when they're employed but I can't just start now you know what the heck is this this a dead body oh frooky and frooky was alive it looks like freaky would have been employed but frukey is unfortunately passed away at the time of the survey rest in peace frooky rest in peace frooky may you rest in peace frooky let's see is that all of the uh set all the outdoor laborers aside from the guards I guess let's do another quick lap around and see got those two I got the mines I got those two I got the museum guy that looks like everybody outside okay great in that case let's move on we gotta start going inside now we do have the two minds that we have to look in for more laborers we're going to do that at the end um we're gonna do exactly as expected we're gonna go from one end of the town all the way to the other end of the town going building by building door to door to find all the employment we can now I am going to pop my head back in the museum here just in case someone else has gone in there but most likely it's just gonna be that one guy yes nobody else hello sir next up we have this looks like a residential home now one thing a lot of people don't know is that working for the Bureau of Labor Statistics um you actually get you have permission to break and enter into people's homes as long as you don't cause a disturbance it's still recommended that you wait for the police to not be around because they tend to not know about that law all right let's see if there's anybody in here okay well that didn't work next up we got this double decker house usually this uh buildings like this have a in a place of business underneath and this one looks like it has some sort of apothecary a little potion store so we'll pop our head in here hello old lady how are you you run this shop let me know if you come down with the rattles I really like your shop Lady it's super well organized very very clean very tidy thank you for not only being employed but also you know running a nice place of business well this is like the seat of the government I guess we can jump in here now take care of all this because you know there's going to be plenty of unemployment or sorry excuse me plenty of employment in the government maybe people who should be unemployed but hello everybody how are we doing today what's your name sir just a servant of scald the Elder no you're a servant there's no honor in being a servant well there is spiritual honor and laboring and you are laboring up here of course we have uh some sort of guard that's wonderful definitely a job I've been in charge of Don star for over 35 years I already guessed to be 3500 years based on those arms another Skeletor man who is employed but should probably retire [Music] let's check this back room here oh a wizard I cut enough Young Life short I'm not gonna do it again Beggars can't be choosers if you're gonna work if someone wants you to murder people what about you sir oh boy you look like an army man and if I know anything about army men it's set they're employed okay that's everyone in the castle nice place everyone in here is kind of a downer but it's fine this isn't a happiness survey it's an employment survey maybe if we do a happiness survey of survey of Skyrim we can see like which which place has the happiest citizens but that sounds like too much work for me okay I just did a run around on all of the uh residential houses here it does seem like pretty much all of them are people that we either have talked to or will talk to outside the only one I'm not a hundred percent sure on is near so I do have to figure out who that is but aside from that all the residential houses are not uh not going to be relevant to the rest of this survey which means there's just a couple more buildings that I have to do over here building number one what is this oh this looks like uh this is a guard house um I'll come count the guards later but I guess let's look in the uh cells and see if there's anybody in there hello prisoners any prisoners today I have a lot of respect for the restoration school okay you got no prisoners today no all right and then of course we have to check the local in because you know there's about to be at least a couple employed people in here good evening people of the Inn ah nice look at this we got a barge and it's a drummingbird which is good Santa Claus no this is another employed man now What's your deal do you work here is that like a cleaning bucket are you a maid what's wrong with everyone around here why is everyone so sad the entire town is being plagued by horrible nightmares so this guy is like a wizard and he's come here to like fix everyone in the town from being depressed all the time which is really pretty noble that does kind of imply that he isn't from here and he's just kind of visiting at least the way he talks that's what it sounds like so I feel like almost certainly this guy's not a resident and that's everyone in the end how nice okay now I believe that aside from counting all the guards that's going to be everyone inside of any buildings we have one more big undertaking before wrapping it up with the guards and that is too wow you're just staying out here working uh anyway yeah we have to go in the mines and see if there's anybody in there it's entirely possible that all the workers were just working out here but you know it is my duty to be certain so we're going to start here with my number one pop our heads in hopefully we don't find anything on Savory in here hello anybody in here oh there is a person in here what's your name Miss here to dig that's all well fair enough look at this guy he's working well into the night what is it it's like it's almost 10 p.m this guy's swinging away and he's got a backup pickaxe so he doesn't have to go sharpen it I've been working an iron breaker since I was a boy since you were a boy okay so child labor definitely on the table culturally as is adult labor which this guy's an example of is there anybody else in here is it just you two I think it's just YouTube from what I can tell and you guys are me you're really burning the midnight oil trying to get that iron out but it sounds like you get paid by the iron rather than by the hours so you might as well work while those muscles are good right okay now it's time for my number two let's see if this one's any any less Jolly immediately The Vibes are a little bit less uh sort of regulated in here definitely a little more haphazard but okay we still got some employment how are you sir having a nice time working quicksilver ore is rare worth digging man these people are like junkies for digging I'll tell you man they are perfectly in sync do you think they do that on purpose this is like a very depressing existence isn't it mining is an honest train no real tricks too you're not wrong you know I know in some ways it's not that different you know with like modern jobs but I sure am glad that our jobs aren't as much like that anymore and the ones that are like that like working on an oil rig you get paid like a jillion dollars to do actually that's not true because people work in like slaughterhouses for seven dollars an hour so I guess I don't know what I'm talking about anyway I believe that is everything I think that the only thing left is to Sprint around and count the guards is that right goth rookies Quicksilver mine yes all these houses yes bring us yes yeah I think that's all of the buildings so All That Remains for us to do is to count all the guards so let's do it as best we can one two three four five six seven eight uh eight eight cards okay I can deal with that all right that is gonna wrap up our survey of Dawnstar and if I'm not mistaken this is going to be a pretty historic press conference uh so I'm gonna send my survey data off to the bureau they will write their little report and I will have a press conference for you in three two one press conference all right hello hi everybody welcome back to another employment situation summary today we are going to be discussing the city of Dawnstar in Skyrim uh but before we start the bureau did want me to communicate to you ahead of time um that though this report is pretty remarkable uh we will not be sort of delving into the excitement of it we're sticking to the facts as we always do here uh at the bureau that's what we do right facts don't care about your feelings uh even if that feeling is positive excitement so shall we begin mm-hmm total surface payroll employment for Dawnstar is at 33 persons and unemployment is at zero percent the Bureau of Labor Statistics reported today Dawnstar is a medium-sized port city located on the northern coast of Skyrim and it serves as a fairly busy and important trading stop for a variety of industries that serve the greater Skyrim region in addition to providing resupplying and shelter for trade ships the city is also a prolific mining town home to two active mines that both provide iron and a foreign ore called Quicksilver that we don't have on Earth so I don't really know what that means at the time of the bureau's survey of Dawnstar and this is what is so remarkable about this report we were unable to find a single unemployed citizen in the city and in fact we struggled to locate anyone who wasn't actively laboring while meeting with our enumerator including children and the elderly much of the employment revolves around the two mining companies that work on opposite ends of the municipality you've got miners to mine raw ore smelters to make use of the raw or a blacksmith to make use of the processed ore and of course an active shipping for to export goods to the rest of Skyrim having one city sort of nearly fully vertically integrated in this way likely makes Dawnstar one of the most ruthlessly efficient local economies in all of Skyrim that said uh a zero percent unemployment rate isn't without its risks or idiosyncrasies uh the specifics of which can only be known when we look at the underlying systems that have put Dawnstar in this position in the first place in some ways it's difficult to pin down but there are a few facts on the table that guide the bureau's conclusions number one the workforce that we surveyed was largely tired conflict diverse and dispirited number two owners and operators of most of the businesses in the city participate in the labor of those businesses and most of them are relatively well tolerated by their workers so that's unusual that's not like a sort of as we've talked about in the past that's not capitalism run amok necessarily right it could be but not necessarily number three the local governor also known as yarls in sort of Skyrim parlance you know I'm picking up the local lingo as we do our surveys the local Governor is a very angry and very wealthy man perhaps the only truly wealthy individual in the city including the owners of the mice so while at first glance Don star may look like a classic example of company Town capitalism gone predictably awry based on our observations of where all this fast resource wealth is actually ending up you know something tells us that the local Governor is not keen on having much of it taxed or tariffed by the federal government certainly if you talk to him he will tell you just as much it actually appears more like an example of top-down fascist capitalism vis-a-vis Visa whoever's writing these reports is getting a little getting a little uh European with her language Visa V 1990s China rather than the slightly more organic inequality of localized business business dictatorship that we saw in early 20th century America now because this Universal Workforce participation rights right this is 0 0 unemployment rate remarkable as it is because it is in some sense then held together by force the bureau doesn't feel that Dawnstar will suffer any of these so-called downsides of low unemployment that you might hear about when discussing more free roaming market economies like the United States of 2023 for example labor does not seem to move quite as freely here as in the United States and overall social Mobility seems impossible or at least constrained this isn't to say that the bureau approves of the governor's methodology for sustaining this level of unemployment indeed any economy can prop itself up with fascism in the short term just that where the situation will rear the worst of its effects isn't necessarily going to be comparable to a typical pseudo-free market economy there's a long reports uh so where does that leave Dawnstar long term well it's kind of hard to predict according to the bureau there have been plenty of historical examples of these kinds of forced labor economies functioning for decades excuse me and plenty more where they violently collapse or quietly atrophy into new systems of resource redistribution like social democracies or free market wage servitude it will likely largely depend on the outcome of the overarching Civil conflict in Skyrim but the bureau does believe that given dawnstar's resource abundance and position as a key port the city does have the potential for sustained economic greatness into the far future if the chips fall appropriately zero percent puts Dawnstar at the top of our list ahead of the imperial capital of solitude this data comes from a direct survey conducted by The Bureau over five days so a lot to digest there uh certainly if you have any questions you can post those down in the comments and I'll do my best to relay them to the bureau get you some high quality answers thank you so much for watching this press conference another thing you can post out in the comments is if you like this video post down below so I know that you liked it so you want me to make more things like that where should we go next in Skyrim that's the question we want to do the whole region and we're probably what halfway done with all the major cities I think well if you want to support my continued enumeration of Skyrim you could certainly go to our patreon the names you see scrolling by on the screen these are the people that make these types of videos happen so thank you if you are one of them and certainly if this is the first unemployment report you've watched you've got plenty more to see on the channel thank you so much everybody enjoy the song today and I will see you next time [Music] bounce
Channel: Any Austin
Views: 435,719
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: uVnQB1XvmTM
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Length: 22min 30sec (1350 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 03 2023
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