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hi welcome back I'm Andrea Jean and today I'm going to be showing you how to use dawn and vinegar for shower cleaner this is also known as the miracle cleaner so let's see if these two products really hold up to the name miracle cleaner along the way I'm going to be sharing the best tips tricks and strategies to make this process the most efficient for you because after all this channel is all about cleaning and organizing for busy women make sure that you subscribe so that you do not miss any weekly uploads and give the video a thumbs up today because I want to give it all to you I'm gonna be trying on on two different pieces of hardware that are a different color so you'll have some variation and a shower door let's get into the actual concoction here and the products that I'm going to use so like I mentioned we got the dawn we got white distilled vinegar I'm just using what I have laying around my house I love the smell of dawn and then I have a spray bottle here and I actually have this nice a scrubber so I'm going to show you a strategy where you can actually keep this in your shower if you want to use it as a weekly cleaner a daily cleaner and I'm going to share some strategies around how to best use this and I just have a little measuring cup I'm going to use about equal parts of dawn and equal parts of vinegar now if you do not want it super sudsy because this can get so subsea just use a little less dawn let's go ahead and mix this all up I got my spray bottle ready I got a measuring cup here so I'm going to start with the vinegar and I'm just gonna do one cup of vinegar go ahead and pour that in there you don't need a ton of precision with this now I'm just as close as you can we'll go ahead and dump this in it's nice if you have a measuring cup with us pour spout like this so you can just pour it into your spray bottle super easily makes a little bit that's alright alright next thing we're gonna add the Dawn dish soap and I think I'm probably gonna use I'm gonna use about two-thirds a cup and less is more let's see how well it does with that ratio here so we'll go ahead and pour that in there maybe even a half a cup and I'm going to keep this around awhile after this video here what I have long is that if you are going to keep this on hand it can start to get a little bit thick over time so you just want to add a little bit of vinegar to loosen it up as needed all right this one I'm gonna try to be more precise on pour that in there nice and good alright awesome we'll just wipe that up a little bit put the nozzle on and then I'm going to mix it up here and then we're gonna talk about the scrub brush look at that nice blue mixture it doesn't smell too horrible with the vinegar if vinegars not your your flavor I do love that vinegar is an all-natural product and it's often something you have laying around your house now as far as the scrub brush goes you could mix in close to equal parts of vinegar and dawn and here as well my suggestion if you're going to keep this in your shower is get something from the Dollar Tree that you could keep it upright or find a way to keep it upright in your shower and I would only fill it probably to the button line here because it will start to leak often down the bottom through the middle here but it is nice and handy if you do end up using this and keeping it in your shower here's the first piece of hardware we're going to test that out with see the water spots there and I do even have water softener but it just built up over time or maybe you're not using the right products to clean these off so let's test this baby out you can use this all over your shower but I just want to test out a few small spaces here especially with hardware because you can really start to see the water spots let's go ahead and spray this on here pretty good now some say leave this on for 15 minutes but truth be told if you are taking a shower certainly you could do this at the beginning of your shower but you're not likely to spray your whole shower while you're in there and kind of sitting in with that vinegar smell but if you're just gonna do your hardware here they say 15 minutes but I want to see how well it does if I just spray and white right see if we can make this even more efficient so we sprayed it down let's go ahead and wipe and I just have an old clock here so not even like a microfiber this is an abrasive whatsoever we want to see the true test now doesn't smell too bad and I guess it depends upon kind of the parts that you use but look at how nice that's coming off and I just sprayed and wipe no sitting Wow let me get you in close you can still see some spots there actually it's shinier I'll give you that let's wipe down here alright so this is what we're gonna do next I'm going to spray it again but this time I'm gonna let it sit for 15 minutes because do you see those water spots let's see if we can get it out and let's move on to my other piece of hardware we are in our upstairs bathroom we are in our master bathroom for that last one this is my kids so look at all of the water yes hey you can see me there in the handle so let's give this a good spray if you were wanting to see any of the behind the scenes of these sorts of videos be sure that you check me on an Instagram at Andrea g1i Plus on Instagram stories every single day it's just a great way connect to connect and I just love to connect with you also come over and say hey all right we're gonna let know let's keep it let's keep it consistent I'm gonna go ahead and wipe and see how it does on this particular color of hardware whoo shiny okay this one might be doing better ooh yes all right let's do this one really quick I see what we're looking at well get in real close and again this is for your whole shower but I'm just giving you example here I got some awesome strategies if you do not have a shower head that detaches if you want to do this in your your whole shower okay it's getting close that looks a lot better I didn't even let it sit you can still see some spots but overall it's much shinier okay we're gonna wait a few minutes here and then we're gonna check back in with our other hardware but let's head downstairs to my basement I'm gonna start with the shower doors here we are inside my shower and look at that let me shut the door you can see the water spots here yes this side is actually broke so I can't open it but I am in my tiny little shower here let's go ahead and spray this down and we're gonna see how few mean it actually gets in here so if you're looking for some more how-to videos when it comes to cleaning and organizing I have a ton I actually have one on how to clean a mattress how to clean oven racks how to put the duvet cover in also known as the California roll just a whole ton of video so make sure you check those out I'll have them in the description box as well basically anything to make cleaning and organizing it easier and more efficient for you awesome it's not to fill me in here so far I'm not going to spray in here it would probably pretty thick with fumes let's do this this is the part where all right now let's head back upstairs and let's see how the first piece of hardware is doing after we let it sit here we are back upstairs and you can see the solution has kind of dissolved itself but while I was waiting a little bit I was just kind of looking at what sort of things since you should you not use vinegar on and what I found is you should not use it on stone floor tiles egg stains or spills irons hardwood floors and it says truly stubborn stains so I say try if it is a sub red stain if it doesn't come out you might want to try a different solution or cleaning product but again any sort of porous surface like wood stone and grout they're susceptible to damage from acidic cleaners like vinegar so do not in be using a vinegar solution like this on those sorts of surfaces all right let's wipe it down actually you know we're gonna do because it has dried I'm going to turn on the water here good thing I got something comfy clothes on get it wet and then we're gonna wipe it down let's see if it helped I know it's a little tricky to tell because it is sudsy so what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna take a towel and wipe the soap off so we can really see I just grabbed up a hand towel here that I'm going to use I'm gonna wipe it off oh well I'm gonna let you guys be the test here let me wipe this just a little bit more and let's take a peak for this sort of dark Hardware you can still see you guys that is some stubborn water stains okay so for this particular piece of hardware I still have the water spots you can see them clearly we're not gonna lie about that but I will say it is showing here and the camera really picks up detail this is a canon g7x let's head into my kids bathroom and see how that one's doing it definitely looks shinier I'm gonna get this wet again there we go see how she does on this sort of blue color hide is shiny I'm in working real in here clothes that you can truly see all right I'm gonna wipe it down here and I want you guys to tell me what you think it's shinier there's still water spots hmm okay that's what she looks like and it's been sitting let's head downstairs to the shower so we were down here in my basement shower so here are some strategies that are gonna help you before we go ahead and wipe it down you could take a cup right and you could fill up with water and just kind of you know splash it all over the walls and then wipe it all down or you get yourself a spray bottle with just water and spray that as well and then wipe it all down it's gonna get a little bit messy a little bit dirty but it's up to you what method you want to use I personally would probably get the spray bottle with water and then wipe it all down this method here I mean a lot of people have cups in their bathtub especially if you have kids on hand for washing and that sort of thing you can definitely do that fill it up with water splash it over the wall is that sort of thing like you what if you were doing another cleaning method but let's one side and see how it did on the door here we are I'm going to start with the handle okay hmm shiny we know that much let's check out the door you see all those water spots no not not that looks nice since I don't have an extra spray bottle in hand I'm just gonna take a cup no and wipe it down and we'll take a peek okay I got my cup I got my towel here let's do this honest results right here all right we're gonna grab this let's wipe it down and cervesas oh that does look better yes let me move the glassware I didn't wipe it down you see that right there and there so it did work nicely on the shower door is it perfect no but it looks a ton better let me flip you around here one last piece of hardware I almost forgot so we're just gonna wipe this bad boy down trying it all we're trying it all Montse let's grab our towel I really want you to see the close-up results yes shinier still water spots though so do we think the Dawn dish soap and vinegar is truly a miracle cleaner I would say yes to some extent now if you are cleaning dirt in your shower like the bottom of your floor and the walls yeah this is going to clean up dirt like no problem now when it comes to hard water stains you saw that I tried it on three different pieces of hardware in the water stains were still there even after leaving it for 15 minutes now they were definitely shinier so I would use this miracle cleaner again because I think it did a pretty decent job it smells kind of nice they're products that I have laying around the house I don't feel like they're harsh chemicals but as far as removing the water spots in my experience it did not do the trick now the shower door that worked pretty nicely so yes I would definitely recommend this but I want you to be fully aware of some of the pros and cons I'm using this method other videos that I watched on this I only saw the highlight rails and as you saw here it did not clean hard water stains as well as we thought it would and I have soft water so there is something to tell you all right make sure that you subscribe so that you do not miss any cleaning and organizing for busy women and check out the description box for some watch next videos and we'll see you in the next one take care
Channel: Andrea Jean Cleaning
Views: 697,251
Rating: 4.7864208 out of 5
Keywords: dawn and vinegar shower cleaner, miracle shower cleaner recipe, shower cleaner, miracle shower cleaner, natural cleaning products, homemade cleaner, diy shower cleaner, clean with me, how to, cleaning solution, dawn vinegar cleaner, vinegar and dawn shower cleaner, vinegar and dawn, shower cleaner vinegar and dawn, shower cleaner with dawn vinegar and baking soda, shower cleaner diy, shower cleaner with dawn, shower cleaner with vinegar, andrea jean, cleaning motivation
Id: dL1rKUlAI8g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 1sec (961 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 30 2019
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