Oxiclean for Grout vs Toilet Bowl Cleaner for Grout: WHAT IS THE BEST GROUT CLEANER (& FASTEST)?

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hi welcome back to Andrea Jean cleaning and organizing for busy women today we are gonna be cleaning my grout and we are gonna be testing it against three different products we're gonna be trying out some oxy clean we're gonna be trying out the good old baking soda with hydrogen peroxide and last but not least you're gonna be trying out the grout in my kitchen by cleaning with this Clorox clinging bleach gel so let's see which one of these three products is the best for cleaning my floors I have some gloves here just to keep my nails kind of nice my rings I got some rags I'm not going to be doing much scrubbing you guys I'm gonna literally see which one just wipes away all the grime the best and I'm going to show you here in a minute my floors are disgusting we've lived in this house about a year and a half now I've never cleaned them nor do I think that the grout has ever been clean and then I have two bowls here for mixing the solution for this one and this one and this one of course I can just go ahead and put right on the grout lines with this nice nozzle here let's take a look at the grout now okay I am getting you in good and close here so this is by my stove and the kitchen sink where there is lots of traffic but if you look here it is completely black you all this is disgusting I am NOT a fan of tile floors but this is what I got right now this is what I'm working with so I'm gonna try to make it as nice as I can look oh yes let's find a spot at my floor here where it's not as disgusting so we can kind of contrast what it's kind of supposed to look like okay so we're just kind of under a window in my kitchen where we don't stand that frequently all right auto focus here not as bad but you can still see the grime this part actually here looks pretty decent mm-hmm let's see if we can whip this grout into shape and see which one of those three products does the best I just want to pop in here super quick in case you're new here this channel is all about cleaning and organizing for busy women so if that is something that interests you make sure that you hit that subscribe button and give this video a thumbs up I am also a mom preneur if you're interested in what it is check out the details in the description box alright let's see which of these products does the best I'm going to be using these three squares this one here is going to be for the bleach the next one is going to be for the baking soda in the hydrogen peroxide and then the third one here is going to be for OxiClean so for the next one here I'm just gonna make a paste I'm not gonna measure or anything I'm just gonna eyeball it so we got the baking soda dump that in there I mean I'm kind of thinking about a tablespoon is gonna be good so I can eyeball that and then I'm just gonna pour in the hydrogen peroxide I don't want it super soupy so we're just gonna stir that up and see how it got here all right we're gonna add a little bit more that should do it let's see yeah oh yeah I'm liking the consistency of that let me give you a close-up so this is a consistency here that I'm working with I think this is nice not too soupy not too thick and again I just eyeballed it let's slap this baby on let's take a peek at this one here so we got it all slapped up on there down here I did not get this last edge right here but that's quite all right we're gonna still be able to see a good comparison so again we got the bleach over here and we got hydrogen peroxide baking soda and the next one we're gonna move on TV OxiClean for this square here again I'm just gonna be making a paste I have some hot water so that the ingredients here in the OxiClean are fully activated I'm just gonna eyeball here open this up probably about a tablespoon again maybe a little bit more cuz we saw it with the baking soda and hydrogen peroxide I didn't able to get I wasn't able to get all around that all the way around that corner there so this does smell really good I'm gonna be a little less generous here with the water stir that up again this water is nice and warm it's a little bit soupy right now so I want to try to make it a little bit thicker together here let's try this one let's light down if your order with here is the consistency of the OxiClean this one is a little bit harder to get thicker and we've got the OxiClean down right there so we got our three squares as far as ease of application hands down the toilet bowl cleaner wins at this point and I also anticipate it being better for cleanup purposes as you can see here I'm gonna give it about 15 minutes here and we'll meet you back here and we'll go ahead and wipe it away and see which one of these three babies did the best okay it's been about 15 minutes let's go ahead and get to work just so we don't confound things I have three separate bowls of the hottest water that I could get that I'm gonna dip in as I wipe it away and again I have two washcloths here I'll probably put one in half since I have three tests here I'm gonna put some gloves on and let's get scrubbing away I'm going to start with the bleach so I got you in here now as close as I can you don't need gloves but I just like cleaning with them if you watch my cleaning videos I always use them in the kitchen and in the bathrooms so again we got our hot water here I'm gonna go halfsies on this one and see what we're see how she does again I'm not gonna be scrubbing I'm just really gonna wipe it la mama is happy about that Wow let me switch angles here so you can see okay I really got you zoomed in now watch this one you can even see the dirt here on the side again I'm just taking my cloth and moving it along the grout line this sick I love the smell bleach now I have seen this done with just Lysol - so I'm kind of guessing any sort of toilet bowl cleaner for the most part would work that is looking good yes alright let me zoom in to show you so you can see the dirt that came out of it in the bleach here on the side look at how much better that is let's move over here that it's pretty good my friend for not even scrubbing or laying it down and wiping it away okay I'm liking that one we're gonna move on to the hydrogen peroxide and baking soda now again I got my fresh warm water here and I'm just gonna take the opposite side of this rag that's not diluted at anything and use that dip it in there now let's see how this one comes off all right it's definitely a thick paste here um hmm let's do this one all right let me get you in closer so first and foremost that that's gonna be a pain in the butt to clean up can you imagine if I did my entire floor with baking soda and peroxide how much cleanup I would have to do and to be honest with you it doesn't look much different than when I started so there's the hydrogen peroxide in baking soda there's the bleach the toilet bowl cleaner okay I don't love that one all right let's move on to the oxy clean and see what she did here got a brand new rag here again taking some water so we got oh that's a mess oh wow oh you know guys can already tell here what's happening Wow okay I got you in real close here with the OxiClean it's a huge mass first and foremost and honestly I don't think it looks much cleaner what do you all think let's compare them all side-by-side now here is the Clorox 12 OH cleaner here oh boy hydrogen peroxide and baking soda and oxy clean I think we know which one is the sure winner so I think we have found our winner here it's going with this 12 Oh cleaner this is absolutely awesome all I had to do was easily lay it on the grout line and it wiped up so so good I'm totally impressed with this in fact in one of my next upcoming videos my clean with me cleaning motivation videos I'm gonna be working on this whole kitchen look at all that grow it's a big kitchen with lots of grow it and we are gonna whip it into shape with this I'm just going to take my mop and mop over it and again this is about 15 minutes that I laid it down and it was good to go and I want to thank my friend on Instagram her name is Jules from little bits of chaos I will have her handle linked in the description box below she's the one that introduced me to this idea and then I researched it online and found a ton of other videos if you enjoyed this video be sure to give it a thumbs up and subscribe if you're new and we'll see in the next one we'll check you later Gator
Channel: Andrea Jean Cleaning
Views: 957,118
Rating: 4.7677341 out of 5
Keywords: oxiclean for grout, toilet bowl cleaner for grout, baking soda grout cleaner, best grout cleaner, how to clean grout, cleaning grout, best way to clean grout, tile grout, no scrubbing, clean with me, hydrogen peroxide, how to clean tile grout, how to, how to clean tile and grout, how to clean dirty grout lines, cleaning motivation, grout cleaning, how to clean grout on tile floor, how to clean grout in shower, how to clean grout off tile, andrea jean, andrea jean cleaning
Id: PnmWAVRzfGc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 38sec (758 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 05 2019
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