DaVinci Resolve Tutorial | Historic Photo Slideshow | Paper Burn Effects

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Hey, guys welcome back to this brand new video   in this video, I'm going to create a very  nice and simple historic slideshow animation   inside of DaVinci Resolve that you  can call it paper burn effect as well,   so my name is Vikash and without any further  ado let's take a new project and get started. alright so if you are new here be sure to HIT  the SUBSCRIBE button for more interesting videos. and let's do some basic setting so click on  the setting button and set the size of this   project 1920 by 1080 let's go with any frame  rate so in this case I am using this 30 frame   per second which is a normal frame rate but  if you want a smooth animation then you can   go with 60 frames per second and then click  on save, now I'm going to create this animation   inside of this fusion page so we have to take  a new fusion composition so just go to this   media pool right click on that click on this  new fusion composition let's call it anything   and we have to set the  duration maybe 6 second long   frame rate 30 click on create now just drag this  fusion comp on the timeline just like that and now   we need some acid to create this animation so just  go to this media pool again right-click on that   Click on this import media and I'm gonna use this  burn video clip and the paper texture and we need   an image or video clip so for that I'm  gonna use this image and click on open   now we have to do some adjustment  with this burn video clip   which is a raw video clip so just drag this  burn video clip on the timeline just like that   let's set it like this and just go to two and a  half-second right over here maybe and add a cut so   select this cut tool to add a cut like this select  this move tool and select the second video clip   which is looking like this so what we have to  do just right click on this second video clip   and click on this change clip speed we  have to set this speed something around 25   and click on change and now we will get this type  of effect which is perfect and then selects these   both clip and make it a single clip so right click  on that click on this new compound clip this is   going to be our burn effect so let's call it to burn  click on create and after that, we don't need this   burn effect here so hit backspace to remove this  from the timeline and then go to your fusing page   and here we get this media out node so just drag  this media out to the site for now and we have to   take a new background so click on this background  button to add a background node and just drag this   background to the viewer you can use any color  it doesn't really matter and now just go to your   media pool and let's import this paper texture  first, so just drag this paper texture on this   floor window and as you can see it's looking like  this but you can use any different paper texture   instead of this paper texture if you want and  hit f2 on the keyboard to rename call it paper hit okay and now I'm going to merge this paper  texture with the background for perfect aspect   ratio so what we have to do we have to take a new  merge node and inside of this merge node we have   four different points so the yellow point is for  background green is for foreground and this is   for effect mask and this is for output so I'm  going to use this background as a background   and this paper texture as a foreground so  what we have to do we have to connect this   yellow background point with this background  one and green foreground point with this paper   and just drag this merge one to the viewer  and now we have this 1920 by 1080 aspect ratio   all right and after that let's import this burn  effect on this flow window so just drag this burn   effect on this flow window hit f2 and call it to burn  zero one-hit okay and as you can see it's looking   like this but I want this white section black and  this black section white so we have to invert the   color of this video clip so hold ctrl plus a  spacebar for search box and search for inward   so this is our inward color hit add button just  drag it to the viewer and now it's perfect and   after that, we have to merge this video clip  with the background so just drag it right over   here and take a new merge and we have to connect  this yellow background point with this merge one   and green foreground point with this inward color  output and just drag this merge2 to the viewer   and after that, we have to replace this white  section with this paper texture so what we   have to do just select this merge2 and go to this  inspector window and here we have this apply mode   so we have to change the supply mode normal to  multiply and we can see here the paper texture and   after that, we have to import our image or video  the clip that we want to use in this project so just   drag it on the flow window first of all we have to  hit f2 on the keyboard to rename and call it an image hit okay and after that select this one click  on this color corrector node just drag this   color corrector to the viewer lets down the  the saturation value 0 and make it black and white   and hit control plus a space bar  for search box and search for   film green so this is our film grain effect  hit add button just drag it to the viewer   and right now this is the animated green so what  we have to do we have to lock this time lock   and now it's a steel grain which is looking  perfect and now add a transform node just   after this film, grain drag it to the viewer  go to the end of this animation and we have to   animate the size and angle both so right  Click on size click on the animate right click   on angle click on animate or you can also click  on this diamond, button to animate this property   all right and just go back to very first frame of  this animation and here let's increase the size a   A little bit so I'm going to set this size 1.2 and  we have to set this angle value negative 10 degree and let me tell you if you want a faster render  preview then you can go to this playback and set   it to quarter resolution now as you can see we  have a nice simple scale and rotation animation   and after that, we have to use this burning effect  as a matte for this image so just write this burn   effect on this uh flow window just drag it to the  viewer and hit f2 on the keyboard call it matte   and after that, we have to make this black portion  transparent so for this time we have to search for Luma key so this is our Luma keyer node hit the add button  and just drag this luma keyer to the viewer   and now we get this white section only and I'm  going to use this white section as a matte for   this image so just drag it right over here take  a new merge node and I'm going to use this luma   keyer as a background and this output as a  foreground so connect this yellow background   the point with this luma keyer and green for one point  with this transform and just drag this merge three   to the viewer and after that I'm gonna use this  uh foreground inside of this matte background   so select this merge 3 go-to inspector  window and change this operator over to in   and just drag it to the viewer and now we  can see the image inside of this burning effect   all right and we have to merge this one with this  main output so we have to take a new merge node and   I'm going to connect this yellow background point  with this merge 2 output and green photon point   with this merge 3 output and just drag this merge  4 to the viewer and as you can see this black   section and this image both are revealing at the  same time but I want to create a time gap between   these two outputs so what we have to do is go to  keyframe and here we have this matte so hold ctrl   and scroll up to zoom in and we have to move this  mat maybe half a second so according to 30 fps   it should be on frame number 15. so I'm  going to drag this matte on frame number 15   and close these keyframes and now we have  something like this and after that let's add our   text right over here so what we have to do we have  to take a text node and let's merge this text with   this main output so take a merge node-connect this  the yellow point with this merge four green points with   this text and just drag this merge 5 to the viewer  select this text and type anything that you want all right and just drag this text right  over here and for the phone I am going with   (Calisto MT) font-style which is looking  nice for this project and after that we have   to animate this text so just go to on frame number  60 which is equal to 2 seconds according to 30 fps   and we have to set this right on in value 0 and  Click on this time in button to add a keyframe   go to 2 seconds forward in time so it should be  frame number 120 and again set it to 1 and now we   have text typing animation as you can see and of  that we have to do some color adjustment so select   this merge 5 add a color corrector node just drag  this color corrector to the viewer and just go to   menu and change this color to labels and here  let's go to channel and change this to blue   and let's down this blue saturation and  make it a little bit yellowish color all right and it's looking perfect and after that we have to create a transition for  this slide so so just select this color corrector   to add a transform node just drag this transform  to the viewer and go to half a second on frame   number 15 and right-click on center click on  animate go to 15 frames back in time from the end   of this animation right-click on center click  onset key and go to the end of this animation   and let's drag this image in any  direction so I'm going to drag it down so I'm gonna set this value may be negative  two all right and just go to the very first frame   of this animation and just drag it on top so  I'm going to set this value 3 may be all right   and now I'm going to feel these blank areas so  what we have to do just select this transform   go to inspector window and here we have this  edit so change this ss to mirror all right   and after that we have to add one more  effect so just like this transform hit   control plus a space bar for search  box and search for directional blur so this is our directional blur hit add button  just drag this directional blur to the viewer and   let's animate this length so just go to on the frame  number 15 maybe half a second add a keyframe on   length go to 15 frames back in time from the end  of this animation on frame number 165 add one   more keyframe and lock this value go to the end  of this animation and let's increase this length   so I'm going to set this value 0.05 and we have  to rotate this angle so let's set it to a 90 degree   all right and just go to the very first frame of  this animation and again we have to set this   length value 0.05 all right and we have to create  a smooth animation so just go to a spline window   and check this transform2 click on fit hit f4  on the keyboard to full screen click on fit again   select this both keyframe click on the smooth button   or you can also hit s on the keyboard select  these two keyframes click on a smooth button   go to very first frame of this animation hold  this handle and just drag it like this hold   this handle and just drag it like this all  right and make a smooth animation just go to   the end of this animation right over here  hold this handle and just drag it like this select this keyframe hold this handle and just  set it like this all right and after that close   this spline window and now it's almost done so  we have to connect this media out with the main   output and just go to your edit page and  here our slides animation is ready for   render just go to playback go to  timeline proxy turn off the proxy mode   and now it's almost done so just go to  the very first frame and let's take a look all right so it's looking awesome and that's  all for this tutorial, I hope you guys like it   if you like it then hit the subscribe  button click on the bell icon   my name is Vikash and I will see you  in the next one till then bye-bye.
Channel: Skyline Motions
Views: 8,122
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Paper Burn, Ink drop effect, DaVinci Resolve Tutorial, History, Historical Slideshow, ink splash, historical presentation, old design, epic design, Historical video animation, old pictures animation, trendy animation, DaVinci Fusion Tutorial, Animated Pictures
Id: Vi9ZoYhEjGw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 28sec (988 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 24 2021
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