DaVinci Resolve Studio (speed comparison vs DaVinci Resolve free)

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what is up everybody today in this video I'm gonna do a brief comparison between DaVinci Resolve free and DaVinci Resolve studio coming up after this what is up everybody my name is Nelson and on this channel I do Technology and photography bass tips tricks and tutorials so if you're new here please consider subscribing well since you all are here I assume that DaVinci Resolve needs no introduction the purpose for this video is for those who like myself who have been on the fence about whether or not I needed to upgrade to the studio version of resolve now DaVinci Resolve free on its own is a fully capable program and I have added many videos on it and I hardly have anything to complain about it the reason that i have decided to upgrade to the studio version is for the GPU acceleration which will make my editing and exporting a whole lot faster and a whole lot easier so what I'm gonna do is I've got a 14 minute clip that I'm gonna run through the free version of resolve and then I'm gonna run that same clip through the studio version after I give it an install and I'm going to share my results with you alright let's head on over to the computer alrighty guys so here I am on DaVinci Resolve the free version and at the time of this recording we are on version 16.2 just a quick note on my system specifications I'm using an AMD Rison 930 900 X which is a 12 core 24 thread processor and I'm running on an asus x5 70 motherboard with 32 gigs of ram now I have a timeline loaded up here with a little over 14 minutes of clips that are comprised of a mix of GoPro Hero 7 Sony a 6400 and Canon EOS m 50 footage I have transitions between each clip and I have 3d titles on each clip as well so let's go ahead and export this video clip and I am using an h.264 codec at 3840 by 2160 Ultra HD resolution at 29.97 frames second and I have it restricted to 50,000 KBS so let us hit start render and see how long this takes you all righty guys the project completed in 15 minutes and 12 seconds now I am going to go install the studio version of resolve and we're gonna run the same test and see what we get ok so moving right along here let us load into the studio version of DaVinci Resolve and while this is loading I want to let you guys know in the coming weeks I will be swapping out my nvidia gtx 1064 and our TX 2060 super and i'll be repeating these tests to see if it has any additional benefit to the encoding times all right we're gonna load into the same project and once this loads up I'm going to show you guys a couple of new awesome features so if we click up here to where it says DaVinci Resolve and click on preferences starting up in the memory and GPU section under GPU configuration we now have this new checkbox that says use display GPU for compute and the GPU processing mode I have set to auto but you could manually select CUDA but you'll notice down here video card 1 is my gtx 1066 gigabyte alright moving down to the decode options this is where it's starting to get even better we have two new checkboxes decode h.264 h.265 using hardware acceleration and down here nvidia is selected keep in mind guys if you do change any of these things you may have to restart da Vinci for it to take effect alright so my initial impressions I got to play with this last night I would oftentimes have a lot of problems with a pretty feature-rich timeline scrubbing through footage smoothly and playback without dropping frames and I can tell you guys so far it has been absolutely buttery smooth since that GPU acceleration has been enabled so pretty exciting stuff so far but let's go ahead and do what you all came here for and that is to see how fast these end codes are and right off the bat we have a new option here under the export video setting right under codec we now have encoder it's defaulted as being native but if you drop the box down you will see there's now the option for selecting the Nvidia encoder what I would like to do guys is I would like to run this test using the native encoder just to see if there's any change between the free version and the studio version in terms of the encode processing time and then I am going to come back here and run the test again using the Nvidia encoder and I think you guys are going to be pleasantly surprised with the results so let us go ahead and add this to the render queue using the native encoder I'm going to replace the old file and I'm gonna hit start render and let's see how long this takes on my machine I'm getting an average of about thirty to thirty two frames per second and keep in mind I do have some transitions and some titles 3d titles on these clips here once the process gets to those points the frame rates going to drop pretty significantly while it processes those but when you guys see what happens with the Nvidia encoder it's going to be pretty sweet so I'm gonna let this go and I'll meet you guys on the other end all righty guys so it completed in 15 minutes and 56 seconds so we didn't save any time there at all so let's go over here and switch our encoder over to Nvidia and watch the magic happen all right let me close out of this one here and we're gonna add to render queue replace the other clip and we're gonna hit start all right right away guys we are at eighty three point five frames per second so we're cooking right along like I said when we hit those transitions and effects it's going to drop down but then it's gonna pick right back up again and be up into the 70s and 80s for frame rate so I will meet you guys on the other side and we will see how long this takes you alright guys well as you can see it only took 7 minutes and 32 seconds to encode that video using the Nvidia encoder and I am blown away by this result so my final thoughts on this are if you're somebody like myself who edits a lot of 4k footage who is having issues scrubbing through the timeline smoothly who was getting dropped frames during playback I think using the studio version is something you should consider if you're somebody who edits in 1080p that may not have those issues and you don't need the advanced features that studio offers I see no reason why you can't just stick with the free version of resolve it works wonderfully now looking at the competition Adobe Premiere I don't want to knock Adobe Premiere because I used it for a number of years it's an excellent program but guys I am sick and tired of having to pay the $20 a month admission fee and I like taking ownership and stuff and so for $2.99 you get the full version of resolve and you get future updates so I think that it is definitely something that people should consider well as you guys can see switching over to the studio version scrubbing through the timeline and exporting videos has become a lot smoother and a lot faster alright guys I hope you found this content useful if you did please do not hesitate to give it a thumbs up and again if you're new here please consider subscribing and if you do subscribe make sure to hit that Bell icon for future video notifications have a great one
Channel: NELSON 5 TECH
Views: 4,672
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: davinci resolve, davinci resolve 16, davinci resolve vs davinci resolve studio, davinci resolve studio, davinci resolve studio 16, nvidia encoder, davinci resolve nvidia encoder, DaVinci Resolve, Video Editor, Video Editing, resolve studio, resolve, nvidia acceleration
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 36sec (516 seconds)
Published: Mon May 25 2020
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