Davinci Resolve Color Grading Tutorial | Cinematic Warm Color Grading | HLG3 Color Grading Tutorial

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after a long period i am back with the new davinci resolve cinematic color grading tutorial and this time we are going to create that cinematic warm look which in my opinion really suited that motocross video which i posted recently and if you haven't checked it i would be really glad if you check it out no more talking let's watch the intro and then we will jump into the davinci resolve and start the tutorial [Music] so i have imported my footage into the davinci resolve as you see here now let's first start by the node setup for the first node i will use the noise reduction the second note i will go for the htr note i will explain later why i use these notes for the next one i will use the conversion and after that it will be my lift gamma and gain and after that i'm going to create some parallel notes here one for the gloves another parallel note here for the greens here and after that another note for the cast in the clauses i will show you what it means we have some cast because of the sunset here i will create another parallel node now after this we are going to create another node for the saturation to balance the saturations and after that here is our look node which we are going to create that warm look and after that i will create another note to balance my shadows and highlights i will explain it later don't worry and after that i will create a v8 node and after that another node which is the outside node after that another node for the sharpening and we are done for the node setup here so let's start by the conversion note here we are going to use the color space transform if you do not know about this if you haven't watched my previous videos please go and take a look at them it is really important this is the most important part of the conversion the color space and the gamma we are using hlg3 for this video so i am going to set the color space to rekt 2020 which is the same as bt 2020 as you see our color space has been transformed and the input gamma here is again the here eric 21 hlg and as you see the gamma has been converted also and for the output color space we are going to use the rec709 because we are exporting for rec709 and for output gamma i used to use rec709 but i have found the new output gamma the senior film lock and i have been testing this and i found really good results and as you see here when i check this the pictures become really flat and it is really flat but it gives you so much room to play with it with the contrast later in the lift and gamma and gain so i really prefer to use the cineon film lock because it gives you so much flexibility and i really love it and i have been using it for my latest videos and i'm really pleased with it and here again for the gamut mapping i will use the saturation compression so if some of my highly saturated colors will be compressed and now let's let's go first to the hdr node i created this node to recover some of the highlight details if for example your shot has some highlights you can reduce the highlights here as you see here you can bring back some of the details i will reduce the highlights to bring back some of the details and i'm pleased with it as you see here we brought some of the details back in the white areas now let's go to the lift and gamma game and start balancing the shots i will start by the lift and we need to bring some of the contrast back because of the cineon film lock which we lost some of the contrast so now i am bringing back some of the contrast and my blacks here and shadows and again for the gamma i will bring down the gamma our mid tones to give it some depths in the mid tones and for the gain i will increase the gain so i'm adding some contrast in divides so my pictures pop i'm pleased with this and now i feel that the temperature is little bit cold because it was around the sunset so i'm going to add some temperature to make it warm so here we have we get a better footage it is a neutral here and i will add some saturation here to have something to play with for the first notes i add some saturations and here is uh all we do for the lift and gamma game and now let's go to the these three parallels which are gla which are gloves greens and cast leaks so for the gloves node i want to make these gloves a little bit more teal and less saturated so i will select the blue colors here i will select my qualifier and select the blues and let's check this to see if we have a great selection here let's play with it and do a good selection i do not want anything else other than the gloves i will denoise it clean the blacks clean whites give it some blur and now i will go to the hue versus saturation and hue versus hue i will select this color i will widen this selection here and now i want to change the hue a little bit towards the cyan to give it more teal look just a little bit not too much because this is 8-bit footage we cannot go so far and now for the hue versus set again i will select the color i will widen this selection i want to decrease some of the saturation here again again it depends on your choice you can do this or not but i love it in this way and this is down for the gloves as you see here we have changed it it's not visible really here but in other plans which we are the hand is bigger in this plan you can see it clearly but here we change the gloves color now for the greens here again i want to select the greens with my qualifier i will select them i will change the selection part i do not want the motorcycle in the selection i will select the greens check the saturation it's okay and here i have selected the greens now i will denoise it clean the blacks claim whites give it some blur and now let's go to the hue versus you and you versus sat first u vs view i want to select this part i want to widen this now let's change it to make it more green towards the green and yellowish green it looks much nicer in this way as you see here if i enable and disable we add some blue cast there because of the sunset now it is more greenish which is much more beautiful in my opinion and now i want to just decrease a little bit of the saturation because i think it is really saturated here and i will increase the range here to give it some feather now i will decrease the saturation and as you see here we have much more gentle greens we have beautifully changed the greens and the casts there and now we have no cast and the colors are real now let's go to the cast fix which i said about that i mean the cast fix as you see the black part of the classes as you see we have some magenta cast and it is because of the sunset which gave some magenta to the blacks now let's fix this let's go to the qualifier and select these parts and as you see let me enable this we have the blacks here let me do a selection we do not want the blues just the black parts you can play with this i'm only selecting the parts which have the blacks because they have the cast now let's denoise it a little bit remove the clean black clean white and give it some blur radius and now let me zoom on the image and as you see if i decrease the saturation we are completely removing the cast we can not go to zero but around the zero and as you see we have much more cleaner picture we have removed all the cast in the closets and the wheels we have some uh [Music] here we have removed some of the reds but you can play with the selection in the qualifier and take your time to have a better selection i will go fast because of the time of the video so we have removed the caster and now we have done all of the parallel nodes now let's go move to the next node for the saturation node i want to decrease the saturation of the highly saturated colors here as you see the reds are really saturated and this happens in hlg3 i don't know why but when you convert the hlg3 color space from bt20 2020 to rec 709 the reds become really saturated so here i want to decrease the reds so i select the reds i will widen this a little bit and now i want to just remove some of this saturation from the reds to make them a little more a little bit more balanced overall in the plan as you see now it's really better it was really saturated the reds were really saturated and also i want to remove some of the use the color boost to remove some of the saturation i don't want my picture to be really saturated here and here is all i have done for the saturation note now let's move to the loop node which we create our cinematic warm look here so for the look note i'm going to use the bars because i'm using a mouse and if you have a davinci resolve panel you can you could easily use the wheels it's much easier but because i have the mouse it is easier for me to use these bars because it is more precise so i would recommend you to use the bars if using a mouse like me so i will start with the gamma because most of my picture is sitting in the mid tones i want to give it a warm look so i will start with the gamma i want to give it a warm look so i will decrease the blues here to add some yellows in my mid tones as you see i'm giving it so much yellow here it is turning green and also i want to remove some of the greens here i'll remove some of the greens here and also for the reds i want to add some red a little bit not so much and for the gain also i want to add some warm again here so i will remove some of the blues in the highlights i am adding warm here as you see i'm reducing it and now i think it's enough and also here uh greens is okay i think i i we should play with it i'm now after that i will go to the log to give it more precise color grading but here again we can give some red to our highlights to make it warmer even now in order to balance our picture we need to go to the log wheels and play with the log wheels here to give it some balance because here our shadows are really bad they are becoming really yellowish so we want to balance our shadows so i will start by decreasing the rest to remove the reds from the shadows as you see it is becoming more balanced you should play with this until you get a good result now i also want to remove something greens to remove the green from the shadows as you see we added some green so i will remove the greens here and also i want to add some blues to make the shadows bring back the color to the shadows to make them neutral i do not want my blacks to be really have any cast in them yellow cast so i am playing with the shadows i'm doing this in the log wheels because the lock is very precise and it's not affecting the wider range of the area it is just a smaller range and is much better than the bars it is this is just the hole this is more broadened widen and logs are just more detailed and for a little part of the video for the shadows which is a really a small part of the shadows and now for the midtones also i want to remove some of the reds to add some blue in the shadows to mid-tones excuse me i'm removing the i'm decreasing this and as you see our picture is becoming more balanced and now also i want to remove some of the greens from the mid-tones so my picture does not become greenish and also for the i want to add some blues to my mid-tones and as you see we have a warm the warm look feel as you see and we are not done again here but we got something but now for the shadow and highlights note i always do the balancing here as as you see here again in the paradise goes our blues is much higher and our greens and reds are okay so our blacks have some of some cast here as you see we have some cast we want to fix this cast so i will use this shadow and highlight note to fix this cast i will use the log wheels again here but here i want to change the range and as you see it is on 333 i want to decrease this to a really a small number this means that whatever we change whatever change we make here it just affecting the this lower part of the parade and it's not affecting the highest higher shadows it's just more more affecting the blacks so here i want to fix my shadow the cast i'm getting in my shadows so i'm going to add some red here as you see by adding red we are fixing some of the problems here in the blacks and also i want to remove some of the greens here i can enable and disable this you can see the difference it is not much visible but it affects rally effects removes the blue cast from the blacks and it gives you a much better blacks and now i want to also remove some of the blues because we have still some blues in the blacks so i will remove the blues here and as you see i have also removed the blues and now you can see that it makes much difference really much it's really important this step is one of the most important steps in the color grading we get a much better cleaner image by doing this and also here again in my highlights as you see my invites are not clean they have some yellow cast in them so i want to also clean my whites here again for the range because it's not pure white it's not at the top of the scope i want to just decrease the range a little bit to around 390 for 400 you should test this and after that i want to add some blues to white and as you see by adding blues here my whites are becoming vice and they are becoming clean which is really nice they have some greens i think in them and i will remove some of the greens again and now my whites are pure white and as you see it's much cleaner again you can play with the range if you think didn't affect it so much by decreasing the range you can make it really cleaner here so in this note we both cleaned our highlights and shadows and we have much cleaner image and it looks much more professional in this way and as you see here if i disable and enable both of these nodes together we created a really beautiful cinematic warm image which is really nice now for the vine8 note it's really easy i'm going to create a window here to give it some vignette and more depth to the image i will soften this let's invert it we want to give the vineyard to the edges so now let's go to the curves and give it some vine8 as you see this just gives more depths to the image and it is really beautiful and also in the outside note i want to add some pop to the center of the image and as you see it just adds some pop which is really nice and after that in the last note i want to add some sharpening so i will go into the blur and sharpen and now in the sharpen excuse me i want to add some a little bit of sharpening this is shot in 4k so it doesn't need so much sharpening but i will add some sharpening here i will decrease this radius and as you see this just makes a lot of difference the picture has become so much sharper and cleaner and it looks really nice now for the noise reduction i want to add some noise reduction to my picture it doesn't need it but you can do this to get a cleaner result i will select three frames and you can select better but it takes more time to process i'll i will add a little bit of temporal threshold and for the special threshold i want to unlink this and only add the color noise reduction so i will just add chroma to remove the noise from the color section of the image and here is our noise reduction and if i enable and disable all the nodes you can see that we have gone from this to this which is a lot of difference i can disable this and noise reduction it takes a lot of processing power to see the image let's see this it looks very nice let's again check the image we made a really nice cinematic warm look and let's check it once again in full screen to see how it looks thank you so much for watching guys i really hope you enjoyed this color grading tutorial and if you have any questions please feel free to ask them in the comment section and also if you want to see more of these tutorials please let me know in the comments i would be glad to hear your opinions and i will be seeing you in my future videos goodbye
Channel: Mehran Hadad
Views: 9,882
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Mehran Hadad, MehranHadad, davinci resolve 17, davinci resolve tutorial, davinci resolve color grading, davinci resolve color grading tutorial, davinci resolve color correction, cinematic color grading, davinci cinematic color grading, davinci cinematic look, davinci resolve cinematic color grading, davinci resolve cinematic video, davinci resolve hlg to 709, davinci resolve hlg3, davinci resolve hlg workflow, davinci resolve sony a7iii, sony hlg3 davinci resolve
Id: X2tXXFagppQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 58sec (1258 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 11 2021
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