DaVinci Resolve 17 FUSION - Credit Roll (Lesson 6) Flicker Free

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welcome welcome back this is tutorial number six on fusion learning uh fusion inside of davinci resolve okay so today we're going to do a little bit of motion graphics so far we've been doing mainly uh 2d compositing and uh we're going to do something um simple we're going to start with something simpler and then we're going in the next two three lessons actually we're going to dedicate it to motion graphics a little bit uh which is an important part of um of you know learning vfx as a whole uh vfx and motion graphics so um uh first i'm gonna do is actually go on my um we need to add uh we don't need a clip to do that so basically we can do that through effects here and on the um toolbox here we're going to choose an effect here and we're going to add a fusion composition here okay um to our timeline and then just add it here right click on it change clip duration and let's type 10 000 to make it about a minute in length okay so once we do that uh it created our fusion composition now we can click on it get infusion and you can see we only have a media out note which is okay because what we're gonna do now is to basically bring in um a text tool here okay and we're gonna uh we're gonna connect our text tool to our media out and i am going to uh write some text so we're going to write dream land dream land production productions okay so we're going to create a credit roll uh so first i'm going to do is change this from ball to regular here and then change the size to about point five not point five damn it uh point zero five point zero five okay great so uh once we have that now we need to insert some text into it so add the directed by an executive producer here uh you can do that through a word processor so basically you just copy and paste and bring these two things i'm going to create a little more space bring it in and actually take it a little too far so probably here and then the i don't want the space between the executive producer and the director so by default um it's it's uh center aligned okay but we want to create that typical uh separation in the middle in between the text how you could see on movie credits so i would do that first thing it's i am going to go on executive producer before the uh e here and press tab and on robert here press tab again same thing underneath on the rector press tab john tap again and you can see it's all messed up here okay and that's okay because what we need to do okay so remember we started off by writing dreamland productions change it to regular the font change the size okay so that's all we did then we took our word processor and copied exec producer and directed by over here and then tab before the e tab before the r for robert type tab before the directed uh the d here and tab before dj of john okay so that's what we have right now so now to align this we need to go on uh tab spacing and we're gonna start with tab one so all things that are in the left okay and we're going to change our position here to minus i'm going to do 0 i believe 0.01 it's good for me and i am going to uh on the alignment here uh drag it to the right okay so you can see that now everything is perfectly aligned here and we're going to do the same thing for the uh names here on the right so on tab we're going to select uh tab two and then we are going to change the position to the exactly the same but on this case uh not minus but plus okay because we're going to go on the opposite end so we can just type uh 0.01 here okay since it's a positive value and then uh the alignment we're going to drag on the opposite end on the actual left so you see what happens now it's that you have a perfectly center uh you you have that typical uh hollywood uh credit uh role um formatting here okay very very easily done here now we can take our we can take back we can go back to our word processor here and let's go back on cast and everything else copy it as long as you add tabs on the names it's going to basically format it to what we have here and whatever doesn't have a tab so you just write it without a tab before it it's going to center align it by default okay so that means that if i go back here let's make a space and then copy that as i just said it's going to basically center align everything that had a tab in the word processor name except for where you saw the cast you didn't have a tab so it center aligns it by default so be aware of that okay as you write down the names for your um for your uh post-production uh credit roll okay um okay perfect so uh now once we did that you might ask if i change anything what is going to change so at this point if you change anything size tracking line spacing color anything that you want so let me give you an example uh i'll take the color here right uh by clicking it opens up that um but let's say i go on uh shading here and i change my uh my color here to uh yellow i think it's pretty good color for uh movies as well and basically i add that now um it's going to change everything it's not going to change only the uh the basically the parts where um you know specific parts but basically everything even if i change the you know literally uh everything is going to change so how do we do it just for one specific part of the actual um of the actual credit roll to do that so i am going to basically just right click inside the text tab here inside the text here and we're going to go on character level styling right that adds a modifier okay that adds a modifier that you can basically click onto and then let's say we're going to come here on the viewer i'm going to drag a rectangular around dreamline production so we only have that selected now in the modifier okay and now only that parameter we can change that so we can take now the dreamline production here and change that to let's say 0.06 look only that's changing we want to change the font here to a bald font okay only that changes look look down below exactly producer directed by nothing else is changing just that so that's how basically you change only one um parameter okay in your uh in your text okay all right perfect so uh i don't basically i don't want this yellow here uh but i mean let's keep it yellow just for the sake of it uh so uh so now we learned that okay so another thing that you might want to add other than this it's also add a uh logo to it okay add a logo underneath right you see that when the on credit rolls a lot too so in order to do that i am going to uh click here on the media pool and i'm going to go on my um credit roll and add this logo that we have here this tiff image uh it's a tiff i believe yes it is indeed okay and uh yeah we add it let's close the media pool and now let's insert it into our um let's insert in here okay so uh let's add a merge node as you might very well know by now and then insert it here and now by default this is really big slapped just above you know and now you can also see the yellow text that i was talking about and here remember because we're activating the alpha and the rgb respectively okay um so uh perfect so let me just keep it like this just for the sake of this uh tutorial um okay so now we have that uh but we want to definitely scale it down so resize it and move it down okay so how do we do that we do that with the transform node right so we add a transform let's i'm going to take it to about half so 0.5 half the size select all here and to about here and on the transform let's bring that down here okay so about here should be good okay so now that's going to be all the way down okay so now we want to animate this we want to animate the whole um uh the everything basically so in order to do that also another thing uh we can call this uh and call this media one you know you i like to rename things this is our uh logo okay in this case logo and this is our text uh then i'd like to rename this so for example here we have our cast so let's say it's cast i then you would write cast you can add multiple actually uh textual uh tools here okay so now we have that now we need to add a transform here we want to animate it okay so in order to animate this we will go to the first frame uh beginning of our comp here and we are going to uh basically take our um reference size here just wait a second so we're going to take our y here and we're going to scroll it down to about here which is about 13 minus i would say about here it's good up to the point where it comes up right so uh opening our reference size once again auto resolution we can type in precisely the number okay so that's going to be so actually let me do minus 14. okay perfect so it's off screen now and we can add a keyframe to it then we're going to go up by one frame and i am going to change that by 3 pixels this is because we are i don't want any flicker in it so it has to be integers only you know by uh it cannot be in between so that because that introduces jitter and flicker that you might know from so if we go back to our beginning of the comp is 1400 if i go to our first frame is at 13.97 by minus 3 pixels per frame per frame okay so um now that we did that what i want to do is to go back to my um i'm going to open my spline here and i'm going to get my uh close my notes i want to set it to relative basically that way you can go throughout the whole comp right by those three pixels per frame so i'm going to select on the transform here and then i am going to either you press command f f or another tool here it's here where it shows you the whole um the two keyframes we just set command a select them both and then we're gonna go here to uh set relative okay now we click that and you did everything that you needed for this to now uh get rid of that flicker so if i go now on each so if i play the clip here you can see that each frame now you can see up here has integer numbers and it's moving frame by frame by three pixels that way we make sure not to introduce any flicker or jittery kind of all that uh stuff that happens when you're dealing with uh credits okay so this is the only way the best way to uh basically get rid of those things i i've looked online and there's no tutorials actually um explaining how you do this maybe in some forums and stuff like that but um and that's basically how you do it now i know i didn't explain in detail what it means and why it has to be by two or three pixels per frame um you know just feel free to ask questions uh in the comments section below and uh one thing that i want to make sure is that every single tutorial that i've been uh doing here is basically based on the material provided by directly by blackmagic okay so they have amazing videos as well on their channel and they talk about the same things that basically i've been going through i think they have a few tutorials in fusion as well and they go in detail you know they go and explain exactly how you have to uh do these things okay so uh thank you for watching the video and uh just to make sure you can always you know click here to check the frame so frame one is 1400 frame zero fourteen hundred so let's go frame 20 you know you see now everything in the comp it's basically it's by sending it to relative we made sure that the subsequent frames really moved by three pixels um okay so we got rid of the actual uh jittery we can go back to our here so whoever just wanted to show it to you we can go back to our edit page you can close our effects and by the way of one thing that i also want to say you didn't i did make a yellow and that was because we change that remember on our text box now things are going slow because it's still rendering but after you let it render you are not going to have any uh any of those flickering happening okay awesome so i hope you enjoyed this tutorial and thank you for watching and see you on the next episode episode seven where we're going to keep uh talking about uh more in depth about motion graphics okay and uh creating templates and etc and then keyframing animation etc and then uh later on on part three we're going to discuss actual 3d compositing my favorite part thank you for watching see you next time
Channel: Color Grade Digital
Views: 11,834
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: DaVinci Resolve 17, DaVinci Resolve 17 Fusion, Resolve 17, Fusion 17, basic compositing, compositing for beginners, after effects, premiere pro, nuke, tutorial, learning compositing, nodes based, vfx, editing, avid, media composer, fusion studio, modeling, shading vfx, texturing vfx, how to track vfx, fusion tracker, pro tools, how to learn vfx, how to, educational, learning vfx, basics of vfx
Id: 2_Jdq43vCFg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 38sec (938 seconds)
Published: Fri May 27 2022
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