Davinci Resolve 16 vs. Premiere Pro: 6 Months Later

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about six months ago I switched from Premiere Pro to DaVinci Resolve and I did a comparison video a couple weeks later talking about what I liked about DaVinci Resolve when I didn't like about Premiere Pro and why I ultimately made the decision to switch now six months later I'm getting a lot of the same questions do you still like DaVinci Resolve more than Premiere Pro are you glad that you switch should I consider switching let's take a look what's going on Jay Lippman here thanks for stopping by today we're gonna be talking about DaVinci Resolve versus Premiere Pro I did a video about this about six months ago but I wanted to do another one because well first of all it's been six months and I've had a lot of time to dive into DaVinci Resolve and figure out all of its little quirks and all of its features and all the stuff that you could do with it and also DaVinci Resolve just updated to version 16 it's in public beta and I wanted to kind of take a look at how that compared to Premiere Pro so we're gonna get into all that stuff the feature comparison price comparison workflow all of that stuff but before we do that let's recap as to why I started looking at DaVinci Resolve as a replacement for Premiere Pro so six months ago I was using Premiere Pro and I just upgraded to 2019 and it was having a lot of problems I was crashing a lot especially the first startup after rebooting my computer Premiere would always crash I still don't know what that was all about there was also a lot of the presets that I had been using that weren't working as well anymore I was just having a lot of problems so I started looking at DaVinci Resolve I figured it's free so they're not gonna be losing anything if it doesn't work out and - I discovered there weren't too many tutorials on it on YouTube at least in comparison to Premiere Pro so I figured there's some white space there and if this works out I could switch from doing Premiere Pro tutorials to DaVinci Resolve tutorials spoiler alert that was a really good decision and that's really it that was kind of the reason why I started looking at DaVinci Resolve in the first place ultimately I ended up liking it better and I stuck with da Vinci resolved but does it still compare let's start with the price when it comes to the price DaVinci Resolve wins hands down for Premiere Pro you can either get it as a standalone app for twenty dollars and 99 cents a month or you can get it as part of Creative Cloud which cost 50 $2.99 a month DaVinci Resolve has a free version that is feature packed it's what I use to make all of my videos and if I did want to upgrade I could pay $299 one time to get DaVinci Resolve studio which is loaded with even more effects and more features I'm going to be doing that at some point as soon as I can afford it and once I do there will be a lot more videos on that so while the initial startup cost of Premiere Pro is less than DaVinci Resolve studio it's definitely not less than the free version and the free version compares really well on top of that on a long enough timeline even if you get Premiere Pro as a standalone app it's going to end up being more expensive in the future another area where DaVinci Resolve I think wins is workflow with Premiere Pro if you wanted to do effects or motion graphics or animated titles you can do some basic work within the app but if you really want it to dive in and get really technical with it and have better control you're gonna have to send everything over to After Effects through a dynamic link and then you do all your After Effects work and you save it and it goes back into Premiere Pro and then you have to wait for it to render and audio is more of the same you can do some basic work within Premiere Pro but if you really want to dive deep and get everything sounding perfect you have to send it over to audition through a dynamic link do all your work and then save it to send it back over to Premiere Pro this means a couple things one at any given point you're gonna have multiple Adobe apps open on your computer at the same time and if your computer's anything like mine which is not the greatest then it's gonna be difficult and your computer is going to slow to a crawl my computer hates it when more than one Adobe app is open at the same time especially if it has something to do with video on top of that having to wait for everything to render before you continue working is it's just a waste of time with the Vince you resolve everything in this same app you don't have to open up any additional apps if I want to do audio work I can click on the Fairlight page and get into my audio if I want to do graphics work or effects or animated titles I can click on fusion and do work in there and then when I'm done doing all that work everything renders as I continue working I don't have to hit I don't have to hit enter and wait so everything's in one app I don't have to open up multiple pieces of software everything renders while I continue to work which means I'm not stopping and waiting it's just a better faster and in my opinion more intuitive workflow alright moving on I think a lot of people tend to dismiss DaVinci Resolve at first especially the free version because they just assume that because it's free it's not very powerful and it doesn't have a lot of features and this couldn't be further from the truth in fact the free version of DaVinci Resolve has a lot of the same features that Premiere Pro does it has every feature that I need in order to make a decent video in fact there's a few areas where DaVinci Resolve actually pulls ahead of Premiere Pro in the future Department one of those is the cut page which is a new feature in DaVinci Resolve 16 that is entirely dedicated to allowing me to scrub through my footage quickly find my usable Clips and save them for use in the Edit pane I did a video on that you should check that out also the color grading tools are much more intuitive much more powerful which they better be because DaVinci Resolve actually started as purely a color grading software warp stabilization is better you get three different modes of stabilization and you get better controls over the stabilization so I actually can produce better results with DaVinci Resolve than I ever could in Premiere Pro I also like the keyframe controls in things like panning and zooming and all that stuff and especially speed ramping slow motion the key framing that you do for that is super super easy the one feature that I found where Premiere Pro actually exceeds in DaVinci Resolve is the way that the app updates with Premiere Pro you open up the Creative Cloud app you hit one button and you wait a couple minutes and you're done with DaVinci Resolve they just added a feature where you can start the from within the app which is cool and it does bypass the whole filling out the form that you used to have to fill out every time so that's cool too but you still have to download the Installer from the internet open up the Installer run the Installer restart da Vinci and all of that stuff it's just it's basically the same process you just start it from a different area and you don't have to type in a form so when it comes to updating and ease of updating Premiere Pro definitely ones that hands down but as far as the rest of the features I haven't found one yet that I don't like better in DaVinci now let's talk about stability Premiere Pro is well known for its stability issues I mean you go on Twitter and you're gonna find memes and tweets all over the place about Premiere Pro crashing at like the most inopportune times during the Edit process and for me that got way worse when the 2019 update hit I still don't know what that was all about but on top of that I think a lot of it had to do with every time Premiere Pro updates it becomes a little bit more taxing on my laptop and it becomes a little bit harder for it to work the way it's supposed to work now DaVinci Resolve 16 is still in public beta so yes I am getting some stability issues it is crashing a little bit more I am finding a few bugs but those should be worked out I have full confidence because when I started using DaVinci Resolve and it was version 15 and it wasn't in public beta I had no issues with crashing except for a couple times when I was just trying to do more than my computer can handle so honestly I think that da Vinci wins this DaVinci win stability as well which means up until now you're probably thinking that I'm just fanboying over DaVinci Resolve and it is a great piece of software but no I'm not fanboying in fact there are a few areas where Premiere Pro does pull ahead namely product support online tutorials and asset availability first let's talk about product support because there's no free version of Adobe Creative Cloud and no free version of Premiere Pro you automatically get not only the support of the community in the Adobe forum but you also get the added support of a product support team that you can reach out to DaVinci Resolve also has both of those things but in the free version you're going to have to just stick with the forum you don't get the product support team unless you pay for studio as far as online tutorials are concerned I mean let's just face it Premiere Pro is a more popular NLE there's a ton of youtubers that use it which means there's a ton of youtubers who do tutorials on it online I mean even I used to do them up until the point where I switch DaVinci Resolve by comparison is fairly new as an NLE I mean up until fairly recently they were pretty much just a color grading tool so because of that and the fact that I think a lot of people dismiss it because it's free there aren't a lot of tutorials to be found online I mean there's the there's the tutorials that you get from Blackmagic Design which are on YouTube and they are very informative but they're super super long as far as tips and tricks and little shorter videos that teach you how to do stuff you know the stuff that I do there's not a lot of us out there and while that's good news for me as someone who does DaVinci Resolve tutorials for you that means you're gonna have to search a little bit to find the information that you're looking for the other area where Premiere Pro really pulls ahead is an asset availability I mean there's a ton of Premiere Pro presets audition presets After Effects templates you name it there's a bunch of them out there and a lot of them are paid a lot of them are free they're all over the place and you could just throw a rock and hit somebody who has something that you can use in an Adobe product DaVinci Resolve by comparison doesn't have nearly as many assets I mean there's some but they're rarely free and the ones that are paid are actually kind of expensive and incredibly difficult to find so if you're planning on using Premiere Pro and you don't have the money to spend on assets like presets and templates then be prepared to spend some time learning the skills you need in order to make your own so what's the verdict is DaVinci Resolve a viable replacement for Premiere Pro am I going to stick with it am i gonna switch back to what's the what's the deal and the fact is that DaVinci Resolve to me is more intuitive has a faster workflow it works better on my laptop it's just the better software and I haven't so far found anything that I need to do in a video that I can't do in DaVinci Resolve in fact I haven't even opened up Premiere Pro since I made this swiss speaking of what shout out to Michael fire jr. for sending me those screenshots of Premiere Pro that you saw earlier if you want to learn more about how I edit in DaVinci Resolve there's a playlist link right here you should definitely go check that out and right down here you'll find a video that YouTube thinks you should watch and if you want to learn more about video editing camera gear and how to make better videos make sure you subscribe to my channel and hit that bell so you can get notified whenever I upload something new thank you so much for hanging out today I will see you in the next video see ya
Channel: Jay Lippman
Views: 250,693
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: davinci resolve 16 vs premiere pro: 6 months later, Resolve 16 vs. Premiere Pro: 6 Months Later (Did I Make the Right Decision?), premiere pro vs davinci resolve 16, davinci resolve 16 vs premiere pro, davinci resolve 16 vs premiere pro cc 2019, resolve 16, davinci resolve 16, davinci resolve review, davinci resolve 16 review, video editing software free, premiere pro, video editor, video editing, adobe premiere, video editing software, best video editing software 2019
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 44sec (704 seconds)
Published: Mon May 13 2019
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