David Walliams - The Jonathan Ross Show (4 November 2017)

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so thank you for joining us after another to our expectations Stravaganza I love it but man that's too long and they so long now that by the end of last week's show one of the boy beds have moved up into the overs category it's so long even Simon Cowell threw himself down the stairs you spoke to my guest who's Simon okay well what happened you know what happen I don't know exactly I think the lesson to learn is don't go down flights of stairs in high heels now I don't know how many of you have been to one of those brilliancy life centres where as a parent you spend most of your visit telling your kids not to bang on the glass and fighting the fish I don't have you done it oh no you have a look at it but don't bang on the glass slam be back well it's not just the kids who need to be warm take a look at this [Music] the trophy that shark of the Washington DC virtual aquarium was actually computer-generated until they have it sick so that if you bang on the window he does that the shark isn't real but I think that guy's laundry bill will be let's get my first guest at shall we good actor and a brilliant comedian he's also turned out to be a tremendously talented children's author which has made him even more unbearable than he [Applause] it's always the joint it's always a joy to have young so thank you can I start by saying aye am I mistaken are you wearing lipstick this evening that's lipstick your worries I'm not judging it so I only look very very pink lips why would I notice they were slightly dry before I came out and I I asked for some some lip balm okay so it's just a lip balm and what would you dye your hair no I'm Greg he weighs as he knows me crazy dark it's a lot darker than it was okay congratulations he received an OBE [Applause] [Music] [Applause] let's take a few people on who did you share that experience with um I took my mother and I took my two nephews Eddie and Frankie who are 11 than 6 and 8 now they're quite young to be going to the palace today well they're quite boring because it's like a psycho get you you've got one I mean a long time ago now but you've got one it's like a price giving day isn't it basically and you no one else can hear the conversations going on who gave you your overview I was giving my my clean towels right okay how did you get Princess Anne or less division - that's why you're not gonna get a higher there are lots of reasons why you're not gonna comment I'm amazed I've still got my yes it was it was great it was a really nice day out but it's quite you know they had to sit there for about three hours it's a long day it's a long day um and so did you go somewhere special ops what you went for lunch we went for lunch I invited you but you couldn't come I could have come I just didn't one of us actually invited Simon Cowell and he said do you think what are you getting honor he thinks you should get a night out I knew you think there's a chance for there having no sir I mean maybe one day I mean who knows how they make these decisions because you've got one but no I mean you know I first have enough people thought you should get one but it would be annoying if he was so sonica because the thing Obie's nice but if someone's asteroid then you have to cool them that yes so it's a bit like it's heralding their arrival Sir Simon Cowell yeah so I hope and pray that he never gets yeah so you mention your mom and you recently you had a holiday be mummies yes well I tell them she's had a couple of holidays we went to Dubai and we also went to bolonia and there's my mom I used to so you can't swim your wedding on the back is that need to hold on they slowly sweep the West I stopped for a speedy three or four years ago very distasteful Moshe and we went to belong yeah yeah which is in Italy I believe so yeah and there are seven churches in Vilonia we went to every single one and then just on the way to the airport I said mom can we just stop off at the Ferrari museum a little something for you yeah for being a good son he made such a fuss about well how far away is this place what's it gonna be just cars we went to seven churches it's nice to be able to spend time with you mama yes and so yeah I'm very close to my mom a boy's best friend is his mother who said that Norman Bates a wonderful thing isn't it because you know at the end of the day I would come with you be the person whose approval you want most as well as your parents I'm you know my dad died about 10 years ago and so you know everything I do in some way I'm just hoping that my mum will like it well your mum I mean you are very close to your mum and I know this you're always taking the things you always make careful with us so he's it's genuine I'm sure she must be I would have thought wait for that you you still have that connection with then you still care that much about yeah yeah I was late my mom is prouder than anyone else at the the me my achievements and the funny thing was when I had the letter about the Oba Oh David Walliams hello has a new book out ladies and gentlemen and you know it's gonna be on every kind of kids wish list because you are super popular and super girly this the new book is called bad dad from David Williams out now I've bounced it already how many books now have you finished how many kids books we got out well I've slightly lost count I think it's 17 or 18 well Michael Moore kogo is written over 200 so he genuinely has lost count but I've written 10 novels I've been writing children's books for 10 years but some of he's a very slender where's yours most of yours are considerable the other heft on that was just for the pleasure of children reading I think it's important just to eat too old to present I'm gonna Buckley I did success and I know when you heard the first one I mean it wasn't like this was a planned side to your career that you wanted to go and become a children's also such you just wanted to tell that story didn't I just had a story about a boy going to school dressed as a girl I thought would be interesting I thought would be challenging what it is to be different anyway I never thought I would keep writing them yeah and the success of it is taking me by surprise but now every celebrity in Britain has a book not your books don't feel preachy but often there is a message of something it has to be a message of some sort in there because you're taking people on a journey so by the end of it you've got to be in a different place than you were at the beginning and this is about father who does a bad thing he helps some he bases getaway driver for a bank robbery if you don't read it you know that I haven't read it I know that you are hosting a show where you have guests on and you're meant to read their books well don't stop there's a lot of pictures here and I'll have finished by the advert I'm looking for the dedication so now there's our here it is it's a lovely dedication it's used from David and the books dedicated for the love of my life Alfred we love Papa that's your son of course well a wonderful thing about other things about writing books is you get to dedicate them to people and of use your favorite people and have you have you forced them to read your book I mean I don't picture books as well so we read something else let's talk about another side of your career because you have helped ensure the popularity of Britain's Got Talent you absolutely have there's no doubt about it and you're doing the new series I guess you start next year yes we starts as soon as Simon's back from being on the boat with Sunita with exes I once ate swim so did you have a good holiday but I said well you were on holiday with all your ex-girlfriends and your new partner yeah all nightmare why did you invite them go down that well is it oh by the way who else is coming I thought I slept with in the last a good idea is it for a holiday yeah I know you're quite obviously fond of him didn't you didn't you get your mother to make him a cake yes well he said I was talking to my mom and she was coming to the show the next day and he said get your mom to bake me a Victoria sponge cake and then she brought it in and he tasted it but bit dry but he couldn't he couldn't help to actually you know judging you I mean he's actually the same in bed really much foreplay for my like yeah that's all you can do is just good job so he's presented with a cake homemade cake my mum he can't help the judges oh you could try being a human being and say thank you that was lovely what a lot of effort you put into this well he's not was we well no it's not David it's always great have you here congratulations on your success which is so well designed ladies and gentleman join me in saying thank you to a national [Applause]
Channel: Helen
Views: 56,132
Rating: 4.8881989 out of 5
Keywords: David, Walliams, David Walliams
Id: 9tAH6dMoT3Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 23sec (743 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 29 2018
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