David Sinclair - ONE PILL

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foreign reset parts of the body we use mice because the FDA frowns on human experimentation without permission but we do uh reverse aging in mice and we have very positive effects we reverse blindness and eye damage and we've now reversed the age of the brain and we get learning and memory back we've done this blindness recovery in monkeys now and uh in the next 18 months we'll test out first patient who has either glaucoma or blindness from a stroke in the back of the eye and so that's where we're at and what we chatted about just before we came on was how the this paper has led to a huge amount of excitement across the planet I think that my book was you know it's it's sold over a million copies so there's a lot of people have read it but I think the world was waiting to see if this was true right it's one thing to write a story about it and have a few illustrations but to publish it in the world's leading scientific journal is another matter and that came out in January and uh it's been a whirlwind Whirlwind ever since and then the final thing I'll say is uh today we're we're sending in a paper that describes the next generation of age reversal which is going to be a thousand times cheaper uh and much simpler it will simply just be a pill that you can take that resets the body's age wow um and the pill can you tell us a little bit about the pill uh is that gonna is that need uh that needs another hour of its own well it actually it needs a lawyer and a confidentiality group we all we all promise just between us yeah well well that's amazing that's something no I don't want to put you on the spot but I can talk about it in general terms um the patterns written that's going in today anyway so um but I can't tell you what what the cocktails are and what the ingredients are but I can tell you that it's surprisingly simple to reset the age of tissues and organs once you know how to do it um I would put it to you that any high school student could do it right now um in their kitchen so it's it's similar to Gene um what do you call a crispr or molecular biology it's it you know it can be turned into a kit can be turned into a pill the hard part was figuring out what was causing aging and and how to reverse it the rest is really just a matter of time until we have a pill um and if and first it'll be a gene therapy that's what we're working on in uh the studies in monkeys that I mentioned and that sort of single injection that would take about six weeks to eight weeks to reverse aging in in your body and then this pill which you're working on it's still very early we're still just treating cells we're not treating animals but I don't see any reason why it won't work in animals and then in humans because this process that I'm telling you about is as universal um on the planet as as really all of biology so the first life forms which I also talk about in my book um develop this system of being able to slow down aging when times were tough when adversity was perceived threats were perceived and so you find this age resetting system in in little nematode worms and flies of course in mice and in humans and it works in human cells just as well as it works in mice we can even take the mouse system which consists of three reset genes and put them into human cells and they reset the human cells and vice versa I could probably take the genes out of a fruit fly and use those so that's all to say that yes it's mice yes it's a monkey monkeys but uh there's really no reason why it shouldn't work in us now I have to be a little bit cautious because we don't know the full safety of what we're doing we are so far are very pleased to see that there's no side effects that are negative the side effect right now in mice is longevity and curing of blindness these are not bad side effects of a drug um but yeah it could be that if we turn it on too hard or too long we get changes in the tissue that lead to cancer that would be one thing that I could imagine happening like I said we haven't seen this yet in any of our long-term studies that have gone for over 15 months now well but it's possibility but David is the threat when you said you know threat perception survival stress can slow aging is that um related to the hormetic stress processes the kind of repeated acute manageable stressors too yeah yeah so you asked me about what could we do in our daily lives lifestyle and that's where this concept comes in that hormesis which is what doesn't kill you makes you stronger and live longer you want to trick your body into thinking that there is some adversity coming we evolved in a land where you know on the Serengeti where we were not eating breakfast planning what's for lunch you know uh maybe some tribes were but mostly it was survival and we hope that we're going to have a meal next week and often we didn't it's certainly not meat and there was a lot of starvation and lack of vitamins and a lack of amino acids and what there was a lot of was exercise running after your food or being chased by invading tribes and these were the perceived threats we were also picking up threats from signals of threats from our food supply when our food was scarce the food contains particular chemicals that tell our body that food might be running out some of these are called polyphenols Resveratrol and red wine is one quercetine quercetin from apples and onions is another and plants make these to survive and what what I proposed and I think now is fairly well accepted is that we're picking up on those chemical cues from our food
Channel: Wisdom 2.0 with Soren Gordhamer
Views: 121,592
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Length: 6min 50sec (410 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 17 2023
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