David Philp: BIM Level 2-3 Update (June 2015) | The B1M

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well thanks for help me back to them there is you see I'm David Phil I'm head of it you keep in task group and also BIM director for Europe Middle East Africa and India at e-comm which i think is good isn't it you know to actually be helping time prescribe it but also doing it at the same time and try to understand some of these real challenges we've got as an industry so I don't have any agenda pretty but it's can you look back in terms of this thing called level 2 boom you know we've been on a real journey I think as an industry for the last four years you know where we got to you know what does it look in terms of what's next and be good to get some audience participation today in terms of if you can guess what's like this next could be quite good fun as well but it's a real important time I think in terms of our journey I think in terms of UK in BIM as well by the summer this year the whole level to package will can be complete in terms of processes and the tools and if for me that starts to get as you know to that starting line nobody talks about this thing called 2016 my government mandate is if it's that and for me it's a start as a start of a journey allowing all these tools and processes that we can start to configure to actually achieve something in terms of this thing called level to be maturity and I think if anything was seen over the last couple of years now you look at it you know if anything bins done it start to create a great conversation with industry and you look at tonight I love with iOS okay maybe there's some free beer in the room to help entice but you know we're talking about different things we're talking about been worked on by industry ta change we're talking virtualization and if you look back about four years ago have you me talking about things such as soft landings start to think about operation so I'm taking more and more about procurement rooms I think bim's helped us sort of Paul Rizer thinking's and a few thing and that's been elf in the room it's been very much about change I'm quite lucky you know you get to travel you get to see a bit of the world and we've been out in New Zealand probably a couple years ago we can rebuild in Canterbury and we're just back in one the guy sure there's you know said hey you want to see what we are doing and there's a wee short video here if you want it there on it it was across a welt and it's on the guys from you know the you know Wilmington chemical shoulders you know what they're doing okay you know virtualization yeah great fantastic but then you know as I add data it can you sat behind this model that came why would we you know typical sunny days right there it does get it but yeah they've got some big challenges out there you know they set potential in terms of you know seismic sort of potential we've got to run multiple sort of scenario planning so for them this whole model environment is really quite important there start to think a bit very much in terms of alright this is where the start to bring in some of their infrastructure you know we often think of been still being very unfortunate in terms of vertical but this is where we were start to think about you know possible pipe in your forecasting bringing the data in to be able to forecast and ask what f I think that's really important so I put that net present value so start to bring not just that virtualization but something to do some stuff and comes that data comparison as well just part of it yes okay some of the basic stuff they're doing the hosting and that sort of thing but it does come on a second now it comes one of the big things they were start to do was to start to think about asset management systems we often think in terms of of FM but they were our start to think about both you know a scenario planning as well bringing all this data in and did some smart stuff in terms of you suck to see in terms of offenders here from rival there's many many different vendors there just for reference but you start to see it bring into that if you like this asset management system and start to think about very much that what-if scenario planning I just want to it comes on a second ago there's something to use it for condition surveys you see in a second so some stuff you know it's a client that's doing this as well you know it's not a contractor consultant that's they're quite you know start to bring it and start to do some stuff out in the field in terms of condition surveys and I thought this was great you go out there didn't all the main TD T in terms of there's you know they're buried services know in terms of not just actually the whole F in terms of not net present value but you can imagine again if they do have any seismic waves there's some damage it comes easier to find the rip here and you go back to the PowerPoint but it just shows now in terms of this global journey we're all one with them your clients starting to do some really good stuff in terms of what we're doing and I think if anything you back in that last four years this thing called Ben was really kind of you know held a mirror against as an industry I think we realized a few we've been talking about these ever since the Simon report way back in the forties you know that that clients you know haven't had that leadership with a very pure procurement it's been adversity with nature and I think what we're scientists see is we're at last you know we're generally start to think about an asset lifecycle I think we're scientific more collaboratively and I think we're starting to think of it more and more about design management and a more consistent basis and yeah it's still these phone dimension Dementors that are really important to us you know we really got to hold that mirror up and look at change up some of the graphics have dropped though but I think you know when we started this journey it was very much up at the top we all fought with a nerd demeans biack wine an architect an engineer I think we all know we're kinda siloed and I think the thing about data was kind of infrequent it was unvalidated I think the connections are few I mean you look at the connections of no got in terms of a typical project the number of models but I think that's the big thing I think we've got more unified purpose in terms of what we're doing I think we all know what the project goes or I think we're better they're trying to articulate that I think we're also trying to create an industry that is much more diverse than it sure you look at the jobs I think we've tried to rebrand the construction a fair bit you know called construction 2.0 but we're psyched to see people coming in in terms of computer signs got careers data analytics it's becoming a big big part of what we do now so for young people I think construction is looking much more you know innovative technologically advanced there's new jobs to be had there for that computer scientists people are writing advanced analytics and such like in terms of what we're doing I think you know you look around the world this is Italian newspaper in 324 that we're talking about you know all the different countries you care for in the spotlight you know seem to be leading of this and this is the been for you you know 28 member states 15 of them they're talking about again better conversation about trying to harmonize what we do better technical standards about working together in terms of what we're doing is really quite important because there's probably two things number one worse I see more and more tasks scripts that appear around the world would be in Germany with alchemy and such like again you know with new challenges and again think about some of the concerns within the supply chain but the same time as well you know we're starting to think in terms of that longer term these are international standards and I saw one 90650 anybody heard of it at all anybody know okay I saw one they 6l telling something you this is good actually something new I said one thing six five zero it should be available rowing the boat you know 2017 and that will be very much based on the backbone of it in the UK standards essentially powers of one 192 part2 part3 and looking at you know how we manage that hallway process for data so we're didn't a UK I don't think it's not too very much filter out and for groups such as ie you've been working group or trying to make it happen we also here everywhere you go about this thing called you know big data sort of thing I don't know what it really means you know is it something you measure in bite size or such right you know maybe a C 60 tape to see 90 whatever but I think the big thing for us in our journey has been more about open data open data is really really important you know in terms of governments around the world is given a transparency I think it's also starting create some real ingenuity and innovation within the supply chain in terms of what we're doing but the big part you know you look at our industry you know it's an enjoyed percent SME market place at let's everybody played its part you know so most IFC Kobe can be difficult at times it's really important it can be validated it lets everybody play and it helps us in terms of that efficiency and reform so for us the open data has been much more important I think in terms of Big Data see everywhere now you know the Sketchup open source that 3d printable house I think we'll see more and more of open data and try and do things with it I think we're also saw there all of the clients start to change as well you know you can have the best if you are you know maybe contractor to you know one designer or whatever but you know if the course is not right for it then you know you're not going to perform well we need a client that's going to leave those merit foundations for this digital or virtualized working to happen on as well and I think we look no further and probably you know high-speed to let's look at in terms of you know what does a digitized procurement look like you know I mean buying their data and level two is gonna be a key key part there's interesting certain Milan with what the guys from high-speed dude dude John Kirby of course he showed this vision then you start to see the challenge not start to leave though your concept design something to move in the construction 2017 and then start to handover you know we in the future you know decades you start to think about the challenges for them as a client you know in terms of data refreshing the data security piece and this will depict this well there's a question in you know in terms of their journey plan you know you start to think about you know procurement initially all being within this level too but before them you know it'll be so long will it actually straddle into what we know recognizes level three year you know then Hines level two and to go through construction and testing will we start to go into that fool level three and by the time we actually hand over is a potential that you start to think about more and more about social data as well so or something you this smart quietness ranking not just about buying level two but start to ask about the transitions of what this looks like so they're buying their data once and it would be right to be free from that level three to level four and you can see some of the questions that they are asking and that questions because I don't think we know the answer but you know how did you fix your proof you know the requirements are buying just snow I mean what's a tree and could it look like you know what's a station look like what you know in 2026 from though you think of it and last week I think was a date and back to the how many folk remember back to future few yeah yeah I think last week was addy in the car when the future was that's a bit worrying yeah what's a chain going to look like you know about 20 years from now we've got to define employers requirements just know you know how are people going to think about you know real-time data transactions and level three and then level four you know how do you start to future-proof that operational requirements you know how will improve that customer experience you have to start to think about all these things just like I think that's about the new intelligent Quine and again you know there's not many of them around the world and I think it's the same time you know it's also a you know we've got to look ourselves and I think actually what does intelligent data user look like and for me you know I think that still starts with a foundation piece of level one BIM which is three things level one not level two my level one come on come on one component level one yep-yep information exchange earner commentator well done that was hard work yeah yeah ps1 190 mm some a common data environment anybody know the other one anybody doing level two yeah take a lesson over so there's made up way three things if you're like you know we've got you know a common data environment I've also got design management in terms of BS 7000 part four and we've also got in terms of library management as well within their freaky components so we we hear people talk about doing level two BEM I mean the rowdiest I don't think a lot of folks don't even know what level one is so there's a huge piece in terms of awareness so we've got to make sure we get the smart data users and for me that's people are working a common data environment they've got good design management we've got to get the Foundation's right in terms of what this looks like I still hear this er I think increasingly from our clients especially their prot you know the private sector how they're getting any benefits from them we've got to start to think about how we actually get the value I think we've gone through the stages you know we've got some new tools we've gone through the whirling how do you start to think about transformation how do you get better outcomes from and I think well that point and it's not a conversion to 2d 3d for me you know that transformation is you know when you start to disrupt when we start to give our clients better value in terms of what we're doing and I think the big thing how do you start to turn your data into meaningful insights that you make smart commercial risk our business decisions on I think until we get to that point there's still plenty of work to be done I think we're also start to see in terms of you know what's not to learn from our data as well I mean how many folk I've got one these things some degree you've sort of internet of things on the host no nest yeah said we heard of it yeah gets us a few nods so you think about you know it's learning from data all the time you like to lie in your bed that bit won't go you know the morning you know up and Scott when you I'm sure dreaming like it turned up all the way so thing to get you have that hangover you talked about ten minutes ago and ignores it no screams got a hangover no it's delaying this baby bit longer be morning so I think you know why can it be the same in terms of you know the whole procurement process we'll learn from the data you know it's comes smart and family what we're doing especially and we got session with our BIM for client group in a couple of weeks to look at this starting to think about a more automated tendering process you know it's time to think about a 360-degree data cycle what does that look like and we come back to level two I think we all know what level two is by now anyone to share what they think of the key components our level two one federated models yep comedy environment brilliant oh you're tweeting there come on tell me a few yes come on you may know a few sorry yeah it's something the screen you can read it come on yeah freebie the key things you've got does it you know it's defined you've gots a client tell you actually what information the one we in validation we can transact upon it and in the big thing I think it's in some degree it's the data is entirely usable form as well you can use it for many many different things and I think that's important so we've got some idea for level two years now you know as we start to pull all these things together and it's made up of you know for me two things there about project information model and our asset information model as well you know I think we've got to see more points Unsinkable organization organizational requirements than there are set requirements that create this asset information model and at the same time I think we're seeing more and more coming through the supply chain employers information requirements that can answer what we call clean language questions that form with the project information what also you imagine project information model flowing seamlessly through to that asset information model as well I think he's doing in the room yeah yeah number one you know a client that constructs think about organizational information requirements you know what are the key bits of data and information that you know are gonna you know meet to actually meet your clients objectives so there'll be the same probably for every project that vanilla layer in terms of what we're doing we then come down in terms of asset information requirements the IRS start with the end in mind you know the data that's going to be needed to maintain that asset might go into kafir my computer assisted facilities model as you saw in terms of that video from New Zealand that might go into some degree over if like an asset management some scenario based system as well in what we're doing I think was actually more and more coming on the marketplace as well and hopefully or son see more IRS employers information requirements how we wrap up together certainly what informations to be delivered and what processes and I started to think about that codifying other processes and how information is gonna be managed through the project lifecycle does anybody know what this is no so you get someone could read well done well done fantastic see it's good to know that some actually as we have to watch this digitally at some point can actually read the table but you're right we are well familiar information the ovary minor a project you know that know when information exchanges happen something to find who's the sponsor and actually how much information are we going to be buying you know I'm not so many remote in the supply chain I think we're going to think more and more about how we create these master information delivery plans and I think as a task room it's one of the things you want to do we try and want to try and get more as we try and create their app around it level - you know what is an end-to-end one look why is anybody doing a any master information tool rapine just now well done at the back I think of it you know what different is that before we're doing anyway you know before we turn to Pam we'd have had the same thing in terms of design the love rules that might have just said one to 50 as opposed to an LD sort of thing so hopefully you know it's just moving things on it comes with what we're doing but hopefully if anything by now everybody understands a concept or buying their own metadata at the right time you know as we start to think about the questions we're asking how much data is needed to answer it and again you know I always think of it in terms of something simple like a a washing machine is anybody bought a washing machine ever oh yeah you know about washing machine sexist peg right oh you see who else is bow to dream you better wash machine at some point okay yeah cuz I thought me got a little mango a couple of years ago sir sir yes sir okay you think about buying a washing machine what sort of questions would you ask you gonna show up you're going to your local PC what other thing they sell these things you know what the questions you've asked yeah yeah yep yeah Oh what's expecting life expectancy of it know how much it cost how BIG's it that's a good question ishow that's a really good question purpose you know you know is it for you know is it you know does it queen for industrial was a you know for a typical family so you know what is the purpose of it any other one's capacity yeah good quiff yeah yes cycle time yep one more for luck what's that sir yeah yep so so you give us a little data okay how much data did the question show were graphical and how much we're non-graphical there's only one question that somebody said - I think it was how BIG's it all the other questions that you asked on non-graphical nature you bang a washing machine you have one graphical question or probably one does it fit within the space that voice I've got for a washing machine every else does you mean course gonna be performance is gonna be warranty so all that metadata is really important so buying a washing machine you might have a low level of detail graphically but you might have a high level of non graphical information to support your question so actually understanding level of definition the both the level of detail and level information is really important we'll come back to that in a minute and I like this this is from Crossrail that showed that you know they'd actually seen the importance going through that lifecycle saying actually this at the project this magenta the geometrical model was really important stakeholder analysis looking at option Ealing but she started to move in the construction stages all the graphic you know the non graphical data specification cost as you'd let me start with warranty data nor them data front term and terms importance as that play off to support whatever questions that you're answering and I think that we are all some degree of clients for employers we stepped on information you know at our manufacturing community and we got to think actually when a client asked a question you know how do we make sure that we can step it right down right through the supply chain because actually things like the warranty data often comes from the person that's actually manufacturing it so what we take a rule and responsibility is my good well-informed employer and he's like to see the typical questions it's a Starbuck type one you know what the four is difficult to maintain you know which the properties that got their place and you know it's a program level plain language question you can start to see there if you want the class great website it Sears the questions you can start to see what answers is it geometry non graphical analysis is other documentation so start to think about the questions you'd answer a design stage and then what data would start to answer it for you here's my simple one as well you know a plain language question you know what's up them a construction sequencer your query data might be a bit of data from a 4d model it might be a program file it might be a link to a port but think about the plain language questions you would ask as you go through your project even though got you know in terms of what does level to look like hopefully everybody can actually shout them out now in unison because MD is doing level 2 so what's its own to the outside of the onion just give me a couple of weeks ago so this again what makes the skin up then bailiffs come on if you want to comment it you want do something level two if I was got a really good consultant a dancer listen I second pass yep there's one in particular let's say about five that's right we should start to think about mindful cybersecurity so to get into level two we've got to make sure that you know a part times a part five they were start to think about the security we're in between it will come to the next one which is actually often referred to soft landings but it will be a British Standard later this year which would be is five eight three six which looks at again if you like everything during that soft landings process well what are you skaters would come and side it and then you can you see we've got some other tools that said when they've got protocol to present a commercial wrapper over our information exchange COBE latest classification system times a unit class the digital plan will work it's sitting within sight for a capital expenditure times 1 1 9 2 part 2 which is anyone the biggest done was from British Standard and if I click again you can see there are same thing but the companion document but this time it's for operational by Seiko as well so if anything please you know have a look at e think about level 1 but then I will look for you ments you know they are the linchpin of the whole level 2 process and of course you know in terms of innovate you carrying money with oats in the city to try and create a tool especially for defining employers requirements yeah hopefully start to see it now maybe a little bit of a go with it in terms of right the very beginning stage you know being able to start to put information into the model maybe in terms of the rules are going to be here it's something to think about that briefing prior to maybe eat you know a team of tender team coming on board in terms of looks like I started to find tasks and deliverables I don't think the big thing is you know how we can export it for our client you can set up your tempo if in there you can explore a very simply EDI are I was a PDF or as an IFC or a Cobie as well so some think very much about crying they put it out to the marketplace you can start to see within their how we can split up in terms of level of definition low level of detail and level information so we can decouple them both to get what's appropriate at that moment in time sense our washing machine he started to see there as we're moving on to detailed design you can see there with D in terms of that I think it's a boiler plant a few there it's an Lda five which is high and there will ly is free maybe it's not being procured at that point you might not have the warranty data with on it as well just finally you know we're moving into this or start to think about this thing called level free as well but you guys are still moving to level one Bay a just a their place you know but for me this is a game changer level two was doing what we should be doing doing it digitally and start to think about codifying what we're doing Pramila single level fees a paradigm shift the business plans went out for it when it was launched in in fabulous year and I'll probably think I think somebody said to guess around oh it's seven years if like to try and get it through these first trial projects in terms of what it looks like you can see some of the key things that seeks to do you know its terms of lifecycle management focusing on both real time cost and carbon they'll leave into Internet of Things and the whole thing in terms of service modes that commercialization there'll be more performance based than Sarah ties models as well it'll be scalable up to in terms of that smart cities as well so you start to see the main pipelines coming through will be that whole culture commercial and technical you could start to see there you know we all kind of know that you know others do this be aviation be it in terms of formal one but you know the whole Internet of Things in terms of anybody got some some some in hang up you've got you've got some detail you sound you snow isn't it you know that's how you stay credibly at the top of your game isn't it makes smart well-informed decisions coming from his wearable Internet of Things I but you know you know I appoint performance data and that's what these things are putting how many steps have you up today it might be heartbeat you know why can't our assets do exactly the same you think about more performance-based contracting you know the comedian Grand Prix in a typical team you've got data that's feeding back to the driver but look what's gone back to that you know that the team wall as well in terms of torque power try a fair share you know they're making really use of you know real-time data and the question they're asking that simply wires question you know how to make that car go faster or how to make sure it's going to last the entire lease and it's without virtualization and it was peaked a few the guys it's also the gamification as well in terms of what that looks like as well so for me I think that's the holy grail in terms of level three improve business performance of start to simulate you know that whole how this is business sort of work any you know better social outcomes or where that huge business case are so level three a big pilot is going to be very much in terms of performance and that whole telemetry piece as well we mentioned in terms of high speed to you can start to see if you like the different levels free a freebie fee see so it's not to build up gradually you know it's Ryan upon many many different things hence you think it's taken us maybe four years to mobilize for a level two I think double that in terms of of level three we're also starting to make a bit smart grid smart cities and what the red line up there in terms before we move into level four and the people piece as well I think this is some of the challenges roundabouts the whole level three piece we need to develop IFC well think in terms of data provenance as well and I think that's a huge piece you you think about other things you know you buy I mean you know I already made mule you got the data province and it was exactly when it's produced when it was labeled there'll be a bit of data there's a tribute to it we need to do the same thing and also security round about that as well but this time coming from if you like the sensors as well and we've got that whole piece there lots of things to think about in terms of semantic objects and such like mirror as well I think the big part of this well that's what he's put this image because I think we like that I can remember what I vote bitter I think it was a fact that you know level free becomes you know level two if anything's been you know deterministic in nature I think level fee becomes more as real-time and probabilistic you know we can start to look actually into the future we can unleash all your plans in terms of what we're doing I put this in as well because I think I just like the word that D tourism as well you know irrespective as having like data in the right things you know at the end the day you know we don't all make the right decisions based upon our data Dean and I've got these great bits of data and that but you're not still think they were back tonight I might have a career I might do something a respect of what the data tells me so our data is really important but you know do we always make the right decisions I think we should be excited about it you know you'll get projects just know terms so you know I think was I had you know the Google headquarters in terms of you know how the data is gonna create all these you know to run all these bits of plant in terms of what we're doing something probably the problem was exciting time I think to be part of this whole thing called the built environment you know it's not construction anymore a whole built environment in terms of what we're doing so you know we're four years on into a journey plan and I think I'll keep growing and growing we might go call it them in a few years you know maybe be virtualization but I think you know the whole journey plan is going to keep growing
Channel: The B1M
Views: 5,736
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: Building Information Modeling (Industry), BIM, B1M, The B1M, TheB1M, Software (Industry), UK BIM Task Group, UKBIMCrew, United Kingdom (Country), construction, Architecture (Industry), Update, PAS 1192-2, PAS 1192-3, David Philp, Philp, The Philpster, building information modelling, BIM Level 2, BIM Level 3, What is BIM?, TED, Inspiration, big data, Autodesk Revit (Software), Autocad (Software)
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 46sec (1726 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 24 2015
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