David Morgan: Why the silver bull run has only just begun

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[Music] welcome to the program my name is kerry stevenson and i am absolutely delighted today that i have managed to get the attention of someone who is very busy at the moment mainly because he is known fondly as the silver guru his name is david morgan he is the author of the morgan report and if you haven't already checked out the morgan report i urge you to do that i'll put the links uh down below but david morgan thank you so much for joining us it's been a while saw you in person out here in australia a few years ago indeed you did i have to joke with you a little bit with the melbourne cup wow what a deal and you know i came into the town just tired because i forget 20 hour flight or whatever got the newspaper and the uh you know checking lady wouldn't let me go to my room without it because of the cup went in there and i looked it over and i actually picked the winner from that newspaper i didn't really need to i didn't need to hear about that again so anyway gentlemen i'm just going to point one thing out he picked the winner of the melbourne cup but he didn't share it with any of us he kept going just say just saying david just saying all right i picked the loser well many people did i was the only one at the window that was collecting money sounds about right hey david let's let's start with you let's start with your background and uh how you got so interested in and mainly the silver market you do a lot of commentary on silver i know you cover other metals as well but let's start with your background sure it's i'll try to be brief i'm basically for whatever reason was sort of born with uh just almost an obsession about money and finance and how it worked and what you know i perceived at a very young age it was money that made the world go round and so i was interested in you know why that was and how and all those questions so i wanted to pursue a career in that career in that field and basically um didn't initially i began a career in aircraft as you know but i was always working in the markets in fact i got to start investing a stop when i was 16 which is quote unquote illegal my dad signed a uniform gift to minor sack which allows your parent to say yes my son or daughter can invest in the stock market so it's a waiver and so that was where my heart was so as things went on even though i was working here aircraft industry i was trading futures looking at stock markets pretty still pretty obsessed about it so i learned about the uh basics of money at a very early age and found out the fraction reserve banking system was basically a fraud and of course in those days being you know 18 19 20 years of age and saying that to anybody was verboten i mean you were taken as a complete crank so i pretty much kept that to myself but i knew it was true now david sorry to interrupt you but for those out there that don't understand i just want to cover this a little bit fractional reserve banking justice i mean i i understand it's you know they learn out more but can you just put it in a nice concise way so that those people because the majority don't understand what fractional reserve banking is yeah and i think the best thing to do on any of these things that you don't understand is to just you know go to a search engine and type in the term and read on it and educate yourself because you know even though i can explain it it might not be to your satisfaction and you know the basis of all power comes from knowledge and then it's applied knowledge wisdom so basically uh it's a fraud because we're taught you can't get something for nothing and really you can when the bank takes in a deposit of a thousand dollars it can basically lend out ten times that amount that's fraction reserve banking the law says it uh you can't do it privately be counterfeiting but in banking it's protected by the governments of every nation and you can take in a certain amount and just keep that as your reserve and lend basically 10 times that amount that's what fracture reserve banking is so anyway what i learned was that all these fiat systems based on a non-truth that you can create something for nothing you can print wealth that you can create it from thin air fails eventually and that gold was usually the go-to standard so i knew about that and i started to by serendipity luck uh divine intervention take your pick i don't know i'm sitting in a truck doing engine runs with the test pilots in my aircraft career and uh the chief structural test pilot whips out this newsletter i don't even heard the term newsletter and starts reading all this financial stuff to the other pilot and i'm in the back seat as the engineer listening to all this well this is fascinating this is you know unbelievable and so i started to investigate newsletters and how to get who writes them where to get them how do you subscribe and all that stuff so i basically became a newsletter junkie but most of them in those days were um alternative thinkers thought outside the box and were pretty much pro gold not all but a lot and so i started really gathering in that information in those days there was no internet no cell phones it was all by snail mail and how these guys got the inside track i'm really not sure some probably had sources and you know the white house or you know congress or other places big banks big brokerage houses it was really valuable information so having all of that background when the uh gold market started to take off i got pretty actually from my age and uh financial abilities very involved uh gold peaked on my 27th birthday i did sell some at 700 not the exact peak and then as things fell back down and kind of went back to what i guess you could call normal i started looking why did silver outperform gold silver really went and why'd the hunts you know get in the silver why didn't they get the gold although they weren't a gold especially in the in the gold mining shares but they primarily dominated the silver market as most people know if they're involved in the silver market which is a very small community so i started look at that and the more i started to examine why the more it made sense to me and the more i over time became a silver bug so long explanation that's my background you can move on from there yeah so so david you know it is right now where all of a sudden uh the stock market is being looked at as a casino everybody suddenly is talking gold and silver well more so not necessarily mainstream media but the chat out there because there's been a bit of a move but it's always been there as an investment is silver on the brink of a major move it's uh it's hit 23 it's been around the teens for a long long time uh and do you feel that people should be investing in silver at this time of great uncertainty yes yes and yes to the last question silver has been really the monetary standard of the world for most of the recorded history although the gold bugs might deny that that's the facts also silver is probably the medal of redemption i wrote an article recently which i don't write for the public much anymore i have to concentrate my energy and time to my paid you know members but i wrote a public article and i talked about a lot of things but silver in 2020 you won't probably type in silver in 2020 david morgan and read the article it's free it's also my blog and i talked about a lot of things but i talked about silver as being a redemptive meaning and how that comes across philosophically but it could also come across economically and explain that as well so let's say that you are near retirement you've only saved x and you need 10x to retire i'm not saying to do this i'm using this as a metaphoric example or a story but you could take your ex put it in the silver and paul to come out 10x in the next couple of years i do think we're on the brink 1950 20 21 the art of technical analysis is an art note of science i said 1950 was my number said i really didn't want to talk to anybody anymore in the public domain about silver until it broke the 1950 level little did i know to say that to a website like yours that within about a week's time silver would go up 17 percent in one week now i want to really emphasize that 17 in one week because this is a historic move we haven't seen that kind of a move since 1980 which my math is right it's about 60 years ago no 50 years ago and uh so we are looking at something that only took place during the hunt brothers where we saw 17 moving silver in a week's time so i do think we're on the brink of something big and i just changed my opinion for my paid members which i'm happy to say publicly for the first time and that is first of all i'm not sure so you know david said yes i'm going to say it but doesn't mean that it's going to happen i think i've said up until this really recent time you know this the 17 move that i thought the next bull market would be a two year year three year affair perhaps even four and it could still be that but because we've gotten such big moves i think that it could be a big move into the u.s election so we might see something like as an example i'm not saying it's going to hit these targets i want to give you the idea but we could see where we are now i can see a doubling or tripling maybe even up to the election then it might carry through past the election then we might get a huge washout where the market comes down by half so it goes from x to 3x and then it drops by you know 1.5 x and so now you're back down to where it was several months before in a matter of four trading days and everybody's disheartened again i can't believe it then it starts to build a base at that higher level which is much lower than it'd been just weeks before and it builds and it builds and builds it kind of tires people out and then all of a sudden out of nowhere like just now it takes off again and that time it takes off and really goes and goes and goes and goes so i call that a double parabolic we're starting a parabolic move right now it's just starting i well it may be ending i don't know but it's definitely parabolic i think it's got a little more to go uh and it'll consolidate and as i said i think if you're going to look at it from a long-term perspective and look at a monthly chart or even a weekly it'll show pretty much a parabolic move probably for a few months now i don't know that's certain but i want people to get in now if they're hesitant i think if you're able to buy silver under 20 equivalent usd so i'm not talking aussie dollars or the yen or you anything i'm saying equivalent 20 united states you're going to do well in the long run do you have to wait for a pull back to 20 no you don't i think it will do that in the short term but i also think it's going to be much much higher within the next nine months to that's a couple three years i just don't know the markets acting in a manner as if the shorts are having trouble covering and the last time this happened they just let it run they move aside to put their hands in their pockets as a metaphor meaning they're not willing to sell any paper anymore they're just gonna keep what they have and wait for the market to burn out when enough retail buyers and professionals quit buying then they come back in and then they short the market and drive it down really hard what do you think has dave david what do you think has been the catalyst for this current as you say this 17 move excuse me is it the great uncertainty or you know what is it what do you think's going on yeah well that gets into why and i really don't know i think your your take on is as good as anyone's i know part of the why isn't intent it's like the wise because there's a lot of physical buying i mean there's then these human humongous moves into the silver slv and other etfs exchange traded funds and notes and holy companies and there's a rumor that sprott's going to buy uh you know 1.5 billion dollars worth of silver and i'm sure there's head funds managers that are in there and then this uh gentleman from uh guggenheim who's their chief investment officer i really like the guy i've never met him probably never will but uh scott maynard i hope i'm pronouncing his name correctly he uh talked to bloomberg got dabbos said his number one go-to investment or sure bet that's my words about his but i forget the exact terminology but basically what's your go-to investment for 2020 said silver kind of blew the bloomberg financial writer away well why not gold it's just because gold is near its top silver is 60 percent undervalued then the the writer asked the bloomberg guy asked him a very important question he said do you think that silver could do what he basically was saying what plat but palladium has done yeah and mr meters said yes i do think that could happen which means a parabolic move to a very high price so you know i think we're gonna get i i'm almost certain we're gonna get there but just because i believe it doesn't mean you have to but i want to circle back one more part of the question and that was you know why it was so important you know earlier on and you know being on a silver stand it's hard to believe how well that the establishment can control the mindset of the human being yeah because if you you if you didn't own silver you didn't have any money in other words it wasn't you know even in the late evening in the early 40s you know if you didn't have silver in your pocket you had nothing no money and you could go from that you know gender a couple generations to now where people believe silver is only an industrial commodity and this is done basically through mental propaganda where you're taught that you know it's an industrial commodity it's not money gold's a barbarous relic you know it's only you know it's passe it's all about the new currency system it's about you know how we know what we're doing and you don't and leave the financial system to us because you're too stupid to understand it which no it's really not that hard and on and on it goes so really if people understood what real wealth is and the difference between money and currency and they were taught that we'd have a whole different situation than we have right now but they're not they're deliberately the whole thing about banking is obfuscated even i have a finance degree and even in finance they will tell you about fax rings or banking but they don't make a big deal about it and they certainly don't tell you how the power is held within a very small part of the banking system and how there's a hierarchy yeah i mean there's a chapter about not a whole chapter about the bis but let's just mention the bank of international settlements probably two paragraphs and my finance book was like that thick wow so it's and that's deliberate because the people that write the finance books for the you know an advanced degree like me which is in the ms and i'm not trying to say believe me i'm not even that pro college anymore i used to be but anyway i'm off track coming back on track it's deliberate it is a mindset they want anyone like me that gets a degree in finance it goes and works for main brokerage firm or starts their own firm or whatever to have this mindset you know gold silver bad fiat good we are the establishment stock market only goes up you know land's a great thing as long as you put a big fat mortgage on it we get our fees and on and on it goes what do you think is changing the narrative right now then david i mean i because i completely agree with you i think that the lack of knowledge uh and you said way back as as we started you know applied knowledge is power what do you think is changing the narrative in 2020 is it the huge amounts of money printing that's going on and people are talking about it do you think people are waking up or do you think that this is just a it it will change eventually kerry it just has to or is is what's going on i just don't understand he said i think he hit it i think it's you know i like things that are simple and elegant i like occam's razor the most simplistic and verifiable or nearly verifiable one is usually true you know it's one of those things that i don't know a good metaphor but you know you you whack somebody on the head lightly you don't get their attention you hit them a little harder and they might move a little bit you hit them even harder and they might startle awake for just a few moments and they're still back to sleep but you get a two by four and they whack them on the head they wake up why what are you doing and that's sort of this money printing thing we print and print and print those that are awake see it and talk and squawk and moan and groan and nothing happens then they print some more and there was a few more people wake up but now the two by four is coming out and whacked everybody over the head almost everybody is aware as you said this massive amount of you know fiat that's going across the world it's not just the united states european central bank everybody's printing it like it's worthless because it is and i think that's starting to wake up even sleepiest i mean you know uh a first grader could understand that you can't print your way out of this mess and i think a lot of people that were just saying oh they know what they're doing and believing the cognitive map that's been mapped out for them by the programming of the financial elite they and the news media that's in their pocket they are all starting to question that they say look even an idiot knows you can't print your way out and look at how much you're printing it's got to have some kind of an effect and the effect isn't going to be good so i think that's it i think enough people are got whacked over the head enough and see that now this printing is out of control which means an out of control or an uncontrolled economy uh at some point this is where the food crisis that we're going to be experiencing are really in the beginning of is going to wake people up even more because they may not know economics they could care less about you or i they're never going to see this video but when they go to buy food and the prices keep going up and up and up they're going to get scared and they're going to buy more food because they know the next time they go to the store it's going to cost even more and then those that have saved something are going to start looking and the gold market's going to be going higher the silver market's going to be going higher and they're going to understand more and more that the only place to go to preserve capital there are other places but the primarily easiest place to go are the monetary metals so you're going to see a move for people that can afford to do it now that's just us you know layp us people you know average people i'll call it i'm not talking about you know the trillions of dollars out there in the capital markets is going to look for a home and that's where it gets there yeah that's scary because that that money wants a home as well and for them there really is only one place to go they can't go into real estate they can't go into stocks they can't go they don't want any more derivatives and the only place it can really go is into the metals and they're so small especially silver that they're really almost forbidden from going in the silver in size they can go into gold and fairly good size but some of it will do it i mean they'll just do it because it's there and it can uh i'm going to digest just for a moment kerry but i was at a london conference with mostly hedge fund managers high net worth investment bankers and some retail investors okay it's just early on when silver was starting to move and uh this guy came up and he's kind of you know he's had to check out my watch and all that nonsense and anyway he said he just had too much he managed too much money to bother with silver he only bought gold you know and he walked off and said you know when those things happen it's always about you know five minutes later you get a good you know come back i said well i didn't stand at the time but i wish it would have said it wasn't too big for warren buffett you know warren buffett bought silver but you got to remember when warren buffett bought silver he bought she's like 80 percent of what was on the comex it was 130 million ounces and i forget the whole holdings of comex i remember the graph in my head i'm thinking about it being like 60 70 percent and it took a while to get all that silver and then it only represented less than two percent of berkshire hathaway's holdings so in a way this guy was right it was you know a huge amount of silver but a very small a portion of what your holy holies are so this shows you that if silver redeems the financial mistakes of the past in order to redeem them and get full value where does it go uh you know 10 times 100 times a thousand times 10 000 times i don't know the answer to that but i'm trying to give people the idea is quit thinking in the way you've been trained to think and think if the world was on a silver standard and it was equally distributed and you had this 400 trillion in the financial markets that needed a home and you only had a billion ounces of silver and silver had to cover all that fiat out there what would it be worth and the answer is nobody knows and it's going to be it's i think it's going to be set free within the banks i think that there's going to be enough physical buying that the uh that the paper market's not going to be as effective as it's been in the past but that doesn't necessarily mean that the propaganda press won't come out we've already seen articles out of london uh and other areas about you know who would buy silver i mean very negative articles that was so funny because this one article i'm referring to came out about four or five days before this huge move from silver i mean talk about this guy having an egg on his face i've been on the other side too you know i've said i think it's going to be hard but the end of the year it was lower so i can't i'm not trying to take a pot shot too big of one because i've experienced the opposite myself in fact david i i just want you you mentioned before that the capital has got to find a home to go to and you mentioned gold and silver but you said it's not going to go into stocks and it's not going to go into real estate why not well i think yeah why not is because everything with uh well first of all the stocks that could be wrong i mean it's more likely to go to stock market here's why if we go into a inflationary depression if you look at venezuela or argentina or the ymre public or any of these uh less advanced markets that have a hyperinflation you'll see their stock markets go parabolic they go straight up basically and the reason for that is it's better to be in stocks than it is to be in the bank but it doesn't really cover the loss of purchasing power it helps but it doesn't cover the only thing that covers it in any of those scenarios are just outlined is the precious metals so some could go in the stock market especially if they just keep printing as they have been it needs a home stocks are easy and that could happen so i probably misspoke that a little so thanks for the feedback real estate i think with what's going on with this uh situation with this pandemic is very difficult commercial real estate is really starting to falter even residential commercial you know apartments and skyscrapers i see a big exodus out of major cities due to these riots that are taking place and there is in my view a real big shift that's going to take most of your more classic real estate investments down down and down and the one place i would be interested in real estate are in rural areas that have the ability especially to farm on your own those things are going to double and double again and maybe double one more time after that so there are certain sectors of real estate but real estate as a whole where you get all this leverage by borrowing money getting a mortgage inflation's rate is greater than your mortgage uh interest rate the property is paid for by your tenants and all that stuff that some of the real estates are so happy to have done and i'm not putting them down i mean that was the case i'm just stating the facts those days are gone i'm afraid i'm almost certain those days are gone okay well uh that's a that's an interesting take on it um let's talk about uh supply demand david um we've got some silver here in australia um you know south america south africa etc do you think the supply demand question is going to have an impact on the price or do you think it is purely the narrative and the printing of money is in other words the higher the price of silver goes up the more mines will open up they become more economic could the market have too much silver could the price then be reflect that supply demand yeah it'll be both um in these markets it's really difficult as uh chris powell said there's no markets just manipulations that's pretty factual we're in a situation where as you said you know the rhetoric and the buying frenzy will take hold but there still has to be supply and that's where i think there's going to be a very interesting inflection point in silver because some of the more advanced companies that need silver for production like samsung as an example buy directly from the mine that's a rare case but as the investment investors or scared people or fear driven or capital preservation or whatever the reason why which you know we can analyze or not i prefer not to but just get the big move into the silver gold markets especially silver because once gold moves to 2500 3000 it's going to be unaffordable to a lot of people but silver will be you know under 60 or 50 or i don't know but it'll be a lot cheaper and then people if they do just a cursory read or discover that silver is actually less obtainable and so then they'll just bend it up higher and higher so you're going to have a supply issue where the industrialists that need silver or silver users will realize that we never ever warehouse silver but we can't finish the iphone for the 5g system unless we have x amount of silver and right now it's at you know 60 an ounce we better buy this much to finish out our 5g iphone and they go into the market well once that happens the mitsubishi says you know what we need this much silver and all of a sudden now you get kind of a bidding war between those that have to have it to produce a product and the investors that want it for capital preservation and capital appreciation so i think silver's got more dynamics to it than gold will and that the uh delta between the two for what the gold silver ratio is will continue to save favor silver where we could get back down to what i call the classic ratio which is like 1601 uh where if you put the same amount of money in the silver uh that you would have put in the gold you'll actually outperform the only thing i really have to say kerry from you know my integrity is unfortunately i think we're going to see a spike in both gold and silver i mean you take the you know the hedge fund managers the money market people that are moving into the metals and everyone wants to buy it for basically safety and appreciation so there's already in their mindset a built-in sell there is either trade it for a house trade it for you know paid off real estate and if i had digressed one more step and i'm sorry you know my comments about real estate stand i wouldn't change a word but what i would say is going back to real estate is if you have fully paid for real estate and you're collecting rent great i i think that's a good place to be however a quick example i have a friend in canada that has about a seven million dollar real estate empire five million in equity he's not getting paid rent so he's starting to have a little trouble paying his mortgage to the bank even though his mortgage you know his renters covered it easily and so he wanted to borrow about 500 000 on that and he couldn't get a loan so that's my part about real estate is anything that's leveraged now you've got to be very very careful about so let me come back to the silver market so you'll just see that carry through and bind against buying you know you're at the cocktail party remember it's number 23 i listened to that carrie interview i thought the guy was nuts but you know what i bought some options i'm up 10 times already you know that stuff starts going around also people oh i don't want to be late to the party i better buy some too and that's why i cautioned at the beginning of the interview that perhaps we might see an acceleration uh earlier than i had anticipated and then a pullback look david for those people out there because look for a lot of people they don't understand silver or gold you know they're used to what i call the funny money which is the paper stuff that you stick in the bank and you pay you lose your purchasing power which is what i bang on about all the time they you all of you listeners out there know i'm constantly going on about protect and grow your wealth my question to you is that those people that have never ventured into this market at all earlier in the interview you mentioned etf exchange traded funds what is your advice for somebody getting in do they buy a one ounce silver coin do they buy unallocated and leave it with the bullion dealer what would your advice be for protecting wealth in silver what do they buy how do they my my first thing is education i mean you really don't want to listen to one interview and be convinced you don't want to go go all in i'll go back to something i wrote way back it's called the 10 rules of silver investing so if you go to a search engine and type in 10 rules of silver investing probably that's all you need if it doesn't pop up put in 10 rules of silver investing by david morgan i did this recently and there's so many paid ads on this search engine you usually have to go to the second page but it will show up when you see 10 rules of silver investing david morgan you'll you'll click it i go through basically all of those questions in greater detail but basically you should start with the real metal first you should start small as you get familiar with it so if you got x that you want to put into silver put in one tenth x see how you're treated see what it looks like feel it be comfortable with it realize that you know this is a investment that's protected uh people for a very long time but it's highly volatile relative to gold and you've got to be aware of that i think all people that need to protect wealth if they can afford to should own both medals but i also want to be consistent i think there'll be a time where a lot of people that have lived paycheck to paycheck simply cannot afford gold at some point and they're going to want to protect themselves so they really only have one choice at that point and then the last thing about silver i forgot to mention was that i think it's going to go up and come down it said spike and then finish it off to real estate and in the palladium market it went straight up and that's parabolic move and it stayed there so it's like a a reverse l you know whatever it's like a half a tee and the reason for that is it's industrial demand driven only i mean there's very little investment for palladium so if silver were in that case where all these mitsubishis and samsung's and everybody else i mentioned needed it so badly and it was so scarce that they had to buy it uh you could see silver do that but we don't have that what we have is about 60 percent of the market which is more than half in that situation where it's needed absolutely essential no substitution available silver only but that's only 60 percent the market if it was uh you know 96 percent of the market then you might see silver spike and continue on that high price but since you know the other part of the market is either silverware jewelry or investment you're going to have those factors that could drive down the price because people want to profit one way or another they may not want to profit uh in fiat they may like i said make a deal with somebody that's got paid for real estate and say i'm gonna give you x amount of silver i want your real estate i want the silver let's make a deal that type of thing david it's been an absolute pleasure chatting to you before we go we've got to wrap this up uh any last comments about what's going on with i mean it's been fantastic i love what you're saying in and in fact you said to people it it will ha it will be going up stronger price but it could pull back and that's the time that people need to have a look at it as well so keep your eye on it don't don't go all in go and make sure that you look at david's uh 10 rules of silver investing before you just jump in because i know a lot of you listening to this uh have never invested in silver so as david rightly said earlier in the interview do your own research as i always say be resourceful get educated david final comments from you sir all right well i'm going to uh toot my own horn first of all you can find me at themorganreport.com and get on our free newsletter i urge everybody to do that i do a weekly perspective like to comment on the financial news and then you know put it right in your face usually i do a video so you can see it came from reuters or bloomberg or maybe one of these off key type of websites but i verify it all and then on that final closing words when i wrote the ten rules of silver investing the first rule goes something like this uh no one wants to be a prophet of doom but in the uh case that there is a financial collapse silver will be the money of last resort not gold because silver will be able to buy everyday purchases where gold's value will be too large to carry out that and then the 10th rule which is more important and you said it and i wanted to emphasize it because i want everyone listening to this to not make a mistake and the 10 rules said too much of a good thing is too much a good thing even in the worst conditions a 10 weighting into this precious metal is probably sufficient for almost everyone you don't really want to overload in anything and i gotta add one thing here i got a consultation a few years ago i'm probably like eight or nine wonderful well-heeled gentleman from australia and he'd listen to somebody on the net about the merits of silver and he really overloaded it and he called me on his consultation said man i just listened to you and i really wish i'd listened to you earlier and i said well why is that he said because i bought too much soap he goes you know i put in like 90 of my cash free cash in the silver market now it's off you know 40 and i said man okay so i you know obviously helped him where i could but so i want to caution everybody you know what i said in those 10 rules of silver investing were very well thought out they were meant to help everybody not harm anyone but the problem is that i get these people that blame me when they buy too much it's not what i said i put it in writing or buy it all at one time it's not what i said i said to do the opposite of that or you said this and no i didn't so if you people that say they follow me uh and complain probably haven't so i'm sorry if i ranted but i want to get that off my chest because you know i'm a pretty solid human being you know me better than most carrie and you know what i'm really made of and uh for people to go out there and take these pot shots out me out there that have no clue of walking in my shoes what i've been through in my life which i'm not going to get into it's private and i want to talk about it but to sit there and take these pot shots because they heard one interview and decided to go all in you're not you're not being very wise you're not using knowledge and you're certainly not studying these ten rules that i wrote years ago for everyone's benefit that probably take about four minutes to read but maybe a lifetime to understand i'm done i love that as a close ladies and gentlemen because you know what i always say i'm always talking about this hedge and diversify as david just said don't put don't go all in silver and i will say back to you david there's always going to be people taking pot shots because do you know what we step above the parapet we have an opinion and we try and help and educate people and when you do that those people that don't listen and don't properly educate themselves will always take pot shots because deeply they're deeply unhappy people that's all i'll say about that ladies and gentlemen make sure you go to uh the morganreport.com subscribe to david's uh newsletter and if you want to go premium uh make sure you do that as well because david does an enormous amount of research and it is only there to help you in the long run protect and grow your wealth that david morgan thanks for joining us today ladies and gentlemen thanks for watching thank you kerry
Channel: Small Caps
Views: 246,545
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: David Morgan, The Morgan Report, silver, Small Caps, precious metals, gold
Id: ViuSaPHNo-I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 59sec (2339 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 01 2020
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