David Hogan part 6 - "Diligently Heed"

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[Applause] appreciate it yeah good thank you fellas yep howdy get all my junk set up all right so you all good me too my voice is a little bit crackly but we'll make it we always do holy ghosts okay so what i've decided to do with you tonight i asked for permission and it was granted so there's something god did in the creation he created heaven and earth but most theologians most doctrinal statements most denominations believe that god quit that well i have searched for proof that he's remember when he said let it be remember that in the beginning in genesis i've looked through the bible many times for a phrase that says let it stop it it's not there so if god spoke a word let it be and things started evolving started happening where where do men get off on trying to tell me that he don't do it anymore so i'm gonna give you authority to create using the power of god now i'm not anybody but god backs me anyway thank you what's happening okay all right thank you thanks corbin all right so i don't see very many things up here so if you have some stuff you want prayed over i would suggest because when i get started here you're gonna want to because i've been preaching in mexico for 43 years and your problem is instead of it slowing down it's growing bigger i'm talking about the power of god do you hear me all right so let's get started let me look yeah that's better i i'm more happy it now there's still a couple of holes but we'll fill them up as we go there we go that's better thank you dear holy ghost holy ghost holy ghost now i'm fixing to stretch your ability to believe but it wasn't me that did it it was god the father you do understand that you do understand that you baptized girl i saw you get baptized so i know you're a baptized girl so i don't know your name so as far as i'm concerned you're baptized girl and i'm grateful that one of the crocodiles didn't bite you which brings up a story i was in africa and i don't know if y'all know heidi baker or not but i was with them in mozambique and her niece came to africa from california family was having some sort of trouble uh and so miss heidi took the young girl so i don't know exactly that part but when i got there this young girl was there as well and she's not saved she's not filled with the holy ghost she's a normal california devil and that means something to me because i know i know what that means so okay so my first they they had me to uh uh i don't know it was some kind of it's about about 100 people there and so i was just talking just talking about jesus and that young girl was her first day from california and she stands up and she says to me you're crazy i said i've heard that before turns out i'm not the crazy one i said but we'll see baby we'll see who's crazy over the next few days now this this actually happened at a baptism because see i'm the guy that'll go in the water with the crocodile and save you you don't know that but i was born in louisiana and i have wrestled several hundred alligators now i look like just an old guy to you but the crocodiles know me so it's true statement baptized girl so this is how it went it wasn't my fault but the holy ghost fell one day and he hit that girl and she she freaked out because she's used to drugs and violence and so forth uh but she's not used to an unseen power touching her [Music] and so she come and asked me she said what is this thing touching me i said well it's not me his name is the holy ghost and he loves you and so she she broke down and she got saved that's good so about three days of her being around us she got saved and then they decided to do a baptism like we did today baptized girl don't tell me your name i don't want to know it it blesses me that your face is so red you got to get over the fear of man don't worry about them just you and i are the only ones in this building okay now now here miss heidi miss heidi said to me i want you to get in the water because she says i know those crocodiles and hippopotamuses i know they know you i said they do know me but i'm not getting in the water i'm going to stand on the bank and watch behind you while y'all baptized and if one of those things come i'll speak to it for you now it seems like a joke until it's not so we was baptized and there was i don't know lots of people getting baptized must be in a hundred of them there's lots so it was that girl that girl come up to me and she says to me i don't even know what y'all are doing or why you're doing it but it feels like i should do it i said you should do it she said i've never been in a river in my life i said i have she said there's things in that water i said there is she said they'll eat me i said they will it's all this is true i promise you i speak the truth to you she says these words she grabbed me you know like an uncle or whatever every how you view it and she says don't let anything happen to me i said baby i got you back now see that's not just a saying some people are actually not lying to you i need you to hear me i told miss heidi i got her i'll protect you and her i'll give you my word i'll give my life for that she said all right so she invited her niece to come in the water and fortunately a crocodile didn't come i was happy nor a hippopotamus but when she walked out because she was just like y'all she got whacked with the fire as soon as she come out of the water blooms she got she couldn't speak english she was just gone and when she walked up there uh we was waiting we was gonna pray for her when she got to the thing okay but what i didn't mention to her was cobra snakes and as soon as she touched dry land a cobra went running right by me to get to her but the problem is i speak snake as well [Laughter] so so what do you do it's a cobra if it bites you you have 20 minutes so what do you do anybody know i know you go through the air and you put your foot on its head and you reach in your pocket and you pull out your case pocket knife and you open your case pocket knife and you tell the devil he overplayed your hand and then you cut his head off do you hear me it was actually this knife serious listen to me you do not have to be afraid of hell my bible says we will tread upon scorpions and snakes so i take it literal so no matter what they say that's why i keep my knife sharp because you might need it so you see baptized girl you didn't even know you had protection standing there but the holy ghost loves you baby and that was a wise decision getting in that water crocodiles are not in jesus name heaven is going to bless you darling holy ghost so i killed a cobra with my bare hands but all the national pastors ran but some of us don't run you hear me okay let's get started with this so is that enough encouragement are you encouraged because i see your face is getting less red so by drawing attention to you see it went red again i always ask my wife i ask her why is your face red you know what she says because you looked at me she loves me and so i get it i'm just playing okay boy so i'm so going to get you all right let's do it so what's the first bible verse exodus 15 what verse 26 would somebody please stand up and read that to me so i can understand what it's saying anybody surely there you go loud that's what it says have y'all noticed every time i speak i get somebody to stand up and read a verse it's the same verse it's a different version but it's almost word for word have you noticed that that's proof to you that it's in there and that you can believe it you hear me all we have to do is be diligent i am that i'm a diligent human being i have figured out a few things that work and submit to the holy ghost is one of them listen to the word of god like they brought me back to my room while ago as soon as that i shut the door i turned my bible on until i walked outside and he said it's time to do something else and i said okay i went and turned my bible off in a day's time i listen to a hundred chapters plus every day from the time my feet hit the floor my thing turns on when i pull my feet up to go to bed my thing turns off it's the word of god that heals we need to be diligent my wife and i have been married y'all i've told you every service this is our 50th year to be married you know what she said to me not long ago she says if you die i'm going to have them make a plaque it's your grave site i said what's it gonna say she said they're gonna write it in big letters a man who loves the word of god now that's you that's married you know that's impressive i have impressed my wife that's my goal did you hear me you you man you need to man up and you need to find that holy ghost and you need to be diligent with the gospel and you need to be statue oriented or a person of soundness it's stability that's who you need to be anybody can be a loser and a quitter i'm not that and i'm fixing to tell you a story it's pretty awesome it just happened and i'm pretty impressed all right who's got hebrews 13 8 who's got that somebody read it to me hebrews 13 8 please somebody ladies y'all don't have bibles or what okay go hey sit down he said you see he put his finger on you he said sit down i got this that's good so are you doing great go hallelujah hallelujah jesus jesus the same yesterday today and tomorrow jesus jesus you know that part one of those baptized girls i got to come back to you because that same day after we after i killed that cobra and all them people got baptized i went back we walked back to the vehicles from the river and the muslims were there and so that can go a bunch of different directions but there was a guy a doctor was there who was tending to the sick with medicine and he said to me you were not here and a blind muslim guy came i was busy killing cobras i had a different job you all right you embarrassed a little bit okay huh okay all right all right [Laughter] so you can if my granddaughter ever comes around you can ask her i'll pick on people that i appreciate i like people that make stands you made a stand today in public and i that makes me happy that's the right stand to make shout out so i said what happened he said he wasn't here so i had to pray for him myself now this is a medical doctor and he laid his hands upon this this this uh this guy was a witch doctor muslim blind and when the doctor touched him the man's eyes popped open healed and he and the doctor the doctor said to me you wasn't lying i said no i don't lie i tell the truth jesus is the same for you for me for you for me for you for me it don't matter if you have experience it matters that you have faith you hearing me now see i got their faces turned red you happy see now it's a whole group of y'all holy ghost i like it when god opens blinded eyes when he lets me kill a cobra when when people get saved and filled with the holy ghost when they get when they get baptized i like that so let's go to a new a new verse colossians chapter one so which one of you prophets knew is going to colossians don't lie it's what i thought you're not a prophet you're just a mouth oops now everybody's face is red except mine [Laughter] okay let's find this let me see where is it that's it all right yeah i made a good decision okay colossians chapter 1 verse 10 are you there if he was a prophet you would be colossians chapter 1 verse 10. see where's your bible what what good is he going to do you have to believe i'm telling you the i know you tell the truth i know but that's not good enough you got to look at it for yourself [Laughter] what's wrong with you uh i want you to win i don't want you to fail i want to be a good example of the truth of the gospel so that you can live longer and do more than i've ever thought about holy ghost colossians chapter 1 verse 10. y'all there everybody that you might walk say i want to walk that you might live say i want to live that you might conduct yourself say i want to conduct myself according to the holy ghost all right it says in a worthy manner say that's me that's that's defining me say it of the lord look the ver now this isn't amplified you it's okay y'all all right fully pleasing to him say i want to please god say it and desiring to please him in all things said i want i want to i want to be all the time bearing good fruit pleasing the father say it look what it says in every good work steadily growing see uh most christianity will teach you that you get saved you get filled and you're done but the bible teaches us that it's a process of steady growing of becoming more and more like our father like who jesus is do you understand me we can become as jesus is if we will allow ourself to keep growing all right and that's not this is what this says okay so it says working and steadily growing and increasing by the knowledge of god say i want the knowledge of god i want to increase in god's goodness all right with fuller deeper clearer insight say i want it insight i want clear i want the depths of heaven in jesus name hear our cry oh god hear our cry of god in jesus name verse 11 we pray that you might be invigorated see uh i'm a old guy but i'm invigorated you see me i am one invigorated human being i am on fire i'm alive you look at me and it never runs out i'm telling you my body needs rest i need food but i am always ready to work for the gospel that's a good thing you asked any of these other old people they run out of gas you see but you don't have to young people don't tell them they like being out of gas i like being full of gas okay verse 11. this is what it says we pray that you may be invigorated say i want to be invigorated and strengthened say i want to be strengthened with all power say it i want it now this next phrase is what i actually understand the most it says with every kind of endurance see when people fall it's because they run out of endurance something tripped them up something made them angry something took away their finances their marriage something hurt them in a way that they didn't recover from so i need you to have endurance in the gospel i need you to understand that it's a long race i am a marathon runner all of you in this room if you would go out there with me you'll beat me to the next road but 10 miles from now i won't even see you anymore it's because of endurance say it i need endurance i need gospel endurance i need to understand what god is talking about so fill me with knowledge god say it in the name of jesus all right so let's do verse 12 giving thanks to the father so if the bible says that i suppose we should do that y'all stand up please just lift your hands up to god just give him thanks the way you know how lord jesus we thank you thank you father we give thanks to the lord our god we give thanks to the father in jesus name we give the glory of the gospel hallelujah thank you god we give you thanks father we give you thanks father sorry all right thank y'all have a seat let's do another part of this verse it says verse 12 colossians 1 12 give thanks to the father who has qualified and made us fit see everybody asked me the most the the question that's most asked to me is how do you do this for so long because you know people who do bursts a year two years five years but but you don't know somebody that's done it for 40 years but i need more than a burst out of you i need you to understand that god qualified you that god made you fit this has nothing to do with you it's his responsibility it's him thanksgiving to god brings repercussions it helps you to develop are you hearing me or not hear me am i too complicated are you all okay i don't cause it's not to me it's not complicated jesus is king that settles it and it says this right here he made us fit to share the portion say i want to share the portion of the inheritance say i want the inheritance of god's holy people in the light that's what's important is everything you do should be in the light it should be open for everyone to see that's why i disagree with these closed bands of humans that think they got it put together but they hide from everybody i think god does things publicly and displays it for the world to see how awesome he is that's what i think god does it and shows it in the light that's why i appreciate y'all for what y'all are doing i'm telling you i do that's why i keep coming and keep when you ask me i keep coming it's because i need to help you bring this gospel that y'all are so grounded in to the light where the rest of your community can see the power of the holy ghost because that's what god wants and i know that's true all right now look look verse 13. you look at this the father has delivered say i am delivered and drawn us to himself say thank you father for drawing me to you thank you so much for caring for me in jesus name now this verse 13 every one of you in this room will say to me that you believe it but i will say to you that you don't now let's read it the father's delivered thank you god for delivering me say it and he's drawn us to himself but look what it says your version your version look at it out of the control of now that's the separation between us and normal people because normal people still are in the control of the environment of the devil but the moment baptized girl you come out of that water you they lost control of you and they don't like that but god does it says these words right here it says the father has delivered thank you god for deliverance and he's drawn us to him thank you that you love us so much and you've taken us out of the control say i'm out of con out of the control of say it and the dominion of say it darkness when when you really believe that god's power is is putting you in protection you become a threat to the enemy because he cannot stop you because i am not under his control anymore the father delivered me and the father drew me to himself and he took me away from the dominion of hell and you see your problem is i believe that everybody says to me why are you different there's your line right there because i'm not under the dominion of hell i'm not a good guy never said that i said the father delivered me i said he drew me to himself and i said he took me out of control of the powers of darkness and the reason i say that is because it says it right here i need you all to hear what i'm saying because if we can get this and if we can get it in these kids right here we can conquer the planet we cannot be stopped and it don't matter how many of us die another one and a hundred of them let's take our place this is right y'all everybody says to me how do you do these things how do i do it i'm what's called a free man i'm not other than dominion of hell anymore and i am what's called a believer and i need you to hear this thing drives me buddy everybody what what pushes your pedal verse 13. that's what pushes my pedal i need you to want this i need you you young people if i could open you up and pour it in i would but you have to receive it yourself you have to want it yourself you have to be hungry yourself you have to be thirsty yourself and god will fill you and the things i've done you'll just laugh when you get my age wow if he just knew what i know look look at this it says he has i believe this thank you jesus the father has delivered say it i'm delivered the father has drawn us to him say i've been drawn by the father said i'm out of the control of say it and the dominion of say it darkness and has transferred say i have been transferred i have been brought into the kingdom of the son of his love and when you realize that you can face anything with people or without people it's the same look at verse 14. in whom it's talking about the father we have redemption say i've been redeemed say it and see when you're redeemed the curses of hell the sickness the diseases the the loss the lack they have no power over you and there's nothing you've done he's done it all he's done everything i've been redeemed thank you for redeeming me in whom we have our redemption through his blood say thank you for redemption thank you for the forgiveness of sins so with that said i want to tell you a story all right corbin just haven't put brother antonio up there all right i want you to look at this fella you know he's only he's not anything special he's an indian that's an aztec indian you see look at him he wears pajamas every day but it's not pajamas it's called calzone he's an original indian he's 100 purebred aztec indian that fella and i just want you to look at him that guy's about 85 years old look at his hair if i could get him to smile he ain't very emotional but he's got all his teeth still has his black hair so why am i showing him to you that's my story when i was a kid i'm not a kid anymore when i was 25 years old i was hiking by myself and i came and i found this valley i went around there was a mountain and i went around the bend in the river and this valley opened up and i just looked at it wow and it's full of villages has about a hundred villages in it straight up to the big mountains and when i got to the first village i'm i'm by myself no packing no weapons i always carry a pocket knife so i had a pocket knife but i had no weapons on me and i went walking in a village and they came out lots of them and none of them could speak spanish i had the wrong language so i had to learn aztec i can speak aztec now it's the oldest language in our hemisphere it's almost as old as chinese and i brought the gospel to these people so their response is simple they threw me in jail so you're in jail so the first thing you do what do you do when you get put in jail you don't know do you i do you're spitting mad and you're cussing i apologize to you but the first thing you do is you become a human i wish i could say to you that you're so awesome you would have been like jesus and took it or paul or somebody problem is we're humans and you've got to get past being a human for the power of god to work for you see and i know y'all probably better people than i am there's no doubt you have better been you've been better taught earlier and you'd have probably done it different than i did you know probably cussed a half an hour in where i cussed soon as i got the door shut you're probably good for half an hour it's not awesome to go to jail for doing nothing wrong it is not okay with the way we think to be destroyed for doing good all you can do is wait and then they came they drug me out they beat me with clubs and they told me don't come back i said i'll be back because here's your trouble with me you may have me outnumbered out gunned you may have more money than i do but i got a difference i've been delivered from the dominion of darkness i am a child of light you have no control over me ah now look the adult's faces are red so what do you do they promise you you come back they're going to kill you what do you do you go home and you sit down you think about it and you decide they don't have that right and you go back because from my house to where he's sitting is an eight-hour walk so you walk eight hours so they can beat you up and put you in jail then you gotta walk eight hours back hurting see this gospel is different than you know the gospel i know is different and i'm trying to get you to understand everybody says what's wrong with you what's wrong with me i know how to walk that's what's wrong with me i can walk but finally a person got saved and we started a church in a village and then you go to this village where he's sitting as a second village this guy right here in 1978 got saved this guy all right how many y'all were born in 1978 yeah not very many not in this room in 1978 this guy gave his life to jesus and started walking with me we've been walking together since 78 88 98 08 18. that's 43 years that me and this guy right here been walking together and what i want you to understand is me and him have been in jail seven times a piece together me and this guy we have been stoned with rocks beat with clubs and yet we're still together he he has watched me heal the sick and raise the dead his whole life but now here's here's my story i wanted to tell you the background because it's valuable last year he's in his field working with a machete he's planting his crops he stepped on a thorn because they weren't barefooted he stepped on a thorn he got infected don't you look it's on the left side it's his right foot his right foot here we go fell off okay now the gospel he has been with me 40 years he has watched the power of the gospel 40 years with me we've been together but then one day i got a note from his wife she says antonio estamoriendo antonio is dying this is his wife now the reason i'm not offended by you ladies you don't never talk you don't ever interact you don't know why because for 40 years that man's wife has spoke probably 10 words to me that's why i understand i don't care you know it's awesome i i respect that i'm good it's awesome i'm telling you there's some things you do that are right i've been around these indians my whole life and they act just like you that's why you see me okay with everything isn't that awesome but for her to send me a note after 40 years it's important so what i do i go out of my way and i go there she brought me into her him she moves the blanket off of his foot and his foot is detached his right foot is detached from the leg and it's dead his foot is black dead and i'm you know i'm looking at it this is 40 something years later now listen when i first got there i was a kid you know and i was enthusiastic i was like i have energy like them you know and me and her husband we walked through these mountains for years but then one day she needed me because her husband's foot's gone so i asked her so what do you ask that lady what well i know this is what i said to her que quieres what do you want she looked at me okay i want a new foot i said i'll be right back let me go to truck get you one you see i joke about everything probably a shame joking and guess what else neither am i either yo god can do it or stop preaching is that clear because when he said let it be he didn't retract it i need you to get this it'll benefit all these folks if you get it are you hearing me i need you to listen to me because i know you understand what i'm saying because you got 40 years down the trail you got a person that's been with me through thick and thin never i mean they never flinched and they stood right beside me but now that lady needs that that bread winner back she needs that man back in that field planting that corn and chopping and chopping them trees down do you understand me for him to do that he's gonna need a new foot for that to happen we're gonna need jesus that's right you hear me i need you to look up there that guy i need you to look on his right foot what's sitting there because we laid our hands on this guy nothing happens so in our world what we see is not what affects us what we don't see doesn't affect us we go by what the word of god says so what i do is i set up a schedule of people to go by and pray for them right so we started praying for this guy one year in two months one year and two months i go to a conference one of ours we're up in the big mountains and i'm up there you know doing what i do worshiping god there's a thousand indians and we're just enjoying ourselves and then y'all listen to me i look across the thing and i saw antonio you know what antonio was doing same thing i was and i saw him but your problem is i saw him when his foot was gone and it struck me it almost knocked me to the floor i was so impressed with your god how is that man dancing i just ran i took off running and i walked over to him and i'm just watching him just the old guy like me just bounce it up and down i said antonio que te pasa como esta bringando i see i said what's wrong with you on tony how you jumping up and down like that he didn't say a word he just sit down on the concrete pull his little tennis shoe off and showed me his new foot [Applause] you see that foot on the right side over there the one on this side see it it's new it ain't as old as we are god just created a new foot on the guy so he gets a new foot out of the deal that's amazing yo god did that he wanted me to get my dancing partner back your god is an awesome god and i need you to want that do you hear me boy you know i know you for a long time you've always had a pleasant environment around you whether you are not i don't know but you always seem pleasant but what you need your hands you've got to have that in your hands you got to have people's feet and lungs and heart and eyes you have to have that son they need us yes sir come on now we can do this you just never thought i had extra feet would you i carry them in my backpack and when i have my truck my toolbox is full of stuff see everybody thinks that's a joke ain't no joke god created a new foot on that man right there that man is my friend 42 or 3 years we've been running around together and he gets a new foot see what what you got to get is in the beginning people were getting new feet but now we're 45 years down the trail and they still getting new feet this is what you got to be able to have endurance the things i know that y'all have suffered and y'all been through i know i know i don't ever say nothing i keep a mouth shut but i do have eyes you know and it doesn't affect me and bother me but i ain't never gonna say nothing i'm gonna give you something to follow now you're gonna man up and follow me do you understand that just because it has to be that's why and i am sorry that things are the way they are don't worry about that just keep your feet coming just keep your backpack full of extra feet what do you think endurance is for there's something that needs to be overcome that's what shock about uh and i'm here to tell you jesus is king that man right there just a regular aztec indian i'm telling you you see that man right there he can grow corn on his concrete um i'm telling you i don't know how he does it his corn is like i don't know it it seems to be really big the next day you know you'll just see him he'll come walking off the mountain have a hundred pounds of corn on his back he needs his foot how's he gonna toad his corn the gospel is real look at that man look at him look at that right foot it was gone but look over hanging on the end of that leg where that foot come from how'd that happen i don't know all i know is we asked jesus for it and it came i don't know how that works all i know is jesus is king and i'm glad my friend got a new foot because one of these days one of your friends gonna need a new foot you need to have extra the deal is you don't have nothing and you can't but if you know jesus you can you hear me y'all stand up all right that's enough seriousness let's play a little bit so start worshiping jesus all right you all good leave them mints here i'll just take this thank you corbin you want to say anything corbin you can i was supposed to ask you to begin i remembered i forgot how i'm remembered and now you let's just worship jesus because if it's all right we'll do another one in fire deals y'all okay with that you all right everybody good with that you all good but but but what i want to do is uh impartation of creation power can we does that make sense to you that what i said because what if god's listening [Laughter] what if he hears our cry and he often comes comes with toe sacks full of new feet and toes and teeth and eyeballs and ears and hearts what if he gives you a sack of them all you got to do is find the people that need it just here have it it's simple it's not hard it's just a matter of staying where god put you because here i have something called endurance holy see that i didn't win gotten all serious on y'all now look at that what if i'm telling you the truth son and whatever angel comes and dumps his toe sack on y'all just fills you with his mercy and his goodness what would it be like what if i'm right what if i'm right i am right you two have been delivered from the dominion of darkness i need you to act like it you see me i act like it that's what you all that's why you're watching me all the time to see what else i'm gonna do jesus holy saying if you if you need something like he needed a new foot if you're in here and you need something from god i need you right now with your mouth to ask god for it you can do that for me go ahead just worship me go ahead holy ghost so y'all gonna do some music or no how's it gonna go what y'all gonna do y'all oh he's coming up all right all right holy ghost holy ghost holy ghost whatever you need does someone need new kidneys does someone need new lungs does someone need a new heart does someone need white blood cells does someone need red blood cells does someone need vision does someone need hearing y'all do you understand what your problem with me is right i saw that with my eyes and that makes you different when you get to see somebody ain't got no foot and the next time you see them oh my god they got a foot that's impressive that's right you see me yeah i'm impressed so i'm going to let them i'm going to let them run this i'm just going to play [Music] that's what i do best is play like i just bought my granddaughters a new play thing outside so where you gonna find me is with them on the play thing that's what i do best [Music] i mean you know when somebody needs a foot i can do that too but i need you all to want creation power of god to come into your spirit i need you to want that [Music] and i do know that some of you ain't never heard nothing like this in your life and some of you that's been at the gospel a long time you ain't never heard nothing like that well i have heard it it's real in our world it's normal [Music] where i live where we work it's normal to have these kinds of miracles i want that for you i want that for you i want that for you i want that for this house i want that for every house that's represented so we're gonna they're gonna tell us what to do and i'm gonna stay within those guidelines but i'm gonna be playing whatever you want
Channel: Beacon Of Truth Ministries International
Views: 8,355
Rating: 4.9781423 out of 5
Id: vhzjdfVe8i0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 69min 38sec (4178 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 25 2021
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