David Dobrik Replies to Fans on the Internet | Actually Me | GQ

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hey guys it's Ava dobrik and today I'm going undercover on the Internet it's actually me Instagram are you engaged the picture of me Natalie who's my friend slash assistant no we're not engaged we're not dating we're just friends right Natalie Natalie has cue cards just friends not engaged can we get a short tutorial on how to do the David's mom oh it's so crazy because I didn't I didn't realize that I do the same smile in every picture till I started reading comments and like all my smiles they're like this here I was just an interview and someone asked me to take a picture and I was like okay and I smiled and no no do we do the David smile and I was like what are you talking about this is this is how I smile I stick my tongue out I think a little bit when I smile I think it's cuz I used to be insecure about my teeth before I had braces so I would literally stick my tongue out thinking it was blocking my teeth I don't know and now it's kind of stuck not this is my smile posted where's the podcast the podcast it's um it's probably late I'm really behind I'm like all social media postings I'm like a day or two late for everything it's probably on Spotify or iTunes you're a millionaire and wear Levi's yeah what else are you supposed to wear your person commenting and you're not using the right from your what are you supposed to wear when you're a millionaire Levi I think Levi's are expensive I don't know I don't they even wear Levi's I think I wear like Target brand jeans I'm like I'm really really the worst when it comes to clothing I don't spend over 10 20 dollars on clothes because if it's blackout wear how are you giving out cars I don't know I don't know how it got to here but over the last year I've gotten to give out a little over 15 cars now which is cool and one of the cars was a Lamborghini for my friend Heath I don't know how I get to do that but I'm so so so lucky and so happy good to get anybody in my position would give out cars if they could but I just got lucky I guess posted Wikipedia dobrik was born July 23rd 1996 in Kosice Slovakia his family moved to Vernon Hills Illinois a suburb of Chicago it's almost close I was we moved to Ohio and my parents moved first and then I surprised my mom when my dad took me up at the airport she thought I was coming in a completely different time and I flew over by myself and I cried the entire trip and then her reaction was crazy when she opened the door and by crazy I mean it was pretty tame she I think she was happy that I was gone for a little bit dobrik is protected under daca I am I am protected under daca that's why I'm still here and I even picked up on May 15 2000 19 Dover legally married Lorraine Ashe Jason and his mother as part of one of his vlogs that's true my um my buddy Jason told me I'd never find love so I flew to Boston to surprise his mother and propose to her we flew to Vegas got married and then we flew to Hawaii to honeymoon and then we flew back and I surprised him with papers saying I'm his legal stepfather this is really cool it was also really cool because Jason's 45 so he's older than me but I'm his dad boom read it do many of the vlog squad members have normal jobs yeah Suzy is a lyft driver and Vardhan goes to school fara Don's 12 years old but he actually makes the most amount of money in his entire family because he does he does personalized shout outs where people pay him to say happy birthday and he's like the hottest person on the app so he's making the most he's making a killing I don't think I left work at normal job which is kind of sad favorite video of David in another youtubers videos I don't really like watching videos of myself unless unless I edited them cuz then I get nervous I don't know what I said I used to make a lot of videos of Lies and those are all really really funny those I'll still watch anyone know what kind of bracelet David is always wearing the blackened metal I'm gonna don't have on it was a bracelet John gave to me John Stamos I hate saying his full name because it just sounds like I'm name-dropping but John gave it to me it's from his brand and I always had it and then I got like a rash right here so I took it off it wasn't the bracelets fault but I just took it off and then I lost it um but I always wear this one I've had this one on since my freshman year of high school so I've had it on for like eight years eight or nine years it doesn't mean anything I was just in health class and I asked my friend John I was like do you want to see how long I can wear this green bracelet and he goes sure okay so I've had it on ever since has no meaning to whatsoever next Twitter does anyone know why exactly David Ober can't leave the country like I know he'll get deported but why I can't leave because I'm protected by daca and basically I can leave I can go right now but I can't come back I can't reenter the country for like another ten years if I if I leave the country so I'm not like a citizen I don't have a visa the only thing I can do where I can leave the country and come back because if I get married but Natalie and I are not engaged so it's not happening any time soon but who knows fingers crossed who is david dobrik like what does he do david dobrik makes videos on the internet reveals a lot about his personal life just films a lot a lot of his day a lot of my last two three years has been on camera which is cool because it's kind of like a video diary YouTube and how does one become David's assistant asking for a friend Natalie became my assistant because she was my friend from my hometown and I didn't trust anybody else I don't know how the process works I let Natalie do all that I'm not good at hiring people I feel like I just get like connected to whoever I talk to for the first time so I'm like okay you're hired even though I don't like go through the proper means of figuring out if they're qualified or not why does Dave his bathroom look like a public bathroom with stalls my bathroom has a divide in the middle where one's a shower and ones the national toilet but it looks like there's multiple toilets I've had people go into my bathroom and I go whoa you multiple toilets and it just looks like that Quora this is David Daugherty his friends 15 who's videos no I don't my parents would ask me this question every time every time when I when I started making videos my parents would be like do you pay your friends as like I don't it's like a mutual thing we like making videos and they were like well you should start paying them because they're not gonna want to be in them anytime soon and I was like no trust me we all enjoyed doing them so no I've never paid a friend to be in a video is david dobrik dating anyone no David you'll break is not gay mr. Cryan how much time would it take to edit a david dobrik dialog I guess it depends like how much effort you want to put into it for me it takes so every video every video is four minutes to 20 seconds long but each video I have about five hours of footage so it's kind of just making like a trailer of the best part of my day it takes me about like 12 13 14 hours to get it done right now we've been working on one and it's been like two days we just we can't get it right if you don't really care for you can get it done in an hour how much of David Derrick's logs are scripted not that much the only that scripted is if someone says something funny off-camera and then we go hey can you repeat that because it'll be funny if you say it again people think it's all scripted it's not how did Josh Peck and David Ober become friends I don't know this one this one's this one's beyond me my friend had his phone number and he called him and he was like hey you want to come shoot some videos with us and surprisingly he was down and then after we were done shooting with him he goes hey let's make this like a regular thing like let me come back and shoot more videos and I remember him leaving and I was just like I start like we all all my roommate just started high-fiving because it's like the best moment like Josh Peck is is officially down to being all the videos this is really cool I was the biggest fan of chicken Josh the biggest fan of Jake and Josh those those these show i watch growing up so it's it's even it's like I'll call my parents now when I'm sitting in the living room and I'll be like look who it is it's Josh Peck from dick it's crazy it's so weird because you you forget after a while that like that's the guy that you were watching I don't know it's that's nuts in david darks vlogs when he's in the car this is tesla directing by itself for his he drive in it most of the time i'm driving it i think they're referring to like when i film people in the backseat so I'll have my hand like this and I'll be looking at the rearview mirror to see if I'm lining up the shot correctly on the person I rarely let it drive itself I had the Tesla there's a new function on it where it can be parked at like a grocery store and you can be leaving the grocery store and you hit it and it comes and picks you up at the front of the grocery store I try that the other day and it hit I got really slowly like 5 miles per hour it hit a guy shopping cart as he was walking out of the store so we have to explain to him that it was a new update on my car and that was a mess so I don't let it I don't lie to tribe itself what's the reason my david dobrik every vlog is for 20 minutes I would say because I came from vine and every vine was six seconds long so I kind of adopted that and I wanted like something short that people can watch quickly and not have to spend ten or twelve minutes watching what will become a favorite in the next 10 years this is such a scary question because I'm always scared of answering it because I just imagine me like being completely burnt out in some ditch and an edit place of me answering this question and then it cuts to me like just like completely exhausted and not like working or not doing anything anymore I'm just I don't know I'm taking it day-by-day I don't want to know what's gonna happen to me in 10 years but I'm having fun in the meantime submit take you internet for all the questions I'm surprised I didn't get my feelings hurt I didn't cry watch so this was this was a good run see you guys next time
Channel: GQ
Views: 6,798,542
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Keywords: actually me, david dobrik, david dobrik 2019, david dobrik interview, david dobrik youtube, gqactuallyme, undercover, goes undercover, undercover celebrity, celebrity goes undercover, david dobrik gq, david dobrik actually me, david dobrik undercover, david dobrik goes undercover, david dobrik reddit, dobrik, undercover celeb, david dobrik twitter, david dobrik instagram, david dobrik funny, david dobrik smile, david dobrik podcast, gq, gq magazine
Id: Ndl7kkhQfaQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 16sec (616 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 12 2019
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