David... A Not So Obvious Choice - 1 Samuel 16 | King David Bible Study

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[Music] [Applause] without further ado hutch thanks ken good morning guys good to see you it's great to be back at cabernet i want to say welcome to all of our people joining us on facebook and those of you who are going to be joining us on youtube later it is good to be back if you have a bible with you or maybe a phone whatever device you want to use be finding your way to the book of first samuel chapter 16. first samuel chapter 16 we're going to find ourselves this morning but i want to begin with this statement and that is this things are not always as they appear think about that with me for a second an elderly woman is a true story in new york city went to church and the pastor preached on acts 2 38 and that passage of scripture says this repent and be baptized every one of you in the name of the lord jesus christ for the forgiveness of your sins and you will be saved and get a gift and be given the gift of the holy spirit well little did she know that in the wee hours of the very next morning a thug from her neighborhood would break into her home to rob her she's 80 years old she's standing at the top of her steps and the only thing she could think of doing was to pray acts 2 38 acts 2 38 acts 2 38 acts 2 38. the robber was paralyzed she called the police when the police arrived and they saw what was going on they begin to laugh and they said to this robber this woman is 80 years old you came in here to rob her and yet you were paralyzed with fear he said well sure you would be too if she was standing at the top saying i have an axe and two thirty eights things and not always come on smile chris all right it wasn't a good one but it was the best one i could come up with such short notice god looks at things differently than we do and that has huge implications for us in our life the israelites at this point in time in their history looked around at all of the neighboring nations and they noticed something every one of those nations had a king and they thought to themselves we want to be just like everybody else god give us a king and god said i will be your king they said that's wonderful and everything but we want a king that has skin on we want a king that has hands and ears and and a mouth and can be there for us when we need him and so god acquiesced and gave him a king and guess who they selected they selected a guy by the name of saul and the sole reason they selected a guy by the name of saul was because scripture says of him that he was head and shoulders above the crowd he was bigger taller handsomer than most anybody else in all of the land and so he was selected and anointed king by samuel but the problem was is that saul's heart was not after god's heart and god rejected him god put him on the shelf god didn't remove him from the scene right away but he took his hand off of him and said if that's the way you want it that's the way you can have it and then god gave a commission to the prophet named samuel to anoint a new king in israel and that's where we pick up our story first samuel 16 and verse 1. the lord said to samuel how long will you grieve over saul here was samuel he had been the prophet given charge to anoint saul the first king in the nation of israel saul has now been rejected god said i'm taking my hand off of you and samuel was weeping at the loss he was grieving this loss the lord said to samuel how long will you grieve over saul since i have rejected him from being king over israel fill your horn with oil and go i send you to i will send you to jesse the bethlehemite for i have provided for myself a king among his sons and that's exactly what samuel did he filled his horn with oil and out the door he marched because that's how they did things in that day the anointing was the outward demonstration that people would see this is the anointed one god's man and so samuel heads out to jesse's house the only problem was is god didn't tell samuel which one of david's sons he had chosen now just as a way of a reminder in our first message in this series we talked about a guy by the name of boaz he was a godly man who met and fell in love with and married a godly woman by the name of ruth and together they established a godly god-honoring family and it is through this family that david would come now samuel comes to jesse's hometown and you got to imagine this is a little hamlet this is not a thriving metropolis if you've ever been to modern day bethlehem you would see that it's not that huge of a city these days but in jesse's day in david's day it was even smaller and so when you saw the prophet of god coming bringing a heifer with him to worship you began to shake in your boots because they met him at the city gates if you will and they wanted to know are you here for good or are you here to pronounce destruction and samuel said it's okay i've come here to worship so he goes to jesse's house he walks in and he inter instructs jesse as to why he's there and the first son eliab comes in now eliab was a strong handsome rugged built just picture me if you will you know what i'm saying i mean he's just a good looking guy had all the qualities you would look for in the king except for one god said no and then abinadab came in jesse's second son he was pretty good looking he was pretty strong he was pretty handsome he was second in line and david's in in uh jesse's sons and god said about abinadab nope and then shema was brought in no all seven sons were marched before samuel in jesse's living room and at the end of it samuel's left scratching his head and he says are these all of your sons and then jesse said well there's one more but he's out in the field tending sheep now this is important because micah in micah chapter 5 and verse 2 said this but you owe bethlehem ephrath who are too little to be among the clans of judah from you shall come forth for me one who is a ruler in israel whose coming forth is from old from ancient of days now this is not a reference to david this is a reference to jesus and when did micah make this prediction this prophecy he made it 700 years before jesus was born it is just one of some 30 plus prophecies in the old testament that are fulfilled exactly the way the old testament prophet said they would be fulfilled on the pages of the new testament so if you've never trusted jesus christ as your real and personal savior and you were wondering is the bible trustworthy is it is it real or is it just a collection of men's thoughts and interpretations think about this over 30 predictions some as old as a thousand years came true in the one person jesus christ the mathematical odds of that taking place are literally off of the charts something supernatural is happening here and so when samuel turns to jesse and says are these all your sons and jesse goes oh wait a second there is one more but he's out tending sheep samuel says to jesse listen verse six of first samus 16. when they came he looked at elia and thought surely this is the lord's anointed is before me but the lord said to samuel don't look at his appearance or on the height of a stature because i have rejected him for the lord's sees listen to this let this sink in let it soak let it saturate for the lord sees not as man sees things are not always as they appear man looks on the outward appearance but the lord looks at the heart then go down to verse 11. then samuel said to jesse are all your sons here and he said there remains yet the youngest but behold he is keeping the sheep and samuel said to jesse send and get him for we will not sit down till he comes here and he sent and brought him in now he was ruddy and had a beaut and had beautiful eyes and was handsome did you know this is only one of two places in the entire bible where we get any physical description of david whatsoever and the reason for that is because what david looked like on the outside was not that important because god sees things differently than we do and as soon as samuel laid eyes on david he knew that was god's man verse 12 and the lord said speaking to samuel arise anoint him for this is he then samuel took the horn of oil and anointed him in the midst of his brothers and the spirit of the lord rushed upon david from that day forward and samuel rose up and went to rhema now that doesn't mean much to us but basically that means his job was done so he went back home there was no more unlikely candidate in all of bethlehem in all of the region than david to be anointed king on the outside even his dad looked at him and forgot him if there was a vote in his high school on who was the least likely to become king david would have won the award he was the most unlikely of of of of all and yet here was the one saul who looked the part and yet god had rejected him and god anointed david to be the next king have you ever thought to yourself when you see someone maybe they're handsome maybe they're beautiful they're wealthy they have a lot of connections you think to yourself hey if god could just get a hold of him if god could just get a hold of her god could do some amazing things through them but that's not the way god usually works because god specializes in taking nobodies and turning into somebodies for his glory so if you're here today and you're thinking you are a nobody that's a great place to be because you're a prime candidate for god to use you if we were to line up everyone here today and vote on who would be the least likely that god would use to shake the globe for him that's a good place to be because you see when somebody is good and gifted and talented and has experience and ability and wealth and power and prestige and all of this stuff when they do something great who gets the credit for it they get the credit for it and god says i'm not into that what i'm into is getting the credit for me that's why i love i love to take nobodies and turn them into somebody's listen to what chuck swindoll had to say about this and i quote he said this when we look for people to admire when we choose our models and our heroes we want the beautiful people the brilliant people the successful people we want the best and the brightest the superficial impresses us much more than we'd like to admit but god says that's not the way i make my choices i like to choose the nobodies and turn them into somebody's end quote and that in a nutshells the story of david's life it could be wrapped up in that but that's how god has operated regularly that is his mode of operation through all of human history think about it god chose a humiliated defeated demoralized shepherd on the back side of the desert tending to his father-in-law's sheep and god used him to bring the strongest man and the strongest empire on the face of the earth to its knees moses was a nobody that nobody noticed think about it god used a ragtag bunch of galilean fishermen peter and james and john and the like just regular everyday joes blue-collar workers not much education not much to speak of but yet he chose to use those men to formulate and establish the church they were nobodies nobody noticed god chose a poor shoemaker in london by the name of william carey to become the father of modern day missions and over 200 years later the number of people in heaven has been multiplied by millions because he was a nobody nobody noticed god chose an overweight insecure uneducated only a third grade education man to personally eat over one million people to faith in jesus christ his name was d.l moody a nobody nobody noticed billy frank was a teenager who had not much interest in going to a local crusade but found himself wandering into a tent in charlotte north carolina but god had his eye on him and god used that young man who gave his life to christ in a tent crusade to share the gospel face to face with more people than any other person throughout all of human history and william franklin billy graham was a nobody nobody noticed god loves to use nobodies and if you qualify as a nobody god says i want to use you but why does god do that let's get a little insight into the way god thinks look with me if you will there on your bifold first corinthians chapter 1 verse 26 tells us this for consider your calling brothers not many of you were wise according to worldly standards not many were powerful not many were of noble birth but god chose what is foolish in the world to shame the wise god chose what is weak in the world to shame the strong god chose what is low and despised in the world even things that are not to bring to nothing things that are so that no man being so that no human being might boast in the presence of god and here's the bottom line god loves to take nobodies and turn them into somebodies who will do something great for god's glory first corinthians 1 31 says this so that as it is written let the one who boasts boasts in himself is that what it says no it says let the one who boasts boasting his ability is that what it says no let the one who boasts most in his popularity let the one who boasts boast in his prestige let the one who boasts boast in his gifts no it says let the one who boasts boast in the lord god says i love to use nobodies but god didn't just use david because he was a nobody there was something different about david there was something that god saw in david that others didn't see and and what was it what was it that caused god to say david of all of your brothers of all of the people in the nation of israel you are the one i am going to tap as the next king well there's at least five things and i want to encourage you to write these things down because number one david was a man of spirituality david was a man of spirituality even as a young teenager he knew what it was to have a personal passionate vibrant dynamic growing and intimate relationship with god you say hutch how do you know that listen to these words psalm 23 verse 1 the lord is my shepherd i shall not want he makes me lie down in green pastures he leads me beside still waters he restores my soul he leads me in paths of righteousness for his namesake even though i walk through the valley of the shadow of death i will fear no evil for you are with me your rod and your staff they comfort me you prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies you anoint my head with oil my cup overflows surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life and i shall dwell in the house of the lord forever you cannot write psalm 23 without having an intimate knowledge an intimate relationship with the creator god of the universe he was a man in whom his heart god was number one and there was no second anywhere nearby he cultivated his relationship with god on the backside of the desert as he was tending his sheep and god was the central focus of his life second chronicles 16 9 says this for the eyes of the lord run to and through throughout the whole earth to give strong support to those whose heart is blameless toward him god looked around and he saw a teenage shepherd boy whose heart was undivided whose passions were clear who was a nobody that nobody noticed but god says i see your heart david was a man of spirituality but secondly david was a man of humility do you know what happened right after samuel anointed david the next king in the nation of israel he went right out to the local card shop and had his business card changed from shepherd boy to king elect is that what he did no no he didn't do that he went down to the local jewelry store and had a custom made crown made just for him no he didn't do that oh i know what he did he went out and hired a pr firm to to formulate his brand before the people no he didn't do that what david did was he went back to his dad's sheep the oil still dripping off of his locks onto his outer garment because david had a humble servant's heart and that's the kind of heart god is looking for when he's looking for someone to serve him number three david was a man of godly conviction david was a man of godly conviction he was strong enough to stand up for what he believed in he wasn't worried about being politically collect correct he stood up for truth imagine this we're going to by god's grace look next week at that most familiar of all old testament stories but you got to picture this real quick and you got to listen fast because we got to get this in this morning okay here is david jesse his father sends him down to the battlefront gives him some food take this to your brothers come back give me a report on how the battle is going well as you know for 40 days in the valley of ela the philistines lined up on one mountainside a valley in between the israelites on another scripture tells us that for 40 days twice a day goliath came down into the middle of the valley and he began to spew out threatenings against the nation of israel and against the god of israel and every single time as israel was getting all pumped up ready to go to battle and he was just looking for one man to come out and fight every single one of them turned tail and hid in their tents 40 days twice a day 80 times the nation of israel the the soldiers heard this but on the 41st day when david came to check on his brothers to see how the battle was going he only heard one time what goliath said and listen to what david had to say first samuel 17 and verse 26 he's everybody else has heard this for 80 times 40 days twice a day david is there one time he hears this and listen to his response for who is this uncircumcised philistine that he should defy the armies of the living god and you know the rest of the story david was a man of conviction and a man of courage and he's a teenager number four david was a man of integrity david was a a man of honor later in david's life he had two opportunities when saul was within an arm's length that he could have killed him listen to one of those episodes first samuel 26 beginning in verse 8. first samuel 26 and verse 8 says this then abbashi said to david abashais is one of david's mighty men he's his right-hand man he is a a man of war and he's there with david listen to what abhishek said to david god has given your enemy into your hands this day now please let me pin him to the earth with one stroke of the spear i will not strike him twice just give me one shot i don't need to i'm going to nail his hide to the ground he'll be good as dead but listen listen as the story goes on but david said to abishak do not destroy him for who can put out his hand against the lord's anointed and be guiltless and david said as the lord lives the lord will strike him or his day will come to die or he will go down into battle and perish the lord forbid that i should put my hand against the lords anointed he was a man of integrity number five david was a man who knew how to trust god [Music] god would take care of king saul and david said i'm just going to wait [Music] i'm not gonna force it i'm not gonna bust the doors open i'm not gonna take his life i'm not gonna attack him and although david may have been a man who was small of stature on the outside he was a giant of a man with character on the inside and he knew how to trust god and as followers of jesus christ as we grow inwardly and godly character god says that's the kind of man i'm looking for so the question then needs to be asked how do you get to become that kind of a man and by god's grace i'm going to try to answer that for you right after we come back from discussing this matter around the tables we'll be back in just a few minutes let's go to the tables [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] all right we learned this morning that david was a man of spirituality he was a man of humility he was a man of godly conviction he was a man of integrity and he was a man who knew how to trust god how can you and i become that kind of a man three thoughts real quick and i'd encourage you to write these things down all right number one you have to aspire to be that kind of a man you have to aspire to be that kind of a man you have to stop making houses and cars and bank accounts and power and prestige popularity your pursuit and you have to say god give me a heart after you so number one you have to aspire to be that kind of a man but number two you have to pray independence upon god to produce those qualities in your life you have to pray independence upon god to produce those qualities in your life why because those are not natural they are supernatural it requires supernatural help for you and i to become that kind of a person god has to do a work in us before it becomes evident to others so that god alone gets the glory if it can be explained away by your experience your gifts your talents your abilities your good looks your income your education then god doesn't get the glory but when god takes that nobody and does something great through them people look and say you know what only god can do that only god can take a shepherd boy from the backside of the sheepfold and make him a king and god will do it if you give him a chance so number one you need to aspire number two you need to pray number three you have to immerse yourself in the word of god you have to immerse yourself in the word of god where are you going to learn how to have a personal dynamic vibrant and growing relationship with god the only place to learn that is in his word where are you going to get deep conviction about what god says is right and what god says is wrong you're going to get that from the evening news are you going to get that from social media no the only place you're going to get that is the word of god what's going to cause you to become a man of humility the only place you're going to find out about the importance and how to become a man of humility is from the pages of the word of god and we could just keep going line by line by line in each of these areas and it has to be a total immersion in the word of god because the word of god is the only place where you're going to learn these lessons and discover this truth you cannot be the kind of person david became without aspiring to it praying that god would bring it into your life and immersing yourself in the word of god but know this today god wants to use you right where you are and write as you are he says if you will surrender yourself to me if you will pursue my heart i will do some amazing things in and through your life so the question is is this this morning what does god want to do in and through you slow down a little bit think about it pursue him because god says i want to use you for my glory and he will if you will let him let's pray together father i thank you for i thank you for your word lord it speaks to every area avenue and aspect of our lives in this word it tells us of your love for us it tells us of your will for us it tells us of your desire for us it tells us of you so many times we look at the bible and try to see ourself in it and the truth of the matter is is we need to look at your word and see you in it because it's all about you in bringing you glory so i pray today that in our attempt to communicate truth you will have given us eyes to see and ears to hear and i with earnestness pray that we will never ever ever ever be quite the same because we have come in contact with your truth and it is the truth that will transform us and is your truth at work in us and through us that will bring you all the glory for it's in jesus name we pray amen god bless you i hope you'll be back next week going to study chapter 17. see you then god bless [Music] you
Channel: One Thing for Men
Views: 765
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: Spiritual Growth, Bible Studies for Men, david anointed king, bible study, humility, trust god, bible study lessons, group discussion, small group studies, bible, small group bible study, jesus christ, king david, samuel prophet, god, word from the lord, coffee and bible time, bible study with me, godly, online bible study lessons, online bible study, online bible study groups, bible studies for life, men's ministry, men's bible study, bible study for men, bible study tools
Id: leCyH8Wgbs4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 10sec (1930 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 26 2020
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