Dave Ramsey Rant - You NEED A Written Budget

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[Music] when you do a written Budget on paper on purpose every dollar has an assignment before the month begins and you're in agreement with your spouse on that and that is not a theory it is the directive for your month you live according to the numbers that you write down you do not spend anything except what is written down without coming back and adjusting the budget it when you do that you will add a layer of communication to your marriage that will change your marriage in a good way when you do that you will get the stress off of your back because not knowing if anything's getting done will drive you crazy if you can do everything but three things you got all the stress off off your back but three things you limit the stress to the things you simply don't have the money to get to this month if you're broke and struggling and underwater a written budget when you will lay it out and stick to it will give you the sense that you have gotten a raise it feels like you got a raise because your money is so stinking out of control when it's not in control I know that's insightful you can tweet that your money's not it's not in control when it's not in control I mean really that's the truth though it sounds so basic but if you do not have a clear written plan that you and your spouse have a pinky swear and spit Shake it's a dadgum contract we're going to stick to it you don't have that you're just you're just hoping is all you're doing you're not planning you're hoping if you worked for a company and you managed money for that company and the company was called you Incorporated and you managed money for you Incorporated like you manage money for you now would you fire you don't answer that well then don't be praying and asking God to send you Financial blessings when you're misbehaving with the little that you do have when you're faithful with the little things you'll be given more to manage write it out go to every dollar.com get your iPhone out get the free app out it's a free online budgeting tool in 10 minutes you'll have a budget write it out Zig Ziggler used to say if you aim at nothing you'll hit it every single time John Maxwell says a budget is people telling their money what to do instead of wondering where it went write it out write it down your stress is lowered your communication and the quality of communication with your spouse's in increased your efficiency is up to the point that you will feel like you got a raise you will make progress when you do this because even if you write it all down and you don't have enough to do everything immediately what do you start doing you're going I got to get some income I got to amputate some crap out of my life so that this thing balances because you know if your budget doesn't balance you have to fix it because you know you're not in Congress you know you have to do it I mean inherently if you graduated from the sixth grade you can do this it's addition and subtraction probably the fourth grade but you have to write it down and you have to look the beast in the face and say Beast you're getting a haircut Beast we're going to pull a couple of your fangs here Beast you're going to get under control I'm tired of you managing me I'm going to manage you the money Beast will put its foot on your neck and hold you down your whole life until you stand up and say I've had enough on paper on purpose when you do a budget it's a whip in a chair you're the lion tamer you're making that money dance you're making that money behave you're making it do what it's supposed to do when you do this you will find the money to hit baby step one and quickly save $1,000 and then to start working your debt snowball baby step two listing your debts smallest to largest everything but the house paying minimum payments on everything but the little one and you are attacking the little one with a Vengeance mad I've had it I work too hard to be this broke I am sick and tired of making $101,000 a year and getting nowhere you have to have that thing come up inside of you when it comes up inside of you it changes your life and then you have to have a clear path to run on and that starts with the budget and the excess you squeeze out of the budget from increasing your income and decreasing your outgo by cutting back on things like not seeing the inside of a restaurant unless you own it or you work there and don't talk to me about going on vacation you're broke broke people don't go on vacation you lay out the game plan and you get in attack mode beans and rice rice and beans scorched Earth the formula is the deeper you sacrifice the more money is freed up at the faster you get out of the mess and the faster you get into the prosperity so that your life is changed and you're in a position to be outrageously generous your generosity Factor increases as soon as you get control as soon as you get the get the Beast off of you but it's hard to be generous when you're wor worried about your own electric bill being paid it's hard to be generous when you don't know if you've got the money for food it's hard to be generous in those situations a written budget Jesus said don't build a tower without first counting the cost let you get halfway up and you're unable to finish and all who see you begin to mock you and say this man began to build and was unable to finish on paper on purpose or get on everydollar.com and use the free did I mention it's free online budget tool click on the iPhone apps and get the free iPhone app and you can tell your money what to do you can become money's intimidating to me well it's because it kicks your butt it's time for you to kick its butt it's time for you to stand up and say that's it I'm not living like this anymore I'm going to get control of my dad blame life I'm sick of walking around with this taste of regret in my mouth feeling like I'm a financial fool I'm sick of that and when you get sick of that you can change the taste in your mouth cuz you can do the math math bothers me I it's not hard math this is not rocket surgery baby it's not hard you can do it but you have to and let me just tell you I hear all the theories I hear all the people talk about it I've read some of the dumb butt blogs that are written out there about money and some of these people living in their mother's basement they should not be allowed to have an opinion in public okay seriously this stuff's stupid I've been doing this 25 years I've helped Millions tens of millions of people get out of debt and the way you do it is a written plan there's no exception you cannot out earn your disorganization and stupidity I've got 14 profit centers in our company you think a VP walks into my office and says you know Dave this quarter I'm going to kind of wing it we're not going to really do our revenue and our expense and our profit projections this quarter how you think that would work in my office if you work for a company and your job was to manage money for that company and you walked in and said you know I'm just going to kind I kind of think I know what it's doing I'm going to be okay you think they wouldn't fire your little butt of course they'd fire your little butt and you'd be deserving of a good firing because you'd be incompetent and you you know the the good news about being incompetent in something as simple as a budget is you can just decide today Tada today I'm going to start being competent you just decided just like that it takes 10 minutes on every dollar to lay this thing out there is no freaking excuse for you to be walking around with regret on the back of your tongue waking up with a financial hangover wondering where all your dadgum money went it's you got to stop it got to stop it we give you all the tools to do it they're free sit down do your written plan get your spouse on board start aiming at something intentionally make the sacrifices to go win you can win people do it every day but you're going to have to get with it you have to turn up the gas baby turn up the heat this is the Dave Ramsey Show hey you guys Rachel Cruz here hope you enjoying the Dave Ramsey Show and did you know that I have my very own YouTube channel yes that's right it's kind of better than the Dave Ramsey Channel don't tell them I said that I'm kidding I'm kidding so subscribe and there's lots of videos about life and money so while you're at it if you want to check out a video then you can check out how to do a monthly budget it's one of the best videos out [Music] there
Channel: The Ramsey Show Highlights
Views: 832,763
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: dave ramsey written budget, you need a written budget, budget dave ramsey, dave ramsey how to budget, budgeting dave ramsey, dave ramsey you need a written budget, dave ramsey budgeting 101, dave ramsey rant - you need a written budget, dave ramsey budget, dave ramsey budgeting, dave ramsey budget system, budget, dave ramsey rant, david ramsey
Id: 8F0mH84w6e4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 58sec (598 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 27 2016
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