Dating Disasters pt 1

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new year ago today we get to kick off a new series entitled navigating the land mines I will say to you that it might be a little bit weighty and controversial why we're dealing with navigating the land mines but a land mine is something that when a person is walking and step on it they will explode and what I've discovered is that a lot of people have been walking for the Lord and have been stepping on landmines and experiencing a lot of negativity and so today we're kicking this series off by talking about dating disasters dating disasters if you will permit me over the next few weeks we're going to be dealing with five reasons why marriages fail Amen sir but you are not to look at me as though I am a statute in the museum I do love a little feedback and 9 again amen and we're going to walk through because so many people are stepping on these landmines and I believe foundationally speaking before we can get to marriage you must help people to date properly we must put things into at least a level of understanding so today we get to kick off dating disasters part 1 we want to deal with 5 dating disasters but I'm not going to deal with all 5 today we want you to come back next week we'll deal with the other two I'm only dealing with three of the five today cuz I'm gonna give you enough for you to think about for the whole week amen it is tribute in your life two of the most important choices that you're going to make are one will I get married and yes it is a choice and to who I marry one will I get married and two Who am I going to be married to since God does not send you soul mates since there's no scripture to prove that God sends you out there is created the idea of a soulmate the person that is specifically designed just for you and if you don't get them you will never be happy there's nowhere in the Bible nowhere I know searched all over and find it then you must begin to at least deal with realities of what God is called you to do witches to learn and to grow and make good decisions I found that so many have stepped on the landmine of dating and have exploded through exhaustion and hopelessness some have even lowered their standards to such a degree that they have put a for rent sign on their forehead by that I mean that they're willing to date and have someone in their lives but they have no expectation of ever having to seal the deal others have resigned to just giving up on love the question I oftentimes ask myself is where did all of this come from well it started with improper preparation and if this was a small issue I'd leave it alone Joel Nord living the word church we tend to deal with relationships quite a bit and if it was a small issue or one that we can ultimately turn the corner on by self-medicating then I would have said you know we dealt with the two years ago four years ago let's go to something else but obviously I don't think it is a small issue and I am convinced that an entire generation is being washed away because their heart has been stumped on squashed and splintered and stabbed to such a degree that promising futures healthy families and holy children are being squandered it all has to do or do with and deal with who is mentoring you and who are you connected to improper connections can be devastating as a matter of fact proverbs 13 and 20 says it this way in verse 21 is it become wise by walking with the wise hang out with a fool and watch your life fall to pieces disaster entraps sinners but God no you people get a good life in other words Solomon is saying spend time with people you want to be like because you and your friends will ultimately resemble each other I already hear your mind running a thousand miles a minute to at least refute what I'm saying to a degree because you'd like to hold on to your gossipy lyin friend and the truth of the matter is they may bring you juicy gossip but you must believe that you're ultimately going to reflect what they do when you will become a gossiper and ultimately the object of their gossip and I know many of you all believe that you somehow are disinfected from ever being infected by your slimy ah friend you you feel that I know them and I let them be them but if you're in an earshot and they are influencing your mind they can influence your actions because whoever has your ear has your heart whoever has your heart has your body and so we like to always bring up and exist exception clause that says preacher but not my friend but you are who you hang out with if your friend likes to turn up on Friday and turn down on Sunday ultimately no matter how much Bible something you do praying you doing running around Church you do you go ultimately start turning up on Friday and turning down on Sunday you are who you hang around your friends will influence you for good or for bad let's read it together now verse 20 and 21 it says read with me become wise by walking with the wives hang out with foods and watch your life fall to pieces disaster entrap sinners but God law your people get a good life the text ends by saying disaster in traps sinners the word sinners here are those who continue to practice disobedient behavior irregardless of what God is telling them let me kind of bust your spiritual bubble for about 2.5 seconds thank you so much you can say all day long how you don't feel God or you're not motivated to read the Word of God or when in church it just doesn't do anything for you all day long but if you have no intention on obeying it then why does God have you any intention on wasting his voice telling you where to go if in other words let me help you out because it seemed like I came and stepped on your toes there in other words you don't feel nothing because you ain't poured nothing into the equation and God ain't gonna to deliverance you got a won't deliverance God ain't gonna drag you to the good life you got a won't the good life so get over all this touchy-feely litmus test we do to Simpson the fact that God been telling you to quit making the same mistake for the past eight locks so how many times does the altar call have to call you out to stop doing the same thing you've been doing for 24 months disaster entraps sinners you don't get caught up if you ain't with the wrong people but you go up when you with the right people then it says but God law your people will get a good life how many here today want the good life that God God's where it talks about what the good life in order to do that in dating we need to expose some disastrous dating trends where there is exposure that can be healing it is impossible for you to break a cycle that you want acknowledge is a cycle and so today my job is to set you up so that you can begin to live the good life that God intends so that your heart can be preserved because truth be told I don't think some of us can afford another disastrous dating experience there are five reasons why dating is disastrous I'm going to deal with one of them to dull three of them today the first one is we have no idea of partnership thus we attract play Manship y'all gonna talk back to me before the church service is over right you talk back to me a little bit I'll finish expeditiously but if you don't then I'll just take my time we have no idea partnership does we attract play Manship listen no matter how you run from it you tend to model what you were exposed to in your upbringing if a man saw that his father was going from house to house and not being committed to one woman he will think that this behavior is normal acceptable and even celebratory if a woman grows up seeing her mom hate and vilify men but always pushing a different man calling him uncle out the back door that young woman will think killing a man verbally but using a man physically is normal and acceptable behavior we teach that live in the word church that we are all flawed in our first place of dysfunction was and is a childhood home that none of us emerged out of our houses of origin without some deficit or without some dysfunction and it does not matter if you had nine parents in the household you can have both parents in the household and still be jacked up or you can have one pen in the household and have more in some cases so that is not the issue but I do believe the issue is we oftentimes forget to address our dysfunction because we have normalized a dysfunction because your last name says Jose so all of the Joneses do that or your last name is Williams and all we Williams act like that but the problem is when you're ready to partner with somebody they don't have your upbringing your tutelage neither do they know how crazy you and your family really are but you think they're crazy for not embracing you're crazy and you call them to the wrong like they are absolutely in violation of a cardinal law about your family but nobody knew that when they married you they would have to always be around your daddy your clan your cousin I didn't know that your whole family was gonna move in what's house head I do let's define partnership partnership is an arrangement in which two or more individual will share the responsibility of a new venture it is an arrangement in which two or more individuals share the responsibility of a new venture in other words in partnership they rise and fall with each other when someone partners with you they are all in their not your competition they have a vested interest in the success of both parties partnership is a biblical statement and a biblical idea not a preacher's idea fact in Genesis 2 and 18 look what it says then the Lord God said it is not good that the man should be alone I will make him a helper as his one that was written before Hawking start reaching I will make him a partner the word helper here in the Hebrew means helper it means helper it means helper it means it's main emphasis that your husband or wife to be with whom you are investigatively dating should be equipped to pour into you now married couples which I'll permit me to keep going further to talk to my singles because I'm coming to your address in a few weeks do I have your permission okay Kajal pray for me because they looking at me okay cuz we want to see them married and happy not married and slap it Amen somebody can y'all help me married couples can you pray for me can you pray for me Amen thank you they're in partnership should be a reciprocal nature of gifting and receiving that makes the bottom line the more robust now the word help here is interesting because in the Hebrew it also means concrete concrete concrete concrete concrete concrete is an interesting concept and I would have done research on the various properties of concrete but let me for rudimentary purposes give you an idea that when you are with a partner you are with a person you can build something with because most of us fundamentally know although we have never signed up for construction as our occupation know that before anyhow layers and floors can be built up concrete must be laid down and some of us been trying to build a house but we've been building on dirt trying to go three stories high and get mad when it rains that when we look over our shoulder what we built has washed away now the beautiful thing about concrete is a concrete has to settle before it can be built the point it has to settle and it has to in construction terms cure cure cure and this is the beauty of it when God says he's going to give you a partner not only can you build upon it but your partner is not your project which means my god help me which means they've already settled and they've been cured let me help y'all cause y'all looking at me like I'm talkin a lien to y'all right now in other words when you are with a partner you don't have to beat their cat and save them cuz they've already been cured and they've already settled themselves down okay y'all still looking at me like what are y'all talking about preacher let me help you out ain't nobody on the planet Earth design to feel or to complete all of your deficits but Jesus Christ and baby you better quit trying to find somebody who is so-called gonna give you old if you're lonely and boring now that ain't no spouse to be spoke you just lonely and boring now listen when you are concrete you are settled secure and you have already my god been cured which means if I go to the movies ain't got to go with nobody I'll be that oddball that sit right next to the couple all snuggled up with my popcorn and my 64 ounce drink and my nachos and a stack of napkins and I'm gonna chew my popcorn eat my nachos enjoy my movie let them smooch that show Twitter y'all could've kissed in a car I got and there are some here today you you you literally promise and and by this word let me use thee let me use the colloquial slang term you swear that you can't go nowhere unless somebody goes with you but baby I'm gonna explore the world if it's by myself I go to the Bahamas this is by myself I'll go to I go to Kabongo if it's by myself I go to Canada if it's by myself and listen I'll go to Egypt if it's by my sir some of y'all are putting your life on hold waiting for somebody to cure you when if you are a partner you've already been cured and settled so when someone comes alongside you they know they can be with you cause some of us b-front acting like you all happy and as soon as you get somebody you show that I'm so so depressed I'm so depressed but you always don't know how you live in your life because if we really talk about concrete I would also tell you that concrete has to have a certain environment in order for it to cure and if you put concrete off you put concrete down in the winter it's more likely to break without an accelerant so you got to know what condition your concrete has been in before they met you cuz ain't nothing worse than crack concrete alright nothing worse than crack concrete so you've been trying to build an empire on something and with someone and I'm talking dating people who have not proven they can hold your level can hold your level Amen its partners then is a partnership it's God's idea and partners build together they add to each other partners see each other as an enterprise to build a bond and not as a building to pillage Eve was given to Adam as a partner in order to fulfill their god-given purpose and designed which was listed in chapter 1 verse 28 here's what God says God blessed them and he said to them prosper reproduce fill the earth take charge Genesis 1:27 228 God says I gave you a mission the brother the only way that she can submit to you submission you must be owned mission you can't keep telling her submit to me but you ain't on no mission give her something to hunt with hunt for give her something give her a reason to have the food ready just did you just came SPECT it on GP can I keep talking I'll stop right here beyond energy can I talk to my single people here can I tell you our love is easy to find and some of y'all the love is easy to find partnership partnership is rare partnership is rare most people most people date people who they can deal with most attract playmates and not partners and then they get shocked they got playing how you shocked are you shocked look what the Bible says in second Corinthians a sixth chapter stop farming inappropriate relationships with unbelievers that already offended 90% of y'all so let me continue to go slowly can right and wrong be partners I'm sorry overhead can light have anything in common with darkness notice what it says can right and wrong be what could you Circle partners there you see the things from Genesis to 2nd Corinthians it is God's idea that you get a partner let me share this with you all because most of you all get led astray looking for play men ship under the guise of partnership and it sets you back every year eight and nine months and you wonder why in the world did I waste my time and pause wait a minute let me put some thinking in it some of us don't even give ourselves time to heal how you just out of relationship and it's somebody else inbox hot in here so we we we don't know how to look for partnership so if your upbringing has been tear down tear down tear down and have babies take-take-take and 30 years later but I love her and if that's you got to be honest with your upbringing got to be honest with you bring is this amazing it amazes me how people will celebrate folk who literally beat each other to a pulp for 38 years but we steer together like a walk like I used to cuz he kicked me down the steps are we still together 38 years still together been at police station 37 years are we still careful and you and you grown up in that environment you like yeah that's normal and they still together I stole all her money hey worked a complete job in 38 years but we still that woman know me we still together and you normalized that and you call that celebratory so don't be shocked that you are try what you've been molded to celebrate tell y'all noticed and this again is just me talking to you have y'all noticed that people can get on the corner get a couple of brown bags with some libations on the inside of the brown bag my hood people know what I'm talking about and they will celebrate each other on that corner and in the same environment a kid can be walking down the street just graduated from a particular school with the graduation Grob still long and nobody will celebrate that kid but those folks on my corner will get all kinds of attention you talk about dysfunctionality to the instance degree imagine how that plays into how we pick people and so then we look for partnership but we oftentimes only have a definition of play Manship another reason dating can be disastrous is because we're not patient yes many singles are in a rat race to the finish line for most of them the finish line is the wedding for most of them the finish line is the wedding and the mindset is as such let's throw a big party I dress up in a tuxedo sup in a white dress we invite some people higher photographer rent a limo and book a hotel mission accomplished by all estimations all that is is a big disappointing and listen you people in a rush they don't want to let love develop because they're afraid they might lose the person so they'll rush to the altar get with somebody have a big party and halfway through the ceremony and the vows he and she sauce regretting like what have I done and they'll start they gotta start acting because people in the crowd has been invited and even spent all this money to come and they dressed up and they start crying in the crowd so the people who are taking the vials gotta act like them and start crying so everybody cry and it's this big show because now they have to put on the mask to make what they have produced look good because the finish line for them is the wedding not the marriage and so many people are in a rush to invite people to their wedding ok you're running faster than the Olympic sprinter who same boat to the finish line even to the altar and you know in your mind you're second-guessing every decision you're frustrated with picking the colors now fight over if you should have two picks or pencils you fight over if you should have white or cream and white you fight over if it's gonna be on October or if it should be in November you fight over everything and i'ma tell you somebody something sir that often times is a big sign right there okay y'all not talking to me so let me move forward there's no question that you're happy at that moment and emotional at that moment moment but your gut is telling you I move too fast can I tell you something to my dating people to my single people the race is not given to the Swift look what ecclesiastical 11 and it's interesting that that's 9/11 and I mean to make no fun of the actual event for which lives have lost but let me say to you all some of y'all been running y'all valuable things into buildings look what it's saying the fastest runner doesn't always win the race let me shop stop right there just because you are the first one married in your little friend Network and this because you was first to the altar in your little neighborhood and just because you was the first one in your family to finally put a ring on it doesn't mean you win the race and some folk don't let love develop because they're so busy trying to get to the finish line and don't even have an idea that the finish line is the marriage not the wedding a man somebody in fact I I wish we could revolutionize the wedding and we can just get folk married for nothing amen amen I wish we would add value to bread ties we're gonna bread ties that you twist ties and we could make that versus making thousands of dollars in jewelry the end goal then we could switch all that money to counselor you met somebody because they don't matter if you got a $12,000 3-carat class whatever flawless pear-shaped Prince's cut doesn't matter if what you got on your finger is worth more than what both of y'all bring to the table love look what the Bible says when the Holy Spirit descended upon Paul to write the scriptures he came to the place of talking about what real love looks like and he began with the quality of patience look what he says in first Corinthians 13 verse 4 he gives thirteen other qualities and he says in the first quality he gives that love is what too many people are falling in love and let me share this with you all some of y'all are too old to Matt or to experience to be falling for anything I mean the whole idea of falling it's not cute to me when I think about falling that I think pain why you falling I see you too old a fall are you falling it lovers a charge you don't saw you no no no you you too old to experience to hurt to fall you got you got emotional osteoporosis if you fall you might die no to love I wasn't even looking for love what do you and then you got robbed you got you got stolen into my door you should choose the to love by learning and growing you should love based on better evidence better evidence I know many singles who are here today many singles feel like being single is equivalent to being thrown into the fiery furnace some like in singleness to being chained to a car and dragged ten miles some like in singleness to walking to a desert for 90 days with no water some like in singleness to being thrown overboard into a sea and swallowed by well some like in singleness to being left in a terrible lion's den of hungry lions some like in singleness to being burned and stoned in the heat of all and the heat of the day some like in singleness to being wrongfully jailed imprisoning unjustly sent to some like in singleness of being sent rain for 120 days some like in singleness being tarred feathered and set ablaze and if that's you you know if you feel like the last thing you want to be is single so you rather have a half of somebody then the Bible want me to tell you that if you are afflicted to be patient look what the text said Roman to be joyful and hope pace patient if you being afflicted and you got that loneliness book kicking in to the nth degree and you just want to go to the movies with somebody and you just want somebody the senior I love you and you want somebody to give you some chocolates on Valentino day and you want somebody to see you some flowers so you can floss with your other co-workers and tell them Guerra he did that there if you so needy of somebody and you don't know how you gonna make it and you feel singleness is hard I'm here to tell you the Bible says be patient let patience have our perfect work because if you keep rushing into love you're going to shut down and shut off the valve of your heart when you don't get what you set out to get I want to share this with you all when it comes to the concept of love being patient if you can't grow to love someone this euphoria that many people are seeking after is a Hollywood idea you know we come around life and we say you had me at hello the problem I have with that is the last 10 people you have dated had you head you in hello last three of the five what dating is disastrous is because lust is a real issue we we cutting too thick up in here lust l USD lust I lost you very much and every single one of us are subject to some of the temptations of lust let's define lust lust is an emotion or feeling of intense desire in the body it's a craving that's out of season it imagines being with the person you are not even supposed to have because lust desires stuff that they have to trespass boundaries to get some of y'all need to pick who your date like you pick fruit some y'all spend more time picking fruit and vegetables at the grocery store you don't believe me you pick it up and squeeze it a little bit look at it look for riding spots even if you if you got the gift of a fruit telepathy you weigh it and I mean listen you you can buy a watermelon in January but don't get mad at and sweet see lust puts you in a position of wanting something out of season it's an intense gotta have him or her desire that is only surface deep because it draws attention at it I hate these passions based on physical exterior attributes it's not a value of the person it's only a desire of the extrinsic qualities like if I am walking around and I'm just keeping up here for a second and I you know all of a sudden turned on turn the Bible to ha and then I start attracting people who want to simply uh uh experience my buffer tea here's what his which I've got to get those CCC can I keep going can I flesh this out a little further I'm trying to put the jacket I got to put this lining back in his cage praise today with Jesus if you ain't got self-confidence you better have Sun and listen listen listen true true talk I can't get mad at someone who is only attracted to my physicality when that's all I've promoted in advertise and the same goes for y'all who want to put pictures up and you got the nerve to get mad that that's what he's appeal and are attracted to and you want to look around I'm more than that I'm more than just my body but every picture I need want to say but I love God baby you got to understand do you love God's love in your life or do you love your lust Assateague cuz his one lust us let's get you a lot of attention get you a lot of lights get your lot of love get in your inbox and be killing me I'll be like absolute expert for times I didn't like that Oh take number 1001 in the pot and we cheapen what we bring to the table and get mad that for want to purchase us for the $0.50 we advertise I'm sorry did I go too far there can I just say that and we be still cool afterwards cause the Wow and you said let me share this sure I'm trying what time I got oh I got six minutes cool I'm good trying to think how to say this so here's the deal you are more than your body because a person who's attracted to you lustfully only wants your body they don't value your worth and here's how this happens yes you might get folk to just simply salivate over your body but as soon as you have a human moment they will walk away from you get sick go through a valley lose something in your life and they will ultimately say I was only around you because of your body and brother and sister we ought to start getting a little bit more value of our bodies okay um proverbs 6 in 25 is written by the guy named Solomon the guy named Solomon is a wise man and when we read this we're going to hear him talk about her the reason you need to understand why I'm setting this context up is because Solomon is a man talking about his affections toward women he had 700 wives 300 concubines and a whole harem okay so he's only speaking from his context I mean if he was speaking in the sense of a man I would have a problem with him at least I would have some curiosity but he's speaking to his affections and connections with over a thousand women now catch this and God uses this man as flawed as the years to give an expose a first 48 snitching session all himself look what he says don't lust in your heart after her after her beauty check this out I'll let her captivate you with us Solomon Solomon had a knack for eyes I mean you got understand Solomon had a desire that was out of control he he met a woman from India ain't nothing like them Indian women gotta have huh men a woman from South Ethiopia Saul and then like a Southie Oprah we've gotta have huh Metta wonderful not Jerusalem gotta have her he said all the women from not Jerusalem can cook real good oh I gotta have her bidding better water from sound Jerusalem says she's lucky she watched have ha he had an insatiable appetite and when he got to a thousand women he says I'm tired he's on time on top Solomon says my lust got me in trouble ah Jesus anybody seen the movie frozen anybody seen the movie frozen could you show your hands could you tell on yourself how infantile you are okay and in the movie frozen as this character that we all come to life by the name of Olaf and Olaf is a snowman who starts to dream and have aspirations to be in the summertime he even writes a song about all the things he's going to do in the summer we laugh at it because we know the effects of a snowman in the summer that he will melt and I and whisk away we laugh at Olaf but how about us we are putting ourselves in conditions we cannot handle when we lost we are putting our future at stake and we're letting the elements drain us to a Pope a man said he doesn't have a lust problem he doesn't look at women and he doesn't be moved by the sounds very spiritual I said well you are wiser than Solomon stronger than Samson and more powerful than King David so it's not - we acknowledge something that a lot of you and us have attracted ourselves to people that only have physical attractions but when you have the desire the desire for partnership you know after the physicality which whisk away in about 2.5 months you want somebody you can build with like do you watch the news do you know who's running for president do you read a book do you know what a book looks like can you spell be okay do you know how to pronounce and enunciate do you know how to say converge versus conversate ah do you know how the difference between there and there do you know our and own do you have the ability am I talking us about do you have the ability to stimulate my intrinsic value Amen somebody see brothers and sisters every time you see in the Bible you'll see this idea of lusting as in seeing cuz the Bible says these things are not of God lust of the eyes lust of the flesh pride of life lust of the eyes we got a control I gave that's a matter of fact the very first sin against God the Bible says Lucifer made the fruit looks so good that Eve said and it's quoted there that she saw that the fruit was good for food ate it and gave it to her husband who was with her King David who decided to stay home from work one day was walking on top of his castle look the way younger son Oh fine Bathsheba taking up bad I never understood why my name is bad she ruff and she was taking our bad but she was taking a bath and David lusted after her and said I gotta have it Oh Delilah Oh Samson so Delilah and she gave the brother a cheap buzz cut because he saw lusted after her kept playing with fire like I like the way she keep trying to find the secret to my brother woke up blind and we and a little haircut you got to watch what you see but you ain't go listen to that cuz you go keep making decisions based off what you see and some of us have not been trained to see beyond the surface like what's your grind like what's your Jesus worship like I want you to put me and you checked in at church twice and so he's a Christian no he's a church attend out it's a difference that's like saying I checked in at the Oakland Raiders doesn't mean I'm a Raiders fan I just checked in brothers and sisters we've got to get to the place where Galatians 5 and 16 says it this way so I say walk by the spirit and you will not gratify the desires of the flesh we got to learn to walk in the spirit we got to learn to walk in the spirit and let me call to the witness stand and I'm closing we got to learn from the life of a woman by the name of Leah Leah was married to a man by the name of Jacob who didn't really want her but because of their trickster father he tricked him into marrying her the Bible says that he really wanted Rachel who was fine as wine but leah was cross-eyed Bible says she had strong eyes and Hebrews she had some eyes that went that way and uh she was tilde she was tender odd and and the Bible lets us know that Rachel could not have children although she was the dimepiece she was the teen on a one to ten scale Jacob couldn't have children with Rachel he didn't like Leah but the bible says when he went down to the tent of leah she would produce a son for him the first son was named Reuben and she thought if I gave him a man-child he would surely love me Reuben in Hebrew means see a son she thought I could get him if I had sex with him see a son Oh God Jacob got oh after he had heard she was pregnant went back to the tent of Rachel had his moment of of a physical harm oh no increase went back down to the tent of Leah ha she reduced another child by the name of Simeon the word Simeon means the Lord has heard that I am unloved so she named him Simeon saying that only has God heard me but I pray this man hears my broken heart Jacob got up the next morning went back home to Rachel oh he had his hormonal increase went back down to the tip a Leah she produced another child she named him Levi which means surely he will attach himself to me now I've given him three male children and what he sees me to the Lord has heard and three he will for surely attach himself to me now Jacob woke up the next morning cook some eggs and went back to Rachel's house well his hormonal increase came another time went back down to the tent my god Leah and she had another child named him Judah she said I'm giving this to no more children as for me and house we will praise the Lord and the Bible says she stopped bearing him children we can learn a lot from Lila Stan let this help you out today do you think you can take this and help somebody else out with this if we're going to do something a little untraditional today or should I say something a little bit different today I want to pray for you right where you are because here's the scripture that I want to give you and I'm done I promise you seek the kingdom of God above all else throw that fly that to the screen and live righteously and he shall give you everything you need can we read that and put it in the I will let's read that together I will seek the kingdom of God above all else and I will live righteously and he will give me everything I do you believe that fly it up one more time fly it up one more time fly it up that one more times put that scripture back up there I will seek the kingdom of God above everything above my emotions above my biological clock above the fact that I'm gonna have nine kids my age 29 I wanna put it above everything else I'm not in the rat race I am NOT going to the loneliness drive me crazy I will seek the kingdom of God above all else and live righteously and God will give me everything
Channel: LivingTheWordChurch
Views: 9,847
Rating: 4.8647342 out of 5
Keywords: dating, love, single, ltwc, Living The Word Church, men, women, sermon, teaching, lessons
Id: AVqihphkdtY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 53min 11sec (3191 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 30 2016
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