dating all the girls??? | Doki Doki Starry Eyed - Sayori DDLC Mod

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hey gamers welcome to the stream how's it going picked us another saiary mod hopefully this one isn't too sad I don't know anything about it I literally just picked it because I had a cute thumbnail uh you guys are ready to buckle up and have some fun hey Miguel has going hey guys my boy your fluttering then hey everyone I'm gonna give you guys a few minutes to pop in before I start the game so yeah just give me a second to make sure the stream is doing okay you guys ready how's the audio can you hear me okay is everything looking good all right hopefully you guys can hear me hey how's everyone doing today I'm just double-checking a few things and as soon as that's to take care of then we'll get going so hey guys how's Chad doing start please just give me a second I gotta change the resolution so you can see the mod Foley all right everything's set you guys ready to go all right Doki Doki starry-eyed is a literature mono yeah okay and Stein just play okay blah blah blah I agree alright let's go guys team saliva here we go [Music] God you can hear me alright Doki Doki starry-eyed alright here we go another Monday another boring week of classes as much as I hate it I don't mind it too much at least I'm walking hand in hand with the most beautiful girl in my school Sayuri didn't you eat breakfast don't tell me you skipped it again but I overslept him didn't have time to make anything nice I Sam where are you gotta eat at least something all right tell you what we'll stop by the cafeteria before class Thank You middle boy hey your ping I steer hard at story with my eyeballs I can't help but feel my heart melt seeing her puppy-dog eyes fine I'll pay whoa look at that pretty background that's nice I helped they already decide I want you to eat man she's rather picky oh boy I finally finally buy her a donut with pink icing and colorful sprinkles nom nom this is so ridiculous whoa hey what the bad language word that's not allowed on the stream how dare you NAT Sookie morning netsuke suddenly appears out of nowhere NAT Sookie that's a swear not so loud you don't want to get cut by the discipline teachers right the discipline teachers guys Natsu he's gonna get spanked by the principal okay she's gonna get spanked right now by the principal and that'll be that that's all I don't care netsuke looks at say Rory's dog nut gee CRE you should be thankful from that your boyfriend buys you food my dad starves me all the time well netsuke your dad's not obligated to buy you food because he's not your boyfriend I'll pass good morning everyone URI comes along to join us in her hand is her favorite book portrait and markov goodness I'm so tired of hearing about that book good morning Gary see I see you're still reading that book of course I'm currently reading it for the third time I never cease to learn something new every time I read it I gain new personal insight which allows me to view the book in a different light ah noodles for spaghetto thank you I appreciate it and dog nut yes well URI I wish I could have your attention span I can never reread the same book I had that falling asleep [Music] I don't have the longest attention span myself but there are just some books that really piqued my interest perhaps you haven't found that kind of book yet maybe hopefully I am enough to pique your interest right so Yuri hmm and keep your attention on me everyone stares at story with half smiles but in all seriousness it's good to see everyone again after a long weekend Oh Saved by the Bell well we better get to class see you all at the club meeting later get your Ian at Sookie wait you and Sarah have class together yeah we actually have one class together come on you too boy man what a simp it's now after class school does not exist imagine if she already told everyone to get up from your desks and grab something and throw it at Monica and her podium yes I agree let's throw everything at Monica say re and I head over to the usual Club room for the literature Club meeting I can't wait for another meeting I wonder at Monica's plan for today why doesn't the game in the description say Mario 64 that's because I was streaming Mario 64 earlier and it hasn't updated yet hopefully it's fun yeah I'm actually really looking forward to it CRE stops in her tracks she points a finger down the corridor hey babe hold on is that Yuri netsuke huh sure enough Yuri net secure standing along the corridor outside the club room that's oddly suspicious maybe they're just debating writing styles again I'm not so sure about that come on you're too negative and you're too positive which is why we attract so well just there right over there natsu key spots us she and Yuri back off from each other and turned towards us wearing awkward smiles on their faces wait a minute are you reading at Sookie hugging each other way are they way hold on hold up are they hugging each other hold on wait a minute hold the phone guys are they hugging each other like are you at Sookie hug buddies are they are they hug buddies I'm trying to figure this out I'm curious oh boy here we go again spaghetto I didn't know that we'll see the thick mario and the smile the description didn't change i don't know why i update i upgraded it to doki but it said mario still so here we go see all wraps her arms around their shoulders friends so what are we talking about we were yes talking about you know stuff and things look nate oh boy we girls got our own things to talk about girly things and you're a boy not a girl so go away don't you understand privacy of course I do so you don't mind telling C or E right [Music] you make Tommy hey everyone sorry I'm late spaghetto I have a request can you play dragon ball infinite world super GTA F if you have time is that actually is that an actual game I don't know if Michael Jackson was in dokie literature club he probably kidnapped Matt Sookie Monika's finally here i guess she isn't that late why is everyone standing outside let's get in the clubroom you know the doors aren't locked right shall we ladies the five of us get into the club room so Yuri Yuri nan Sookie and I take our seats all Monika stands behind the teachers podium all right everyone here's a quick update despite our best efforts to promote the club during the school festival last week we weren't able to recruit any new members it's not too bad sorry at least nothing untoward happened until the past week I do recall some students enjoying that Sookie's delicious cupcakes and admiring Gary's welcomed wonderful decorations it's a pity nobody wanted to join the literary at your club but I'm rather glad that we are still together to be honest I kind of like the club as it is with you girls noodle boy do you really mean it hahaha Monica you're kind of creepy of course I mean it I mean the club is already lit [Music] he called the club the club is lit [Music] having too many members will make things difficult Monica and I've already Monica I have to agree with noodle boy I've been having a wonderful time of all of you if new members were to join us I don't think we'd be having as much fun yes yes it's a good thing I made cupcakes for the five of us that Sookie brings out a container of cupcakes and puts it on their table the cupcakes have more icing than usual and they look real good thank you will this live broadcast remain on the channel yes it will this will stay on the channel you're welcome we share the cupcakes among ourselves and engage in some light conversation Monika finished as her own cupcake and addresses us I hope everyone is enjoying themselves today unfortunately I didn't really have anything planned for us to do so does anybody have any suggestions now that I thought about it we haven't really written any poems lately all of us have been busy with school work I know we could watch a movie or we could read a book how about we read mangas for once that's a great idea Natsuki I'll get my parfait whamming collection from the closet yeah I I'd be better I'd be better I better get it for you yes we wouldn't want to repeat of what happened last time fine ah yes my all-time favorite video games super Doki Doki Mario 64 oh yes it is my favorite too I guess I'll netsuke Retriever manga collection from the top shelf the closet we decided to read the first volume apart fit girls together yes each of us two chooses a character to roleplay it's a high-school slice-of-life story and is easy that is easy to follow the current plot involves a love triangle between through the main characters since Shinsuke a we can't be together it's not right I know your heart belongs to a reco but it feels more right to be with you truth be told I was never hers but if you love me don't let me go hold on I won't Monica takes my hand in hers I start to blush with my eyeballs Monica seems to realize this and withdraws her hands sorry noodle boy I got too carried away no no it's fine you're a great actor actually Monica is an actress because Monica is a whamon thanks for the compliment how many of you guys are in chat oh good gravy there's 81 of you that's that's why chats going so fast I can hardly read it all i brough everyone looks at monica and me slightly confused monica clears your throat I think that's enough acting for today I think we'll go back to reading our own poems for the next session since I don't have any ideas why don't you write a poem on the topic of your choice and with that we start we start to pack up and adjourn boys spaghetto why haven't you been making any Sundays with spaghetto nothing happening lately no I just haven't had my camera available to me so I've just been kind of busy I might do that soon though I'm gonna try to do one for this Sunday at least I notice you're e'en netsuke talking to each other again but this time with Monica I can't help but overhear them I'm telling you you're a big girl believe me Monica it'll be a nice sight if you say so I guess I could give it a go I wonder what those girls are up to heyyo aesthetic is heck how are you doing it's nice to see you in stream again I saw you earlier today see re seems oblivious to their conversation hey let's get going okay okay let's go say Orion Iowa cajon all the while I think back to before we left of the club room to Monica Yuri and netsuke huddling in the corner talking to each other were they somehow talking about to me I decided to shrug it off with Maya shoulders it's a probably nothing hey new boy what's on your mind hyah hesitate for a moment and nothing for you to worry about nothing nothing nothing at all are you sure I'm pretty sure are you thinking of our relationship by any chance know what gave you that idea well well I don't know it just feels surreal are you happy um I am happy with you but how he feels if you would be better off with one of the other girls really who I don't know oh it seemed better than me babe are you kidding I choose you in the end didn't I it didn't feel forced of course not when I first met you many years ago I knew this girl was special well my parents saw us playing together they knew this girl was special and I bet the girls in the club knew you were special you bring joy to my life you bring happiness to my life say Ari you are my life [Music] and there's nothing I would ask for more from you [Music] [Music] Hey look at me with your eyeballs problems will come and go spaghetto is it bad that I can only make my voice sound like Luigi when I say oh yeah no that's amazing oh yeah but we could get through them together not just you not just me but together yeah you're right I guess I'll catch you tomorrow well you already caught me but see you tomorrow babe as a CEO t10 sent in her house her words I rushed through my mind could she appeared outing our relationship already I really hope not I have broke up with a peach two dates they Ori hopefully this goes well it's now early to evening i cook us some ramen no not ramen disgusting I cook us some spaghetti with lotsa sauce and the cheese for dinner I'm about to clean it up my meal winner needle boy are you home coming I am a surprise that Veronica decided to drop unannounced nevertheless I can't turn her down all right Monica greets me at the door for some reason she's still wearing her uniform hmm sorry for bothering you at this hour needle boy hmm dude it's like 9:00 you called me dude it's just casual talk dude so totally bro what's up man how do I put this I need a guy's perspective on something Wario's gonna steal your gold now warriors gonna steal your girl I've been having some bad luck with guys all the guys I've ever liked just leave me for one reason or another Mario broke up with Alice spaghetto you're safe yes Mario is not gonna steal my girlfriend Alice for me like my latest interest and it's so frustrating being single for so long makes you think that something is wrong with you dude I'll get the drinks then are you sit down to Monica on the couch and I pour ourselves a glass of sake eh she started to express her feelings with relationships and a boys I'm not entirely sure how to respond Monica I have a dead device when you I'll find it boys you'd like don't go after the warriors of the world go after the Mario's of the world the warriors of the world will a break in your heart they won't they won't see you for what you are the warriors of the world only after cold there are gold diggers the Mario's of the world you will love you for who you are your spaghetti like a hair and your soul we love your soul this is a beautiful just like in your green eyes amen I love you and there is this one time when he and I almost kissed but that never happened he moved to another city the following week Monica's resting so bad that she made a guy move to another city okay anyways okay I guess you didn't want to get too attached to me that sucks you're telling me I'm just a little jealous of you and say Orie you team seemed like the sweetest people we're not that perfect all the same I wish I had that kind of relationship extra thick Mario does game play oh yes spaghetti when you talk like Mario all I could think about is that one meme where the kid says spaghetti spaghetti yeah but we need Natsu keen say we're here I know they're having fun Natsu ki is not here okay you're not you and you're hungry spaghetto hands spaghetti is everywhere I'm gonna make spaghetti after this stream man I'm hungry I really am Monica downs the remaining Saki and her glass and ask for more I am a slightly worried she hiccups wait our our Mario and oh wait Mart our Mario and Monica drinking bro Mario and Monica are drinking that's bad I think that's enough you've been having a little too much to drink why are they drinking this is high school no drinking in the Christian chat have I you're having a bit too much to drink as well oh my goodness Mario's gonna get drunk and cheat on sorry guys no Mario's gonna cheat on C or E no no this has been this is so bad this is bad Monica Monica is here get over it already my mind is a clouded from all the drinking I shouldn't have followed Monica and her drinking a pace we continued the talking for a bit I'm sure you'll find the right guy what if what if I what if I've already found him no no no no no be gone woman leave okay I will protect you from yourself - no no no cheating no no no no cheating no no cheating on se or e please no this is bad this is bad know what send the holy crusade oh no guys this is not good this is not good and I don't care who says monica's better you don't cheat on a girlfriend that is wrong okay have some dignity Monica leans towards me without warning she places her lips on him audios my ellipsis is too muddled with spaghetti to sense anything I wrap my arms around the Monica like a noodles he's cheating on her no no what a Chad but Maddie's cheating ah this is so bad no this is so dumb why would I slap Monica little boys the one cheating - no cheating in my Christian server this is not good this is not good delete this Monica this is alright I shouldn't the cheat on a maya princess you don't don't you want to be with me Monica this is I'm not Mormon I can only be with one girl not for okay this won't work what do you mean you're not sure you're in a committed relationship what about say or e bra bra this is a bra moment no I hear mild footsteps coming from the front porch someone's coming the door opens this is so bad I'm gonna slap myself ow that hurt that did not help but oh my gosh No this is bad oh no this is so bad mm-hmm oh this is not good oh geez oh geez this is not good I see already how's it going spaghetto stop a cheating or Wario is going to steal your gold I don't have gold say are you appears looking down at her phone hey babe I think I left my notebook with you Monica Sayuri's eyes start to water I tried to say something but I'm too intoxicated no it's a it's not what you think let's go imma sorry no nothing like at this this is not what it looks like really middle boy it sure looks like it how could you I thought you were Mario but you're actually just a Wario know I'm not the Wario I promise I'm Mario I knew I was not good enough for you wait imma sorry Monica let the go of me you thought co t runs away from us I stumbled to get up and chase after her the door slams shut before I can even call out to her how did I how do we get to here I turned back to Monica only to find her passed out on the couch I can't leave Monica like this I find a spare blanket and cover her with it I switched off of the lights and before retiring to the bedroom upstairs this is bad this is bad Oh so we gotta try to make the Michael Jackson impression of the whole video oh no no I'm not gonna do that that'll that'll kill my voice man I thought I thought Mario was gonna be good but he's actually just Wario he's bad hey spaghetti oh man this is a mess this is a mess I feel awful this mods making me feel awful okay anyways I feel like a zombie I slowly approach my bed and claps onto it my head is spinning say orys words echo through the recesses of my mind whoa it doesn't take long for me to fall into a deep sleep spaghetto Wario's going to kill Monica after stealing her gold what okay how did I get into this I accidentally had the feed I accidentally had the game's description say Mario 64 and now I just kind of went with it and now MC is Mario the Mario voice is the best okay this chat is wild I agree I wake up the next morning with my head throbbing head downstairs Monica is nowhere to be seen Oh Monica left the blanket I had provided her as neatly folded on the couch I proceeded to put the blanket away can I get some sad Wahoos in the chat please as I lift the fabric a piece of paper falls on the ground M di noodle boy I'm really sorry for what happened last night I thought you and saenuri had broken up I hope you can forgive me I'll make it up not today not tomorrow but one day yours truly Monica okay so Man Man I guess Monica's not in the fault here I thought she was just in blatantly trying to steal Mario from say re but it's fine Mario Mario and say we just didn't work out okay Monica Co D my head of still hurts I guess I'll be going to school alone today my lessons go by in a blur I don't know remember anything my teachers at etat it's now the end of the school today should I show my face in the literature club oh man I don't know if it's a good idea for him to show his face in the literature Club that's if that's a bad idea I agree this is a bad idea I'm not gonna say or he might turn up from now on you should be Monica she could give Monica Wario voice because she's bad no no it wasn't Monica's fault Monica thoughts say Ari and Mario broke up okay it is all Mario's fault this is Mario's fault for blatantly cheating what are several minutes I struggle up to make my mind I decided to go to the club meeting anyways I arrive a few minutes early as I approach to the club room I are two distant voices coming from inside it was my idea and he obviously likes me more but I was the one who thought of including Monica yeah but I called for first dibs remember no no netsuke we shouldn't be objectifying him bro hold up yuria netsuke plan this they're all trying to date Mario I didn't know Mario had a harem of princesses this is not good this is bad okay oh man I I need a sip of water this too much Mario harem here we go who cares men objectify us anyway oh whoa NAT Sookie that is not very cash money of you okay we don't objectify men or women we are people not objects how dare you Natsuki but he's not that man safe you all the more reason why I'm the better lady for him I can't believe what I am hearing this is not good this is not good in actual agony I rushed into the club room NAT Sookie's yelling at Yuri I raised my voice let's go what is it going on spaghetto there's only one thing left to do steal all their gold I will steal everyone's gold hi noodle boy Natsuki and I are just in a disagreement over something yeah what she said losing it this is bad that Sookie's so garbage why is she so mean brah this bod is not good we all look at each other in an awkward silence I crossed my arms and wait for you're a man Sookie to say something yeah well hey everyone still very sorry I'm late again I was practicing piano oh hey Mario funny seeing you here well this is the literature Club I thought I'm a part of and so are you nothing funny here why are we standing here like this tape as it is mine my voice hurts so bad but I think your club members you have sold your club members have some tea to spill oh we're gonna get spicy we're gonna spill the tea oh man Natsuki Yuri is there something I don't know it's all your Ease fault oh so it was my idea yes glad we're on the same page what do you mean we're on the same page I don't know what this idea is I'm I just am audio and I don't care what this idea is I know you're reading this spaghetto cuz you ain't bad enough start bad from the album bad well I'm not playing Michael Jackson in the stream it'll get copyrighted you girls you girls better spill where I find myself out noodle boy did something happen before I arrived yes I overheard Yuri netsuke arguing over something and it's not the usual argument well and I want the truth not tsuki no additives Yuri and I have been trying to break middle boy and say hurry up yo what brah brah no way why this stream is sponsored by spilling tea why would you try that that's terrible but why look neither boy we really like you we got ahead of ourselves and came up with the plan to use Monica to make her fall for you we may say you're a be heartbroken see you monitor Monica together well our plan worked see how I left you you and Monica didn't end up together just as we hoped so left the door open for one of us to get you one of you to get me well it didn't turn out well didn't it obviously why why is everyone's what I thought everyone's moved past this we tried to I didn't think it would be this hard yeah oh this is bad this is this is not good holy cow hey I know but sometimes he can't have what you want you just gotta accept some things aren't meant to be it takes time but that doesn't mean you don't deserve anything good it'll come like he glanced at the Monica she nods I guess we weren't thinking clearly I'm sorry to everyone I'm sorry too we shouldn't have meddled with your relationship with sorry we will never again you have my word okay listen up you have a buy a word yeah sure you both just lied to me and broke me up with my girlfriend brother Mario which should be angry he should be going full King Kong on these girls okay this is not okay okay I'm not going to freak them I'm going to reprimand them this is not okay this is bad I know when I can count on you Yuri I shift my focus to netsuke can I count on you yeah whatever Thanks I sigh with my esophagus I don't know C or E will see me the same way ever again she must be really upset right now I would be upset man huh spaghetti oh here's something to lighten the mood a duck walked up to the lemonade stand and he said to the man running the stand hey he got any grapes and the stand the man at the stand said nope man I guess that's why she is in a math class today she most likely skipped school today that's what her classmate said I have an idea let's go down to see auras house we have to talk to her and explain everything and you too you better apologize it's a Orie Uranus Suki quietly nod oh boy rise symp army let's crusade oh man you guys in the chat are absolutely awful I can't focus it's so funny the four of us walk over to Ceres house I'll talk to Siri first you guys wait outside a room I'm kind of nervous everything will turn out fine right it will say REO forgive you both like I did oh boy hopefully this goes well this is off topic but is it weird then all of a sudden I had the urge to stick my fingers in the Box fan on my desk oh my gosh I do that all the time I stick my fingers in the Box been on my desk - here let me turn it on here I got my box fan all right I'm gonna stick my fingers in it hopefully this doesn't hurt here we go three two one oh wow okay Alice bad idea Oh bad idea okay anyways waiters say always house and walk upstairs but let's see auras bedroom do I say Ori so we get oh if you read this thanks anyway can we please become friends oh well I'm glad you think I'm sure I'm friends with all of you guys I tried my best at least absolute pain it's Monica can I come in I need to talk to you we are see always muffled voice coming from inside her room she sounds upset no come on stay re please are you okey dokey spaghetto now I'm dying inside are you alone this weekend I was playing splatoon - I hope you every fun spaghetto dies by fan that's it you know what I can't oh man uh yes okay Monica goes into the room okay well you're here a bits and pieces of their conversations after a while Monica opens up the door and Astra's us in oh man oh hey guys see or me I slowly approach they re but her eyes don't meet she continues to look down I take a step back with my legs mónica you said you came alone I would have but this is something that involves all of us I've said my piece sorry baby look at me with your eyes I gently placed my hands on her shoulders see where he rubs your eyes and looks at me you know what I can't take this anymore done alright that's it no more we're done I quit the end that's it bye mods over good night leaving mods over have a good good night guide [Music] sike you thought mods back we're gonna finish this that's right we're gonna finish this torture see where he rubs your eyes and looks at me I'm sorry for what happened last night I didn't plan on having Monica come over to my place she just wanted my advice I shouldn't have given her alcohol Monica was drunk I was a little tipsy huh sure you were well little boy you shouldn't lie gave her great advice hey I tried didn't I [Music] breaking news teenage adult that plays anime games found dead I know netsuke in the arm she grumbles really needle boy you didn't have to do that now suki takes a deep breath and stare straight at CRE look sorry I'm really sorry for trying to ruin your relationship and little boy I was it was selfish and wrong and I'm sorry as well for getting Monica into this mess for making you think that noodle boy was cheating on you it was just a ploy to get noodle boy to fall for one of us but it went too far I know Monica told me I just don't know what to make of it say Orie I hope you can forgive us although we'd understand if you don't we've made our mistakes any person wouldn't forgive now any person wouldn't forgive now would they but I'm not just any person Matt Sookie Monica Yuri you're all my best friends oh man okay my voice sniffing I just need to take a quick sip of my my SuperDuper water okay let's continue and Mario my love for you hasn't changed Mario of course I can forgive each and every one of you you know I've been doing a lot of soul-searching lately and I've become to realize how much each of you mean to me it's been a difficult time but I know it gets better from here woo I'm glad that's a relief thank you say Orry he mean a lot to us as well well then I guess if there's only one thing left to do what's that I don't the know maybe boo bah everyone that joins the infinite group a hug okay a hundred and eighteen people watching right now that's crazy waluigi time by summoning the magic word you've been summoned into existence Wow finally G time Wow everyone except netsuke come on Natsuki you know you want to spaghetto you said that just as I took a sip of my SuperDuper water oh I'm glad you took some water to fine man but I won't like it laughter fills the room as we embrace each other this moment couldn't be more perfect hey I'm in the mood for some ice cream sweet just like me right I grabbed a say Oryza hand she leans against tamiya shoulder closes her eyes and smiles well everything is better with the ice cream hey you said it Mario I'm gonna get strawberry sundae and I am I gonna get violin in a van I screaming myself shall we ladies oh boy was at the end of the mod I think that's the end of the mod and while we cheapest formed oh boy man this is a mess written by these two people well that was a wild mod sweet Mother of God that wasn't something else hoo boy what'd you guys think of this I'm gonna need some opinions the phantom of sleeves how's it going I hope you're doing well special thanks to Dan and team for making an awesome game my legs hurt my voice hurts my soul hurts so that was a nice little about it was about an hour long stream alright I'll think about doing another stream I'm gonna go make some dinner I'm hungry wait did somebody dislike the stream that's unfortunate anyways thank you guys so much for watching if you'd like to support the channel you can see merch pinned in the live chat or you can also check the description for a donation link and the merch link and as always thank you guys so much for watching make sure like subscribe comment down below what you thought of this stream and I will see you in the next one stay safe gamers and bye alright time to quit
Channel: Spaghetto
Views: 5,227
Rating: 4.936759 out of 5
Keywords: ddlc, ddlc mod, spaghetto, spaghetto ddlc, sayori, sayori mod, death, salvation, fallen angel, doki doki, outcast, blue skies, exit music, god syndrome, purist, natsuki, monika, yuri, just yuri, after story, orber, ronald mconepunch, combodev, spegady, a week with yuri, month with natsuki, monika meets monika, natsuki kidnaps mc, mommy monika, sayori steals yuri's bra, nobody else like yuri, the bike, drechenaux
Id: GZH_4t7ClQQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 48min 35sec (2915 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 15 2020
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