Date Night At Home 💕

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what's up you guys okay so quarantine's been hard we all know that for a fact but there have been some great things that have come out of it yes like isn't i realizing that we love to cook together we love cooking together i want to be a chef now no he's not joking that's what we've taken away from this quarantine pandemic exactly i want to be a chef so one of the things we don't want to change even after this pandemic is over is having these really special date nights in so we're gonna walk you through how we make our date night special at home thank you to hellofresh for sponsoring this video okay so i would definitely say the first step in actually prepping your date night at home yes is setting vibes ambiance oh why are your hands doing i'm just i'm just mirroring they're like a thrust it's like you're a mirror the first things first is light a candle you guys know i'm all about setting the vibes not just at the actual dinner table but while you're actually prepping yeah the food you're gonna want some vibes going some music some candles we always did that right so it wasn't just like eating in the dark we cooked in the dark as well which which added to the sexy right still does i'm saying added like it was past tense this is how we roll y'all okay this is how we roll yes in a second you're gonna break present tense we can't clear that song okay i say put together your date night playlist literally you can do this on your phone we have sonos at the house play it throughout yeah what are the vibes that we go for it depends on how we're feeling and sometimes it even depends on what we're cooking oh yes when we cooked italian food i don't know if this is stereotypical people let me know comment below i felt like we were in the movie good fellas and so we listened to like i literally thought you were gonna say like amalfi coast romantic monsters you went to good fellas remember it was like duo yeah no that's the one song the uh oh i looked at you and i but i never said my eyes my eyes i don't know if we got that cleared either that was on our you know italian food vibes playlist then we did have a whole other playlist that was slightly more elevated i remember that yeah but that's like elevated italian yeah that's like we may not have cooked it we may have ordered it but but there is something that kind of goes with everything and if you just like pandora sinatra playlist sinatra playlist it always works there's always are you about to keep it real yes i am his favorite sexy music though the guitar stuff yeah guitar azure i'm sorry i'm sorry what was that i think that means blue guitar regular i know what it means what is tara it's like it's like just saying guys it's great it's sexy though right it's a very and it goes with any any cuisine you might not get through the meal awesome i highly suggest iz likes me in a good fitting pair of jeans ladies there's nothing like cooking in the kitchen in your favorite pair of jeans not just your favorite pair of jeans find the pair of jeans that you're man like my favorite pair of jeans exactly then you're going to be at the stove like how i want to thank you for wearing those ones though you're welcome now that the vibes are going you've got your great playlist on your candles are lit break out the wine right right right pick out the one you don't just have the wine for the meal you have the wine while cooking preparing the meal work up that appetite so is you want to bring in our favorite rose yes yes boom so we've got our favorite rose we're going to open that up and we're going to start to prep our meal now ladies if you have a husband who enjoys the process of cooking but kind of hates the prep because that just god that takes so long right you're usually starting with an appetite and you're like okay yes i want to have this amazing romantic meal with you do i want it to take three hours no that's a no food prep is our least favorite thing so that's where hellofresh comes in so if you haven't heard of hellofresh let me introduce you it is an incredible company that actually allows you to order your meals beforehand for the entire week and they deliver to you all the ingredients the recipes all the prepping and the planning is done for you so that literally cuts like the meal prep time by 20 to 30 minutes and it increases your wine time and you appreciate that same number praise god let's get started some all right here is what we've got in our bag today we chose the zucchini pomodoro penne bake that sounds very fancy schmancy yes but it's about to be real simple you guys know that if i can do this you too absolutely can do it trust me and i love that hellofresh has so many options of different meals that you can have literally they even have vegetarian options and so much more so you ready to do this baby i've never been more ready in my life fresh produce people fresh produce from literally farms in your local area love that boom what do we need for this peanut penne nice okay what else do we have here we have italian seasoning so delicioso well done my love okay more fresh produce and onion yes we've got a tomato guys update since the panda yes oh my gosh major share this update she likes tomatoes now i know it's shocking did you say i love no you said i like we're not at love yet we're not at love we're like we're dating we're dating tomatoes we're not even dating yet we're talking we're just waiting we're texting we so we've gone from dm into texas we're texting me texting tonight and tomatoes are texting chili flakes people guys come on look how cute this is this is great he packages it exactly like this and if you need one teaspoon oh baby they're not sending you three they're sending you one teaspoon you get exactly what you need which i love and that's not wasteful then we've got part skim ricotta and literally packaged exactly to the amount that you need and you love packaging right i do i like cute packaging and this is really cute packaging here's our shredded mozzarella cheese more cute hello fresh packaging okay and then last but certainly not least marinara pasta sauce which again i never used to eat because it had what in it tomatoes but you are texting tomatoes currently you guys are in a relationship we're in a relationship we're moving things along yes though i want to be a chef i don't ever want to go through like clean up after myself so i drive her crazy because when i come in the kitchen it's going to taste great when it's all said and done but it does look like clean up after it does look like it's not sexy so i also love this for that reason right guys this is it boom this is it and then you're done then i'm done so the first step is preheating the oven to 450 degrees you got that baby i feel like i can handle it okay he can handle that the next step is going to be washing our produce can you pour water in the pot and add some salt to it yes and bring that to a boil it's going to happen okay so now that we've washed our produce he is boiling the water babe do you need to add some salt to that i already did ah now we are going to cut the ends off of the zucchini and i'm going to give you a greater melon and you are going to grate away on the biggest side and two where into this bowl yep how did you say where i said where where and i am going to cut this onion so because it's only two of us we only need half of it but if you were actually doing this to serve a family of four or maybe it's a double date you can use the whole onion all righty am i gonna cry from this onion yup this zucchini is amazing fresh that's the point get it hello hello it's hello it's fresh i'm about to cry from those onions though no you're not say bible for real really oh my gosh okay babe you want to get the saucepan and actually drizzle some olive oil in it i'd love to go for it just a little drizzle a little yeah there you go you know what i could go my whole day without touching those onions so i'm gonna let you handle that the key to not having your hands smell like onion after you've cooked with onion lemon juice lemon juice like we said we're trying to keep it sexy definitely have some lemons on deck so that you're not going to bed like oh fun date night tip if you eat onions and your significant other also eats onions you're good did you know that i do know this i learned that in high school you see this good job baby good job this is a technique right here people that onion didn't stand a chance it did not well done comment below if you like your pasta al dente which means that it's not fully cooked all the way through it's kind of still got a little bit of a of a chewed chew to it i hate that i like really soft pasta we're tossing the whole thing in right toss the whole thing in while i chop up this tomato izz is back there making sure that our onions don't burn he's moving them around while we get ready to add these tomatoes and some marinara sauce to our saucepan i'm trying to look like i know what i'm doing you know what i'm saying you look very sexy while doing that thank you baby guys another thing that makes date night cooking at home really sexy my mom taught me when i was this younger and i swear it's some of the best cooking advice i've ever gotten and that's clean as you go along yeah because when you're finished cooking the worst thing is then like you want to finish your wine you want to wipe your plate off into the garbage whatever was wasn't eaten you want to place your pots or anything that's left over your plates in the dishwasher and you want to take it on over the bedroom this is great water's boiling pasta is going in this is smelling actually amazing so we're gonna add some marinara sauce you got a baby boom boom i like how just easy this is yeah yeah and this is the exact amount so that's the other thing i love there's no guessing i don't have to guess that i put enough did i add enough i'm literally adding this entire cart when you're cooking with marinara sauce and you're wearing white we also need to add to this mixture right here how much babe a quarter cup of water thank you baby you're welcome we are adding israel's combo zucchini zucchini two ways is what i've called zucchini two okay okay mix that in there really well that's looking really good it does look really good it's very colorful then we're gonna add our seasoning what's our seasoning half a tablespoon of this so half of this bag half of this bag go for it yeah there we go okay that's perfect right you want to keep going to your to taste you know yeah we're gonna let this simmer now our pasta is cooking the sauce is cooking in the saucepan you know what that means what does that mean time for a wine break i thought you'd never ask you're doing so good baby thank you love so are you i like cooking with you we should change this music though we're not going to make it through our meal as you said [Music] so the next step while that's still cooking back there is to make your what exactly so you're gonna mix this with some olive oil salt and pepper and the rest of the italian seasoning that you have guys obviously if you're ordering something like hellofresh you kind of expect that you might have the basics at home like olive oil salt and pepper the basics so now it's time to prep all of this and put it in the oven to bake and guys the bake time is literally 10 minutes this is quick people this is a quick and sexy meal right quick and sexy it's a quickie here we go so once you've actually strained your pasta you're gonna put it back in the pot that it was in except for you're gonna add some butter to it one of the other things they expect you to have in your home butter and we basically we really like butter we love butter and we always have butter in our home we have different butter options israel likes french butter he's very specific about his butter and i like vegan butter plant-based butter so great it just depends so now we've got our 8x8 glass dish for baking right here and the first step is to actually put our butter pasta down the bottom teamwork makes the dream work facts okay from there we are then going to add the what it's a ricotta yeah make a ricotta for you it's doing good too right guys this is gonna be so good boom the sauce is now going in babe do you wanna help me do this i would love to did you got this you got this i feel like i got this yeah i see your little yellow yellow zucchini two ways zucchini two ways y'all now we're going for cheese two ways now we're gonna add the cheese on top the key is to actually place this in the oven on the top shelf you know why because this is a top shelf meal okay we made this with so much love so much love 10 minutes let's go put 10 minutes on the clock we're gonna drink and set the table some of the things that i think make for an amazing ambiance for a date night is you kind of want your living room or your dining room to now turn into you know a romantic restaurant that you've been to so key flowers i personally love seeing my wine decanted fun fact you guys you can see can't white or rose yeah you just need a smaller one so i love that small one that we've got stay sexy yes i'm the man get your nice up guys don't break out the plastic first of all it's bad for the environment and second of all you hate eating with anything but like real this is true what is this called real diet cutlery ladies break out the cutlery i'm pretty sure it's silverware my love is is hooking up the candles have any of you ever taken an etiquette class i've always really really wanted to have you ever taken an etiquette class uh no i have not you just know these things i just i just woke up like this well rounded and cultured and well traveled you're putting them all on there on the one napkin okay [Music] check this out careful baby careful this looks incredible it's nice and hot straight out of the oven may i say i think we killed it gotta say let's be honest that was really easy it was easy and it looks amazing it was so much fun and i am ready to taste this one of the other things that i love about hellofresh is that their flexibility is amazing like if you have an order for your meals you can make changes to it one week you can decide oh i want to add more produce or you can also decide that you want to add their best-selling garlic bread the garlic bread is incredible i'm just saying the only reason why we didn't do garlic bread this time was because we're going local going easy on the carbs all our carbs are in these noodles right these are the facts one two three nice getting all that goodness right and all that guys this smells incredible i want that babe it's time going in oh my gosh we killed that oh hello fresh there is something so rewarding that's amazing about cooking your own meal and it tasting that's good so good one of the reasons i love hello fresh is not just because this is amazing but there's a give involved they they donated like over 4 million meals last year to charity that's right and that's amazing and that they're going to continue to step up they're donating throughout the entire pandemic and they're keeping it going so you guys if you want to join us on these sexy little date nights guess what all you have to do is go to and your girl is hooking you up with a code the code is 12 adrian and you are going to get 12 meals for free and free shipping that's amazing and to think about all the good that they're doing and how good this tastes wow it's a win we can't lose guys go for it thank you again to hellofash for sponsoring this video thank you i love you guys i hope that in all of this that's been going on that you find the small joys like a date night at home with your family or with your loved ones i love you guys we'll see you next week don't forget to subscribe hit that bell notification to let you know every time there's a new episode of what all things adrian you almost forgot the name i almost said the real show that i gotta eat i think you get me started cause i feel like i'm starving i gotta eat yeah you would think it's important
Channel: All Things Adrienne
Views: 137,810
Rating: 4.9374228 out of 5
Keywords: Adrienne Houghton, Adrienne Bailon, All Things Adrienne, All Things Adrienne Houghton, Adrienne Houghton Youtube Channel, Adrienne, Kin Community, Lifestyle, Fashion, How To, tips, Entertainment, Tutorial, hellofresh, hello fresh, hellofresh cooking, hello fresh recipes, baked ziti, baked ziti recipe, pasta, pasta recipe, baked pasta, cooking, dinner recipes, dinner ideas, date night, date night at home, dinner date, date night at home ideas, date night in, hello fresh review
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 31sec (1111 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 16 2021
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