COUPLES QUIZ: Husband and I Reveal the Truth!

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all things Adrienne couples questions scene one take one what's up you guys hey hey those perfect I'll take two what's up you guys okay I'm super excited about this because I've been seeing these videos of couples being asked questions they close their eyes make points if the person is or the answer it looks really fun so I've convinced Israel to do this with me and I didn't need a lot of convincing we not only have the generic questions but we've also added some fun things in there like lotta asking questions and Mariah asking questions we have no clue that's Bible we have not heard anything so you're ready to do this ready here we go oh my gosh we just realized I don't have any of my wedding bands on but at least you guys know we're married no good all right so who initiated the first kiss who apologizes first after a fight who is the funny one who is more romantic who is the most patient who is the better cook who said I love you first who takes longer to get ready in the morning who is grumpier in the morning who is the bigger baby one sick who is the social butterfly who spends the most money who is the bigger homebody who is more high-maintenance what is more likely to cry at a sad commercial who is the better kisser who is more emotional who tells the best stories who is more likely to get lost who buys the best gifts who is more likely to spoil your kids that was just boring to be like who so now let's discuss who initiated you did he used to live downstairs I was apartment for 20 he was apartment to 20 at some point we were sitting on the balcony and I went like I was cold and was sitting by the fire pit and I went like this well it was more like Oh ma'am ma'am comfortable then I was like that that's exactly after your arm wasn't all awkward like this can you be normal I wasn't holding a hahahaha because if you long then you have no question should have been who apologizes for stuff they didn't do more okay say the thing that you always say about marriage it's a question of what it's a question of do you want to be right or do you want to be reconciled oh say that again do you want to be right or do you want to be reconciled I just want to be reconciled I don't care if I'm wrong or right I just I don't want no tension in the room I want peace and harmony and just really good makeup sex that's all I really want but my mother actually told me before I got married choose your battles wisely and I heard this great saying that said if it's not going to end your marriage is it really worth fighting that hard about let forgiveness lead the way like I was trying to be really good that's really deep though no like if it's not really like what are we even arguing about like if it's something stupid that I'm not gonna leave you over why aren't why are we ruining it it's kind of there and the truth is going on for years we don't have those cutter yeah and our arguments are fun me okay if you asked Lana for people that are around us they would probably say is is the funnier one it's just that you guys don't get to see how funny he is my husband makes sure that everything gets done in the house I am a handyman I am handy with hiring the right man in real life you are finally funnier I mean I'm silly huh I would I would say she and I sillier than you Taylor brings out the silly I used to call in Ricky romance everything I ever thought about dating someone and the things I would want them to do or say feel or make me feel in those moments you've absolutely done you're the best just the best he's very romantic he has all the patience in the world I do not and what is your favorite thing to tell me in Spanish ah ciencia if it yeah he tells me that all the time because I can almost do everything I need to do in life on my own I'm very independent and I'm very like workaholic it's a lot for me to ask for someone to help me except for you all day long what do I say can you help me you know me can you help me hey you know me can you help me open that I'll walk in there like what has happened and be like can you pick that up to me I like helping very sir he helped me he helped me but if I ask someone on a work level to help me with something it took a lot for me to ask for help and then if I feel like it's not being done as efficiently or as quickly as I'd like to get it done I'm super impatient on that level because then I'm just like I just do it myself yeah I am the better coach sure but you're I'm on the coma but the best cook is us together we make a good team we are ultra nominal team we could have just gone like that he said it first on text message so I'm getting the form of a question he said what would you do if I said I love you and I wrote back what don't say it if you don't know anything was it but then she actually said I love you first in person in person guys why is this events so obvious why Canadian tuxedo every day wears yeah that Horace wetsuit like but it also takes me long cuz fun fact I actually do is real scare I gave him this haircut do you guys see that part I did well that was all me I did all this right here so I get me ready and I get ready wait that's your excuse wait I just got that and you try to keep going it takes me I'm really i I take a long time but with good reason I pro this whole head today I'm great would be so proud you did really good thank you some people ask me do you ever wake up grumpy in the morning and I say no I just let her sleep what you said I'm grumpy oh I admitted it there was me there was a you comment below if you have a husband or a boyfriend fiance brother father someone of the male species in your life you I can't take pain you guys can't you can you know I just hate being sick and it happens very rarely but when it does oh all systems down you do it you're the best nurse ever try yeah I actually really like it when they say cuz I can keep him in one place foot that sounds weird I don't want him to be sick but like we have good cuddling moments when he said my little baby my little baby that's me as well he literally talks to strangers like hey good to see what's going on Wow like you take the moment that they do in church but they're like eat your brother and sis know you have taken that to like a life level like in life and when we go to restaurants he always makes it his business to see the person's name tag of the waiter or the waitress and like hey Jim how's your day going alright well Jim what do you think we like tell us what what you would pick from the man like you're just friendly that's probably okay right yeah it's very it's a good below of that's okay I highly admire that about it you've made me a friendlier person say hi my name is his room hi my name is Israel and I love cinnamon and I have an issue with spending lots of money hi my name is Israel I love shopping Oh me and Lana will look over my expenses and we'll be like what the hell is Israel ordering on Amazon the other day a package came with not one not two not three no there were eight nail scrubbers right now this is your phone I want to ask you a question I don't want to go down this rabbit show me show me your applications for shopping we have far far back still gilt Nordstrom ASOS adidas the real real prime now Amazon swipe polypore Zappos my habit which mr. Porter vest the air revolved Tomo Zara goat is that a sunken stock ex Grail this was your concern that that was like a bad sign what is stuck at cactuses like sneakers out of control but I will give you this you do stop a lot for me to go I didn't say these shops for the house by the way all the cheese have you bought for this house there are many I'm like it's another trillion there's one there there's we have olive trees all over the hops I am frugal Fran so I really don't like funny until unless it's about my family yes and experience is like for the family yeah let me explain a yacht for only blank amount of money let's do it let me explain frugal 4nt frugal black from a friend has my credit cards on her pages so when she does decide to buy something I'm paying for it let's get that clear why then heading back in our other house have your order postmates every single day you no no no no let me explain I actually am NOT very techy like I I don't know those who trouble me I'm not very technical Israel's placed his credit card in my phone I'm also very lazy but it's not because I want to use your money no I'm not listen I'm not saying that well she got her own no your night is question why are you saying what the credit card because it looks like I spend more but we be spending it's just on on my car even for Amazon in particular which is every day I think that was the easiest question ever before we met I was gone out all the time always when we met when we started dating and certainly when we got married I developed for the first time in my life separation anxiety hated leaving the house hated getting on a plane without her of course sorta hated getting on a plane with her I'm terrified calling on Jesus yeah the whole this quarantine as tough as its Baroness as damaging as it's been to the economy and everything else what it has done for our quality of life peace of mind to decide what room I'm gonna go to it's actually I bet you some of my talk about yourself talk about yourself oh you're currently staying in a guest bedroom I honestly could stay in there never go to my master bath and literally on a daily basis will tell me you'll find little things that you're right because they can't wait to the master bathroom because if we're both in the same space I almost destroyed your toes like the door closes on my phone I fall down these stairs I freely admit she could survive an apocalypse I cannot know he's be like we can go to to experiment where is the VIP experience of the apocalypse like I have I am a medallion member of whatever however I can get into the high-class experience that's what we're trying to do right there there's two poor people in life who have now come up there's the one that's like shy already been poor I got this I could live and I was happy then I'll be happy now me then there's the other kind of poor person that's like I'll never go back itself to ever live beneath your what my privilege commercial not so much a commercial well-being I could cry on a song song they hit me a certain way but you're like really in touch with your feelings I will feel what you feel and I just don't let it out I'm gonna let you live with that that's good without knowing I said me because you save me we kiss well together there's it that out kissing is done it's not alone I said you what what makes me emotional this is this is supposed to be a game no tell me what makes me emotional I think a lot of things make you emotional like how some like in what way mainly family I think when you see injustice you get angry yes I when people are supposed to be doing something like just business work-related whatever and they don't you definitely have a response in a reaction to that is that fair yeah so emotions are that's because I work so hard and then like if something doesn't come together I absolutely have one of those moments of like emotion not only emotion is is crying sometimes it's it can be angering to be frustration it can be there's a lot of emotions Lexus right now he wants to put buckets he was uninvited guys that's some emotion like it Israel's being emotional right now yeah way too detailed and they're really long and I acted out for you and I explained like literally I will tell you what the person's breath smelled like talking to me that's what makes it every detail I said you [Music] in what world that's not true cuz you're very GPS oriented babe I have zero sense of direction uh so it's really honest I'm not a driver but I just I don't know this is an opportunity for you to fix that one in them fine it would be me because I have no sense of direction thank you that's funny cuz you have gotten us lost in life you know where when Oh what are the violence if that was that wasn't me that was the GPS sent us on a certain thing where a whole bridge was out what am I gonna do about that and we made it do it after driving through someone's backyard there's awesome Israel is a very generous person so literally if someone comes to our house and says me and I love that ice machine he will tell me the next day babe I'm buying that ice machine for that person because you know why do you do that it's a prompting I don't know I've lived my whole life that way which is I believe in the principle of giving and shall be given into you so but you're always thinking of the people right and I'm not even thinking of end result I'm just like I want to do this for somebody so I did I said me I said you to because he keeps telling me think of the day you see that little baby's face it's over for you but I only think you think that because it's gonna be over for you Oh without it yeah but come back to us we already have experience in him being a parent and you are quite the spoiled so those were the generic questions now we are gonna get into questions and given to us by someone who knows us personally we all think she's hilarious you know there's two seats right a lot of the grade all right but we have not heard these I don't know why but she sent it to us on a boy snow and the tide The Voice though is they're both wrong [Music] eater who is born likely to end up in jail the question who is more likely to end up in jail because they were defending the other person always right now said to Israel and you don't ever leave a table eating without some of that food on your clothing what are you talking about that's probably true no let me explain those she hates forks oh I eat with my hands yes that's messy I wash my hands I eat with my hands I recognize that was the worst thing to ever say in life with that if you looked at mine would definitely be Messier Loki I might be the better driver because Israel drives like a maniac we call you Speedy Gonzales you know this that is rich coming from Lana Lana can't drive you there thank you okay likely to go to jail be for sure likely to go to jail for defending somebody else I'm presuming that would mean she would be defending I still I would go to judge me with no problem somebody talks phrase it in with us and nothing like yeah what kind like if I were to speak up haven't been myself and go out somebody see me like a chill out if they said something to me though I wouldn't have to say a woman she's like on it uh I goes hard for the people I love she just tried to prove a point that like I always say my oxygen but I know most of the time I am ready Oh ball Lana I am obsessed with you I love you and with that being said we're moving right along - Mariah's questions Mariah clucking who takes up more than their half the bed who spends more time on social media who is more stepping so here's the thing in the words of Mariah I sleep on top of Israel no no no litter nobody's complaining I literally go to sleep like that's like when it's time I literally like he could be watching TV and this is what I did chance you'll be watching TV and I come over and I do this I am a human pillow and then I literally I sleep in this little nook and I love I put my letting you can't see but my legs that intertwine with his legs and then I just I just curled right up into him like that and there result we could we can it's all we could literally have a twin with and I just sleep the whole night like on top and I love it and I love it - that makes my heart happy social media is part of my job and I do a little defensive there are days that we now have specified that I am very intentional about not being on social media and just being present and then that's actually been super helpful and I love that and I love which helped you make that to you and I love that you oh I love that you've helped me I get you involved in it okay baby take my picture and then Loki you now take pride my photo my photos killing it for you out there all right not killing out there you're like you gave me you gave me my photo credit but you gave me my little crib I rarely get for it but I do give you and at this point you know that any photos that are being saying it will in quarantine that's all gamble that's all in my question should be who is from the Lower East Side in New York City and another thing and the last time that you but there is some net popping from time to time right yeah no I said you are more stuff so we lost that point yeah we lost that one we know there is no way in the lower when it comes to other people like if you're fighting with other people and it doesn't say who fights with other people it says love your stubbornness but you ain't putting that on me no living right nah see I wasn't even stubborn I'm fighting them let's just prove my point fine well I love you guys I hope that you thought this is as much fun I have fun demos for you I've had some realizations you know some aha moments doing this will work on your stubbornness - guys don't forget to subscribe to all things Adrienne for new episodes every week on Tuesdays I love you I love him I love her and I'm stubborn Thanks [Music] you [Music]
Channel: All Things Adrienne
Views: 769,550
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Adrienne Houghton, Adrienne Bailon, All Things Adrienne, All Things Adrienne Houghton, Adrienne Houghton Youtube Channel, Adrienne, Kin Community, Lifestyle, Beauty, Fashion, How To, tips, Entertainment, Tutorial, kin community, couples quiz, relationship quiz, relationship, marriage, husband, couples challenge, israel houghton, marriage quiz, marriage q&a, husband tag, husband and wife, couples questions tiktok, pointing fingers, finger game, pointing game, get to know us tag
Id: gK3FT1m4AjI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 4sec (1384 seconds)
Published: Tue May 19 2020
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