Data Streaming from Node-RED to Power BI (ESP8266+PZEM sensor)

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in the previous video I explained how data streams from iot devices directly to powerbi in this video I'll demonstrate how to stream data from node red to powerbi as an example we'll focus on reading pzem sensor data for energy monitoring purposes I'm using esp8266 to read PCM sensor data such as voltage current power and other parameters the readings result from the pcem sensor will be published to an mqtt broker using a Wi-Fi connection in Json format next I'm utilizing node red as a subscriber to receive the data sent by ESP to the mqtt broker the data received by node red will be displayed on the Node red dashboard using visual line charts and gauges following that node red will send data to the powerbi push URL using an HTTP post request node the data received by powerbi will be be displayed on a dashboard and a report it's the wiring setup of esp8266 and pcem additionally an LCD is utilized to display changes in the readings from the pzem sensor the measured load is an inverter that drives a [Music] motor this is the ESP code in the Arduino IDE this code is designed to read values from the pcem sensor and display them on an LCD additionally some of these reading parameters will be sent to an mqtt broker using the Json [Music] format for this code I'll I'll share a link in the video description where you can download it this is the node red flow to receive messages from the mqtt broker and display the data on a dashboard the first node is configured as an mqtt input node set up the mqtt configuration according to your settings such as the IP address topic and other relevant details the next node is a function node that stores the mqtt results into different payloads afterwards it forwards them to both a line chart node and a g P node to display the results for each [Music] parameter this is the node red dashboard interface that will display parameters such as voltage current power and energy using gauges and line [Music] charts the next step is to open the powerbi Service to create a streaming data set click on new select streaming data set then choose API fill in the data set name and define the value data streams for each parameter that powerbi will [Music] receive upon completing the creation of the streaming data set you'll receive a push URL and adjacent format that node red needs to send for powerbi to interpret and read in the node red flow I've added a function node to create a payload in Json format that adheres to the powerbi format this payload contains the specified parameters to be sent including the daytime subsequently this pay pay load will be sent to the powerbi using an HTTP request node in node red select the post method and fill in the URL with the push URL obtained from the powerbi streaming data set return to the powerbi service and create a dashboard using the streaming data set that has been [Music] created click on ADD tile scroll down select custom streaming data under real-time data then choose the data set afterward select the visualization type and the values to be displayed next select the time window to display I'll choose 15 minutes click next then apply afterward adjust the size and position of the created line chart repeat the same steps to display other [Music] parameters [Music] Thus We've successfully created a real-time streaming data set dashboard displaying parameters such as voltage current and power the dashboard will dynamically update according to the value sent by node red in addition to creating a real-time dashboard we can also generate a report ensure that in the streaming data set the historic data analysis is [Music] [Laughter] [Music] on [Music] [Music] thank you for watching to stay updated with our upcoming videos don't forget to subscribe to this channel see you in the next video
Channel: Yaser Ali Husen
Views: 1,610
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: tdtTrZcw7cE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 17sec (437 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 10 2023
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