Data Scientist vs Data Analyst (funny!)

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hey good morning luke oh what up dead nerd luke you know i don't like it when you call me that i prefer data professional sorry data nerd professional so what are you up to today well if you must know i'm actually working on some really important things for boss man um i've been exploring a new sql data source and finishing up a python pipeline for an etl process and it's going to be sent into a tableau dashboard that i've been mocking up oh that's so cool you deal with so many different tools for your job yeah pretty impressive so like are you almost done with your pipeline dude you sound like our boss no i'm not even close to being done shit's complex i'm using python you wouldn't even understand you're an r user well actually i dabble with python quite frequently use it for machine learning and i use in my thesis you mind if i take a look at it i mean it's a pretty complex process i don't think you're even gonna understand it but sure why not let's give it a shot why are you using tabs for your indentations and not spaces per pep 8 you're supposed to use spaces dude everybody knows spaces versus tabs don't matter are you going to help me with this issue or what yeah just give me a second it looks like it's working now what what do you mean it's working i've been troubleshooting this for days it looked like you had some recursion issues what the heck is a recursion issue well to understand recursion we first have to understand what a recursive function is and a recursive function is a function that is self-defined by itself okay got it so it doesn't matter can i get my computer back yeah okay here you go thanks where did you learn how to code like that it was pretty impressive well unlike you i had to actually teach myself how to code i went to a few coding boot camps and did a few self projects and hosted some stuff online and got feedback from others but mostly it's been all self-taught that's too cool that reminds me of my time studying back at cornell for computer science and learning about all the different computers and all the different languages it was such an experiential process wow cool story bro must be nice to make twice as much doing half as much work yeah yeah it's pretty great i love my job so what would you say you do here well actually i think i do quite a bit i use code to build different machine learning models to model customer engagement and customer retention from there i design experiments for online platforms and then i also coordinate with our data engineers to launch these different machine learning models to the cloud so that's a glorified way of saying you go to google copy and paste the best looking code and use that no okay maybe sometimes nice pound it um never mind
Channel: Luke Barousse
Views: 172,233
Rating: 4.880024 out of 5
Keywords: data viz by luke, business intelligence, data science, bi, computer science, data scientist, datascientist, dataanalyst, scientist vs analyst, data scientist vs data analyst
Id: _r655ogzK4A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 5sec (245 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 11 2021
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