Day in the Life of a Data Analyst (Work From Home)

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[Music] i wake up at 5am i immediately go out for a morning jog after 10 miles of running i usually go meditate for one hour all right whoa am i kidding i don't wake up this early right off the bat i'm not a morning person i don't wake up at 5 00 am i don't wake up at 6 00 am but i wake up at 8 am and there's a reason for this it has to do with the things i'm doing in the evening but we'll get there first of course i snooze my alarm three to four times until it's 8 30 then i wake up then i walk to the bathroom some water in my face [Music] have a piss [Music] make some coffee [Music] and then i sit down at the table to start my day with journaling usually i do this in the morning sometimes in the evening here's how i journal i start with the check-in how am i feeling this morning i write down single words to describe how i feel then i write down three things i'm grateful for it could be anything something simple as waking up or something that might have happened the day before then i write down the three most important goals for the day usually something related to youtube videos sometimes i write down something i really need to finish for my data analysis job at the bank note that i still haven't checked my phone for notifications once i'm done journaling i now open up my work laptop to check up on any new emails i try to reply to as many as i can before my daily stand up with the team at 9am this is where we do a check-in how everyone's doing what's keeping everyone busy and if there are any questions or remarks or any need for help usually the rest of the morning is filled with either some deep work as in developing new dashboards maintaining existing dashboards debugging and just testing out new functionalities or i have meetings with stakeholders regarding the dashboards or new requirements for existing dashboards then at 12 i usually take a break from work since a couple of months i've actually started doing yoga before i have my lunch i use an app called skill yoga to guide me through all the poses allow your shoulders to roll down your back gaze over your front hand and i honestly have to say that i feel more flexible and agile already it also gives me a great energy boost at noon i've had my doubts about yoga because it may not seem very manly or cool doing it as a guy but i can honestly say it's i like it i enjoy it after i finish my yoga i usually go make myself some lunch note that this is my first meal of the day since i practice intermittent fasting i don't eat breakfast i usually only have coffee and water in the morning until i have my lunch around noon so basically i eat from 12 p.m until around 8 p.m so i break my fast break fast breakfast well for me it's actually lunch but i break my fast with low-fat quark or low-fat greek yogurt or cottage cheese whatever you want to call it we call it low-fat cork here in the netherlands basically it's low-fat high protein and it tastes good when i add some vanilla protein powder for some extra protein and flavor i add in a mix of unsalted nuts i add in some 100 natural peanut butter some frozen blueberries some goji berries some 99 dark chocolate mix it all up and basically it's supposed to look like one of those cool smoothie bowls you'll always see on instagram all the time but this is what mine looks like but hey it tastes delicious i have my lunch and usually do some personal work in the meantime i check out twitter for my daily crypto updates check out my personal emails etc and after lunch i pick up work again i have a meeting with a colleague about a certain dashboard that does not seem to display the correct information but after a deep dive together we find out that the issue lies in the source in the data quality of the source and not in the dashboard itself welcome to the life of a data analyst no but for real the majority of my time working is me explaining to people that it's not the dashboard displaying wrong information it's the data they provide that is wrong the data quality is wrong and the dashboard is just presenting that data [Music] being a data analyst is awesome moving on i finished my working day by replying to some more emails and planning my next working day [Music] at around 5pm i get picked up by my friend aeron to go to the gym together [Music] today is leg day yay the reason i do trap bar squats instead of regular ones is because i messed up my lower back a couple of years ago when i was dead lifting my heavy ass ego [Music] is do some cardio basically the best day of my life [Music] after having a near-death experience on the home trainer we head home again after a quick shower it's usually time for either a couple of rounds of war zone just in case i haven't given my heart enough stress already at the gym or i quickly finish up on some work related stuff after this it's time for a delicious meal cooked by my girlfriend we always have one and sometimes two days a week where we only eat vegetarian but today is not that day after dinner i get beyond my desk to either do some video editing write a script for a new video or something else related to youtube and content creation after this i like to wind down by watching a movie together with my girlfriend or if the weather is nice we usually go walk around a bit together with that cat lola once we get back home i like to wind down by listening to a podcast in bed [Music] and if i'm not in the mood for a podcast i read a book until i almost fall asleep currently reading green lights by matthew mcconaughey this book is not that bad i mean in fact it's quite alright alright alright i just had to make that joke no but for real i really enjoy reading this book such a great book matthew such an awesome guy really down to earth really good book [Music] and that was it a day in the life of me as a freelance data analyst and i'm really curious what a day my life will look like one year from now when i'll be traveling the world together with my girlfriend if you're curious as well then definitely stick around thanks for watching guys and i'll see you in the next video cheers note that note that note that this is vanilla protein powder for some extra protein and flavor
Channel: Stefanovic
Views: 687,710
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: r0vLQvJ3piE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 54sec (474 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 22 2021
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